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+++ title = "theninja" draft = false tags = [ "games", "wizardry8", "theninja" ] date = "2013-03-12" +++

Wizardry 8 class: the Ninja


Best Race: Felpurr: very good SPE, decend DEX/SEN Hobbit: good SEN, DEX and decent SPE, most bonus points. Fairy: Very good INT, Ok DEX/SEN. For Cane of Corpus the best weapon (1handled short-range staff, Don Barlone in Trynton) Mook: very good DEX, SEN. Downside: Very low SPE & humans of course

Controlling attriubutes:

  • Senses (max ASAP for Eagle Eye!)
  • Dexterity (max ASAP, controlling attrib for many skills)
  • Speed (more hits per round & Initiative for using gadgets)
  • Intelligence (controlling attrib for traps & alchemy magic)

As a ninja, you have access to the thrown criticals special skill. It would be wise to invest into throwing stuff like shurikens/slings because you'll be able to archive a nice #hits per round and a good critical strike skill maximizes the chance of instant-killing with every hit. If it doesn't equip a lot of alignmentchanging items like KO/Poison/etc because you also automatically penetrate! Keep in mind, ranged user = maxing senses, keeping dex very high. just like the samurai you'll want many hits, hence the speed factor.

The Ninja Skill Index

Controlling skills:

  • Critical Strike (this also increases as you use your throwing weapons. Keep highest!)
  • Stealth (you can't wear any good armor... You simply need to increase AC)
  • Throwing & sling (auto-penetrate + thrown criticals = ranged character.)
  • Locks & traps (if you don't have a gadgie/bard/rogue, otherwise it's a waste of precious skill points)
  • Dual weapons (WARNING: dualling ranged items ALSO needs this skill! read dual section below)
  • Pickpocketing is also possible but stronly disencouraged since the v1024 patch makes things not worth it.
  • If you like to go for close-combat, you have access to the Martial Arts skill like the monk.

Other advised close-range weapons are the staff (extended reach, some good usable by the ninja) and of course swords (maybe even dual wielding) because they are also usable by ninjas. Don't use swords if you have another sword-user, you don't have enough STR and not enough stat points to increase close-combat damage! Some maces like cat-o-nine tails and vampire chain are also usable by the ninja. Polearms are better tough, some are ninja-only! Most weapons & armor aren't usable like the monk, so keep your AC as high as possible by maxing out DEX, SPE and the stealth skill. Alchemy (mixing potions is a good way to increase this skill, also heal or knock-knock on the 8-tumbler vault in Arnika) requires DEX/INT, and higher int means faster training and maybe powercast which decreases enemy defence.