
125 lines
4.4 KiB

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% = Layout Setup =
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% see
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% = Paragraph/Content Setup =
% ===========================
% paragraph indentation
% for itemization, other symbol - labelitemii, iii, iv, ... kan ook
% starbreak: only add if at beginning of new page. MD: just '* * *'
\fancybreak{* * *}%
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% = Footer/header/index Setup =
% =============================
\usepackage{imakeidx} % for index
\makeindex[title=Appendix,columns=2,intoc,options= -s]
\createmark{chapter}{left}{nonumber}{}{} % remove 'chapter x:' from \leftmark
% args: hstylei, hlefti, hcenteri, hrighti
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% = Font/Text Setup =
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% for Japanese chars
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% = Images Setup =
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% for png/pdf inclusion (pdfpages: full-page)
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\usepackage{changepage} % full-page
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% \usepackage{pdfpages} % for fullpage png/pdf includes
% figure caption styles -
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\renewcommand{\thefigure}{\thechapter.\Alph{figure}} % set caption label style to 1.A
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% = Chapter Styles =
% ==================
% hoofdstuk header style ( - 1 -, naam HF)
% to add subtitle to \maketitle
\apptocmd{\@title}{\par {\large #1 \par}}{}{}