
111 lines
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title = "woordenlijst"
draft = false
tags = [
date = "2013-03-12"
# Woordenlijst
## Engelse woorden
^ Engels ^ Synoniem ^ Nederlandse vertaling ^
| Maldaptive | Marked by faulty or inadequate adaptation | Slechte aanpassing |
| colloquially | informal / using conversation | informeel |
| florid | gaudy, flamboyant | "bloemrijk" / overdreven sierlijk |
| probing | to search into or examine thoroughly - investigating | onderzoekend |
| myriad | countless | een enorm groot bedrag |
| valence (electrons) | the relative combining capacity of an atom | ... |
| primordial | constituting a beginning - first formed | "oer-" |
| surge | a strong forward moment, swelling of something | een golf |
| dispersed | to drive or send off | verspreid |
| nascent | beginning to exist or develop | in wording |
| erudite | educated | enorm veel kennis hebbend |
| dissertations | a written essay | thesis |
| calcifying | to become bony (hardened by calcium) | calcificerend? |
| inordinate | not within reasonable limits - extreme, unreasonable | buitensporig |
| of that ilk | of the same class or kind | ? |
| intrinsic | native, innate | intrinsiek |
| perpetrations | to commit | plegen |
| prescient | foresight | voorkennis |
| contemplating | to view with continuous attention - gaze at, behold | overwegend |
| elicited | to draw or bring out - to evoke | oproepen |
| disseminate | to scatter or spread widely - to disperse | verspreiden |
| sprig | a shoot, twig | een takje |
| concocted | to diverse, to make up | verzonnen |
| convey | to carry or bring | overbrengen |
| a finch | a similar bird (songbird) | ... |
| tantalizing | having something that provokes interest or desire | prikkelend |
| murkiness | dark, gloomy, cheerless | donker |
| frontispiece | the front of a building - an illustration facing the cover of a book | "titelplaat" ? |
| accretion | the addition | "aanwas" ? |
| pedigree | ancestral - distinguished | stamboom |
| contemporaries | existing at the same time | tijdgenoten |
| lingua franca | any language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other languages. | ... |
| inebriated | to make drunk, toxiate | "bezatten" |
| proliferating | to increase in number/speed rapidly | profilerend |
| pileated | in the form of a skullcap (see [woodpecker]( | ... |
| diminutive | small, little | klein |
| aragonite | {{< wp "aragonite" >}} | mineraal |
| unvarnished | plain, clear - straightforward | onverbloemd |
| meticulous | taking or showing extreme care to details | nauwgezet |
| idiosyncrasies | a characteristic, habit | een eigenaardigheid aan een persoon |
| impunity | immunity to damaging effects as of an action | straffeloosheid |
| incursion | a running in | inval |
| tenured | of holding/having | in aanstelling |
| scarcity | insufficiency | schaarsheid |
| oscillation | the act of swinging and moving from/to - fluctuating | ... |
| inexorable | unalterable | onverbiddelijk |
| rendition | an interpretation | weergave |
| mesmerizing | to compel by fascination | betoverend |
| introspection | mental process observing | introspectie |
| to churn | to produce mechanically in a hurry (like a container or machine to make butter) | ... |
| precipitated | to cast/send violently | neergeslagen |
| to atrophy | to undergo degeneration | ... |
| cubism | a style of painting & sculpture | ... |
| percussive | having an impact/blow | ... |
| to lodge in the head | to household - to store thoughts ? | ?? |
| reverberating | to rebound/recoil | weerkaatsend |
| dilettante | a lover of fine art and science - an amatuer at | ... |
| scorned | an object of contempt (disgrace) | geminacht |
| fastidious | critically or demanding | kieskeurig |
| allegory | fable | allegorie |
| latent | present but not visible, existing as potential | ... |
| barnacle | a person or thing that keeps firm hold of | ... |
| incessantly | continuing without interruption - unceasing | constant |
| contrivance | something obviously planned or forced | vernuft |
| latticce | a window or gate-like object | traliewerk |
| exhiliration | stimulating | ontdrukkend |
| mammalian | belonging to the class of mammalia | zoogdier- |
| untethered | to release from a chain/rope | ongebonden |
| vetted | to check for accuracy | doorlichten |
| fringe | a decorative border (from a raveled edge) | franje |
| parlance | in a manner of speaking | bij wijze van |
| sequestered | to remove/separate | teruggetrokken |
| cloistering | a covered walk/courtyard | opsluiting |
| anomalous | inconsistent | abnormaal |
| acumen | keen insight | scherpzinnigheid |
| cohort | a group or company | een groep |
| dwindling | to fall away/become smaller and smaller | afnemend |
| prodigious | wonderful - marvel | wonderbaarlijk |
| fortnight | 2 weeks | over twee weken |
| excreted | separated from an organic body | uitgescheiden |
| atoll | a ring-shaped coral reef | ... |
| designate | to denote, indicate, name | aanwijzen |
| desolate | laid waste | verlaten |
| emanating | to send forth or to emit | voortbrengend |
| coalesced | grown together into one body | samenvloeiend |
| quibbling | small objections | spitsvondigheden |
| litigiousness | pertaining to lawsuit | betwistbaarheid |
| glutton | a person who eats and drinks excessively | veelvraat |
| winnowing | to drive or blow away by fanning | ... |
| conflagration | a destructive fire | brand |
| anguish | suffering - pain | angst |
| ingrate | ungrateful | ondankbaar |
| scrupulously | precise or exact | nauwgezet |
| disdained | to despise | verachtten |
| slovenly | untidy in appearance or habits | slordig |
| to contort | twist or bend out of shape | verdraaien |