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+++ title = "themonk" draft = false tags = [ "games", "wizardry8", "themonk" ] date = "2013-03-12" +++

Wizardry 8 Class: the Monk


Best Race: Elf: good starting INT, PIE, DEX. Ok SEN but low VIT

Felpurr: Very good SPE, good DEX/SEN. Lower INT/PIE

Human: overall everything OK.

Controlling attriubutes:

  • Dextirity (You need the AC badly, + #attacks is very nice. Also needed for close combat, stealth & martial arts)
  • Speed (See DEX, same + initiative bonusses for insanity-ing your opponent. mwhaha!)
  • Senses (Criticall strike, does that sound familiar? and decent amounth of ToHIT/AR. + needed for psionics)
  • Intelligence (various things like easier developing magical and seoncd most controlling attrib)

Controlling Skills:

  • Martial Arts (DEX/SPE based, adds damage and ToHIT/AR for your monk. The true power!)
  • Critical Strike (SEN/SPE; Horray, +#Hits from close combat and your stats and we're set!)
  • Stealth (DEX/INT; you NEED to have AC. You simply need it - cannot wear any armor except robes...)
  • Close Combat (DEX/SEN; secondary skill but always handy to have)
  • Psionics (SEN/INT; it's always nice to cast a terrible spell before engaging fist-to-fist with your high speed)
  • Eventually throwing (I do not encourage, use your magic instead!) and a staff (the Bo's/Staff of Doom) >> STR based which is not good...
The Monk Inventory Window

Do you go with a quick, agile Monk, capable of delivering an insane amount of attacks with a chance to critical on each blow landed? (Maximize as fast as possible SPE and DEX. Then go for SEN and INT) The tradeoff is that you wont deal much damage per hit. Or do you develop a Monk capable of dishing out incredible amounts of damage with each hit and able to withstand even the mightiest blow from the enemy? The tradeoff with this route is that you won't have as many attacks per round when compared to the above setup. (Maximize first DEX, and SPE/STR, go for SEN/INT after that)

Don't forget you are not able to use most weapons and armor in the game, regardless of your race. So, stealth/Dextirity/Speed are indeed VERY important. Also try to keep up your Psionics skill which enables you to mislead the enemy by KOing or casting insanity. Oh yeah, maxed Dextirity unlocks reflexion with increases your Armor Class even more. Wo-hah, a dodging moddafokking casting instant-killing monk at your service. Spoken about KO: At higher levels (not sure at which level, though), Monks learn the ability to Knock-Out opponents. You won't see any message, nor see anything on the Character Screen pertaining to it, but you'll see it happen in combat. the opponent is AWESOME. It makes the opponent useless in combat, and allows you to deliver 2 times the damage to them while they're in such a state. This is another reason why you want your Monk's Initiative at high levels. Hit first, KO the opponent, and your other characters can take them down with ease.

Why Wand and Staff? Well, you'll probably come across the awesome Zatoichi Bo sometime during your game. This weapon is only usable by Monks and Samurais. You'll want to give it to your Monk since Samurais can use ranged offensive magic more easily (wizardry ###### offensive, psionics mind-driven). This weapon will allow your Monk to hit enemies at extended range. Sometimes during combat, an enemy will be juuuuust outside of Melee range. A nice Zatoichi Bo in a Monk's hands allows him/her to still partake in combat should the situation arise. There are a couple other Bos found in the game, but their power is nowhere near that of the Zatoichi Bo.

Practise psionics with healing, charming and mindreading (last works best, higher INT means faster increasing skill points. You won't need Power Cast)