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Hi, Im Wouter Groeneveld About Me.jpg true

And I'm currently an multiclass ...

... Baker

I hold a professional bread baker's degree so naturally I love to think of myself as a real baker. I highly respect the craft and enjoy kneading dough with my hands. I specialize in sourdough bread, as you can read at my bread baking blog. I've written a book on the science of sourdough bread (in Dutch).

... Researcher

I am a PhD researcher at the Faculty of Engineering Technology, KU Leuven. My academic research focuses on identifying and amplifying non-technical skills in software engineering education, primarily targetting creative problem solving. I sometimes blog about my work.

... Programmer

I'm an experienced software engineer and took on various roles from agile coaching to technical lead. I hold a Master of Computer Science. I also dabble in open source, have a peek at Im a big Test Driven Development advocate. I teach software engineering techniques in both industry and academia.

... Writer

I like fountain pens and journaling. I love jotting down stuff and possibly converting that into blog posts, academic articles, books, or any other medium where I can express my enthusiasm.

... Teacher

Transforming knowledge into well-digestible material is my mission. As they say: the best way to learn something is to teach it - I couldn't agree more. Besides various formal teaching assignments at KU Leuven, I've also coached software developers in different companies, and occasionally organize bread baking workshops.

If you found my work amusing and/or helpful, you can buy me a coffee via PayPal or via Ko-Fi---if you don't mind I'll use it to drink a cup of tea instead. I also like to hear your feedback via Mastodon: or e-mail: say hello.


What's a multiclass?

Multiclassing in Dungeons & Dragons (yes, I'm also a nerd) allows your character to advance in more than one class. Instead of playing as the conventional mage or fighter, you can be both. This concept neatly summarizes my vision of a profession.

There are multiple concepts all defining the same thing:

  • Emilie Wapnick uses the term multipotentialite. A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits.
  • Philosopher Johann von Wowern wrote in 1603 about polymaths: knowledge of various matters, drawn from all kinds of studies [...] ranging freely through all the fields of the disciplines, as far as the human mind, with unwearied industry, is able to pursue them.
  • Another lovely term is renaissance men: a person with many talents or areas of knowledge. Da Vinci is the prime example of such a man. Of course I couldn't possibly live up to these expectations. The notion of a homo universalis might also be stretching it a bit too far.

I used to be only good at programming because I thought, as a Computer Scientist, you specialize instead of generalize. But the more I worked with computers, the more my hands itched to do something else. So nowadays I love to go wide and pass on that enthusiasm for knowledge on any level.