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// BIOS call functions
// MODIFIED by Wouter Groeneveld: extern "C" - no C++ name mangling, can't find assembly methods!
//! \file tonc_bios.h
//! \author J Vijn
//! \date 20060508 - 20070208
// === NOTES ===
// Pretty much copied verbatim from Pern and dkARM's libgba
// (which in turn is copied from CowBite Spec (which got its info from
// GBATek))
// === NOTES ===
// * Make SURE your data is aligned to 32bit boundaries. Defining data
// as u32 (and I do mean define; not merely cast) ensures this. Either
// that or use __attribute__(( aligned(4) ))
// * There is a large (70 cycle in and out) overhead for SWIs. If you
// know what they do, consider creating replacement code
// * div by 0 locks up GBA.
// * Cpu(Fast)Set's count is in chunks, not bytes. CpuFastSet REQUIRES
// n*32 byte data
// * SoftReset is funky with interrupts on.
// * VBlankIntrWait is your friend. If you have a VBlank isr that clears
// REG_IFBIOS as well. Use this instead of REG_VCOUNT polling for
// VSync.
// * I haven't tested many of these functions. The ones that are have a
// plus (+) behind their numbers.
// * I've switched to the standard BIOS names.
#ifndef TONC_BIOS
#define TONC_BIOS
#include "tonc_types.h"
\addtogroup grpBios
\brief Interfaces and constants for the GBA BIOS routines.
For details, see
<a href="">tonc:keys</a>
and especially
<a href="">gbatek:bios</a>.
\note While the speeds of the routines are fair, there
is a large overhead in calling the functions.
/*! \defgroup grpBiosDef BIOS informalities
\ingroup grpBios
/*! \{ */
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
//! \name SoftReset flags
#define ROM_RESTART 0x00 //!< Restart from ROM entry point.
#define RAM_RESTART 0x01 //!< Restart from RAM entry point.
//! \name RegisterRamReset flags
#define RESET_EWRAM 0x0001 //!< Clear 256K on-board WRAM
#define RESET_IWRAM 0x0002 //!< Clear 32K in-chip WRAM
#define RESET_PALETTE 0x0004 //!< Clear Palette
#define RESET_VRAM 0x0008 //!< Clear VRAM
#define RESET_OAM 0x0010 //!< Clear OAM. does NOT disable OBJs!
#define RESET_REG_SIO 0x0020 //!< Switches to general purpose mode
#define RESET_REG_SOUND 0x0040 //!< Reset Sound registers
#define RESET_REG 0x0080 //!< All other registers
//#define RESET_REG_VIDEO 0x0100 //!< video regs, 00h-60h (non standard!)
//#define RESET_REG_DMA 0x0200 //!< DMA regs, B0h-100h (non standard!)
//#define RESET_REG_TIMER 0x0400 //!< Timer regs (100h-110h) (non standard!)
#define RESET_MEM_MASK 0x001F
#define RESET_REG_MASK 0x00E0
#define RESET_GFX 0x001C //!< Clear all gfx-related memory
//! \name Cpu(Fast)Set flags
#define CS_CPY 0 //!< Copy mode
#define CS_FILL (1<<24) //!< Fill mode
#define CS_CPY16 0 //!< Copy in halfwords
#define CS_CPY32 (1<<26) //!< Copy words
#define CS_FILL32 (5<<24) //!< Fill words
#define CFS_CPY CS_CPY //!< Copy words
#define CFS_FILL CS_FILL //!< Fill words
//! \name ObjAffineSet P-element offsets
#define BG_AFF_OFS 2 //!< BgAffineDest offsets
#define OBJ_AFF_OFS 8 //!< ObjAffineDest offsets
//! \name Decompression routines
#define BUP_ALL_OFS (1<<31)
#define LZ_TYPE 0x00000010
#define LZ_SIZE_SHIFT 8
#define HUF_BPP_MASK 0x0000000F
#define HUF_TYPE 0x00000020
#define HUF_SIZE_SHIFT 8
#define RL_TYPE 0x00000030
#define RL_SIZE_SHIFT 8
#define DIF_8 0x00000001
#define DIF_16 0x00000002
#define DIF_TYPE 0x00000080
#define DIF_SIZE_SHIFT 8
//! \name Multiboot modes
#define MBOOT_NORMAL 0x00
#define MBOOT_MULTI 0x01
#define MBOOT_FAST 0x02
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
//! BIOS calls from C
/*! You can use this macro in a C BIOS-call wrapper. The wrapper
* should declare the flags, then this call will do the rest.
* \param x Number of swi call (THUMB number)
* \note It checks the __thumb__ \#define to see whether we're
* in ARM or THUMB mode and fixes the swi number accordingly.
* Huzzah for the C proprocessor!
* \deprecated This macro will not work properly for functions that have IO.
#if defined ( __thumb__ )
#define swi_call(x) __asm("swi\t"#x ::: "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3")
#define swi_call(x) __asm("swi\t"#x"<<16" ::: "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- affine function 0x0E and 0x0F ---
* Notational convention: postfix underscore is 2d vector
* p_ = (px, py) = texture coordinates
* q_ = (qx, qy) = screen coordinates
* P = | pa pb | = affine matrix
* | pc pd |
* d_ = (dx, dy) = background displacement
* Then:
* (1) p_ = P*q_ + d_
* For transformation around a different point
* (texture point p0_ and screen point q0_), do
* (2) p_ - p0_ = P*(q_-q0_)
* Subtracting eq 2 from eq1 we immediately find:
* (3) _d = p0_ - P*q0_
* For the special case of a texture->screen scale-then-rotate
* transformation with
* s_ = (sx, sy) = inverse scales (s>1 shrinks)
* a = alpha = Counter ClockWise (CCW) angle
* (4) P = | sx*cos(a) -sx*sin(a) |
* | sy*sin(a) sy*cos(a) |
* ObjAffineSet takes a and s_ as input and gives P
* BgAffineSet does that and fills in d_ as well
// affine types in tonc_types.h
//! BitUpPack ( for swi 10h)
typedef struct BUP
u16 src_len; //!< source length (bytes)
u8 src_bpp; //!< source bitdepth (1,2,4,8)
u8 dst_bpp; //!< destination bitdepth (1,2,4,8,16,32)
u32 dst_ofs; //!< {0-30}: added offset {31}: zero-data offset flag
} BUP;
//! Multiboot struct
typedef struct
u32 reserved1[5];
u8 handshake_data;
u8 padding;
u16 handshake_timeout;
u8 probe_count;
u8 client_data[3];
u8 palette_data;
u8 response_bit;
u8 client_bit;
u8 reserved2;
u8 *boot_srcp;
u8 *boot_endp;
u8 *masterp;
u8 *reserved3[3];
u32 system_work2[4];
u8 sendflag;
u8 probe_target_bit;
u8 check_wait;
u8 server_type;
} MultiBootParam;
/*! \} */
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/*! \defgroup grpBiosMain BIOS functions
* \ingroup grpBios
/*! \{ */
//! \name Reset functions
extern "C" void SoftReset(void);
extern "C" void RegisterRamReset(u32 flags);
//! \name Halt functions
extern "C" void Halt(void);
extern "C" void Stop(void);
extern "C" void IntrWait(u32 flagClear, u32 irq);
extern "C" void VBlankIntrWait(void);
//! \name Math functions
extern "C" s32 Div(s32 num, s32 den);
extern "C" s32 DivArm(s32 den, s32 num);
extern "C" u32 Sqrt(u32 num);
extern "C" s16 ArcTan(s16 dydx);
extern "C" s16 ArcTan2(s16 x, s16 y);
//! \name Memory copiers/fillers
// Technically, these are misnomers. The convention is that
// xxxset is used for fills (comp memset, strset). Or perhaps
// the C library functions are misnomers, since set can be applied
// to both copies and fills.
extern "C" void CpuSet(const void *src, void *dst, u32 mode);
extern "C" void CpuFastSet(const void *src, void *dst, u32 mode);
extern "C" u32 BiosCheckSum(void);
//! \name Rot/scale functions
// These functions are misnomers, because ObjAffineSet is merely
// a special case of/precursor to BgAffineSet. Results from either
// can be used for both objs and bgs. Oh well.
extern "C" void ObjAffineSet(const ObjAffineSource *src, void *dst, s32 num, s32 offset);
extern "C" void BgAffineSet(const BgAffineSource *src, BgAffineDest *dst, s32 num);
//! \name Decompression (see GBATek for format details)
extern "C" void BitUnPack(const void *src, void *dst, const BUP *bup);
extern "C" void LZ77UnCompWram(const void *src, void *dst);
extern "C" void LZ77UnCompVram(const void *src, void *dst);
extern "C" void HuffUnComp(const void *src, void *dst);
extern "C" void RLUnCompWram(const void *src, void *dst);
extern "C" void RLUnCompVram(const void *src, void *dst);
extern "C" void Diff8bitUnFilterWram(const void *src, void *dst);
extern "C" void Diff8bitUnFilterVram(const void *src, void *dst);
extern "C" void Diff16bitUnFilter(const void *src, void *dst);
//! \name Sound Functions
// (I have even less of a clue what these do than for the others ---
extern "C" void SoundBias(u32 bias);
extern "C" void SoundDriverInit(void *src);
extern "C" void SoundDriverMode(u32 mode);
extern "C" void SoundDriverMain(void);
extern "C" void SoundDriverVSync(void);
extern "C" void SoundChannelClear(void);
extern "C" u32 MidiKey2Freq(void *wa, u8 mk, u8 fp);
extern "C" void SoundDriverVSyncOff(void);
extern "C" void SoundDriverVSyncOn(void);
//! \name Multiboot handshake
extern "C" int MultiBoot(MultiBootParam* mb, u32 mode);
/*! \} */
/*! \defgroup grpBiosEx More BIOS functions
* \ingroup grpBios
/*! \{ */
// You can find these in swi_ex.s
extern "C" void VBlankIntrDelay(u32 count);
extern "C" int DivSafe(int num, int den);
extern "C" int Mod(int num, int den);
extern "C" u32 DivAbs(int num, int den);
extern "C" int DivArmMod(int den, int num);
extern "C" u32 DivArmAbs(int den, int num);
extern "C" void CpuFastFill(u32 wd, void *dst, u32 count);
#define DivMod Mod
/*! \} */
#endif // TONC_BIOS