Fallout on Jefklak's Codex https://jefklakscodex.com/tags/fallout/ Recent content in Fallout on Jefklak's Codex Hugo -- gohugo.io en-us Fri, 30 Mar 2007 00:00:00 +0000 Bugs Are Features https://jefklakscodex.com/articles/bugs-are-features/ Fri, 30 Mar 2007 00:00:00 +0000 https://jefklakscodex.com/articles/bugs-are-features/ I’m getting fairly tired of defending Arcanum on various cough, console lovers message boards and against friends. Everybody seems to prefer Oblivion-style Roleplaying gameplay mechanics. Fine by me, but don’t try to piss RPG Codex members and me off by complaining about the bug fest in Troika’s games. During my more than 5 playthroughs (admittedly never got to the finish, fooling around with different characters is even funnier), I never encountered a single “bug”.