# Jasmine Junit Runner ## What's this? Something like this: ```javascript describe("pure awesomeness", function() { it("should be amazing!", function() { expect(stuff).toEqual("amazing"); }); it("should be awesome", function() { expect(moreStuff).toBe("awesome"); }); }); describe("coolness", function() { it("should be cooler than ice when freezed", function() { var coolness = CoolingRepository.beCool(); coolness.freeze(); expect(coolness.coolnessRatio).toBe(-100); }); it("should be cool enough by default", function() { expect(CoolingRepository.beCool().coolnessRatio).toBe(-5); }); }); ``` Being translated into something like this: ![Junit Eclipse runner](http://i54.tinypic.com/rswjrl.jpg) * * * Quite simple, it's a custsom Java Junit Runner that allows you to embed Javascript Unit tests (using Jasmine) in your Java-based projects. It fully integrates with your most beloved IDE, your most hated version control system and of course your most needed CI env. So let's rephrase: * Run Javascript (the Jasmine - behavior driven - way) "specs" in Java * Talks like a duck-erhm, any other Junit Java test. Just use a custom annotation (see below) * Executes super-fast. No browser required. Hocus-pocus. (Rhino + Envjs magic) ## Does this thing support ... ### Generation of Junit XML Results? Yes and no. Not explicitly using the Jasmine Junit XML Reporter, but since it's a Java Junit Result, your build process will do that for you. Maven surefire plugins will generate the needed result files, for Jenkins to pick up. Your stacktrace/failure message will be something like: > Expected x to be y (zz.js, #458) Just like the default Jasmine HTML reporter. (So, to answer the question: yes!) ### GUI Testing with Envjs? Yes! It allows you to test your jQuery plugins or your spaghetti GUI+Logic code, neatly woven together. You can use jasmine-jquery matchers. I've modified `jasmine.Fixtures` to support Envjs+Rhino. This means you can test stuff like this: ```javascript beforeEach(function() { loadFixtures("myFixture.html"); }); it("should be visible and blue", function() { var div = $('#myDivInFixtureHtml'); expect(div).toBeVisible(); expect(div.css('color')).toBe('blue'); }); ``` Fixtures are automatically cleaned up. See src/test/javascript/lib/jasminedir/jasmine-jquery-rhino.js #### But wait, CSS Style Parsing does not work in Envjs 1.2, how come this does? See env.utils.js. Cover your eyes - hacks present. ### Debugging 'n stuff? Yes! When the debug mode flag in `@JasmineSuite` has been set to `true`, you can use the Rhino Debugger to set breakpoints. After pressing "GO", the tests will run and you can inspect stuff and step through the code. #### What about integrated debugging inside my IDE? Tough luck. I've tried to get JSDT working but no avail. You can still use Firebug to debug when generating a specRunner HTML file (see below). ## Excellent! What Do I need to do? 1. Fork this project. 2. Create some Jasmine specs, place them in some folder. 3. Create a Junit test class, annotate it with `@RunWith(JasmineTestRunner.class)` 4. Fill in the blanks using `@JasmineSuite` ## More options `@JasmineSuite` allows you to set these options: * debug: use the built-in Rhino debugger (gives you the chance to set a breakpoint before firing the test suite) * jsRootDir: the javascript install root dir. Jasmine and other should be installed here (see source) * sourcesRootDir: your production JS files root dir. * specs: one or more spec file to run. Default behavior: use java Class name (replaces Test with Spec, see example) * sources: one or more JS production file which your spec needs (included before specs, d'uh) * generateSpecRunner: (the HTML output, useful for firefox/firebug debugging etc) ## Requirements Currently, Jasmine Junit Runner relies on Rhino 1.7R2 (+ es5-shim) & Envjs 1.2 to interpret JS code. It also uses Jamsine 1.0.2 to read your spec files. All js libs are located in test/javascript/lib . ### Dependencies Overview See the `pom.xml` (Maven2) - you can build the whole thing using: > mvn clean install * Rhino 1.7R2 + es5-shim 0.0.4 (not needed if you'll be using 1.7R3) * Envjs 1.2 + required hacks in env.utils.js * Jasmine 1.0.2 * Java libs: commons-io and commons-lang (test libs: mockito and fest assert) * * * # Examples ## Running a spec file as a Junit test ### Use the default spec naming convention If you do not specify _specs_ with the annotation, the runner will auto-pick the spec name using your test class. The below test will load _myAwesomeSpec.js_ from the specs dir (jsRootDir + '/specs/'). ```java @RunWith(JasmineTestRunner.class) @JasmineSuite(sources = { 'jQuery.js', 'myAwesomeCode.js' } ) public class MyAwesomeTest { } ``` your awesome production code relies on jQuery (of course it does), so you'll have to include it. Your spec file might look like this: ```javascript describe("my awesome code", function() { it("will always run", function() { expect(stuff.DoCoolThings()).toBe("awesome"); }); }); ``` ### Using Junit's `@Before` and `@After_` It's possible to do some extra work before and after each spec run: ```java @RunWith(JasmineTestRunner.class) @JasmineSuite public class MyAwesomeTest { @Before public void beforeStuff(RhinoContext context) { context.evalJS("var prefabVar = { cool: 'yeah!' };"); } @Before public void beforeStuffNoContext() { System.out.println("I'm gonna blow! Or Will I?"); } @After public void afterStuff() { // say cool things } } ``` What's happening? * You can define n number of _PUBLIC_ methods annotated with `@Before` or `@After` * You can, but don't have to, take the `RhinoContext` object as the only parameter. This allows you to set stuff up in JS space before running the spec. ### Generating a spec runner Your awesome test (example 1) would for instance generate this html file: ```html Jasmine Test Runner ``` You can inspect the output using firefox, or debug in your spec file using firebug.