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title: RSS Feeds, Hugo, and Lazy Image Loading
subtitle: Where's my content? It's a tarp!
date: 2021-01-05
- hugo
- rss
- webdesign
## Full RSS Content in Hugo
Just a quick one I wanted to get out there in case you are, like me, using [Hugo](/post/2020/05/hugo-extended/) to power a blog. Apparently, in 2017, the default [behavior changed]( from using the `.Content` to the `.Summary` variable in the default [rss.xml](
What's the big deal? I had no idea, until I started using a proper RSS reader today - the open source [NetNewsWire]( for Mac. This is what your RSS feed will look like:
![](../netnewswire.jpg "My Apple M1 article in an RSS reader. Where's all the text?")
The above screenshot might mislead you into thinking I simply captured only a part - I did not. That's the `.Summary`, right there. Since reading all "the news" in one place sounds intriguing, and I'd like other visitors to enjoy my _full_ blog posts in these tools too, I'd have to change the default behavior. That can be easily done by copy-pasting the default into `layouts/_default/rss.xml` and altering it to your liking - such as swapping `.Summary` for `.Content`.
However, that brings us to to problem number two.
## Lazy loading and RSS Feeds
Recently, after trying to maximize my [Lighthouse]( score, especially on performance levels, I implemented [lazysizes](, a simple solution to lazy load `<img/>` tags, thereby reducing the critical path for a single page to load. That requires a custom `render-image.html` (only available when using the Goldmark Markdown renderer) in `_default/_markup/` that looks like this:
<a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" class="lbox">
<img src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" {{ with .Text }} alt="{{ . }}"{{ end }} {{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>
<img class="lazyload" data-src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" {{ with .Text }} alt="{{ . }}"{{ end }} {{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>
{{ with .Title }}
<figcaption>{{ . }}</figcaption>
{{ end }}
Do not forget the `<noscript/>` tag in case JavaScript is disabled or the visitor will not see any images![^tip] Same goes for the RSS feed: your `index.xml` that NetNewsWire loads will see an image tag, but not a `src` attribute. To fix that, I replaced the content, like so:
[^tip]: Try it your for yourself by disabling JS in your browser. Your blog should be accessible to anyone - no CSS, no JS, [accessibility options](/post/2020/06/designing-with-accessibility-in-mind/) - try to include everyone.
{{ $lazyLoadImg := "<img class=\"lazyload\" data-src=" }}
{{ $eagerLoadImg := "<img src=" }}
{{ $content := .Content | replaceRE $lazyLoadImg $eagerLoadImg | safeHTML }}
{{ $content }}
I know the documentation mentions `render-image.rss.xml` as a separate RSS renderer, but it [as reported]( before, it currently does not work (v0.79.1).
**Update, 9 Jan. 2021**: It seems that the RSS reader [Feedly]( processes `<noscript/>` tags, resulting in two displayed images instead of one. Another `replaceRE` to replace the tag fixes that, although it's starting to get messy...
## Featured images in RSS feeds
I still wasn't satisfied. Some blog posts use a "big image" (or "featured image" masthead), that is part of the article header, and is currently not shown in the RSS reader. After inspecting the RSS specifications, it seems that a `<img/>` tag in the description is the only way to do it (provided a `CDATA` wrapper is present), as opposed to twitter cards that have a dedicated tag for this. So, the above description tag was extended, and now looks like this:
{{ `<![CDATA[ ` | safeHTML }}
{{ if .Params.bigimg }}
<img hspace="5" src="{{ $baseurl }}bigimg/{{ .Params.bigimg }}"/>
{{ end }}
{{ $content | safeHTML }}
Let's inspect the changes with our RSS reader:
![](../netnewswire2.jpg "Yes, a featured image and the rest of the text!")
Scrolling down also reveals properly loaded images, hooray! Do not forget to add feed metadata to the `<header/>` tag so that NetNewsWire can automatically detect the location of your RSS feed:
<link href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Brain Baking" />
<link href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" rel="feed" type="application/rss+xml" title="Brain Baking" />
Enjoy my RSS feed at [/index.xml](/index.xml).