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Yay! Working examples say more than a 1000 words:

Screenshot from a Pleroma instance

Mastodon/Pleroma Buddies (bots)

Execute through yarn toot or yarn node src/chat.js. It cycles through all configured "buddies" and toots a message accordingly. Use your favorite crontab timestamp to fire off toots automatically.

Creating a new buddy

Create a directory in src/buddies/ and add it to config.js using the same name. Each buddy should have a buddy.js with one exposed method called chat, which gets executed with a config parameter. Look at the examples for more information. End the file with something like module.exports = { chat }.

The function chat should create a "toot", with the following structure:

    "toot": "hi there buddy!",
    "attach": [ "file1.jpg", "file2.jpg" ],
    "attachDescription": `Screenshots of game x`

An attach and its description are optional. Newlines using \n in a toot are allowed.

Configuring the buddies

See config.sample.js. A config file should expose buddies as an array with the following structure:

    name: "buddyname", // same as the dir name
    instance: "", // where to post to
    oauthToken: "my-token" // the oauth token for that server/user to post the status  with

Optional config flags can be used in the chat function if desired.

How to get an OAuth token from a Masto?Pleroma instance?

I've prepared a few utility functions in registerApp.js for you. First, call await register(), which prints an URL to go to. Next, fill in the client id, secret, and returned token, after granting the app access to read and write. Then, call await fetchToken(). Paste that token in the config file. Done!

Token refreshing is not (yet) implemented. Most tokens are valid for a year or so. Who knows what'll happen then.