--- title: 'Ciabatta adventures 2: focaccia' author: Wouter type: post date: 2012-08-18T20:56:42+00:00 url: /ciabatta-adventures-2-focaccia/ featured_image: /wp-content/uploads/2012/08/MG_6716.jpg tags: - pizza --- After [the first try][1], I wanted to increase the bulk ferment and final proofing times to see what the ciabatta dough would look like if I used this for focaccia, as Mr. Hamelman suggests in his “BREAD” book. The result can be seen here.
Big air bubbles after proofing
Bulk fermentation time: **three hours**. Final proofing: **one hour**. Since the dough is very wet, some stretch & folds are required to hold it’s shape. I think I did too many of those, since it rose dramatically in the oven, resulting in a bit too high dough for focaccia. You could slice it and put on toppings like a ciabatta!
Who says focaccia can’t be eaten as a sandwich?
Lot’s of nice holes!
Even more toppings could be added.
You might notice I’ve added some toppings:

I thought I added too much olives but as it rose that much in the oven (baked at 250°C and lowered after 15 minutes), there was even room for more. I also used italian “00” flour instead of my generic all purpose pastry-ish white flour. This resulted in less chewyness but alas after one or two days it lost it’s light texture again.

This dough was also made using a poolish as a preferement (100% hydratation) with commercial yeast. Next up for adventure issue three: sourdough, finally!


[1]: /ciabatta-adventure-1/ "Ciabatta adventure 1" [2]: /wp-content/uploads/2012/08/MG_6716.jpg [3]: /wp-content/uploads/2012/08/MG_6717.jpg [4]: /wp-content/uploads/2012/08/MG_6719.jpg [5]: /wp-content/uploads/2012/08/MG_6722.jpg