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constant QuitPort, FF
constant ConfigA, 01
constant ConfigB, 02
constant ConfigC, 03
constant ConfigD, 04
namereg sF, SP ; sF is stack pointer
namereg sA, seed
load SP, 00 ; 3F = einde.
jump main
use_random8(random, seed)
proc random_range(s0 is max, s2 is shifter, s3 is counter) {
if(s0 == 0) {
load seed, 0
jump done
load counter, 0
load shifter, max
call random
; shift totdat we een 1 tegenkomen (wordt ook nog geshift)
add counter, 1
sl0 shifter
jump NC, shifting
sub counter, 1
; shift gegenereerd getal zelfde aantal keren, indien te groot: herbegin
for(shifter := 0, shifter < counter, shifter := shifter + 1) {
sl0 seed
for(shifter := 0, shifter < counter, shifter := shifter + 1) {
sr0 seed
if(seed > max) {
jump randomizing
; resultaat - links geshift met 0en (en terug rechts) - zit in seed
proc permutation_to_configuration(s4 is index, s5 is scratchindex, s6 is counter, s7 is configa, s8 is configb) {
load configa, 0
load configb, 0
for(counter := 3, signed(counter >= 0), counter := counter - 1) {
load SP, counter
expr(SP := SP + scratchindex)
fetch index, (SP)
; 0000 00 weg; laatse 2 bits relevant tot nu toe
sl0 index
sl0 index
sl0 index
sl0 index
sl0 index
sl0 index
sl0 index
sla configa
sl0 index
sla configb
add SP, 01
proc pg_to_permutation(s6 is counter, s7 is pgcounter, s8 is destcounter, s4 is value, s5 is pgvalue) {
load pgcounter, 10
for(counter := 0, counter < 4, counter := counter + 1) {
load SP, counter
fetch value, (SP)
load SP, pgcounter
fetch pgvalue, (SP)
expr(destcounter := value + 32)
load SP, destcounter
store pgvalue, (SP)
add pgcounter, 01
load seed, 5A ; replace with LFSA hw lookup
vars(s0 is random_range_max, s6 is counter, s4 is index, s5 is random_index)
; initiele array: [0, 1, 2] in scratchpad 00 -> 03
for(counter := 0, counter < 4, counter := counter + 1) {
store counter, (SP)
add SP, 01
load SP, 10
; initiele p/g: [0, 2, 2, 1] in scratchpad 10 -> 13 (hex)
load counter, 0
store counter, (SP)
add SP, 01
load counter, 2
store counter, (SP)
add SP, 01
load counter, 2
store counter, (SP)
add SP, 01
load counter, 1
store counter, (SP)
add SP, 01
; backwards Knuth shuffle
for(counter := 3, signed(counter >= 0), counter := counter - 1) {
; 0) random index in seed
load random_range_max, counter
call random_range
; 1) fetch arr[counter] (starting at end)
load SP, counter
fetch index, (SP)
; 2) fetch arr[random(0, counter + 1)]
load SP, seed
fetch random_index, (SP)
; 3) swap values
store index, (SP)
load SP, counter
store random_index, (SP)
add SP, 01
vars(s7 is configa, s8 is configb)
load s5, 0; originele permutation resultaat leeft op scratchpad index 0
call permutation_to_configuration
output configa, ConfigA
output configb, ConfigB
call pg_to_permutation
load s5, 20 ; p/g permutation resultaat leeft op scratchpad index 32
call permutation_to_configuration
output configa, ConfigC
output configb, ConfigD
; Terminate the simulator
;load s0, 00
output s0, QuitPort