related series: add to the rss feed

This commit is contained in:
Wouter Groeneveld 2024-01-03 17:47:45 +01:00
parent 5b8d1c8a34
commit 02301428b7
1 changed files with 65 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -45,57 +45,101 @@
<category>{{ . }}</category>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $lazyLoadImg := "data-src=" }}
{{ $eagerLoadImg := "src=" }}
{{ $contentImg := .Content | replaceRE $lazyLoadImg $eagerLoadImg | safeHTML }}
{{- $lazyLoadImg := "data-src=" -}}
{{- $eagerLoadImg := "src=" -}}
{{- $contentImg := .Content | replaceRE $lazyLoadImg $eagerLoadImg | safeHTML -}}
{{ $content := .Content }}
{{- $content := .Content -}}
<!-- relative images/URLs do not work in some feed readers. Thanks, Peter. See render-image.html -->
{{ $content = replaceRE `a href="(#.*?)"` (printf "%s%s%s" "a href=\"" .Permalink "$1\"") $content }}
{{ $content = replaceRE `a href="/(.*?)"` (printf "%s%s%s" "a href=\"" $baseurl "$1\"") $content }}
{{- $content = replaceRE `a href="(#.*?)"` (printf "%s%s%s" "a href=\"" .Permalink "$1\"") $content -}}
{{- $content = replaceRE `a href="/(.*?)"` (printf "%s%s%s" "a href=\"" $baseurl "$1\"") $content -}}
{{ `<![CDATA[ ` | safeHTML }}
{{ $content | safeHTML }}
{{ if isset .Params "score" }}
{{ $score := .Params.score }}
{{- $score := .Params.score -}}
<strong>Verdict</strong>: {{ $score }}/5—{{ if eq $score 5 }}Amazing{{ else if eq $score 4 }}Great{{ else if eq $score 3 }}Good{{ else if eq $score 2 }}Mediocre{{ else if eq $score 1 }}Bad{{ else }}Indifferent{{ end}}.
{{ end }}
{{- $series := slice -}}
{{- if isset .Params "series" -}}
{{- $series = (where .Site.Pages ".Params.series" "eq" .Params.series).ByParam "game_release_year" -}}
{{- $has_series := $series | len -}}
{{ if gt $has_series 1 }}
<strong><em>{{ .Params.series }}</em> series</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&#9657;
{{- range $series -}}
&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Params.game_name }}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&#9675;
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- $currRellink := substr .RelPermalink 0 -1 -}}
{{- $currContent := .Content -}}
{{- $currTitle := .Title -}}
{{- $backlinks := slice -}}
{{- $forwardlinks := slice -}}
{{- range (where (where .Site.Pages ".Section" "in" (slice "articles" "games")) ".Params.ignore" "!=" "true") -}}
{{- $found := findRE $currRellink .Content 1 -}}
{{- if and $found (ne .Title $currTitle) -}}
{{- $backlinks = $backlinks | append . -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $rellink := substr .RelPermalink 0 -1 -}}
{{- $found = findRE $rellink $currContent 1 -}}
{{- if and $found (ne .Title $currTitle) -}}
{{- $forwardlinks = $forwardlinks | append . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rel := append $backlinks $forwardlinks -}}
{{ $related := (where ($rel | complement $series) ".Params.game_name" "ne" nil) }}
{{ $has_related := $related | len }}
{{ if gt $has_related 0 }}
{{- $related = sort $related ".Params.game_release_year" "asc" }}
<strong>Related games</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&#9657;
{{- range $related | uniq -}}
&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Params.game_name }}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&#9675;
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
By <a href="/about">{{ }}</a> on <time datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}">{{ .Date.Format (.Site.Params.dateFormat | default "2 January 2006") }}</time>.
{{ if .Params.game_name }}
{{ $platform := .CurrentSection.Title }}
{{- $platform := .CurrentSection.Title -}}
{{ with .CurrentSection.Params.platform }}
&nbsp;Played on: <a href="/games/{{ lower . }}">{{ $platform }}</a><br/>
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ with .Params.game_genre }}
{{ $tag := replaceRE `\s` "-" . }}
&nbsp;Genre: <a href="/tags/{{ $tag | lower }}">{{ . }}</a><br/>
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ with .Params.game_release_year }}
&nbsp;Release year: {{ . }}<br/>
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ with .Params.game_developer }}
&nbsp;Developer: {{ . }}<br/>
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ with .Params.howlongtobeat_hrs }}
&nbsp;How long to beat: <code>{{ . }}</code> hr{{ if gt . 1}}s{{ end }}<br/>
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ $thumb := "" }}
{{ if .Params.image }}
{{ $thumb = .Params.image }}
{{ else }}
{{ if .Params.howlongtobeat_id }}
{{ $thumb = (printf "%scover.jpg" .Page.Permalink) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- $thumb := "" -}}
{{- if .Params.image -}}
{{- $thumb = .Params.image -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- if .Params.howlongtobeat_id -}}
{{- $thumb = (printf "%scover.jpg" .Page.Permalink) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ if ne $thumb "" }}
<img src="{{ $thumb | absURL }}" alt="game cover image" alt="game cover" style="border: 1px solid black"/>
{{ end }}