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+++ title = "thebishop" draft = false tags = [ "games", "wizardry8", "thebishop" ] date = "2013-03-12" +++

The Bishop

Best Race: Fairy: best INT & SPE. Downside: low PIE and almost no weapons/armor usable. (go for sprite daggers if you want close-combat) Elf: good INT, PIE & DEX. Downside: less than fairies but you'll be able to use better armor & weapons (use staffs, maces & shield - you need AC - or throwing) Other good races: gnome, human. Mook for SEN + DEX. </HTML>

Controlling attriubutes:

  • Intelligence (max ASAP for power cast & keep on pumping this power skill!)
  • Piety (handy Iron Will power skill, but not neccesary. You'll need this for priest spells e.d.)
  • Speed (Very much needed for protection spells + 4 Armor Class when maxed)
  • Dexterity (Psionic controlilng attrib, don't raise too high)
  • Senses (Psionic controlilng attrib, don't raise too much at all)

Controlling skills:

  • Every wizardry book (wizardry, psionics, divinity, alchemy)
  • Artifacts (don't put too many points, instead practise by mixing potions & identifying!)
  • a Ranged skill when your magic points has run out: throwing & sling (don't put too much)

or if you like, try to go for the staff & wand skill. just practise trough combat, that'll do.

If you are going for the Elf, you'll want the MACE skill + some shield. Very nice AC bonus, and a good weapon.

The Bishop Inventory Window

Training the different skills is very difficult. You should at least try to cast a variety of spells in combat. Start with a protective spell, use some healing, cast insanity and start throwing rocks. This makes use of all 4 realms much better. Another tip: use 1 level of rogue (they level quite fast, you'll need 1000 XP instead of 1600 as specialist class) and train stealth - a lot-. Every 10 points in the skill allows you to increase your AC by 1. Or, if you like to train a lot, you'll need to do the following:

the key thing to keep in mind is that many spells go into several different books (e.g. healing falls under divinity, alchemy and psionics) and when you cast a spell the book that has a chance to increase is whichever book has the HIGHEST skill at the time you cast the spell. So if you want to use a spell to increase wizardry, and that spell also happens to be under alchemy, you want to make sure that when you are ready to power-skill it your wizardry is higher than your alchemy.

The best way to train all four books in my experience is to use knock knock for wizardry (I've never found another good spell for wizardry). Since you cannot also use knock knock for alchemy, you should use healing (cure light condition e.d. for your water realm: gas chamber room in monastery) for alchemy. It would be a waste to use healing for divinity since divine traps works so nicely there (charm works too but is slower). Finally, that leaves mindread/charm for psionics. Of course, the more realms you increase the better.

Alchemy can also be increased by mixing potions, especially when you are in a location where you can buy the ingredients. This may even be faster than healing after you reach skill level 40 and can mix cure disease. At skill level 50 mixing renewal really boosts alchemy quickly. Split every newly mixed potion and try to identify it to boost your artifacts skill. You'll also want to cast identify (buy a book from Anna at the fish store in Arnika) to raise your divinity. Some recipes:

  • light heal + poison redux / bless (req 15)
  • light heal + mod heal (req 15)
  • mod heal + mod stamina (req 20)
  • cure disease + heavy heal (MONEY MAKER!) (req 40)
  • sneeze powder + flash powder (req 50)