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Example game

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life. One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

Example game 2

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life. One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

Apogee's Legacy

Skip to the Videos part! Only the new and young generation of gamers might not be familiar with Apogee Software - that is, until one has read the article. Apogee, the legacy of shareware PC games. I remember everything like it was yesterday! Impatiently receiving my first oversized floppy disk containing a demo version of Cosmo’s little adventures, racing through the first few levels of Duke Nukem, defeating way too much zombies in Monster Bash, capturing the first castle in Mystic Towers, … The video game company literally created the shareware distribution model using various monthly subscribed magazines and one free floppy which was without a doubt numberous times passed on.

Arcanum: Magick VS Tech

First things first: you are not reading this wrong, it’s magick and not magic. In the world of Arcanum, that is. There’s also no such thing as mana or spellbooks. Every single spell you learn comes trough {+SPs+) (Skill Points) which you’ll have to invest into several magickal realms. A little bit like Diablo 2, except the fact that once you’ve put 1 point into it, you can’t raise it furter ot increase the power.

Arcanum: Party Seleciton

Party Numer ONE - November 2004 Level - 25. Laprovski - Male Dwarf - Raised by Monks Skills - Technologist: firearms, gunsmithy, electricity & explosives Stats - First PER Second INT Third DEX After a few tries, this dwarf managed to get himself to Tarant. There, the beautiful game acutally started with so many options - especially for technology! The dozens of shops give you plenty of possibilities and you’ll never run out of your own gadgets.

Arcanum: the Gunslinger

Overview All right, you want yourself a cool character with even cooler guns. The problem is: technology is not that easy in Arcanum. Especially all the different schemes, guns, carrying the bullets, and so on. Would you like to make a backup plan, like throwing or a bow? Or would you just like to grab yourself an axe and whack the enemy when you run out of bullets? Or would you go running and rely on your followers?

Arcanum: the Review

Hooray hooray for classic urgh-so-bad-graphics-but-so-good-gameplay RPG-games like this! Arcanum is without a doubt the best game Troika ever made, and that deserves something extra. Like a review and a nice collection of screenshots, or something similar. Enough introduction, grab a gun and shoot! Or pick a spell and cast, if you will. What’s going on, George? Finetuning has never been more fun As some of you probably already know, this is a very strange game.

Windows 2D Platforming

Platform games, one of the most dominant game genres in gaming history. They spawned a whole lot of spin-off series (run-and-gun, platform puzzles, Apogee’s shareware system, Mario 64’s 3D platform debut). Platform gaming has been the dominant type on every gaming platform for quite a while.

Animal Crossing: Wild World Adventure Blog

It is a wild world indeed as the Acorn festival is about to start. Should I exchange some acorns ro net me a chair so I can gift Drift something for his birthday? What to do!