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+++ title = "resources" draft = false tags = [ "code", "java", "resources" ] date = "2014-01-29" +++

Resource handling

Opkuisen in try/finally block

Vanaf Java 7 zit er ook ARM (automatic resource block management) in met een aanpassing op de try blocks:

try (
FileInputStream stockQuoteReader = new FileInputStream("StockQuotes.txt");
FileOutputStream stockQuoteWriter = new FileOutputStream("StockQuotes.txt")
) {
      int var;
      while((var###### ! -1 )

The new construct extends try blocks to declare resources much like is the case with for loops. Any resource declared within a try block opening will be closed. Hence, the new construct shields you from having to pair try blocks with corresponding finally blocks that are dedicated to proper resource management. A semicolon separates each resource

Zie ook: http:* en http:*


  1. Whatever resource we are using should be subtypes of AutoCloseable other wise will get compile time error.
  2. The resources which we are using are closed in reverse order means stockQuoteWriter.close() will be called first then stockQuoteReader.close().

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Java VS C#

Zie [csharp resources wiki pagina]({{< relref "wiki/code/csharp/" >}})

AutoClosable is een interface die te vergelijken is met IDisposable in C#.