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Top 25 Best Games Of All Time (GOAT) 2023-10-08T09:00:00+02:00

Edge Magazine put out another ranking, this time the 100 greatest video games of the past 30 years, which yet again fueled my obsession with lists. The list is---of course---depressingly inaccurate, with giant holes in it such as Diablo II or Final Fantasy VI.

And then someone at Mastodon shared his "top 25 GOAT" video game list, created with, convincing me to do the same difficult but fun exercise. I probably fall down that trap once a year, yet the result is consistent enough to share here.

In 2021, I participated in the Favorite Game Meme, another list that partially overlaps. This time, however, the GOAT list is deceptively simple to put together: what are your 25 best games of all time? You don't need to rank them. For me, that would be a next to impossible task. Here's my take on the answer:

Again, bear in mind that it's unsorted---although the first mention is my number one.

Row 1:

  1. Baldur's Gate II. There's nothing that will ever beat it, and while BG3 does an admirable effort, it doesn't look like it will either.
  2. Wario Land 3. I chose the wrong cover here (depicting Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land 1 instead), but Wario 3's metroid-y level design, invincibility, and transitions are amazing. It's still great to play today.
  3. Wizardry 8. The swan song of Sir-Tech that's imperfectly perfect---or the other way around? I love the atmosphere, number crunching and voice acting here. I wish there was room for Jagged Alliance 2 as well.
  4. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. The best GBA game and the best Metroidvania. Yes, it's better than Symphony of the Night.
  5. Goblins 3. Partial nostalgia bias speaking here: Broken Sword is the much better fit, but I can't part with a Goblins game that I grew up with.

Row 2:

  1. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. After creating this list, I've been thinking about swapping it out in favor of Day of the Tentacle. Any great Lucas adventure can slot in here.
  2. Diablo II. The game that made me join a clan, go figure.
  3. Commandos 2. We played endless missions cooperatively. Finishing a big map together is very satisfying, as long as you don't jam quick save instead of quick load.
  4. Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. This, together with Commandos, was me and my friend's go-to for years and years. Threat neutralized.
  5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Maybe Link's Awakening should be here instead? Both games are the pinnacle of 2D Zelda---or any Zelda or exploration adventure, for that matter.

Row 3:

  1. Tactics Ogre: Reborn. Recency bias speaking, but the original Let us Cling Together is not as accessible, and I always preferred Tactics Ogre to Final Fantasy Tactics, which is also a great choice.
  2. Paper Mario 2: Thousand Year Door. The best GameCube game, and the funniest Paper Mario and a grand adventure.
  3. Super Metroid. This and Metroid Fusion are pinnacles of the genre that I go back to every year. I've been thinking about swapping it out for Hollow Knight but just can't.
  4. Animal Crossing: Wild World. The de facto mobile feel-good game that had me picking a stranger's peaches at night. What's your friend code? I didn't like the latest installment's focus on design instead of neighbor socialism.
  5. Pizza Tower. The only modern PC game on the list that supersedes its lineage Wario Land 4 and completely blew me away.

Row 4:

  1. Deus Ex. A RPG masterpiece told in FPS perspective. The series never reached the same heights ever since. If I had played Ultima Underworld as much, it would be occupying this spot.
  2. Sonic 3. Still the best Sonic game, and the only MegaDrive one on the list, even though I was a SEGA boy when I was little: ouch?
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. It came bundled with my GameCube and I played it together with my sister. If you have fond memories of Ocarina of Time instead, swap both versions---as long as you keep out the more recent 3D ones.
  4. Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones. Perhaps Awakening is better, but I love the pixel art style of the GBA installments. I'm a sucker for turn-based tactical roleplaying.
  5. Super Mario World. The best 2D platformer of all time? Some prefer Yoshi's Island or Mario 3. Good for you!

Row 5:

  1. Kirby's Dream Land 2. I knew I wanted a Kirby game in there but couldn't choose so I ended with my favorite GB one. In retrospect, Super Star (Ultra) for the SNES/DS is probably better.
  2. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Next to Aria of Sorrow the best GBA game. I the humor, love collecting beans, and the tight collaboration between both brothers. Later Mario & Luigi games are okay as well, but this one's simply the best.
  3. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings. My favorite RTS game, although I wish there was room for Warcraft III, and I was thinking of swapping AoE for Rise of Nations.
  4. Duke Nukem 3D. Duke voice: I don't have time to play with myself. My seminal 2.5D DOS shooter.
  5. Zeus: Master of Olympus. I felt the need to include at least one 4X/simulation/city builder and couldn't choose between Zeus, Pharaoh, Sim City 3000/4 or Civilization. I picked the one I played the most.

After redoing the exercise a few times, the list became pretty stable. It surprised me that: many of my older (DOS) "great games" are superseded by newer ones, no Wii or 3DS games are on the list, only one DS game is on the list, and most newer games I played in the last few years aren't on it. If there was more space for one more row, I'd add GTA: Vice City, Into the Breach, Hollow Knight, Tetris (DS?), and Fallout.

What's on your top 25 GOAT? I'd love to hear from you! Here are a few questions that might help you make the choice:

  • Which game would you want to take with you to a deserted island?
  • Which game do you regularly replay? Which one have you played the most?
  • Which game ticks all boxes, including amazing soundtrack?
  • Which genre you love is still missing in the list? Which platform?
  • Which game stands the test of time and is still great in 2023?