fix HREF parsing to limit to <a/> tags only (case insensitive)

This commit is contained in:
Wouter Groeneveld 2022-04-26 14:44:08 +02:00
parent eec2ed69f8
commit 3f1ece1c39
3 changed files with 140 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ func TestDiscoverRssFeedE2EBrainbaking(t *testing.T) {
link, err := sender.discoverRssFeed("")
expectedUrl := ""
expectedUrl := ""
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Truef(t, strings.HasPrefix(link, expectedUrl), "should start with %s, but was %s", expectedUrl, link)

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@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ func (snder *Sender) Collect(xml string, lastSentLink string) ([]RSSItem, error)
var (
hrefRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`href="(.+?)"`)
extRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\.(gif|zip|rar|bz2|gz|7z|jpe?g|tiff?|png|webp|bmp)$`)
hrefRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)<a.+?href="(.+?)"`)
extRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\.(gif|zip|rar|bz2|gz|7z|jpe?g|tiff?|png|webp|bmp)$`)
func (snder *Sender) collectUniqueHrefsFromHtml(html string) []string {

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@ -3,95 +3,154 @@ package send
import (
type CollectSuite struct {
xml string
snder *Sender
func TestCollectUniqueHrefsFromHtml(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
label string
html string
expectedLinks []string
"should not contain inline links",
`<html><body><a href="#inline">sup</a></body></html>`,
"should not collect blacklisted links",
`<html><body><a href="">sup</a> and also <a href="/dinges">dinges</a>!</body></html>`,
"should not collect hrefs from <link/> tags, only from <a/> ones",
`<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"></head><body><a href="/dinges">dinges</a>!</body></html>`,
"should collect even if href is not the first attribute of an <a> tag",
`<html><body><a style="cool" target="_blank" href="/one">one</a> and <a target="_blank" href="/two">two</a> and <a href="/three">three</a></body></html>`,
"should collect case insensitive",
`<html><body><A href="/one">one</A> and <a href="/two">two</a> and <a HREF="/three">three</a></body></html>`,
"should not collect zips or ZIPs or gifs or GIFS",
`<a href="/cool.gif">cool gif</a> and <a href="/more-cool.GIF">more-cool gif</a> and here's a zip: <a href="baf.ZIP">baf</a> or <a href=""></a>??'`,
s := &Sender{
Conf: &common.Config{
Blacklist: []string{
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.label, func(t *testing.T) {
result := s.collectUniqueHrefsFromHtml(tc.html)
assert.ElementsMatch(t, tc.expectedLinks, result)
func (s *CollectSuite) SetupTest() {
func TestCollect(t *testing.T) {
file, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("../../../mocks/samplerss.xml")
s.xml = string(file)
s.snder = &Sender{
snder := &Sender{
Conf: &common.Config{
Blacklist: []string{
func TestCollectSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(CollectSuite))
func (s *CollectSuite) TestCollectUniqueHrefsFromHtmlShouldNotContainInlineLinks() {
links := s.snder.collectUniqueHrefsFromHtml(`<html><body><a href="#inline">sup</a></body></html>`)
assert.Empty(s.T(), links)
func (s *CollectSuite) TestCollectShouldNotContainHrefsFromBlockedDomains() {
items, err := s.snder.Collect(s.xml, "")
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
last := items[len(items)-1]
assert.Equal(s.T(), "",
assert.ElementsMatch(s.T(), []string{
cases := []struct {
label string
lastsentlink string
expectedRssItems int
expectedLastLinks []string
"should not contain hrefs from blocked domains",
}, last.hrefs)
func (s *CollectSuite) TestCollectShouldNotContainHrefsThatPointToImages() {
items, err := s.snder.Collect(s.xml, "")
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
last := items[len(items)-1]
// test case:
// contains e.g.
assert.ElementsMatch(s.T(), []string{
// test case: contains e.g.
"should not contain hrefs that point to images",
}, last.hrefs)
func (s *CollectSuite) TestCollectNothingIfNothingNewInFeed() {
latestEntry := ""
items, err := s.snder.Collect(s.xml, latestEntry)
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
assert.Equal(s.T(), 0, len(items))
func (s *CollectSuite) TestCollectLatestXLinksWhenARecentLinkParameterIsProvided() {
items, err := s.snder.Collect(s.xml, "")
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
assert.Equal(s.T(), 3, len(items))
last := items[len(items)-1]
assert.Equal(s.T(), "",
assert.ElementsMatch(s.T(), []string{
"collects nothing if nothing new in feed",
"collect latest X links when a recent link parameter is provided",
}, last.hrefs)
func (s *CollectSuite) TestCollectEveryExternalLinkWithoutARecentLink() {
items, err := s.snder.Collect(s.xml, "")
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
assert.Equal(s.T(), 141, len(items))
first := items[0]
assert.Equal(s.T(), "",
assert.ElementsMatch(s.T(), []string{
"collect every external link without a recent link",
}, first.hrefs)
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.label, func(t *testing.T) {
items, err := snder.Collect(string(file), tc.lastsentlink)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedRssItems, len(items))
if tc.expectedRssItems > 0 {
last := items[len(items)-1]
assert.ElementsMatch(t, tc.expectedLastLinks, last.hrefs)