describe("envjs fixes", function() { describe("CSS2 style property support for parsing style attributes", function() { beforeEach(function() { loadFixtures("styleAttributes.html"); }); it("should get a style attribute from a static DOM element", function() { var div = document.getElementById("div"); expect("blue"); }); it("should get a style attribute with dashes using camelCasing properties", function() { var spanStyle = document.getElementById("span").style; expect(spanStyle.backgroundColor).toBe("green"); expect(spanStyle.fontSize).toBe("8pt"); expect(spanStyle.fontFamily).toBe("verdana"); }); }); describe("CSS2 style property support for setting values", function() { var someColor = "#FFFFFF"; var someFont = "12px 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono','Courier',monospace"; it("should be visible and displayed by default for all new elements", function() { var elStyle = document.createElement("b").style; expect(elStyle.display).toBeFalsy(); expect(elStyle.visibility).toBeFalsy(); }); it("should be able to set a style value through setters", function() { var someB = document.createElement("b"); = someColor; expect(; }); it("should have unique style values per DOM element", function() { var someEl1 = document.createElement("b"); var someEl2 = document.createElement("b"); = someColor; = someFont; expect(; expect(; }); }); describe("window setTimeout", function() { it("should wait one second before executing", function() { var done = false; window.setTimeout(function() { done = true; }, 1000); waitsFor(function() { return done === true; }); runs(function() { expect(done).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); });