/** * Rhino and Envjs additions, filling the missing pieces such as a decent stacktrace * 1) Firefox knows new Error().stack but Envjs does not. */ (function() { var NEWLINE = "\r\n"; function manuallyTriggerException() { var manuallyTriggeredExMessage = ""; try { OEIWABEZIG } catch(e) { // TODO knip- en plakwerk: de eerste lijn moet natuurlijk weg etc... return e; } } function stripRhinoSpecificExceptionLines(stack) { var ignoreTracingInStackFor = [ "env.utils.js", "org.mozilla.javascript" ]; return stack.split(NEWLINE).filter(function(stackLine) { return ignoreTracingInStackFor.every(function(ignoreThisInTrace) { return stackLine.indexOf(ignoreThisInTrace) < 0; }); }).reduce(function(prev, curr) { return prev + NEWLINE + curr; }); } window.Error.writeStackTrace = function(e) { var stringWriter = new java.io.StringWriter(); var printWriter = new java.io.PrintWriter(stringWriter); e.rhinoException.printStackTrace(printWriter); return stringWriter.toString() + "" // I don't want the java.lang.String object! }; window.Error.prototype.getStackTrace = function() { // TODO add other stuff from Object.keys(new Error("bla")) (see Firebug) var trace = this.message + NEWLINE; if(this.stack) { trace += this.stack; } else if(this.rhinoException) { trace += window.Error.writeStackTrace(this.rhinoException); } else { trace += stripRhinoSpecificExceptionLines(window.Error.writeStackTrace(manuallyTriggerException())); } return trace; } })(); /** * Envjs specific hacks * 1) Fix Envjs relative path system to work with Windows path systems * 2) Fix CSS2Properties support for parsing style attributes: get from raw node context. * 3) Fix CSS2Properties support for setting values: all properties have the same objmaps, wtf? * 4) Fix focus() which sets document.activeElement correctly for jQuery:focus * 5) Fix Input click() behavior for checkboxes. Warning: jQ's click() <-> DOM's click (checked value too late set)! **/ (function() { var oldEnvjsUriFn = Envjs.uri; Envjs.uri = function(path, baseDir) { if(baseDir) { return oldEnvjsUriFn(path, baseDir); } return oldEnvjsUriFn(path, "file:///" + ("" + Envjs.getcwd()).replace(/\\/g, '/') + "/"); }; (function(Element) { var style = "style"; function lookupStyleInNodeAttributes(el) { if(el.attributes) { for(var i = 0; i < el.attributes.length; i++) { if(el.attributes[i].nodeName === style) { return el.attributes[i].nodeValue; } } } } var styleSetFn = Element.__lookupGetter__(style); Element.__defineGetter__(style, function() { if(!this.cssText) { this.cssText = lookupStyleInNodeAttributes(this); } return styleSetFn.apply(this); }); })(HTMLElement.prototype); (function(input) { var oldClick = input.prototype.click; input.prototype.click = function() { if(this.type === "checkbox") { this.checked = !this.checked; } oldClick.apply(this, arguments); } })(HTMLInputElement); (function(Input, Textarea, document) { var activeElement; function fixFocusForPrototype(element) { var originalFocus = element.prototype.focus; element.prototype.focus = function(element) { activeElement = this; originalFocus.apply(this, arguments); } } fixFocusForPrototype(Input); fixFocusForPrototype(Textarea); document.__defineGetter__("activeElement", function() { return activeElement; }); })(HTMLInputElement, HTMLTextAreaElement, document); (function(css) { var setCssProperty = css.prototype.setProperty; css.prototype.setProperty = function(name, value) { // create a shallow clone of __supportedStyles__ (styleIndex' default value) if prototype not yet set if(Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(this.styleIndex)).length === 0) { this.styleIndex = Object.create(this.styleIndex); } return setCssProperty.call(this, name, value); } })(CSS2Properties); })(); /** * Envjs timeout fixes which use native Java code to re-implement setTimeout and setInterval * also sets clearTimeout & clearInterval on same level. */ (function() { var threadTimeoutPool = {}; window.setTimeout = function(closure, timeout) { var thread = spawn(function() { try { java.lang.Thread.sleep(timeout); closure(); } catch(e) { // ignore InterruptedExceptions, is probably due to clearTimeout if (!(e.javaException instanceof java.lang.InterruptedException)) { throw(e); } } }); threadTimeoutPool[thread.getId()] = thread; return thread.getId(); }; window.setInterval = function(closure, timeout) { var thread = spawn(function() { try { while(true) { java.lang.Thread.sleep(timeout); closure(); } } catch(e) { // ignore InterruptedExceptions, is probably due to clearTimeout if (!(e.javaException instanceof java.lang.InterruptedException)) { throw(e); } } }); threadTimeoutPool[thread.getId()] = thread; return thread.getId(); }; window.clearTimeout = function(threadId) { if (threadId) { if(threadTimeoutPool[threadId]) { threadTimeoutPool[threadId].interrupt(); delete threadTimeoutPool[threadId]; } } }; window.clearInterval = window.clearTimeout; })();