+++ image = "/img/games/Arcanum/logo.jpg" date = "2007-03-30" title = "Arcanum: the Gunslinger" tags = ['Arcanum', 'guide'] aliases = ['/articles/arcanum-gunslinger/'] +++


All right, you want yourself a cool character with even cooler guns. The problem is: technology is not that easy in Arcanum. Especially all the different schemes, guns, carrying the bullets, and so on. Would you like to make a backup plan, like throwing or a bow? Or would you just like to grab yourself an axe and whack the enemy when you run out of bullets? Or would you go running and rely on your followers? And are you going to raise INT to 18 to get the "doctorate" schools? Will you get DEX high enough to dodge most blows from enemies who come too close? Too many questions and too less answers... Well, one thing is for sure: you've come to the right place!

- The statistics of a good gunslinger - The Best Races - What background to choose? - which schematics should I learn, and which not? - Various battle strategies - Your followers ![](/img/games/Arcanum/finerevolver.jpg "A fine Revolver Schematic") ### The statistics of a good Gunslinger

A basic stat ranges from 1 and up, with 20 as the maximum for a normal human character. Reaching 20 in a stat will also give you access to bonus resistances/damage/other modifiers. You can raise your character's stats by using the Character Points she gains during the game, at a rate of one point per level gained. Increasing a stat one step costs one character point. Having a positive racial modifier to a stat will allow your character to exceed the usual cap of 20, something that cannot be done with positive modifiers gained from backgrounds or equipment. However, negative modifiers due to race, background and/or equipment can all prevent you from reaching 20 - so choose carefully.

![](/img/games/Arcanum/screens/arc_rifle.jpg "Ooh, I crafted myself a Nice gun. Teehee!") ### The Best Races ![](/img/games/Arcanum/screens/arc_tarant.jpg "Ahh, My Good woman. I do have manners, sometimes.")