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Pain à lancienne Wouter post 2012-07-01T18:28:14+00:00 /pain-a-lancienne/ /wp-content/uploads/2012/07/MG_6325.jpg

Its summer and were organising a small party whats the obvious choice for food? Right, BBQ. Whats the obvious choice for bread accompanied by a nice BBQ? Right! Baguettes! But this wouldnt be savesourdough without sourdough, so instead of baking the classic baguettes, I created my own formula based on Mr. Hamlemans “Pain au levain with whole wheat”.

A crumb shot of the sliced (misformed) “baguettes”

As you can see, the result is quite lovely, it has a beautiful texture inside (although I personally like more holes) and its not white bread.

Baking steps

The sourdough has been prepared 12 hours before mixing in the final ingredients. I used a stiff 100% wholewheat starter with a bit rye. The final ingredients contained 600gr of bread flour and more rye. The total hydratation level was 65%.

Scoring didnt went that well, but the baguettes now contribute to the “ancienne” look and feel. I should have simply stretched some dough balls, that would have been more than sufficient.

Pieces of the bread were very popular at the BBQ!

If youre interested in the full formula, just drop me a line here. Its the same recipe as Mr Hamelman in his excellent book, “BREAD: A bakers book of techniques and Recipes“, “pain au levain with whole wheat flour”. The dough has been retarded for several hours after the initial mixing because we needed to go and buy the vegetables for the party! No problem at all since the book even recommends it.

After some hours, the dough has been placed in full sun outside (remember, nice wheather) to take off the chill and then I proceeded with preshaping. I think proofing was 2 hours tops maybe a bit underproofed. Things to remember for next time!