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+++ title = "thesamurai" draft = false tags = [ "games", "wizardry8", "thesamurai" ] date = "2013-03-12" +++

</HTML> # Wizardry 8 Class: the Samurai

Best Race: Hobbit: best bonus points; good DEX & SEN Felpurr: Best SPE, fairly good DEX & SEN Mook: High SEN, DEX. & can wield Gaints Sword; KO 30%!!! (2handled) But Very low SPE. Dracon: Very good DEX, STR, and Ok SPE. Bonus VIT. Warning: very low SEN! Controlling attriubutes:

  • Strength (best attrib for adding Attack Rating & to Hit points. Also adds damage, second controlling attrib for many skills)
  • Dexterity (controlling attrib for many skills, very good Hit & AR + extra attacks / round >> critical kills++)
  • Speed (Initiative - which is not needed -, +AC - which is not needed but handy -, extra attacks - which is VERY needed)
  • Senses (half AR & ToHit of STR, Controlling attrib for Critical Strike which is what the sammy is quite all about)
  • Intelligence (if you want to cast wizardry spells, and want to do it good.)

ry to maximize STR and eventually INT for the power skills. You don't need to keep SEN over 80 (second controlling for dual plus it only adds half of the points into hit, AR as STR or even DEX does.)... Altough it is wise to keep on bumping points into dexterity because it is a controlling attribute for both close combat, your sword skill AND dual weapons!

The Samurai Inventory Window

Controlling Skills:

  • Dual weapons (you'll want to hit as many and as often as possible for %kill percentages)
  • Criticall strike (see above)
  • Sword (25% bonus, muramasa blade has 15% kill factor and is samurai only. The ultimate weapon. Some nice off-hand things too, also daggers)
  • Close combat -obviously.
  • Wizardry when reached lvl5 - try to get power cast because it really helps to weaken enemy resistances...

If you want to work with staffs (some powerfull Bo's are only usable by samurai & monks), ignore dual weapons and ignore sword.

If you want a samurai to be effective, you'll likely want to hit as often as possible to instant kill as often as possible. So: use dual swords (highest kill rate), pump dex & spe for #hits, pump sen, int and str secondly for damage, hit e.d. and your magic powers (if the enemy is out of reach). I stronly disencourage any use of ranged weapons - just use your spells if you can't reach an enemy! If you really want, you could use a bow (high dex + sen anyway). You can also ignore his magic skills and boost STR some more, but that way you're better off with a regular fighter.

About lightning strike special skill: I do have this feeling, though, that Lightning Strike just MIGHT be dependant on the amount of weight your Samurai is carrying. No, I don't mean whether or not your Samura's carrying load is over the top. I mean, for example, Samurai might Lightning Strike more often if, say, they're carrying only 20% or less of their maximum Carrying Capacity. The reason why I think this may be is because I noticed that I get A LOT more Lightning Strikes in the beginning of the game. The ONLY things different during the beginning are 1)--The enemies are of lower level, and 2)--You're only carrying about 25lbs or so with your Samurai.