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Syncing Notes Across Multiple Vaults 2024-04-21T20:01:00+02:00

My Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) system has hit a new wall since I started taking notes on my work laptop in a new Obsidian Vault. How do you sync notes across devices? The Obsidian Help page doesn't beat around the bush: either use Obsidian Sync---their proprietary add-on that lets you store and sync your notes on their servers---or, since the notes are just .md files anyway, use any sync tool you'd like (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, Syncthing, ...).

Well... Yes... But... That's primarily about syncing your entire note directory (called a vault in Obsidian slang), not about selectively syncing some of the notes between vaults. A few possibilities:

  • Do I just copy-paste the whole work vault into my personal one in a subdirectory?
  • Do I add for instance sync: true tags in the front matter to specify which ones are copied over?
  • Do I reorganize the work vault to have a private folder that is auto-excluded from the sync?

The problem here is that I now have three entry points for my PKM system: my analog journals, my digital perosnal vault, and my digital work-related vault. This wasn't a problem when I worked for the university as I worked on my own laptop and kept PhD-related stuff in a Git repository and administrative information somewhere else. Perhaps this does signify I should copy almost everything over.

Things get worse once you realize the potential for note conflicts. What if I already made an entry on the topic of performance monitoring? There is no way to resolve the conflict, let a lone spot it, unless the names are similar and happen to pop up in the command menu using CMD+P. Besides, what if I want to add information to a work-related note through my personal vault? In other words, am I interested in a bidirectional replication system, much like PouchDB's DB sync options? Actually, that's pretty easy to achieve using Syncthing!

Another challenge I was rehashing in my head was an export ability for product-related notes that should end up on the company's Confluence wiki. There's an Obsidian Confluence integration plugin but that only works for Atlassian's cloud-based solution. Besides, once a wiki page has been made, my note is no longer the "master" note. In fact, I'd love to somehow download and cache the whole thing locally, since the wiki is only accessible behind a slow VPN, robbing me of my ability to play music through my Navidrome local-only NAS.

I asked Ton Zijlstra on Mastodon whether or not he figured out the sync problem, considering he's a PKM power-user and I was pretty sure he had multiple vaults running. His answer (and my translation):

[...] I'd keep them separated. You could sync both vaults by nesting them, or the overlap via Nextcloud. [...] I myself do a bit of syncing with colleagues' vaults, and a bidirectional directory using GitHub for a client to a ReSpec site, and via an external script export from Obsidian to OPML. I also use Obsidian Sync for my smartphone and tablet.

A bit of everything then, interesting! When I poke around in the Marginala Search result, I find quite a lot of bloggers using either iCloud or GitHub---using the excellent obsidian-git plugin without having to worry about it---as a tool to sync their vault. I wonder why almost no-one objects to having to upload all of their very private notes, which for me is the whole point of using Obsidian instead of something like Evernote. But anyway.

In other note-taking related news, for both laptops I switched to the Shimmering Obsidian Alfred Workflow to quickly add TODO items (oo my-note) and search for tags or notes (o my-note or ot #tag). Just add - [ ] ({date:yyyy-MM-dd}) to the "Scratchpad Append Prefix" option and you're all set. I've only scratched the surface of what it can do. My previous Alfred-Obsidian integration plugin split scratchpad notes per day which, if regularly used, created a mess. I now split up manually per month, which takes like two seconds.