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title: "A List Of Things I Like Doing Lately"
date: 2023-06-08T07:38:00+02:00
- braindump
- lists
Since my brain refuses to boot beyond UEFI today[^pcjoke], here's a lovely list of things I liked doing before our daughter was born:
[^pcjoke]: At least I managed to get in a nerd joke, good one!
- Write large philosophical blog posts;
- Enjoy a late night out with friends;
- Read a thousand page sprawling fantasy;
- Play a complicated Uwe Rosenberg boardgame;
- Get on the bike and let it take me to random places;
- Ink up the fountain pen and brainstorm in the journal;
- Cook and enjoy a nice meal with my wife;
- Plan ahead to bake a few sourdough breads;
- Lose endless hours chasing after Stones of Jordan in _Diablo II_;
- Have a nice long walk in the woods;
- Soak in a warm bath while thinking about life's problems;
- Hack away at retro hardware.
Now here's a list of things I like doing lately:
- Write short lists of things I like doing;
- Go to sleep at 10 PM;
- Read the first sentence of a blog in the RSS reader;
- Get out _Patchwork_ and enjoy simply finishing it without interruptions;
- Stare at the passing traffic from the parked car;
- Fantasize about inking up a fountain pain without moving from the couch;
- Eat in shifts wishing for the crying to stop;
- Hope the sourdough starter isn't dead;
- Match three tiles in a 5-minute round of _Puzzle Quest_ on the DS;
- Walk with the stroller around the block and enjoy the sun on the face;
- Get a quick shower while trying not to think;
- Sniff on an old motherboard and then put it back on the shelf.
This felt a bit painful to write. Does it feel painful to read as well? I wonder what kind of things I will like doing in a year. Or in three years. Perhaps I should start preparing for the inevitable but laughably bad _How do you see yourself in five years?_ question.
It's funny to see how one readjusts one's life expectations once kids arrive. Nowadays, we get a lot of energy from a few mischievous smiles and simply wish for her to grow up healthy, and I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I can't even remember what I wanted to get out of life before all this, it feels like my mind is playing tricks on me. Things that seemed relevant before---status, respect, self-development---are shoved aside and suddenly deemed much less important, even though I didn't think about this consciously.
Perhaps I should start thinking about this consciously.