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<title>Castlevania Circle of the Moon: a retrospective</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 09 Sep 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<author> (Wouter Groeneveld)</author>
<description>As the hunt continues, from Aria of Sorrow to the beginning of Castlevania&amp;rsquo;s appearance on the GBA, Circle of the Moon, I have the uneasy feeling that my whip offers less solace in this scarier version of the castle. The encounter with an earth demon in the very first minutes acts as a warning for the rest of the game: be prepared to see YOU DIED a lot! Nathan Graves has to free his master from the clutches of - you guessed it - Dracula and partners, on the way avoiding the increasingly jealous Hugh Baldwin, the son of his master.</description>
<title>Handheld Castlevanias</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 12 Jan 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<author> (Wouter Groeneveld)</author>
<description>Portrait of Ruin is the second Nintendo DS Castlevania game. Maybe, if Komani thinks it&#39;ll be worthwile, a third one will follow, since there have been three Castlevania games released for the predecessor the Gameboy Advance. All excellent Handheld Metroidvania games, but which one excels at what? A short overview would be handy indeed. Well here you go! Gameboy Advance Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Harmony of Dissonance was actually the second Castlevania game to be released on the GBA.</description>