
41 lines
2.0 KiB

{{- $vs := .Site.Params.staticman }}
<span class = 'form_toggle btn'>{{ i18n "comment" }}</span>
<form class = 'form' method = 'POST'>
<!-- Start comment form display reply target -->
<p class='reply_notice'>
<span class='reply_to'></span>
<!-- End comment form display reply target -->
<input type = 'hidden' class = 'form_input form_slug' name = 'options[slug]' value = '{{ md5 .File.Path }}'>
<input type='hidden' class='form_input reply_thread' name='fields[replyThread]'>
<input type='hidden' class='form_input reply_id' name='fields[replyId]'>
<input type='hidden' class='form_input reply_name' name='fields[replyName]'>
{{- with $vs.reCaptcha -}}
<input name = 'options[reCaptcha][siteKey]' type = 'hidden' value = '{{ .sitekey }}'>
<input name = 'options[reCaptcha][secret]' type = 'hidden' value = '{{ .secret }}'>
{{- end -}}
<label class = 'form_label'>{{ i18n "name" }}</label>
<input name = 'fields[name]' type = 'text' placeholder = '{{ i18n "name" }}' class = 'form_input form_name' required>
<label class = 'form_label'>{{ i18n "email" }}</label>
<input name = 'fields[email]' type = 'email' placeholder = '{{ i18n "email" }}' class = 'form_input form_email' required>
<label class = 'form_label'>{{ i18n "comment" }}</label>
<textarea name = 'fields[comment]' placeholder = '{{ i18n "typeInComment" }}' class = 'form_input form_comment' required></textarea>
{{- with $vs.reCaptcha -}}
<div class = 'g-recaptcha' data-sitekey = '{{ .sitekey }}' data-callback='enableSubmitComment'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function enableSubmitComment(){
document.getElementById('submitComment').disabled = false;
<script async src = ''></script>
{{- end -}}
<div class = 'btn_group'>
<input type = 'submit' id = 'submitComment' value = '{{ i18n "btnSubmit" }}' class = 'btn form_submit' {{- if $vs.reCaptcha }} disabled {{- end }}>
<div class='form_reset btn_close icon'></div>