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+++ title = "meta" draft = false tags = [ "code", "csharp", "meta" ] date = "2014-02-13" +++


Tests on source code contents

Wat is de bedoeling? Lees alle source files in en check of er iets in voorkomt (in onderstaand geval Bla.Instance)

De GoUpThreeDirs is omdat bij unit testen draaien dit in rootDir/unitTestProject/Bin/Debug uitgevoerd wordt, dat is de huidige dir. wij hebben nodig: rootDir/sourceCodeProject.

        public void StaticInstanceShouldNeverBeUsedExceptInAllowedCases()
            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(GetSourcePath(), "*.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                var source = File.ReadAllText(file);
                if (source.Contains(typeof(Bla).Name + ".Instance") && NoStaticRefAllowedInThatFile(file))
                    Assert.Fail("file " + file + " contains a static reference to Bla which is not allowed!" +
                        "Please use Dependency Injection instead, take a look at the existing repositories as an example.");

        private bool NoStaticRefAllowedInThatFile(string file)
            List<Type> allowedTypesWithInstanceRef = new List<Type>()

            return allowedTypesWithInstanceRef.All(x => !file.Contains(x.Name));

        private static string GetSourcePath()
            return GoUpThreeDirectories(Environment.CurrentDirectory) + "<br/><br/>ProjectNameOfSourceCode";

        private static string GoUpThreeDirectories(string dir)
            string rootDir = dir;
            for (var i ###### 1; i < 3; i++)
                rootDir = rootDir.Substring(0, rootDir.LastIndexOf("<br/><br/>", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            return rootDir;