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Baked Archives /archives/
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The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Russell

Not finding what you're looking for? Try browsing the archives:


By category

try {

  • Programming: Software engineering, programming languages, TDD, DDD, etc
  • Webdesign: Design, layouting, website generation, privacy, speed, etc
  • Software: Productivity tools, writing toolchains, etc
  • Hardware: Disassembling retro machines, cartridges, circuit boards, etc
  • Education: Computing education, teaching, PhD work, findings in academica, etc
  • Learning: Self-improvement, meta-learning, reading and journaling, etc

} catch {

  • Braindump: A catch-all (ha!) for random small and big thoughts of the day


I also write about retro PC/Handheld gaming and actual bread baking on sister websites of Brain Baking: Jefklak's Retro Codex and Red Zuurdesem, respectively.

By year

  • 2021 ... when I got that shiny new M1 MacBook Air
  • 2020 ... when I paid attention to webdesign and wrote a book about baking
  • 2019 ... when computing education articles started appearing
  • 2018 ... when my PhD work started and I tried writing essays in Dutch
  • 2017 ... when self-improvement meta-posts started popping up more often
  • 2016 ... when legacy software forced me to unit test Visual Basic 6 code
  • 2015 ... when I completely forgot about blogging at all
  • 2014 ... when I switched from mostly programming in Java to C#
  • 2013 ... when this site was a wiki running on pmWiki, and then DokuWiki

By tag

The following tags are the most used in my writing: {{< popular-categories >}}.

Behold a list of alphabetically sorted tags used in every article on this very website. Related articles share a set of tags.