
55 lines
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2018-05-14 07:41:47 +02:00
baseurl = ""
title = "Jefklak's Codex"
theme = "jefklak-creative-portfolio"
2018-05-14 07:41:47 +02:00
languageCode = "en-us"
publishDir = "docs"
enableEmoji = true
# for .Lastmod to work with .GitInfo: --enableGitInfo
enableGitInfo = true
2020-11-19 10:27:25 +01:00
enableRobotsTXT = true
summaryLength = 20
paginate = 20
limit = 50
2018-07-25 10:07:03 +02:00
2021-03-18 10:49:57 +01:00
name = "Jefklak"
2021-03-18 11:22:23 +01:00
email = ""
2022-12-23 16:47:20 +01:00
mastodon = ""
mastodonlink = ""
2021-03-17 21:12:37 +01:00
githublink = ""
2018-07-25 10:07:03 +02:00
# added since Hugo 0.9x to allow babel to be executed
enableInlineShortcodes = false
allow = ['^dart-sass-embedded$', '^go$', '^npx$', '^postcss$', 'babel']
defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
unsafe= true
2020-12-30 15:52:37 +01:00
2018-05-14 07:41:47 +02:00
description = "Retro game thoughts"
2023-04-23 14:52:19 +02:00
copyright = "Work <a href='/copyright'>&copy; CC BY 4.0</a>. <br/>An integral part of <a href='' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>Brain Baking</a>."
2018-05-14 07:41:47 +02:00
# Nav links in the side bar
name = "Browse All Games"
url = "/games/"
2018-05-14 07:41:47 +02:00
name = "Search & Appendix"
url = "/tags/"
2018-05-14 07:41:47 +02:00
name = "About the Codex"
url = "/about/"
2018-05-14 07:41:47 +02:00
2021-07-01 11:40:21 +02:00
name = "RSS Feed"
url = "/index.xml"