--- imageActive: "gif/acnh.gif" image: "gif/acnh_still.gif" date: "2020-12-20" title: "Animal Crossing: New Horizons Adventure Blog" tags: - 'Animal Crossing New Horizons' - 'blog' - 'Animal Crossing' - 'feature' howlongtobeat_id: 68240 howlongtobeat_hrs: 60.5 game_name: 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons' description: 'It is a fresh breeze indeed as the Island unfolds, buildings appear, and I sweat my ass off trying to collect enough lumber and clay to satisfy even the most grumpy of Tom Nooks. Welcome to the latest installment of Animal Crossing!' game_platform: 'switch' game_genre: 'Life sim' game_release_year: '2020' game_developer: 'Nintendo' --- Remember the [Animal Crossing: Wild World Adventure Blog post](/articles/animalcrossing-wildworld/)? Well, after a _very_ long wait, the newest installment of Animal Crossing, called New Horizons, finally arrived on the Nintendo Switch. For the first time since the original installment on the Gamecube, it has come back to home consoles! It only seemed appropriate to continue the **AC adventure blog**, from way back in 2006, to see what kind of trouble my character would get himself into while trying to build a community in the new Island. ### Suddenly, Winter arrives!
[ Date: 20/12/2020 | top ]
![](/img/games/ac/nhwinter.jpg "Jingle bells?") I should have played this game more often. Villages complain that they haven't seen me in more than two months, my weeds are getting out of control, and I have no idea what to do with all those pumpkins. Apparently, a famous chef came by at the end of November. I'm missing out on every single festive activity and to my shame, also on a lot of villagers' birthdays. Oops. Well, I started today on a positive note: - Paid off my loan. Again. - Got another loan. Again. About `1.250.000` bells. WTF. - Snatched 10 snowflakes, built a snowman, and crafted an icy archway. It is high time that I try to see Redd more often. The museum is full of stuff, except paintings and sculptures. The Christmas Trees are taken out, pine trees have jolly lights in them, and everybody is looking forward to what they call _'Toy Day'_. ![](/img/games/ac/nhvisitor.jpg "Playing cards with a camping visitor.") Another positive note: I finally win at the stupid card game with camping visitors, where you have to guess which kind of card they're holding. Basically a one out of four guess chance. My prize is... A stinkin' working top? Dude! Shep is sick and I got him some medicine, hopefully he'll be pumping iron again soon. ### In Fall, we Taste Mushrooms ![](/img/games/ac/nhfall.jpg "Mushroom picking.") I love the fact that Animal Crossing: New Horizons keeps on getting patched and updated (v.`1.6.0b` on 20th of December). And I also hate it, as it clearly shows that the game wasn't nearly as finished as it should be when initially released. Imagine a Gamecube mini-DVD with a game called Animal Crossing on it, with two missing seasons. How are you going to patch that? Supply gamers a second DVD? In any case, I missed out on fall. My character is having a panic FOMO attack! There are different kinds of mushrooms, acorns, and maple leaves - of course all usable in DIY crafting recipes. Oh, and in the beginning of October, I visited my colleage's daughter's island, where we janked some pears off the trees. With permission, of course. ### Something took a dive.
[ Date: 29/06/2020 | top ]
{{< video "/vid/acnh_plons.mp4" >}} Shit. On another note, I'm starting to feel the "Animal Crossing Fatigue"; after playing for three months and, according to my Switch, 50+ hours (which is not so much compared to other fans). Tom Nook gave me yet another loan - `745.000` bells to pay off for friggin' kitchen space. Great. ### My villagers seem to be industrial bakers
[ Date: 01/06/2020 | top ]
Vesta and Antonio are chatting away, talking about _industrial baking_ nonetheless. They seem to be under the impression that whipping up a ton of dough can easily be done using a set of big mixers. Little did they know that the eavesdropping Villager (me) is a [professional baker](https://redzuurdesem.be/)! I have to say I disapprove of their method. ![a chat between villagers](/img/games/ac/nhbaking.jpg) I can't remember what the conversation actually was about - Vesta likes to make silly analogies. I like her, never a dull (haha) moment with the black sheep of the family. Antonio, on the other hand, is mostly interested in pumping iron, running around and yelling "MUSCLE MADNESS". I did see a lot of other neighbours doing heavy lifting workouts, which are not that personality type. Something new in New Horizons? ### My bathroom is done!
[ Date: 20/05/2020 | top ]
Sort of. ![bathroom screenshot](/img/games/ac/nhbathroom.jpg) I really like the combination of the floor with the rustic woody wallpaper. That Greek bath cost me a fair amount of bells, but not as much as the outdoor whirlpool (90.000) or the 50 inch flatscreen TV (89.000). The bathroom also counts as a secret stash for turnips - these netted me around 450.000 on a lucky day. Bought at 91 bells a piece, sold at 500. I've never seen a price that high in my own town! Bingo! ### After twelve visits to mystery islands...
[ Date: 10/05/2020 | top ]
What to do with all those special Nookinton points? Exchange them for tickets to mystery islands - who knows we might get lucky. One of the things I dislike about the new Animal Crossing is the lack of getting new fruit or anything related without having to buy a Nintendo Online account to connect to (forum) friends. My wife and I used to play the (3)DS version a lot, and we loved visiting each others' town. After a while, our fruit orchard was flourishing. ![](/img/games/ac/nhbamboo.jpg) Now, the mystery island tours look like shit. The islands are small, and the only reason to go there is if you have a vacant spot, to 'pick' the neighbor you want instead of letting fate decide. Oh, and bamboo - you know, the ultra-fast growing annoyance you now can plant safely onto the higher plateaus - you can only get it on one of the random islands. Actually, that's not true: after I finally managed to get there, the turnip seller sent me some bamboo shoots through mail! I do miss the vacation island of New Leaf. Cutting all trees, catching those rare bugs on stumps, ah, bell farming... Also, there seems to be no lemon, no persimmon and no durian fruit? Why? According to most sites, only apples, cherries, coconuts, oranges, pears and peaches are present up until now (version 1.2b). I highly suspect a lot of features were left out to release earlier (they were running behind schedule), only to be added later in the form of these free patch updates. Hopefully... ### Yes! There's still tuna in Poezista
[ Date: 15/04/2020 | top ]
So the wheather is beautiful today. That means a lot of bugs, such as butterflies in the air and stinkbugs on flowers - like floating bags of bells, happily chirping until I catch them with my net to trade for hard cash. That also means some fish are easier to catch. I made some fish bait and tried my luck at the ocean. ![](/img/games/ac/nhfish.jpg) This tuna is almost bigger than myself, and Blathers from the museum was very happy with it. No bells for me, better luck next time. I always try to prioritize on the expansion of the museum exhibits. After gathering around 100.000 bells today, I have enough to put up a few more ramps and open spaces to invite others to live in Poezista. We're expanding! ### Boing, boing - Bunny Day is upon us.
[ Date: 12/04/2020 | top ]
It's yellow and it bursts with energy! A tennis ball? A yellow bird? Nope, it's Zipper, the personal Bunny Day representative. He loves to trade eggs (and I was short on water and air ones) so naturally, we kindly exchanged foodstuffs. **Boingity boing!** _Let's trade eggs!_ ![](/img/games/ac/nhpasen2.jpg) Zipper told me I was only 1 recipe away from completing the limited edition Bunny Day seasonal DIY recipes. I have no idea what I missed, but I'm glad it is finally over. Now I can ditch those clothes and go buy a decent hat. Do notice that awesome backpack - you can even wear backpacks in New Horizons, it's crazy. When I go to sleep at night (in real life), I cannot _unhear_ the whooshing sound of a balloon present passing by... ### The town square is _finally_ finished!
[ Date: 09/04/2020 | top ]
I do not believe they call it the Major's house or the Town Hall this time, but rather Nook's Resident Services 'building'. In any case, gone are the pesky tent and the wooden planks that hurt the eyes. Instead, a nice paved square welcomes weekly visitors, such as Kicks, the guy who sells shoes. I wonder whether he will also settle down some day, like the clothing sisters did. I had to place their shop, and we're still out of bridges to build, which is higly annoying. ![](/img/games/ac/nhfeast.jpg) Five residents and counting! I managed to convince a dog to stay - he stopped by the place where peeps can set up their tent to visit Poezista. Now let's get rid of easter so I can dig up materials with confidence again, instead of finding eggs (that do bring in a nice amount of bells). I also wonder what to do with all those cherry blossom petals... ### Easter is (almost) upon us...
[ Date: 05/04/2020 | top ]
... And it proves to be hell on earth. It's raining balloon gifts, and they are all easter-flavored: a certain bunny hopped by and told me to nab as many hidden eggs as possible. Sometimes, a gift I shot down contained DIY recipes for those eggs. Don't you love seasonal presents? They can only be made/given in a certain time frame, and after the 12th of this month, it's game over for the easter bunny. I remember gathering acorns in [Wild World](/articles/animalcrossing-wildworld/) like it was yesterday, so naturally I set to work. ![](/img/games/ac/nhpasen.jpg) After decorating my head, my door, and all other inhabitants by forcing gifts upon them, I think I've had enough eggs for the week. The trouble is, they all take up inventory space - of course they do. There are air eggs (you shoot down), earth eggs (you dig up), leaf eggs (you shake down), water eggs (you fish out), and stone eggs (you shovel out). It's one big feast, and one big mess trying to manage item space. The most frustrating thing about the upcoming easter festivities is that my precious _clay_ resource does not appear as often as I would have liked because of those pesky stone eggs. Now I have to visit islands (thus gathering Nook Miles) to hit even more rocks. Yay! ### Even Gulliver is on Tech now
[ Date: 03/04/2020 | top ]
Yup, I came across that sleepyhead again. He landed on the beaches of _Poezista_, trying to message his comrades, using a modern tool no less. However, not only the reception is bad, but the thing was utterly broken. Guess what, I had to go on a hunt for resources! But first, clear out some inventory space please, because five broken parts need to be dug up somewhere in the area on the beach. ![](/img/games/ac/nhohmygosh.jpg) The guy was kind enough to send me a present via mail the day after. Not that I was really into the Tiki lady figurine that resembles a bobblehead, but hey: my tiny living room needed that piece of furniture to cheer up the place a bit. I hope that mortgage will be paid soon, maybe a bathroom won't be bad. I managed to craft myself a _shell rug_ using three giant clams I found on the beach, so that's not bad! ### Where's all that money at? DIY!
[ Date: 01/04/2020 | top ]
One of the coolest, and also annoying, additions to New Horizons is the Do It Yourself attitude. You can craft items (and even tools) yourself - oh sorry, scratch that (ha!): you **must** craft certain things yourself. Well, not entirely, Timmy also sells Flimsy Fishing Nets, but you don't exactly want to spend more than 400 bells on something you can whip up in a matter of... minutes? Shaking trees: branches, check. Hitting rocks: stones, check. My pockets are constantly full with garbage: soft wood, hard wood, stones, clay, the occasional golden nugget, ... Luckily, Tom Nook's Shack (that hopefully will get upgraded some day, they only sell shit over there!) is also willing to buy my handmade things. That's where things get interesting: once a day a certain DIY item is worth twice that price. And if that item is an umbrella you can easily make out of clumps of weed, it's time to pull some weeds! ![](/img/games/ac/nhumbreallas.jpg) I think I sold more than 20 umbrellas that day. It was a good day. My 189.000 bells loan got paid off quickly. Now I have a 345.000 bells loan... Ouch. The core of the game hasn't changed much: it's still a grueling grind, and it's still ever so lovely and addicting!