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Domain Driven Design in C Faking domain logic.jpg 2018-08-03
Who says imperative languages don't do DDD?
domain driven design

As old as the language C may be, it took other languages a long time to catch up with something as mundane as a pointer. Pointers are the bread and butter of any C program and are widely regarded as a horrifying thing to work with. It might be a drag and require some plumbing (as with any language) but the payoff is extreme flexibility and control.

An address can point to anything - that includes functions. Function pointers are mostly used as callbacks but in combination with structures, they become dynamic class members! That might be a little bit exaggerated.

Let's take a look at simple concepts: a person has a certain age.

{{}} graph LR; A{Person} B[Age] C[Is Old?] A --> B A -.-> C {{< /mermaid >}}

I can ask the person if he's old, and depending on the age the response will be yes (true) or no (false). Sounds almost too simple to implement in an object-oriented language like C#:

class Person {
    public Person(int age) { this.Age = age; }
    public int Age { get; private set; }
    public bool IsOld => Age > 60;
Person george = new Person(65);
Debug.WriteLine(george.IsOld);      // true

Thinking about the class concept in OO nets you the struct concept in C that will hold the age field nicely, but problems arise when we try to tackle the Is Old? piece of the domain model:

struct Person {
    int age;
int is_old(Person* p) {
    return p->age > 60;
typedef struct Person Person;
Person* george = malloc(sizeof(Person));
george->age = 65;
prinf("%d", is_old(george));        // 1

A couple of remarks:

  1. C has no bool.
  2. If you want to use your structure as a class, typedef is pretty much required.
  3. This introduces a memory leak if you don't free(george).

And of course, our main concern is the absence of any link between struct Person and int is_old. If the function is defined in a random header, the programmer has to remember it's location and it's name. It only sounds logical that it should be an integral part of the structure.

And it shall be - function pointers to the rescue!

struct Person {
    int age;
    int (*is_old)();

That makes expressions as george->is_old() legal, but they won't be bind to anything. The pointer doesn't point to anything and we can't define the function within the structure. It needs to be defined somewhere else, and rewired to the pointer:

struct Person {
    int age;
    int (*is_old)();
int person_is_old(Person* p) {
    return p->age > 60;
typedef struct Person Person;
Person* george = malloc(sizeof(Person));
george->is_old = &person_is_old;
george->age = 65;
prinf("%d", is_old(george));        // 1

Isn't that beautiful?

It's rather cumbersome indeed, because the creation of a new person requires you to manually wire up the function to the function pointer of the struct instance and that hurts - a lot. That's the price to pay for emulating member functions on structures as classes...

Our last cleanup action would be to group every person-related thing into person.h and person.c, and lastly create a nice factory method for allocation of a new person:

Person* newPerson(int age) {
    Person* p = malloc(sizeof(Person));
    p->age = age;
    p->is_old = &person_is_old;
    return p;

What about C++?

Are you wondering what the ++ in C++ might stand for? The addition of "real" classes is a revelation to old-time C programmers that tried aiming for readability in a "domain"1. The above example implemented in C++ is trivial:

class Person {
  int age;
  Person(int age) : age(age) {}
  bool isOld() { return age > 60 ? true : false; }

The isOld member function of Person is a one-liner that can be an inline function - if it's defined within the class definition structure that usually lives in the header file. Otherwise; bool Person::isOld() {} has to be present in some cpp source file.

But... C's function pointer is dynamic!

That's right! That means it's much more than an emulated member function of a structure. You can rewire it at any time - it works just like a callback. Of course that is clearly not what we want here. Also notice the complete lack of any accessor modifiers in C: any function can fuck up our passed Person:

void haxx(Person* p) {
    p->is_old = 0;   // whoops

Fixed using C's pass-by-value system by leaving out the pointer * in the argument list. But you really don't want to do that with a structure as copying something like that requires quite a bit of memory overhead and beats the whole purpose of using C in the first place...

Remember Java fan-boys, we had to wait until Java 8 in 2014 for the language to catch up with C using lambda's. Take a look at what function pointers are really for:

int addOne(int g) { return g + 1; }
int multiplyTwo(int g) { return g * 2; }

int main() {
    int (*op)(int) = &addOne;
    printf("%d", op(5));  // prints 6
    return 0;

Can you imagine doing that in Java 7? With anonymous inner classes and a lot of interface clumsiness, maybe. It's a much less worse now with v8's lambda's and the new function reference operator :::

class Stuff {
  private static int addOne(int g) { return g + 1; }
  private static int multiplyTwo(int g) { return g * 2; }

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Function<Integer, Integer> op = Stuff::addOne;
    System.out.println(op.apply(5) + ""); // prints 6

That leaves us to conclude that if you're still writing C on some embedded hardware, don't forget that it is possible to group functions using structures but requires some plumbing that you may or may not like.

The C++ language is continually evolving while the ANSI C standard is "done"2 - the C++11 standard eased a lot of the mystical syntax pain. So if you can migrate from gcc to g++, I don't see why not.

  1. DDD practices can't be implemented without proper use of an object model - within that context I'm calling that "domain" driven. ↩︎

  2. Well, not completely, C11 introduced an cross-platform multi-threading API. ↩︎