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* Envjs core-env.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
var Envjs = function(){
var i,
override = function(){
for ( name in arguments[i] ) {
var g = arguments[i].__lookupGetter__(name),
s = arguments[i].__lookupSetter__(name);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { Envjs.__defineGetter__(name, g); }
if ( s ) { Envjs.__defineSetter__(name, s); }
} else {
Envjs[name] = arguments[i][name];
if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof(arguments[0]) == 'string'){
window.location = arguments[0];
}else if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof(arguments[0]) == "object"){
}else if(arguments.length === 2 && typeof(arguments[0]) == 'string'){
window.location = arguments[0];
__this__ = this;
//eg "Mozilla"
Envjs.appCodeName = "Envjs";
//eg "Gecko/20070309 Firefox/"
Envjs.appName = "Resig/20070309 PilotFish/1.2.13";
Envjs.version = "1.6";//?
Envjs.revision = '';
* Envjs core-env.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* Writes message to system out
* @param {String} message
Envjs.log = function(message){};
* Constants providing enumerated levels for logging in modules
Envjs.DEBUG = 1;
Envjs.INFO = 2;
Envjs.WARN = 3;
Envjs.ERROR = 3;
Envjs.NONE = 3;
* Writes error info out to console
* @param {Error} e
Envjs.lineSource = function(e){};
* TODO: used in ./event/eventtarget.js
* @param {Object} event
Envjs.defaultEventBehaviors = {};
* describes which script src values will trigger Envjs to load
* the script like a browser would
Envjs.scriptTypes = {
"text/javascript" :false,
"text/envjs" :true
* will be called when loading a script throws an error
* @param {Object} script
* @param {Object} e
Envjs.onScriptLoadError = function(script, e){
console.log('error loading script %s %s', script, e);
* load and execute script tag text content
* @param {Object} script
Envjs.loadInlineScript = function(script){
var tmpFile;
tmpFile = Envjs.writeToTempFile(script.text, 'js') ;
* Should evaluate script in some context
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} source
* @param {Object} name
Envjs.eval = function(context, source, name){};
* Executes a script tag
* @param {Object} script
* @param {Object} parser
Envjs.loadLocalScript = function(script){
//console.log("loading script %s", script);
var types,
types = script.type.split(";");
//ok this script type is allowed
if(i+1 == types.length){
//console.log('wont load script type %s', script.type);
return false;
//console.log('handling inline scripts');
return true;
//Envjs.error("Error loading script.", e);
Envjs.onScriptLoadError(script, e);
return false;
//console.log("loading allowed external script %s", script.src);
//lets you register a function to execute
//before the script is loaded
for(src in Envjs.beforeScriptLoad){
base = "" + script.ownerDocument.location;
//filename = Envjs.uri(script.src.match(/([^\?#]*)/)[1], base );
//console.log('loading script from base %s', base);
filename = Envjs.uri(script.src, base);
try {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", filename, false/*syncronous*/);
//console.log("loading external script %s", filename);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
//console.log("readyState %s", xhr.readyState);
if(xhr.readyState === 4){
xhr.send(null, false);
} catch(e) {
console.log("could not load script %s \n %s", filename, e );
Envjs.onScriptLoadError(script, e);
return false;
//lets you register a function to execute
//after the script is loaded
for(src in Envjs.afterScriptLoad){
return true;
* An 'image' was requested by the document.
* - During inital parse of a <link>
* - Via an innerHTML parse of a <link>
* - A modificiation of the 'src' attribute of an Image/HTMLImageElement
* NOTE: this is optional API. If this doesn't exist then the default
* 'loaded' event occurs.
* @param node {Object} the <img> node
* @param node the src value
* @return 'true' to indicate the 'load' succeed, false otherwise
Envjs.loadImage = function(node, src) {
return true;
* A 'link' was requested by the document. Typically this occurs when:
* - During inital parse of a <link>
* - Via an innerHTML parse of a <link>
* - A modificiation of the 'href' attribute on a <link> node in the tree
* @param node {Object} is the link node in question
* @param href {String} is the href.
* Return 'true' to indicate that the 'load' was successful, or false
* otherwise. The appropriate event is then triggered.
* NOTE: this is optional API. If this doesn't exist then the default
* 'loaded' event occurs
Envjs.loadLink = function(node, href) {
return true;
* cookie handling
* Private internal helper class used to save/retreive cookies
* Specifies the location of the cookie file
Envjs.cookieFile = function(){
return 'file://'+Envjs.homedir+'/.cookies';
* saves cookies to a local file
* @param {Object} htmldoc
Envjs.saveCookies = function(){
var cookiejson = JSON.stringify(Envjs.cookies.peristent,null,'\t');
//console.log('persisting cookies %s', cookiejson);
Envjs.writeToFile(cookiejson, Envjs.cookieFile());
* loads cookies from a local file
* @param {Object} htmldoc
Envjs.loadCookies = function(){
var cookiejson,
cookiejson = Envjs.readFromFile(Envjs.cookieFile())
js = JSON.parse(cookiejson, null, '\t');
//console.log('failed to load cookies %s', e);
js = {};
return js;
Envjs.cookies = {
//domain - key on domain name {
//path - key on path {
//name - key on name {
//value : cookie value
//other cookie properties
//expire - provides a timestamp for expiring the cookie
//cookie - the cookie!
temporary:{//transient is a reserved word :(
//like above
var __cookies__;
//HTMLDocument cookie
Envjs.setCookie = function(url, cookie){
var i,
properties = {},
url = Envjs.urlsplit(url);
attrs = cookie.split(";");
//for now the strategy is to simply create a json object
//and post it to a file in the .cookies.js file. I hate parsing
//dates so I decided not to implement support for 'expires'
//(which is deprecated) and instead focus on the easier 'max-age'
//(which succeeds 'expires')
cookie = {};//keyword properties of the cookie
cookie['domain'] = url.hostname;
cookie['path'] = url.path||'/';
index = attrs[i].indexOf("=");
if(index > -1){
name = __trim__(attrs[i].slice(0,index));
value = __trim__(attrs[i].slice(index+1));
//we'll have to when to check these
//and garbage collect expired cookies
cookie[name] = parseInt(value, 10);
} else if( name == 'domain' ){
if(__domainValid__(url, value)){
cookie['domain'] = value;
} else if( name == 'path' ){
//not sure of any special logic for path
cookie['path'] = value;
} else {
//its not a cookie keyword so store it in our array of properties
//and we'll serialize individually in a moment
properties[name] = value;
if( attrs[i] == 'secure' ){
cookie[attrs[i]] = true;
if(!('max-age' in cookie)){
//it's a transient cookie so it only lasts as long as
//the window.location remains the same (ie in-memory cookie)
__mergeCookie__(Envjs.cookies.temporary, cookie, properties);
//the cookie is persistent
__mergeCookie__(Envjs.cookies.persistent, cookie, properties);
function __domainValid__(url, value){
var i,
domainParts = url.hostname.split('.').reverse(),
newDomainParts = value.split('.').reverse();
if(newDomainParts.length > 1){
if(!(newDomainParts[i] == domainParts[i])){
return false;
return true;
return false;
Envjs.getCookies = function(url){
//The cookies that are returned must belong to the same domain
//and be at or below the current window.location.path. Also
//we must check to see if the cookie was set to 'secure' in which
//case we must check our current location.protocol to make sure it's
var persisted;
url = Envjs.urlsplit(url);
__cookies__ = true;
persisted = Envjs.loadCookies();
//fail gracefully
//console.log('%s', e);
__extend__(Envjs.cookies.persistent, persisted);
//console.log('set cookies for doc %s', doc.baseURI);
console.log('cookies not loaded %s', e)
var temporary = __cookieString__(Envjs.cookies.temporary, url),
persistent = __cookieString__(Envjs.cookies.persistent, url);
//console.log('temporary cookies: %s', temporary);
//console.log('persistent cookies: %s', persistent);
return temporary + persistent;
function __cookieString__(cookies, url) {
var cookieString = "",
for (domain in cookies) {
// check if the cookie is in the current domain (if domain is set)
// console.log('cookie domain %s', domain);
if (domain == "" || domain == url.hostname) {
for (path in cookies[domain]) {
// console.log('cookie domain path %s', path);
// make sure path is at or below the window location path
if (path == "/" || url.path.indexOf(path) > -1) {
for (name in cookies[domain][path]) {
// console.log('cookie domain path name %s', name);
cookieString +=
((i++ > 0)?'; ':'') +
name + "=" +
return cookieString;
function __mergeCookie__(target, cookie, properties){
var name, now;
target[cookie.domain] = {};
target[cookie.domain][cookie.path] = {};
for(name in properties){
now = new Date().getTime();
target[cookie.domain][cookie.path][name] = {
"expiration":(cookie['max-age']===0) ?
0 :
now + cookie['max-age']
//console.log('cookie is %o',target[cookie.domain][cookie.path][name]);
})();//end cookies
Public Domain.
This code should be minified before deployment.
try{ JSON; }catch(e){
JSON = function () {
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z';
String.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
return String(this);
Number.prototype.toJSON =
Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
return this.valueOf();
var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
escapeable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
meta = { // table of character substitutions
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
function quote(string) {
escapeable.lastIndex = 0;
return escapeable.test(string) ?
'"' + string.replace(escapeable, function (a) {
var c = meta[a];
if (typeof c === 'string') {
return c;
return '\\u' + ('0000' +
}) + '"' :
'"' + string + '"';
function str(key, holder) {
var i, // The loop counter.
k, // The member key.
v, // The member value.
mind = gap,
value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object' &&
typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
value = value.toJSON(key);
if (typeof rep === 'function') {
value =, key, value);
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return quote(value);
case 'number':
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
case 'boolean':
case 'null':
return String(value);
case 'object':
if (!value) {
return 'null';
gap += indent;
partial = [];
if (typeof value.length === 'number' &&
!(value.propertyIsEnumerable('length'))) {
length = value.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
v = partial.length === 0 ? '[]' :
gap ? '[\n' + gap +
partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' +
mind + ']' :
'[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
gap = mind;
return v;
if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
length = rep.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
k = rep[i];
if (typeof k === 'string') {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
} else {
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
v = partial.length === 0 ? '{}' :
gap ? '{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' +
mind + '}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
gap = mind;
return v;
return {
stringify: function (value, replacer, space) {
var i;
gap = '';
indent = '';
if (typeof space === 'number') {
for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
indent += ' ';
} else if (typeof space === 'string') {
indent = space;
rep = replacer;
if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' &&
(typeof replacer !== 'object' ||
typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
throw new Error('JSON.stringify');
return str('', {'': value});
parse: function (text, reviver) {
var j;
function walk(holder, key) {
var k, v, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = walk(value, k);
if (v !== undefined) {
value[k] = v;
} else {
delete value[k];
return, key, value);
cx.lastIndex = 0;
if (cx.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
return '\\u' + ('0000' +
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.
test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@').
replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').
replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
j = eval('(' + text + ')');
return typeof reviver === 'function' ?
walk({'': j}, '') : j;
throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');
* synchronizes thread modifications
* @param {Function} fn
Envjs.sync = function(fn){};
* sleep thread for specified duration
* @param {Object} millseconds
Envjs.sleep = function(millseconds){};
* Interval to wait on event loop when nothing is happening
Envjs.WAIT_INTERVAL = 20;//milliseconds
* Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Galbreath
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* url processing in the spirit of python's urlparse module
* see `pydoc urlparse` or
* urlsplit: break apart a URL into components
* urlunsplit: reconsistute a URL from componets
* urljoin: join an absolute and another URL
* urldefrag: remove the fragment from a URL
* Take a look at the tests in urlparse-test.html
* On URL Normalization:
* urlsplit only does minor normalization the components Only scheme
* and hostname are lowercased urljoin does a bit more, normalizing
* paths with "." and "..".
* urlnormalize adds additional normalization
* * removes default port numbers
* ->, etc
* * normalizes path
* ->
* and other "." and ".." cleanups
* * if file, remove query and fragment
* It does not do:
* * normalizes escaped hex values
* ->
* * normalize '+' <--> '%20'
* Differences with Python
* The javascript urlsplit returns a normal object with the following
* properties: scheme, netloc, hostname, port, path, query, fragment.
* All properties are read-write.
* In python, the resulting object is not a dict, but a specialized,
* read-only, and has alternative tuple interface (e.g. obj[0] ==
* obj.scheme). It's not clear why such a simple function requires
* a unique datastructure.
* urlunsplit in javascript takes an duck-typed object,
* { scheme: 'http', netloc: '', ...}
* while in * python it takes a list-like object.
* ['http', ''... ]
* For all functions, the javascript version use
* hostname+port if netloc is missing. In python
* hostname+port were always ignored.
* Similar functionality in different languages:
* returns assocative array but cannot handle relative URL
* TODO: test allowfragments more
* TODO: test netloc missing, but hostname present
var urlparse = {};
// Unlike to be useful standalone
// NORMALIZE PATH with "../" and "./"
urlparse.normalizepath = function(path)
if (!path || path === '/') {
return '/';
var parts = path.split('/');
var newparts = [];
// make sure path always starts with '/'
if (parts[0]) {
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if (parts[i] === '..') {
if (newparts.length > 1) {
} else {
} else if (parts[i] != '.') {
path = newparts.join('/');
if (!path) {
path = '/';
return path;
// Does many of the normalizations that the stock
// python urlsplit/urlunsplit/urljoin neglects
// Doesn't do hex-escape normalization on path or query
// %7e -> %7E
// Nor, '+' <--> %20 translation
urlparse.urlnormalize = function(url)
var parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url);
switch (parts.scheme) {
case 'file':
// files can't have query strings
// and we don't bother with fragments
parts.query = '';
parts.fragment = '';
case 'http':
case 'https':
// remove default port
if ((parts.scheme === 'http' && parts.port == 80) ||
(parts.scheme === 'https' && parts.port == 443)) {
parts.port = null;
// hostname is already lower case
parts.netloc = parts.hostname;
// if we don't have specific normalizations for this
// scheme, return the original url unmolested
return url;
// for [file|http|https]. Not sure about other schemes
parts.path = urlparse.normalizepath(parts.path);
return urlparse.urlunsplit(parts);
urlparse.urldefrag = function(url)
var idx = url.indexOf('#');
if (idx == -1) {
return [ url, '' ];
} else {
return [ url.substr(0,idx), url.substr(idx+1) ];
urlparse.urlsplit = function(url, default_scheme, allow_fragments)
var leftover;
if (typeof allow_fragments === 'undefined') {
allow_fragments = true;
// scheme (optional), host, port
var fullurl = /^([A-Za-z]+)?(:?\/\/)([0-9.\-A-Za-z]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/;
// path, query, fragment
var parse_leftovers = /([^?#]*)?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$/;
var o = {};
var parts = url.match(fullurl);
if (parts) {
o.scheme = parts[1] || default_scheme || '';
o.hostname = parts[3].toLowerCase() || '';
o.port = parseInt(parts[4],10) || '';
// Probably should grab the netloc from regexp
// and then parse again for hostname/port
o.netloc = parts[3];
if (parts[4]) {
o.netloc += ':' + parts[4];
leftover = parts[5];
} else {
o.scheme = default_scheme || '';
o.netloc = '';
o.hostname = '';
leftover = url;
o.scheme = o.scheme.toLowerCase();
parts = leftover.match(parse_leftovers);
o.path = parts[1] || '';
o.query = parts[2] || '';
if (allow_fragments) {
o.fragment = parts[3] || '';
} else {
o.fragment = '';
return o;
urlparse.urlunsplit = function(o) {
var s = '';
if (o.scheme) {
s += o.scheme + '://';
if (o.netloc) {
if (s == '') {
s += '//';
s += o.netloc;
} else if (o.hostname) {
// extension. Python only uses netloc
if (s == '') {
s += '//';
s += o.hostname;
if (o.port) {
s += ':' + o.port;
if (o.path) {
s += o.path;
if (o.query) {
s += '?' + o.query;
if (o.fragment) {
s += '#' + o.fragment;
return s;
urlparse.urljoin = function(base, url, allow_fragments)
if (typeof allow_fragments === 'undefined') {
allow_fragments = true;
var url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url);
// if url parts has a scheme (i.e. absolute)
// then nothing to do
if (url_parts.scheme) {
if (! allow_fragments) {
return url;
} else {
return urlparse.urldefrag(url)[0];
var base_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(base);
// copy base, only if not present
if (!base_parts.scheme) {
base_parts.scheme = url_parts.scheme;
// copy netloc, only if not present
if (!base_parts.netloc || !base_parts.hostname) {
base_parts.netloc = url_parts.netloc;
base_parts.hostname = url_parts.hostname;
base_parts.port = url_parts.port;
// paths
if (url_parts.path.length > 0) {
if (url_parts.path.charAt(0) == '/') {
base_parts.path = url_parts.path;
} else {
// relative path.. get rid of "current filename" and
// replace. Same as var parts =
// base_parts.path.split('/'); parts[parts.length-1] =
// url_parts.path; base_parts.path = parts.join('/');
var idx = base_parts.path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (idx == -1) {
base_parts.path = url_parts.path;
} else {
base_parts.path = base_parts.path.substr(0,idx) + '/' +
// clean up path
base_parts.path = urlparse.normalizepath(base_parts.path);
// copy query string
base_parts.query = url_parts.query;
// copy fragments
if (allow_fragments) {
base_parts.fragment = url_parts.fragment;
} else {
base_parts.fragment = '';
return urlparse.urlunsplit(base_parts);
* getcwd - named after posix call of same name (see 'man 2 getcwd')
Envjs.getcwd = function() {
return '.';
* resolves location relative to doc location
* @param {Object} path Relative or absolute URL
* @param {Object} base (semi-optional) The base url used in resolving "path" above
Envjs.uri = function(path, base) {
//console.log('constructing uri from path %s and base %s', path, base);
// Semi-common trick is to make an iframe with src='javascript:false'
// (or some equivalent). By returning '', the load is skipped
if (path.indexOf('javascript') === 0) {
return '';
// if path is absolute, then just normalize and return
if (path.match('^([a-zA-Z]+://|jar:file:/)')) {
return urlparse.urlnormalize(path);
// interesting special case, a few very large websites use
// '//foo/bar/' to mean 'http://foo/bar'
if (path.match('^//')) {
path = 'http:' + path;
// if base not passed in, try to get it from document
// Ideally I would like the caller to pass in document.baseURI to
// make this more self-sufficient and testable
if (!base && document) {
base = document.baseURI;
// about:blank doesn't count
if (base === 'about:blank'){
base = '';
// if base is still empty, then we are in QA mode loading local
// files. Get current working directory
if (!base) {
base = 'file://' + Envjs.getcwd() + '/';
// handles all cases if path is abosulte or relative to base
// 3rd arg is "false" --> remove fragments
var newurl = urlparse.urlnormalize(urlparse.urljoin(base, path, false));
return newurl;
* Used in the XMLHttpRquest implementation to run a
* request in a seperate thread
* @param {Object} fn
Envjs.runAsync = function(fn){};
* Used to write to a local file
* @param {Object} text
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.writeToFile = function(text, url){};
* Used to write to a local file
* @param {Object} text
* @param {Object} suffix
Envjs.writeToTempFile = function(text, suffix){};
* Used to read the contents of a local file
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.readFromFile = function(url){};
* Used to delete a local file
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.deleteFile = function(url){};
* establishes connection and calls responsehandler
* @param {Object} xhr
* @param {Object} responseHandler
* @param {Object} data
Envjs.connection = function(xhr, responseHandler, data){};
__extend__(Envjs, urlparse);
* Makes an object window-like by proxying object accessors
* @param {Object} scope
* @param {Object} parent
Envjs.proxy = function(scope, parent, aliasList){};
Envjs.javaEnabled = false;
Envjs.homedir = '';
Envjs.tmpdir = '';
Envjs.os_name = '';
Envjs.os_arch = '';
Envjs.os_version = '';
Envjs.lang = '';
Envjs.platform = '';
* @param {Object} frameElement
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.loadFrame = function(frame, url){
try {
//mark for garbage collection
frame.contentWindow = null;
//create a new scope for the window proxy
//platforms will need to override this function
//to make sure the scope is global-like
frame.contentWindow = (function(){return this;})();
new Window(frame.contentWindow, window);
//I dont think frames load asynchronously in firefox
//and I think the tests have verified this but for
//some reason I'm less than confident... Are there cases?
frame.contentDocument = frame.contentWindow.document;
frame.contentDocument.async = false;
//console.log('envjs.loadFrame async %s', frame.contentDocument.async);
frame.contentWindow.location = url;
} catch(e) {
console.log("failed to load frame content: from %s %s", url, e);
// The following are in rhino/window.js
// TODO: Envjs.unloadFrame
// TODO: Envjs.proxy
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs rhino-env.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
var __context__ =;
Envjs.platform = "Rhino";
Envjs.revision = "1.7.0.rc2";
* Envjs rhino-env.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* Writes message to system out.
* Some sites redefine 'print' as in 'window.print', so instead of
* printing to stdout, you are popping open a new window, which might
* call print, etc, etc,etc This can cause infinite loops and can
* exhausing all memory.
* By defining this upfront now, Envjs.log will always call the native 'print'
* function
* @param {Object} message
Envjs.log = print;
Envjs.lineSource = function(e){
return e&&e.rhinoException?e.rhinoException.lineSource():"(line ?)";
* load and execute script tag text content
* @param {Object} script
Envjs.loadInlineScript = function(script){
'eval('+script.text.substring(0,16)+'...):'+new Date().getTime()
'eval('+script.text.substring(0,16)+'...):'+new Date().getTime()
//console.log('evaluated at scope %s \n%s',
// script.ownerDocument.ownerWindow.guid, script.text);
Envjs.eval = function(context, source, name){
//Temporary patch for parser module
* Rhino provides a very succinct 'sync'
* @param {Function} fn
Envjs.sync = sync;
Envjs.spawn = spawn;
} catch(e){
//sync unavailable on AppEngine
Envjs.sync = function(fn){
//console.log('Threadless platform, sync is safe');
return fn;
Envjs.spawn = function(fn){
//console.log('Threadless platform, spawn shares main thread.');
return fn();
* sleep thread for specified duration
* @param {Object} millseconds
Envjs.sleep = function(millseconds){
console.log('Threadless platform, cannot sleep.');
* provides callback hook for when the system exits
Envjs.onExit = function(callback){
var rhino =,
contextFactory = __context__.getFactory(),
listener = new rhino.ContextFactory.Listener({
contextReleased: function(context){
if(context === __context__)
console.log('context released', context);
* Get 'Current Working Directory'
Envjs.getcwd = function() {
return java.lang.System.getProperty('user.dir');
* @param {Object} fn
* @param {Object} onInterupt
Envjs.runAsync = function(fn, onInterupt){
////Envjs.debug("running async");
var running = true,
run = Envjs.sync(function(){
console.log("error while running async operation", e);
* Used to write to a local file
* @param {Object} text
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.writeToFile = function(text, url){
//Envjs.debug("writing text to url : " + url);
var out = new
out.write( text, 0, text.length );
* Used to write to a local file
* @param {Object} text
* @param {Object} suffix
Envjs.writeToTempFile = function(text, suffix){
//Envjs.debug("writing text to temp url : " + suffix);
// Create temp file.
var temp ="envjs-tmp", suffix);
// Delete temp file when program exits.
// Write to temp file
var out = new;
out.write(text, 0, text.length);
return temp.getAbsolutePath().toString()+'';
* Used to read the contents of a local file
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.readFromFile = function( url ){
var fileReader = new
new url )));
var stringwriter = new,
buffer = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Character.TYPE, 1024),
while ((length =, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
stringwriter.write(buffer, 0, length);
return stringwriter.toString()+"";
* Used to delete a local file
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.deleteFile = function(url){
var file = new new url ) );
* establishes connection and calls responsehandler
* @param {Object} xhr
* @param {Object} responseHandler
* @param {Object} data
Envjs.connection = function(xhr, responseHandler, data){
var url =,
binary = false,
name, value,
if ( /^(jar:)?file\:/.test(url) ) {
if ( "PUT" == xhr.method || "POST" == xhr.method ) {
data = data || "" ;
Envjs.writeToFile(data, url);
xhr.readyState = 4;
//could be improved, I just cant recall the correct http codes
xhr.status = 200;
xhr.statusText = "";
} else if ( xhr.method == "DELETE" ) {
xhr.readyState = 4;
//could be improved, I just cant recall the correct http codes
xhr.status = 200;
xhr.statusText = "";
} else {
connection = url.openConnection();
//try to add some canned headers that make sense
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'text/html';
}else if(xhr.url.match(/.xml$/)){
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'text/xml';
}else if(xhr.url.match(/.js$/)){
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'text/javascript';
}else if(xhr.url.match(/.json$/)){
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'application/json';
xhr.responseHeaders["Content-Type"] = 'text/plain';
//xhr.responseHeaders['Last-Modified'] = connection.getLastModified();
//xhr.responseHeaders['Content-Length'] = headerValue+'';
//xhr.responseHeaders['Date'] = new Date()+'';*/
console.log('failed to load response headers',e);
console.log('failed to open file %s %s', url, e);
connection = null;
xhr.readyState = 4;
xhr.statusText = "Local File Protocol Error";
xhr.responseText = "<html><head/><body><p>"+ e+ "</p></body></html>";
} else {
connection = url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestMethod( xhr.method );
// Add headers to Java connection
for (header in xhr.headers){
connection.addRequestProperty(header+'', xhr.headers[header]+'');
//write data to output stream if required
if(data instanceof Document){
if ( xhr.method == "PUT" || xhr.method == "POST" ) {
outstream = connection.getOutputStream(),
xml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(data);
buffer = new java.lang.String(xml).getBytes('UTF-8');
outstream.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
}else if(data.length&&data.length>0){
if ( xhr.method == "PUT" || xhr.method == "POST" ) {
outstream = connection.getOutputStream();
buffer = new java.lang.String(data).getBytes('UTF-8');
outstream.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
length = connection.getHeaderFields().size();
// Stick the response headers into responseHeaders
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
name = connection.getHeaderFieldKey(i);
value = connection.getHeaderField(i);
if (name)
xhr.responseHeaders[name+''] = value+'';
console.log('failed to load response headers \n%s',e);
xhr.readyState = 4;
xhr.status = parseInt(connection.responseCode,10) || undefined;
xhr.statusText = connection.responseMessage || "";
contentEncoding = connection.getContentEncoding() || "utf-8";
instream = null;
responseXML = null;
//console.log('contentEncoding %s', contentEncoding);
if( contentEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip") ||
//zipped content
binary = true;
outstream = new;
buffer = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Byte.TYPE, 1024);
instream = new
//this is a text file
outstream = new;
buffer = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Character.TYPE, 1024);
instream = new;
if (connection.getResponseCode() == 404){
console.log('failed to open connection stream \n %s %s',
e.toString(), e);
console.log('failed to open connection stream \n %s %s',
e.toString(), e);
instream = connection.getErrorStream();
while ((length =, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
outstream.write(buffer, 0, length);
xhr.responseText = new String(outstream.toByteArray(), 'UTF-8') + '';
xhr.responseText = outstream.toString() + '';
//Envjs.debug('calling ajax response handler');
//Since we're running in rhino I guess we can safely assume
//java is 'enabled'. I'm sure this requires more thought
//than I've given it here
Envjs.javaEnabled = true;
Envjs.homedir = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.home");
Envjs.tmpdir = java.lang.System.getProperty("");
Envjs.os_name = java.lang.System.getProperty("");
Envjs.os_arch = java.lang.System.getProperty("os.arch");
Envjs.os_version = java.lang.System.getProperty("os.version");
Envjs.lang = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.lang");
* @param {Object} frameElement
* @param {Object} url
Envjs.loadFrame = function(frame, url){
try {
//mark for garbage collection
frame.contentWindow = null;
//create a new scope for the window proxy
frame.contentWindow = Envjs.proxy();
new Window(frame.contentWindow, window);
//I dont think frames load asynchronously in firefox
//and I think the tests have verified this but for
//some reason I'm less than confident... Are there cases?
frame.contentDocument = frame.contentWindow.document;
frame.contentDocument.async = false;
//console.log('envjs.loadFrame async %s', frame.contentDocument.async);
frame.contentWindow.location = url;
} catch(e) {
console.log("failed to load frame content: from %s %s", url, e);
* unloadFrame
* @param {Object} frame
Envjs.unloadFrame = function(frame){
var all, length, i;
//TODO: probably self-referencing structures within a document tree
//preventing it from being entirely garbage collected once orphaned.
//Should have code to walk tree and break all links between contained
frame.contentDocument = null;
* Makes an object window-like by proxying object accessors
* @param {Object} scope
* @param {Object} parent
Envjs.proxy = function(scope, parent) {
if(scope+'' == '[object global]'){
return scope
return __context__.initStandardObjects();
console.log('failed to init standard objects %s %s \n%s', scope, parent, e);
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* @author envjs team
var Console,
* Envjs console.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author envjs team
* borrowed 99%-ish with love from firebug-lite
Console = function(module){
var $level,
$null = function(){};
if(Envjs[module] && Envjs[module].loglevel){
$level = Envjs.module.loglevel;
$logger = {
log: function(level){
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" ");
debug: $level>1 ? $null: function() {
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" debug");
info: $level>2 ? $null:function(){
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" info");
warn: $level>3 ? $null:function(){
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" warning");
error: $level>4 ? $null:function(){
logFormatted(arguments, (module)+" error");
} else {
$logger = {
log: function(level){
logFormatted(arguments, "");
debug: $null,
info: $null,
warn: $null,
error: $null
return $logger;
console = new Console("console",1);
function logFormatted(objects, className)
var html = [];
var format = objects[0];
var objIndex = 0;
if (typeof(format) != "string")
format = "";
objIndex = -1;
var parts = parseFormat(format);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i)
var part = parts[i];
if (part && typeof(part) == "object")
var object = objects[++objIndex];
part.appender(object, html);
else {
appendText(part, html);
for (var i = objIndex+1; i < objects.length; ++i)
appendText(" ", html);
var object = objects[i];
if (typeof(object) == "string") {
appendText(object, html);
} else {
appendObject(object, html);
Envjs.log(html.join(' '));
function parseFormat(format)
var parts = [];
var reg = /((^%|[^\\]%)(\d+)?(\.)([a-zA-Z]))|((^%|[^\\]%)([a-zA-Z]))/;
var appenderMap = {s: appendText, d: appendInteger, i: appendInteger, f: appendFloat};
for (var m = reg.exec(format); m; m = reg.exec(format))
var type = m[8] ? m[8] : m[5];
var appender = type in appenderMap ? appenderMap[type] : appendObject;
var precision = m[3] ? parseInt(m[3]) : (m[4] == "." ? -1 : 0);
parts.push(format.substr(0, m[0][0] == "%" ? m.index : m.index+1));
parts.push({appender: appender, precision: precision});
format = format.substr(m.index+m[0].length);
return parts;
function escapeHTML(value)
return value;
function objectToString(object)
return object+"";
catch (exc)
return null;
// ********************************************************************************************
function appendText(object, html)
function appendNull(object, html)
function appendString(object, html)
function appendInteger(object, html)
function appendFloat(object, html)
function appendFunction(object, html)
var reName = /function ?(.*?)\(/;
var m = reName.exec(objectToString(object));
var name = m ? m[1] : "function";
function appendObject(object, html)
if (object == undefined) {
appendNull("undefined", html);
} else if (object == null) {
appendNull("null", html);
} else if (typeof object == "string") {
appendString(object, html);
} else if (typeof object == "number") {
appendInteger(object, html);
} else if (typeof object == "function") {
appendFunction(object, html);
} else if (object.nodeType == 1) {
appendSelector(object, html);
} else if (typeof object == "object") {
appendObjectFormatted(object, html);
} else {
appendText(object, html);
catch (exc)
function appendObjectFormatted(object, html)
var text = objectToString(object);
var reObject = /\[object (.*?)\]/;
var m = reObject.exec(text);
html.push( m ? m[1] : text);
function appendSelector(object, html)
if ( {
if (object.className) {
function appendNode(node, html)
if (node.nodeType == 1)
html.push( node.nodeName.toLowerCase());
for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i)
var attr = node.attributes[i];
if (!attr.specified) {
html.push( attr.nodeName.toLowerCase(),escapeHTML(attr.nodeValue));
if (node.firstChild)
for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {
appendNode(child, html);
html.push( node.nodeName.toLowerCase());
else if (node.nodeType === 3)
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs dom.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* Parts of the implementation were originally written by:\
* and Jon van Noort ( \
* and David Joham (",\
* and Scott Severtson
* This file simply provides the global definitions we need to \
* be able to correctly implement to core browser DOM interfaces."
var Attr,
* Envjs dom.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
* @class NodeList -
* provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes
* @param ownerDocument : Document - the ownerDocument
* @param parentNode : Node - the node that the NodeList is attached to (or null)
NodeList = function(ownerDocument, parentNode) {
this.length = 0;
this.parentNode = parentNode;
this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
this._readonly = false;
__setArray__(this, []);
__extend__(NodeList.prototype, {
item : function(index) {
var ret = null;
if ((index >= 0) && (index < this.length)) {
// bounds check
ret = this[index];
// if the index is out of bounds, default value null is returned
return ret;
get xml() {
var ret = "",
// create string containing the concatenation of the string values of each child
for (i=0; i < this.length; i++) {
if(this[i].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && i>0 &&
this[i-1].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE){
//add a single space between adjacent text nodes
ret += " "+this[i].xml;
ret += this[i].xml;
return ret;
toArray: function () {
var children = [],
for ( i=0; i < this.length; i++) {
children.push (this[i]);
return children;
toString: function(){
return "[object NodeList]";
* @method __findItemIndex__
* find the item index of the node
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param node : Node
* @return : int
var __findItemIndex__ = function (nodelist, node) {
var ret = -1, i;
for (i=0; i<nodelist.length; i++) {
// compare id to each node's _id
if (nodelist[i] === node) {
// found it!
ret = i;
// if node is not found, default value -1 is returned
return ret;
* @method __insertBefore__
* insert the specified Node into the NodeList before the specified index
* Used by Node.insertBefore(). Note: Node.insertBefore() is responsible
* for Node Pointer surgery __insertBefore__ simply modifies the internal
* data structure (Array).
* @param newChild : Node - the Node to be inserted
* @param refChildIndex : int - the array index to insert the Node before
var __insertBefore__ = function(nodelist, newChild, refChildIndex) {
if ((refChildIndex >= 0) && (refChildIndex <= nodelist.length)) {
// bounds check
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// node is a DocumentFragment
// append the children of DocumentFragment
[refChildIndex, 0].concat(newChild.childNodes.toArray()));
else {
// append the newChild
Array.prototype.splice.apply(nodelist,[refChildIndex, 0, newChild]);
* @method __replaceChild__
* replace the specified Node in the NodeList at the specified index
* Used by Node.replaceChild(). Note: Node.replaceChild() is responsible
* for Node Pointer surgery __replaceChild__ simply modifies the internal
* data structure (Array).
* @param newChild : Node - the Node to be inserted
* @param refChildIndex : int - the array index to hold the Node
var __replaceChild__ = function(nodelist, newChild, refChildIndex) {
var ret = null;
// bounds check
if ((refChildIndex >= 0) && (refChildIndex < nodelist.length)) {
// preserve old child for return
ret = nodelist[refChildIndex];
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// node is a DocumentFragment
// get array containing children prior to refChild
[refChildIndex, 1].concat(newChild.childNodes.toArray()));
else {
// simply replace node in array (links between Nodes are
// made at higher level)
nodelist[refChildIndex] = newChild;
// return replaced node
return ret;
* @method __removeChild__
* remove the specified Node in the NodeList at the specified index
* Used by Node.removeChild(). Note: Node.removeChild() is responsible
* for Node Pointer surgery __removeChild__ simply modifies the internal
* data structure (Array).
* @param refChildIndex : int - the array index holding the Node to be removed
var __removeChild__ = function(nodelist, refChildIndex) {
var ret = null;
if (refChildIndex > -1) {
// found it!
// return removed node
ret = nodelist[refChildIndex];
// rebuild array without removed child
Array.prototype.splice.apply(nodelist,[refChildIndex, 1]);
// return removed node
return ret;
* @method __appendChild__
* append the specified Node to the NodeList. Used by Node.appendChild().
* Note: Node.appendChild() is responsible for Node Pointer surgery
* __appendChild__ simply modifies the internal data structure (Array).
* @param newChild : Node - the Node to be inserted
var __appendChild__ = function(nodelist, newChild) {
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// node is a DocumentFragment
// append the children of DocumentFragment
Array.prototype.push.apply(nodelist, newChild.childNodes.toArray() );
} else {
// simply add node to array (links between Nodes are made at higher level)
Array.prototype.push.apply(nodelist, [newChild]);
* @method __cloneNodes__ -
* Returns a NodeList containing clones of the Nodes in this NodeList
* @param deep : boolean -
* If true, recursively clone the subtree under each of the nodes;
* if false, clone only the nodes themselves (and their attributes,
* if it is an Element).
* @param parentNode : Node - the new parent of the cloned NodeList
* @return : NodeList - NodeList containing clones of the Nodes in this NodeList
var __cloneNodes__ = function(nodelist, deep, parentNode) {
var cloneNodeList = new NodeList(nodelist.ownerDocument, parentNode);
// create list containing clones of each child
for (var i=0; i < nodelist.length; i++) {
__appendChild__(cloneNodeList, nodelist[i].cloneNode(deep));
return cloneNodeList;
var __ownerDocument__ = function(node){
return (node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)?node:node.ownerDocument;
* @class Node -
* The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire
* Document Object Model. It represents a single node in the
* document tree.
* @param ownerDocument : Document - The Document object associated with this node.
Node = function(ownerDocument) {
this.baseURI = 'about:blank';
this.namespaceURI = null;
this.nodeName = "";
this.nodeValue = null;
// A NodeList that contains all children of this node. If there are no
// children, this is a NodeList containing no nodes. The content of the
// returned NodeList is "live" in the sense that, for instance, changes to
// the children of the node object that it was created from are immediately
// reflected in the nodes returned by the NodeList accessors; it is not a
// static snapshot of the content of the node. This is true for every
// NodeList, including the ones returned by the getElementsByTagName method.
this.childNodes = new NodeList(ownerDocument, this);
// The first child of this node. If there is no such node, this is null
this.firstChild = null;
// The last child of this node. If there is no such node, this is null.
this.lastChild = null;
// The node immediately preceding this node. If there is no such node,
// this is null.
this.previousSibling = null;
// The node immediately following this node. If there is no such node,
// this is null.
this.nextSibling = null;
this.attributes = null;
// The namespaces in scope for this node
this._namespaces = new NamespaceNodeMap(ownerDocument, this);
this._readonly = false;
//IMPORTANT: These must come last so rhino will not iterate parent
// properties before child properties. (qunit.equiv issue)
// The parent of this node. All nodes, except Document, DocumentFragment,
// and Attr may have a parent. However, if a node has just been created
// and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree,
// this is null
this.parentNode = null;
// The Document object associated with this node
this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
// nodeType constants
Node.TEXT_NODE = 3;
__extend__(Node.prototype, {
get localName(){
return this.prefix?
this.nodeName.substring(this.prefix.length+1, this.nodeName.length):
get prefix(){
return this.nodeName.split(':').length>1?
set prefix(value){
if(value === null){
this.nodeName = this.localName;
this.nodeName = value+':'+this.localName;
hasAttributes : function() {
if (this.attributes.length == 0) {
return false;
return true;
get textContent(){
return __recursivelyGatherText__(this);
set textContent(newText){
while(this.firstChild != null){
this.removeChild( this.firstChild );
var text = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newText);
insertBefore : function(newChild, refChild) {
var prevNode;
return newChild;
return this.newChild;
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if newChild was not created by this Document
if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
// if refChild is specified, insert before it
if (refChild) {
// find index of refChild
var itemIndex = __findItemIndex__(this.childNodes, refChild);
// throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// if the newChild is already in the tree,
var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
if (newChildParent) {
// remove it
// insert newChild into childNodes
__insertBefore__(this.childNodes, newChild, itemIndex);
// do node pointer surgery
prevNode = refChild.previousSibling;
// handle DocumentFragment
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
if (newChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
// set the parentNode of DocumentFragment's children
for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes.length; ind++) {
newChild.childNodes[ind].parentNode = this;
// link refChild to last child of DocumentFragment
refChild.previousSibling = newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1];
}else {
// set the parentNode of the newChild
newChild.parentNode = this;
// link refChild to newChild
refChild.previousSibling = newChild;
}else {
// otherwise, append to end
prevNode = this.lastChild;
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// do node pointer surgery for DocumentFragment
if (newChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
if (prevNode) {
prevNode.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes[0];
}else {
// this is the first child in the list
this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes[0];
newChild.childNodes[0].previousSibling = prevNode;
newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1].nextSibling = refChild;
}else {
// do node pointer surgery for newChild
if (prevNode) {
prevNode.nextSibling = newChild;
}else {
// this is the first child in the list
this.firstChild = newChild;
newChild.previousSibling = prevNode;
newChild.nextSibling = refChild;
return newChild;
replaceChild : function(newChild, oldChild) {
var ret = null;
if(newChild==null || oldChild==null){
return oldChild;
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if newChild was not created by this Document
if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
// get index of oldChild
var index = __findItemIndex__(this.childNodes, oldChild);
// throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (index < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// if the newChild is already in the tree,
var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
if (newChildParent) {
// remove it
// add newChild to childNodes
ret = __replaceChild__(this.childNodes,newChild, index);
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// do node pointer surgery for Document Fragment
if (newChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes.length; ind++) {
newChild.childNodes[ind].parentNode = this;
if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes[0];
} else {
this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes[0];
if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild;
} else {
this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1];
newChild.childNodes[0].previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1].nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
} else {
// do node pointer surgery for newChild
newChild.parentNode = this;
if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild;
this.firstChild = newChild;
if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild;
this.lastChild = newChild;
newChild.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
newChild.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
return ret;
removeChild : function(oldChild) {
return null;
// throw Exception if NamedNodeMap is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
(this._readonly || oldChild._readonly)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// get index of oldChild
var itemIndex = __findItemIndex__(this.childNodes, oldChild);
// throw Exception if there is no child node with this id
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// remove oldChild from childNodes
__removeChild__(this.childNodes, itemIndex);
// do node pointer surgery
oldChild.parentNode = null;
if (oldChild.previousSibling) {
oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling;
}else {
this.firstChild = oldChild.nextSibling;
if (oldChild.nextSibling) {
oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling;
}else {
this.lastChild = oldChild.previousSibling;
oldChild.previousSibling = null;
oldChild.nextSibling = null;
return oldChild;
appendChild : function(newChild) {
return null;
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if arg was not created by this Document
if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(this)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if the node is an ancestor
if (__isAncestor__(this, newChild)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR));
// if the newChild is already in the tree,
var newChildParent = newChild.parentNode;
if (newChildParent) {
// remove it
//console.debug('removing node %s', newChild);
// add newChild to childNodes
__appendChild__(this.childNodes, newChild);
if (newChild.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// do node pointer surgery for DocumentFragment
if (newChild.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (var ind = 0; ind < newChild.childNodes.length; ind++) {
newChild.childNodes[ind].parentNode = this;
if (this.lastChild) {
this.lastChild.nextSibling = newChild.childNodes[0];
newChild.childNodes[0].previousSibling = this.lastChild;
this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1];
} else {
this.lastChild = newChild.childNodes[newChild.childNodes.length-1];
this.firstChild = newChild.childNodes[0];
} else {
// do node pointer surgery for newChild
newChild.parentNode = this;
if (this.lastChild) {
this.lastChild.nextSibling = newChild;
newChild.previousSibling = this.lastChild;
this.lastChild = newChild;
} else {
this.lastChild = newChild;
this.firstChild = newChild;
return newChild;
hasChildNodes : function() {
return (this.childNodes.length > 0);
cloneNode: function(deep) {
// use importNode to clone this Node
//do not throw any exceptions
try {
return __ownerDocument__(this).importNode(this, deep);
} catch (e) {
//there shouldn't be any exceptions, but if there are, return null
// may want to warn: $debug("could not clone node: "+e.code);
return null;
normalize : function() {
var i;
var inode;
var nodesToRemove = new NodeList();
if (this.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || this.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
var adjacentTextNode = null;
// loop through all childNodes
for(i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
inode = this.childNodes.item(i);
if (inode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// this node is a text node
if (inode.length < 1) {
// this text node is empty
// add this node to the list of nodes to be remove
__appendChild__(nodesToRemove, inode);
}else {
if (adjacentTextNode) {
// previous node was also text
// merge the data in adjacent text nodes
// add this node to the list of nodes to be removed
__appendChild__(nodesToRemove, inode);
} else {
// remember this node for next cycle
adjacentTextNode = inode;
} else {
// (soon to be) previous node is not a text node
adjacentTextNode = null;
// normalize non Text childNodes
// remove redundant Text Nodes
for(i = 0; i < nodesToRemove.length; i++) {
inode = nodesToRemove.item(i);
isSupported : function(feature, version) {
// use Implementation.hasFeature to determine if this feature is supported
return __ownerDocument__(this).implementation.hasFeature(feature, version);
getElementsByTagName : function(tagname) {
// delegate to _getElementsByTagNameRecursive
// recurse childNodes
var nodelist = new NodeList(__ownerDocument__(this));
for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
return nodelist;
getElementsByTagNameNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
// delegate to _getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive
return __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__(this, namespaceURI, localName,
new NodeList(__ownerDocument__(this)));
importNode : function(importedNode, deep) {
var i;
var importNode;
//there is no need to perform namespace checks since everything has already gone through them
//in order to have gotten into the DOM in the first place. The following line
//turns namespace checking off in ._isValidNamespace
__ownerDocument__(this).importing = true;
if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (!__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.namespaceAware) {
// create a local Element (with the name of the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createElement(importedNode.tagName);
// create attributes matching those of the importedNode
for(i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) {
importNode.setAttribute(importedNode.attributes.item(i).name, importedNode.attributes.item(i).value);
} else {
// create a local Element (with the name & namespaceURI of the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createElementNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName);
// create attributes matching those of the importedNode
for(i = 0; i < importedNode.attributes.length; i++) {
importedNode.attributes.item(i).name, importedNode.attributes.item(i).value);
// create namespace definitions matching those of the importedNode
for(i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) {
importNode._namespaces[i] = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName);
importNode._namespaces[i].value = importedNode._namespaces.item(i).value;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
if (!__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.namespaceAware) {
// create a local Attribute (with the name of the importedAttribute)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttribute(;
} else {
// create a local Attribute (with the name & namespaceURI of the importedAttribute)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttributeNS(importedNode.namespaceURI, importedNode.nodeName);
// create namespace definitions matching those of the importedAttribute
for(i = 0; i < importedNode._namespaces.length; i++) {
importNode._namespaces[i] = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode._namespaces.item(i).localName);
importNode._namespaces[i].value = importedNode._namespaces.item(i).value;
// set the value of the local Attribute to match that of the importedAttribute
importNode.value = importedNode.value;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// create a local DocumentFragment
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createDocumentFragment();
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.NAMESPACE_NODE) {
// create a local NamespaceNode (with the same name & value as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createNamespace(importedNode.nodeName);
importNode.value = importedNode.value;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// create a local TextNode (with the same data as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createTextNode(;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
// create a local CDATANode (with the same data as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createCDATASection(;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
// create a local ProcessingInstruction (with the same target & data as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createProcessingInstruction(,;
} else if (importedNode.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
// create a local Comment (with the same data as the importedNode)
importNode = __ownerDocument__(this).createComment(;
} else { // throw Exception if nodeType is not supported
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR));
if (deep) {
// recurse childNodes
for(i = 0; i < importedNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
importNode.appendChild(__ownerDocument__(this).importNode(importedNode.childNodes.item(i), true));
//reset importing
__ownerDocument__(this).importing = false;
return importNode;
contains : function(node){
while(node && node != this ){
node = node.parentNode;
return !!node;
compareDocumentPosition : function(b){
//console.log("comparing document position %s %s", this, b);
var i,
a = this,
//handle a couple simpler case first
if(a === b) {
if(a.ownerDocument !== b.ownerDocument) {
if(a.parentNode === b.parentNode){
length = a.parentNode.childNodes.length;
if(a.parentNode.childNodes[i] === a){
}else if(a.parentNode.childNodes[i] === b){
if(a.contains(b)) {
if(b.contains(a)) {
aparents = [];
parent = a.parentNode;
aparents[aparents.length] = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
bparents = [];
parent = b.parentNode;
i = aparents.indexOf(parent);
if(i < 0){
bparents[bparents.length] = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
//i cant be 0 since we already checked for equal parentNode
if(bparents.length > aparents.length){
}else if(bparents.length < aparents.length){
//common ancestor diverge point
if (i === 0) {
} else {
parent = aparents[i-1];
return parent.compareDocumentPosition(bparents.pop());
toString : function() {
return '[object Node]';
* @method __getElementsByTagNameRecursive__ - implements getElementsByTagName()
* @param elem : Element - The element which are checking and then recursing into
* @param tagname : string - The name of the tag to match on. The special value "*" matches all tags
* @param nodeList : NodeList - The accumulating list of matching nodes
* @return : NodeList
var __getElementsByTagNameRecursive__ = function (elem, tagname, nodeList) {
if (elem.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || elem.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
if(elem.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE &&
((elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == tagname.toUpperCase()) ||
(tagname == "*")) ){
// add matching node to nodeList
__appendChild__(nodeList, elem);
// recurse childNodes
for(var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
nodeList = __getElementsByTagNameRecursive__(elem.childNodes.item(i), tagname, nodeList);
return nodeList;
* @method __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__
* implements getElementsByTagName()
* @param elem : Element - The element which are checking and then recursing into
* @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
* @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
* @param nodeList : NodeList - The accumulating list of matching nodes
* @return : NodeList
var __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__ = function(elem, namespaceURI, localName, nodeList) {
if (elem.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE || elem.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
if (((elem.namespaceURI == namespaceURI) || (namespaceURI == "*")) &&
((elem.localName == localName) || (localName == "*"))) {
// add matching node to nodeList
__appendChild__(nodeList, elem);
// recurse childNodes
for(var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
nodeList = __getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive__(
elem.childNodes.item(i), namespaceURI, localName, nodeList);
return nodeList;
* @method __isAncestor__ - returns true if node is ancestor of target
* @param target : Node - The node we are using as context
* @param node : Node - The candidate ancestor node
* @return : boolean
var __isAncestor__ = function(target, node) {
// if this node matches, return true,
// otherwise recurse up (if there is a parentNode)
return ((target == node) || ((target.parentNode) && (__isAncestor__(target.parentNode, node))));
var __recursivelyGatherText__ = function(aNode) {
var accumulateText = "",
for (idx=0;idx < aNode.childNodes.length;idx++){
node = aNode.childNodes.item(idx);
if(node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
accumulateText +=;
accumulateText += __recursivelyGatherText__(node);
return accumulateText;
* function __escapeXML__
* @param str : string - The string to be escaped
* @return : string - The escaped string
var escAmpRegEx = /&(?!(amp;|lt;|gt;|quot|apos;))/g;
var escLtRegEx = /</g;
var escGtRegEx = />/g;
var quotRegEx = /"/g;
var aposRegEx = /'/g;
function __escapeXML__(str) {
str = str.replace(escAmpRegEx, "&amp;").
replace(escLtRegEx, "&lt;").
replace(escGtRegEx, "&gt;").
replace(quotRegEx, "&quot;").
replace(aposRegEx, "&apos;");
return str;
function __escapeHTML5__(str) {
str = str.replace(escAmpRegEx, "&amp;").
replace(escLtRegEx, "&lt;").
replace(escGtRegEx, "&gt;");
return str;
function __escapeHTML5Atribute__(str) {
str = str.replace(escAmpRegEx, "&amp;").
replace(escLtRegEx, "&lt;").
replace(escGtRegEx, "&gt;").
replace(quotRegEx, "&quot;").
replace(aposRegEx, "&apos;");
return str;
* function __unescapeXML__
* @param str : string - The string to be unescaped
* @return : string - The unescaped string
var unescAmpRegEx = /&amp;/g;
var unescLtRegEx = /&lt;/g;
var unescGtRegEx = /&gt;/g;
var unquotRegEx = /&quot;/g;
var unaposRegEx = /&apos;/g;
function __unescapeXML__(str) {
str = str.replace(unescAmpRegEx, "&").
replace(unescLtRegEx, "<").
replace(unescGtRegEx, ">").
replace(unquotRegEx, "\"").
replace(unaposRegEx, "'");
return str;
* @class NamedNodeMap -
* used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name
* typically a set of Element attributes
* @extends NodeList -
* note W3C spec says that this is not the case, but we need an item()
* method identical to NodeList's, so why not?
* @param ownerDocument : Document - the ownerDocument
* @param parentNode : Node - the node that the NamedNodeMap is attached to (or null)
NamedNodeMap = function(ownerDocument, parentNode) {
NodeList.apply(this, arguments);
__setArray__(this, []);
NamedNodeMap.prototype = new NodeList();
__extend__(NamedNodeMap.prototype, {
add: function(name){
this[this.length] = name;
getNamedItem : function(name) {
var ret = null;
//console.log('NamedNodeMap getNamedItem %s', name);
// test that Named Node exists
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this, name);
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it!
ret = this[itemIndex];
// if node is not found, default value null is returned
return ret;
setNamedItem : function(arg) {
//console.log('setNamedItem %s', arg);
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if arg was not created by this Document
if (this.ownerDocument != arg.ownerDocument) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if DOMNamedNodeMap is readonly
if (this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if arg is already an attribute of another Element object
if (arg.ownerElement && (arg.ownerElement != this.parentNode)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR));
//console.log('setNamedItem __findNamedItemIndex__ ');
// get item index
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this,;
var ret = null;
//console.log('setNamedItem __findNamedItemIndex__ %s', itemIndex);
if (itemIndex > -1) { // found it!
ret = this[itemIndex]; // use existing Attribute
// throw Exception if DOMAttr is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && ret._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
} else {
this[itemIndex] = arg; // over-write existing NamedNode
this[] = arg;
} else {
// add new NamedNode
//console.log('setNamedItem add new named node map (by index)');
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, [arg]);
//console.log('setNamedItem add new named node map (by name) %s %s', arg,;
this[] = arg;
//console.log('finsished setNamedItem add new named node map (by name) %s',;
//console.log('setNamedItem parentNode');
arg.ownerElement = this.parentNode; // update ownerElement
// return old node or new node
//console.log('setNamedItem exit');
return ret;
removeNamedItem : function(name) {
var ret = null;
// test for exceptions
// throw Exception if NamedNodeMap is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
(this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// get item index
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(this, name);
// throw Exception if there is no node named name in this map
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// get Node
var oldNode = this[itemIndex];
//this[] = undefined;
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && oldNode._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// return removed node
return __removeChild__(this, itemIndex);
getNamedItemNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = null;
// test that Named Node exists
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, namespaceURI, localName);
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it! return NamedNode
ret = this[itemIndex];
// if node is not found, default value null is returned
return ret;
setNamedItemNS : function(arg) {
//console.log('setNamedItemNS %s', arg);
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if NamedNodeMap is readonly
if (this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if arg was not created by this Document
if (__ownerDocument__(this) != __ownerDocument__(arg)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR));
// throw Exception if arg is already an attribute of another Element object
if (arg.ownerElement && (arg.ownerElement != this.parentNode)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR));
// get item index
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, arg.namespaceURI, arg.localName);
var ret = null;
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it!
// use existing Attribute
ret = this[itemIndex];
// throw Exception if Attr is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && ret._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
} else {
// over-write existing NamedNode
this[itemIndex] = arg;
}else {
// add new NamedNode
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, [arg]);
arg.ownerElement = this.parentNode;
// return old node or null
return ret;
//console.log('finished setNamedItemNS %s', arg);
removeNamedItemNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = null;
// test for exceptions
// throw Exception if NamedNodeMap is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (this._readonly || (this.parentNode && this.parentNode._readonly))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// get item index
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(this, namespaceURI, localName);
// throw Exception if there is no matching node in this map
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
// get Node
var oldNode = this[itemIndex];
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && oldNode._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
return __removeChild__(this, itemIndex); // return removed node
get xml() {
var ret = "";
// create string containing concatenation of all (but last) Attribute string values (separated by spaces)
for (var i=0; i < this.length -1; i++) {
ret += this[i].xml +" ";
// add last Attribute to string (without trailing space)
if (this.length > 0) {
ret += this[this.length -1].xml;
return ret;
toString : function(){
return "[object NamedNodeMap]";
* @method __findNamedItemIndex__
* find the item index of the node with the specified name
* @param name : string - the name of the required node
* @param isnsmap : if its a NamespaceNodeMap
* @return : int
var __findNamedItemIndex__ = function(namednodemap, name, isnsmap) {
var ret = -1;
// loop through all nodes
for (var i=0; i<namednodemap.length; i++) {
// compare name to each node's nodeName
if(namednodemap[i].localName && name && isnsmap){
if (namednodemap[i].localName.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) {
// found it!
ret = i;
if(namednodemap[i].name && name){
if (namednodemap[i].name.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) {
// found it!
ret = i;
// if node is not found, default value -1 is returned
return ret;
* @method __findNamedItemNSIndex__
* find the item index of the node with the specified
* namespaceURI and localName
* @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
* @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
* @return : int
var __findNamedItemNSIndex__ = function(namednodemap, namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = -1;
// test that localName is not null
if (localName) {
// loop through all nodes
for (var i=0; i<namednodemap.length; i++) {
if(namednodemap[i].namespaceURI && namednodemap[i].localName){
// compare name to each node's namespaceURI and localName
if ((namednodemap[i].namespaceURI.toLowerCase() == namespaceURI.toLowerCase()) &&
(namednodemap[i].localName.toLowerCase() == localName.toLowerCase())) {
// found it!
ret = i;
// if node is not found, default value -1 is returned
return ret;
* @method __hasAttribute__
* Returns true if specified node exists
* @param name : string - the name of the required node
* @return : boolean
var __hasAttribute__ = function(namednodemap, name) {
var ret = false;
// test that Named Node exists
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemIndex__(namednodemap, name);
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it!
ret = true;
// if node is not found, default value false is returned
return ret;
* @method __hasAttributeNS__
* Returns true if specified node exists
* @param namespaceURI : string - the namespace URI of the required node
* @param localName : string - the local name of the required node
* @return : boolean
var __hasAttributeNS__ = function(namednodemap, namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = false;
// test that Named Node exists
var itemIndex = __findNamedItemNSIndex__(namednodemap, namespaceURI, localName);
if (itemIndex > -1) {
// found it!
ret = true;
// if node is not found, default value false is returned
return ret;
* @method __cloneNamedNodes__
* Returns a NamedNodeMap containing clones of the Nodes in this NamedNodeMap
* @param parentNode : Node - the new parent of the cloned NodeList
* @param isnsmap : bool - is this a NamespaceNodeMap
* @return NamedNodeMap containing clones of the Nodes in this NamedNodeMap
var __cloneNamedNodes__ = function(namednodemap, parentNode, isnsmap) {
var cloneNamedNodeMap = isnsmap?
new NamespaceNodeMap(namednodemap.ownerDocument, parentNode):
new NamedNodeMap(namednodemap.ownerDocument, parentNode);
// create list containing clones of all children
for (var i=0; i < namednodemap.length; i++) {
__appendChild__(cloneNamedNodeMap, namednodemap[i].cloneNode(false));
return cloneNamedNodeMap;
* @class NamespaceNodeMap -
* used to represent collections of namespace nodes that can be
* accessed by name typically a set of Element attributes
* @extends NamedNodeMap
* @param ownerDocument : Document - the ownerDocument
* @param parentNode : Node - the node that the NamespaceNodeMap is attached to (or null)
var NamespaceNodeMap = function(ownerDocument, parentNode) {
this.NamedNodeMap = NamedNodeMap;
this.NamedNodeMap(ownerDocument, parentNode);
__setArray__(this, []);
NamespaceNodeMap.prototype = new NamedNodeMap();
__extend__(NamespaceNodeMap.prototype, {
get xml() {
var ret = "",
// identify namespaces declared local to this Element (ie, not inherited)
for (ind = 0; ind < this.length; ind++) {
// if namespace declaration does not exist in the containing node's, parentNode's namespaces
ns = null;
try {
var ns = this.parentNode.parentNode._namespaces.
}catch (e) {
//breaking to prevent default namespace being inserted into return value
if (!(ns && (""+ ns.nodeValue == ""+ this[ind].nodeValue))) {
// display the namespace declaration
ret += this[ind].xml +" ";
return ret;
* @class Namespace -
* The Namespace interface represents an namespace in an Element object
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
Namespace = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
// the name of this attribute = "";
// If this attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document,
// this is true; otherwise, it is false.
// Note that the implementation is in charge of this attribute, not the user.
// If the user changes the value of the attribute (even if it ends up having
// the same value as the default value) then the specified flag is
// automatically flipped to true
this.specified = false;
Namespace.prototype = new Node();
__extend__(Namespace.prototype, {
get value(){
// the value of the attribute is returned as a string
return this.nodeValue;
set value(value){
this.nodeValue = value+'';
get nodeType(){
get xml(){
var ret = "";
// serialize Namespace Declaration
if (this.nodeName != "") {
ret += this.nodeName +"=\""+ __escapeXML__(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
else { // handle default namespace
ret += "xmlns=\""+ __escapeXML__(this.nodeValue) +"\"";
return ret;
toString: function(){
return '[object Namespace]';
* @class CharacterData - parent abstract class for Text and Comment
* @extends Node
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
CharacterData = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
CharacterData.prototype = new Node();
get data(){
return this.nodeValue;
set data(data){
this.nodeValue = data;
get textContent(){
return this.nodeValue;
set textContent(newText){
this.nodeValue = newText;
get length(){return this.nodeValue.length;},
appendData: function(arg){
// throw Exception if CharacterData is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// append data = "" + + arg;
deleteData: function(offset, count){
// throw Exception if CharacterData is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
if ( {
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// delete data
if(!count || (offset + count) > { =, offset);
}else { =, offset).
concat( + count));
insertData: function(offset, arg){
// throw Exception if CharacterData is readonly
if(__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly){
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
((offset < 0) || (offset > {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// insert data =, offset).concat(arg,;
}else {
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (offset !== 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// set data = arg;
replaceData: function(offset, count, arg){
// throw Exception if CharacterData is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
if ( {
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// replace data =, offset).
concat(arg, + count));
}else {
// set data = arg;
substringData: function(offset, count){
var ret = null;
if ( {
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
// or the count is negative
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
((offset < 0) || (offset > || (count < 0))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
// if count is not specified
if (!count) {
ret =; // default to 'end of string'
ret =, offset + count);
return ret;
toString : function(){
return "[object CharacterData]";
* @class Text
* The Text interface represents the textual content (termed
* character data in XML) of an Element or Attr.
* If there is no markup inside an element's content, the text is
* contained in a single object implementing the Text interface that
* is the only child of the element. If there is markup, it is
* parsed into a list of elements and Text nodes that form the
* list of children of the element.
* @extends CharacterData
* @param ownerDocument The Document object associated with this node.
Text = function(ownerDocument) {
CharacterData.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeName = "#text";
Text.prototype = new CharacterData();
get localName(){
return null;
// Breaks this Text node into two Text nodes at the specified offset,
// keeping both in the tree as siblings. This node then only contains
// all the content up to the offset point. And a new Text node, which
// is inserted as the next sibling of this node, contains all the
// content at and after the offset point.
splitText : function(offset) {
var data,
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if offset is negative or greater than the data length,
if ((offset < 0) || (offset > {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR));
if (this.parentNode) {
// get remaining string (after offset)
data = this.substringData(offset);
// create new TextNode with remaining string
inode = __ownerDocument__(this).createTextNode(data);
// attach new TextNode
if (this.nextSibling) {
this.parentNode.insertBefore(inode, this.nextSibling);
} else {
// remove remaining string from original TextNode
return inode;
get nodeType(){
return Node.TEXT_NODE;
get xml(){
return __escapeXML__(""+ this.nodeValue);
toString: function(){
return "[object Text]";
* @class CDATASection
* CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing
* characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.
* The only delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is
* the "\]\]\>" string that ends the CDATA section
* @extends Text
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
CDATASection = function(ownerDocument) {
Text.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeName = '#cdata-section';
CDATASection.prototype = new Text();
get nodeType(){
get xml(){
return "<![CDATA[" + this.nodeValue + "]]>";
toString : function(){
return "[object CDATASection]";
* @class Comment
* This represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the
* characters between the starting '<!--' and ending '-->'
* @extends CharacterData
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
Comment = function(ownerDocument) {
CharacterData.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeName = "#comment";
Comment.prototype = new CharacterData();
__extend__(Comment.prototype, {
get localName(){
return null;
get nodeType(){
return Node.COMMENT_NODE;
get xml(){
return "<!--" + this.nodeValue + "-->";
toString : function(){
return "[object Comment]";
* @author envjs team
* @param {Document} onwnerDocument
DocumentType = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
this.systemId = null;
this.publicId = null;
DocumentType.prototype = new Node();
get name(){
return this.nodeName;
get entities(){
return null;
get internalSubsets(){
return null;
get notations(){
return null;
toString : function(){
return "[object DocumentType]";
* @class Attr
* The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object
* @extends Node
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
Attr = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
// set when Attr is added to NamedNodeMap
this.ownerElement = null;
//TODO: our implementation of Attr is incorrect because we don't
// treat the value of the attribute as a child text node.
Attr.prototype = new Node();
__extend__(Attr.prototype, {
// the name of this attribute
get name(){
return this.nodeName;
// the value of the attribute is returned as a string
get value(){
return this.nodeValue||'';
set value(value){
// throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// delegate to node
this.nodeValue = value;
get textContent(){
return this.nodeValue;
set textContent(newText){
this.nodeValue = newText;
get specified(){
return (this !== null && this !== undefined);
get nodeType(){
get xml() {
if (this.nodeValue) {
return __escapeXML__(this.nodeValue+"");
} else {
return '';
toString : function() {
return '[object Attr]';
* @class Element -
* By far the vast majority of objects (apart from text)
* that authors encounter when traversing a document are
* Element nodes.
* @extends Node
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
Element = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
this.attributes = new NamedNodeMap(this.ownerDocument, this);
Element.prototype = new Node();
__extend__(Element.prototype, {
// The name of the element.
get tagName(){
return this.nodeName;
getAttribute: function(name) {
var ret = null;
// if attribute exists, use it
var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
if (attr) {
ret = attr.value;
// if Attribute exists, return its value, otherwise, return null
return ret;
setAttribute : function (name, value) {
// if attribute exists, use it
var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
//console.log('attr %s', attr);
//I had to add this check because as the script initializes
//the id may be set in the constructor, and the html element
//overrides the id property with a getter/setter.
if (attr===null||attr===undefined) {
// otherwise create it
attr = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttribute(name);
//console.log('attr %s', attr);
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
if (attr._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if the value string contains an illegal character
if (!__isValidString__(value+'')) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
// assign values to properties (and aliases)
attr.value = value + '';
// add/replace Attribute in NamedNodeMap
//console.log('element setNamedItem %s', attr);
console.warn('Element has no owner document '+this.tagName+
'\n\t cant set attribute ' + name + ' = '+value );
removeAttribute : function removeAttribute(name) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem
return this.attributes.removeNamedItem(name);
getAttributeNode : function getAttributeNode(name) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem
return this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
setAttributeNode: function(newAttr) {
// if this Attribute is an ID
if (__isIdDeclaration__( { = newAttr.value; // cache ID for getElementById()
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem
return this.attributes.setNamedItem(newAttr);
removeAttributeNode: function(oldAttr) {
// throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && oldAttr._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// get item index
var itemIndex = this.attributes._findItemIndex(oldAttr._id);
// throw Exception if node does not exist in this map
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking && (itemIndex < 0)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR));
return this.attributes._removeChild(itemIndex);
getAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
var ret = "";
// delegate to NAmedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS
var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
if (attr) {
ret = attr.value;
return ret; // if Attribute exists, return its value, otherwise return ""
setAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) {
// call NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem
//console.log('setAttributeNS %s %s %s', namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value);
var attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
if (!attr) { // if Attribute exists, use it
// otherwise create it
attr = __ownerDocument__(this).createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
value = '' + value;
// test for exceptions
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if Attribute is readonly
if (attr._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
// throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
if (!__isValidNamespace__(this.ownerDocument, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, true)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
// throw Exception if the value string contains an illegal character
if (!__isValidString__(value)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
// if this Attribute is an ID
//if (__isIdDeclaration__(name)) {
// = value;
// assign values to properties (and aliases)
attr.value = value;
attr.nodeValue = value;
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem
removeAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS
return this.attributes.removeNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
getAttributeNodeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS
return this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
setAttributeNodeNS : function(newAttr) {
// if this Attribute is an ID
if ((newAttr.prefix == "") && __isIdDeclaration__( { = newAttr.value+''; // cache ID for getElementById()
// delegate to NamedNodeMap.setNamedItemNS
return this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(newAttr);
hasAttribute : function(name) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap._hasAttribute
return __hasAttribute__(this.attributes,name);
hasAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName) {
// delegate to NamedNodeMap._hasAttributeNS
return __hasAttributeNS__(this.attributes, namespaceURI, localName);
get nodeType(){
return Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
get xml() {
var ret = "",
ns = "",
// serialize namespace declarations
if (this.namespaceURI ){
if((this === this.ownerDocument.documentElement) ||
(this.parentNode && (this.parentNode.namespaceURI !== this.namespaceURI))) {
ns = ' xmlns' + (this.prefix?(':'+this.prefix):'') +
'="' + this.namespaceURI + '"';
// serialize Attribute declarations
attrs = this.attributes;
attrstring = "";
for(i=0;i< attrs.length;i++){
if(attrs[i].name.match('xmlns:')) {
attrstring += " "+attrs[i].name+'="'+attrs[i].xml+'"';
for(i=0;i< attrs.length;i++){
if(!attrs[i].name.match('xmlns:')) {
attrstring += " "+attrs[i].name+'="'+attrs[i].xml+'"';
// serialize this Element
ret += "<" + this.tagName + ns + attrstring +">";
ret += this.childNodes.xml;
ret += "</" + this.tagName + ">";
ret += "<" + this.tagName + ns + attrstring +"/>";
return ret;
toString : function(){
return '[object Element]';
* @class DOMException - raised when an operation is impossible to perform
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param code : int - the exception code (one of the DOMException constants)
DOMException = function(code) {
this.code = code;
// DOMException constants
// Introduced in DOM Level 1:
DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1;
DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR = 12;
DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR = 14;
* @class DocumentFragment -
* DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object.
* @extends Node
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
DocumentFragment = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
this.nodeName = "#document-fragment";
DocumentFragment.prototype = new Node();
get nodeType(){
get xml(){
var xml = "",
count = this.childNodes.length;
// create string concatenating the serialized ChildNodes
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
xml += this.childNodes.item(i).xml;
return xml;
toString : function(){
return "[object DocumentFragment]";
get localName(){
return null;
* @class ProcessingInstruction -
* The ProcessingInstruction interface represents a
* "processing instruction", used in XML as a way to
* keep processor-specific information in the text of
* the document
* @extends Node
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param ownerDocument : The Document object associated with this node.
ProcessingInstruction = function(ownerDocument) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
ProcessingInstruction.prototype = new Node();
__extend__(ProcessingInstruction.prototype, {
get data(){
return this.nodeValue;
set data(data){
// throw Exception if Node is readonly
if (__ownerDocument__(this).errorChecking && this._readonly) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR));
this.nodeValue = data;
get textContent(){
get localName(){
return null;
get target(){
// The target of this processing instruction.
// XML defines this as being the first token following the markup that begins the processing instruction.
// The content of this processing instruction.
return this.nodeName;
set target(value){
// The target of this processing instruction.
// XML defines this as being the first token following the markup that begins the processing instruction.
// The content of this processing instruction.
this.nodeName = value;
get nodeType(){
get xml(){
return "<?" + this.nodeName +" "+ this.nodeValue + "?>";
toString : function(){
return "[object ProcessingInstruction]";
* @author envjs team
Entity = function() {
throw new Error("Entity Not Implemented" );
Entity.constants = {
// content taken from W3C "HTML 4.01 Specification"
// "W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999"
nbsp: "\u00A0",
iexcl: "\u00A1",
cent: "\u00A2",
pound: "\u00A3",
curren: "\u00A4",
yen: "\u00A5",
brvbar: "\u00A6",
sect: "\u00A7",
uml: "\u00A8",
copy: "\u00A9",
ordf: "\u00AA",
laquo: "\u00AB",
not: "\u00AC",
shy: "\u00AD",
reg: "\u00AE",
macr: "\u00AF",
deg: "\u00B0",
plusmn: "\u00B1",
sup2: "\u00B2",
sup3: "\u00B3",
acute: "\u00B4",
micro: "\u00B5",
para: "\u00B6",
middot: "\u00B7",
cedil: "\u00B8",
sup1: "\u00B9",
ordm: "\u00BA",
raquo: "\u00BB",
frac14: "\u00BC",
frac12: "\u00BD",
frac34: "\u00BE",
iquest: "\u00BF",
Agrave: "\u00C0",
Aacute: "\u00C1",
Acirc: "\u00C2",
Atilde: "\u00C3",
Auml: "\u00C4",
Aring: "\u00C5",
AElig: "\u00C6",
Ccedil: "\u00C7",
Egrave: "\u00C8",
Eacute: "\u00C9",
Ecirc: "\u00CA",
Euml: "\u00CB",
Igrave: "\u00CC",
Iacute: "\u00CD",
Icirc: "\u00CE",
Iuml: "\u00CF",
ETH: "\u00D0",
Ntilde: "\u00D1",
Ograve: "\u00D2",
Oacute: "\u00D3",
Ocirc: "\u00D4",
Otilde: "\u00D5",
Ouml: "\u00D6",
times: "\u00D7",
Oslash: "\u00D8",
Ugrave: "\u00D9",
Uacute: "\u00DA",
Ucirc: "\u00DB",
Uuml: "\u00DC",
Yacute: "\u00DD",
THORN: "\u00DE",
szlig: "\u00DF",
agrave: "\u00E0",
aacute: "\u00E1",
acirc: "\u00E2",
atilde: "\u00E3",
auml: "\u00E4",
aring: "\u00E5",
aelig: "\u00E6",
ccedil: "\u00E7",
egrave: "\u00E8",
eacute: "\u00E9",
ecirc: "\u00EA",
euml: "\u00EB",
igrave: "\u00EC",
iacute: "\u00ED",
icirc: "\u00EE",
iuml: "\u00EF",
eth: "\u00F0",
ntilde: "\u00F1",
ograve: "\u00F2",
oacute: "\u00F3",
ocirc: "\u00F4",
otilde: "\u00F5",
ouml: "\u00F6",
divide: "\u00F7",
oslash: "\u00F8",
ugrave: "\u00F9",
uacute: "\u00FA",
ucirc: "\u00FB",
uuml: "\u00FC",
yacute: "\u00FD",
thorn: "\u00FE",
yuml: "\u00FF",
fnof: "\u0192",
Alpha: "\u0391",
Beta: "\u0392",
Gamma: "\u0393",
Delta: "\u0394",
Epsilon: "\u0395",
Zeta: "\u0396",
Eta: "\u0397",
Theta: "\u0398",
Iota: "\u0399",
Kappa: "\u039A",
Lambda: "\u039B",
Mu: "\u039C",
Nu: "\u039D",
Xi: "\u039E",
Omicron: "\u039F",
Pi: "\u03A0",
Rho: "\u03A1",
Sigma: "\u03A3",
Tau: "\u03A4",
Upsilon: "\u03A5",
Phi: "\u03A6",
Chi: "\u03A7",
Psi: "\u03A8",
Omega: "\u03A9",
alpha: "\u03B1",
beta: "\u03B2",
gamma: "\u03B3",
delta: "\u03B4",
epsilon: "\u03B5",
zeta: "\u03B6",
eta: "\u03B7",
theta: "\u03B8",
iota: "\u03B9",
kappa: "\u03BA",
lambda: "\u03BB",
mu: "\u03BC",
nu: "\u03BD",
xi: "\u03BE",
omicron: "\u03BF",
pi: "\u03C0",
rho: "\u03C1",
sigmaf: "\u03C2",
sigma: "\u03C3",
tau: "\u03C4",
upsilon: "\u03C5",
phi: "\u03C6",
chi: "\u03C7",
psi: "\u03C8",
omega: "\u03C9",
thetasym: "\u03D1",
upsih: "\u03D2",
piv: "\u03D6",
bull: "\u2022",
hellip: "\u2026",
prime: "\u2032",
Prime: "\u2033",
oline: "\u203E",
frasl: "\u2044",
weierp: "\u2118",
image: "\u2111",
real: "\u211C",
trade: "\u2122",
alefsym: "\u2135",
larr: "\u2190",
uarr: "\u2191",
rarr: "\u2192",
darr: "\u2193",
harr: "\u2194",
crarr: "\u21B5",
lArr: "\u21D0",
uArr: "\u21D1",
rArr: "\u21D2",
dArr: "\u21D3",
hArr: "\u21D4",
forall: "\u2200",
part: "\u2202",
exist: "\u2203",
empty: "\u2205",
nabla: "\u2207",
isin: "\u2208",
notin: "\u2209",
ni: "\u220B",
prod: "\u220F",
sum: "\u2211",
minus: "\u2212",
lowast: "\u2217",
radic: "\u221A",
prop: "\u221D",
infin: "\u221E",
ang: "\u2220",
and: "\u2227",
or: "\u2228",
cap: "\u2229",
cup: "\u222A",
intXX: "\u222B",
there4: "\u2234",
sim: "\u223C",
cong: "\u2245",
asymp: "\u2248",
ne: "\u2260",
equiv: "\u2261",
le: "\u2264",
ge: "\u2265",
sub: "\u2282",
sup: "\u2283",
nsub: "\u2284",
sube: "\u2286",
supe: "\u2287",
oplus: "\u2295",
otimes: "\u2297",
perp: "\u22A5",
sdot: "\u22C5",
lceil: "\u2308",
rceil: "\u2309",
lfloor: "\u230A",
rfloor: "\u230B",
lang: "\u2329",
rang: "\u232A",
loz: "\u25CA",
spades: "\u2660",
clubs: "\u2663",
hearts: "\u2665",
diams: "\u2666",
quot: "\u0022",
amp: "\u0026",
lt: "\u003C",
gt: "\u003E",
OElig: "\u0152",
oelig: "\u0153",
Scaron: "\u0160",
scaron: "\u0161",
Yuml: "\u0178",
circ: "\u02C6",
tilde: "\u02DC",
ensp: "\u2002",
emsp: "\u2003",
thinsp: "\u2009",
zwnj: "\u200C",
zwj: "\u200D",
lrm: "\u200E",
rlm: "\u200F",
ndash: "\u2013",
mdash: "\u2014",
lsquo: "\u2018",
rsquo: "\u2019",
sbquo: "\u201A",
ldquo: "\u201C",
rdquo: "\u201D",
bdquo: "\u201E",
dagger: "\u2020",
Dagger: "\u2021",
permil: "\u2030",
lsaquo: "\u2039",
rsaquo: "\u203A",
euro: "\u20AC",
// non-standard entities
apos: "'"
* @author envjs team
EntityReference = function() {
throw new Error("EntityReference Not Implemented" );
* @class DOMImplementation -
* provides a number of methods for performing operations
* that are independent of any particular instance of the
* document object model.
* @author Jon van Noort (
DOMImplementation = function() {
this.preserveWhiteSpace = false; // by default, ignore whitespace
this.namespaceAware = true; // by default, handle namespaces
this.errorChecking = true; // by default, test for exceptions
// @param feature : string - The package name of the feature to test.
// the legal only values are "XML" and "CORE" (case-insensitive).
// @param version : string - This is the version number of the package
// name to test. In Level 1, this is the string "1.0".*
// @return : boolean
hasFeature : function(feature, version) {
var ret = false;
if (feature.toLowerCase() == "xml") {
ret = (!version || (version == "1.0") || (version == "2.0"));
else if (feature.toLowerCase() == "core") {
ret = (!version || (version == "2.0"));
else if (feature == "") {
ret = (version == "1.1");
return ret;
createDocumentType : function(qname, publicId, systemId){
var doctype = new DocumentType();
doctype.nodeName = qname?qname.toUpperCase():null;
doctype.publicId = publicId?publicId:null;
doctype.systemId = systemId?systemId:null;
return doctype;
createDocument : function(nsuri, qname, doctype){
var doc = null, documentElement;
doc = new Document(this, null);
doc.doctype = doctype;
if(nsuri && qname){
documentElement = doc.createElementNS(nsuri, qname);
}else if(qname){
documentElement = doc.createElement(qname);
return doc;
createHTMLDocument : function(title){
var doc = new HTMLDocument($implementation, null, "");
var html = doc.createElement("html"); doc.appendChild(html);
var head = doc.createElement("head"); html.appendChild(head);
var body = doc.createElement("body"); html.appendChild(body);
var t = doc.createElement("title"); head.appendChild(t);
if( title) {
return doc;
translateErrCode : function(code) {
//convert DOMException Code to human readable error message;
var msg = "";
switch (code) {
case DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR : // 1
msg = "INDEX_SIZE_ERR: Index out of bounds";
case DOMException.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR : // 2
msg = "DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR: The resulting string is too long to fit in a DOMString";
case DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR : // 3
msg = "HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: The Node can not be inserted at this location";
case DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR : // 4
msg = "WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: The source and the destination Documents are not the same";
case DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR : // 5
msg = "INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: The string contains an invalid character";
case DOMException.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR : // 6
msg = "NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR: This Node / NodeList does not support data";
msg = "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: This object cannot be modified";
case DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR : // 8
msg = "NOT_FOUND_ERR: The item cannot be found";
case DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR : // 9
msg = "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: This implementation does not support function";
case DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR : // 10
msg = "INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: The Attribute has already been assigned to another Element";
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
case DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR : // 11
msg = "INVALID_STATE_ERR: The object is no longer usable";
case DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR : // 12
msg = "SYNTAX_ERR: Syntax error";
msg = "INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: Cannot change the type of the object";
case DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR : // 14
msg = "NAMESPACE_ERR: The namespace declaration is incorrect";
case DOMException.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR : // 15
msg = "INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: The object does not support this function";
default :
msg = "UNKNOWN: Unknown Exception Code ("+ code +")";
return msg;
toString : function(){
return "[object DOMImplementation]";
* @method DOMImplementation._isNamespaceDeclaration - Return true, if attributeName is a namespace declaration
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param attributeName : string - the attribute name
* @return : boolean
function __isNamespaceDeclaration__(attributeName) {
// test if attributeName is 'xmlns'
return (attributeName.indexOf('xmlns') > -1);
* @method DOMImplementation._isIdDeclaration - Return true, if attributeName is an id declaration
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param attributeName : string - the attribute name
* @return : boolean
function __isIdDeclaration__(attributeName) {
// test if attributeName is 'id' (case insensitive)
return attributeName?(attributeName.toLowerCase() == 'id'):false;
* @method DOMImplementation._isValidName - Return true,
* if name contains no invalid characters
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param name : string - the candidate name
* @return : boolean
function __isValidName__(name) {
// test if name contains only valid characters
return name.match(re_validName);
var re_validName = /^[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_:]*$/;
* @method DOMImplementation._isValidString - Return true, if string does not contain any illegal chars
* All of the characters 0 through 31 and character 127 are nonprinting control characters.
* With the exception of characters 09, 10, and 13, (Ox09, Ox0A, and Ox0D)
* Note: different from _isValidName in that ValidStrings may contain spaces
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param name : string - the candidate string
* @return : boolean
function __isValidString__(name) {
// test that string does not contains invalid characters
return ( < 0);
var re_invalidStringChars = /\x01|\x02|\x03|\x04|\x05|\x06|\x07|\x08|\x0B|\x0C|\x0E|\x0F|\x10|\x11|\x12|\x13|\x14|\x15|\x16|\x17|\x18|\x19|\x1A|\x1B|\x1C|\x1D|\x1E|\x1F|\x7F/;
* @method DOMImplementation._parseNSName - parse the namespace name.
* if there is no colon, the
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name
* @return : NSName - [
.prefix : string - The prefix part of the qname
.namespaceName : string - The namespaceURI part of the qname
function __parseNSName__(qualifiedName) {
var resultNSName = {};
// unless the qname has a namespaceName, the prefix is the entire String
resultNSName.prefix = qualifiedName;
resultNSName.namespaceName = "";
// split on ':'
var delimPos = qualifiedName.indexOf(':');
if (delimPos > -1) {
// get prefix
resultNSName.prefix = qualifiedName.substring(0, delimPos);
// get namespaceName
resultNSName.namespaceName = qualifiedName.substring(delimPos +1, qualifiedName.length);
return resultNSName;
* @method DOMImplementation._parseQName - parse the qualified name
* @author Jon van Noort (
* @param qualifiedName : string - The qualified name
* @return : QName
function __parseQName__(qualifiedName) {
var resultQName = {};
// unless the qname has a prefix, the local name is the entire String
resultQName.localName = qualifiedName;
resultQName.prefix = "";
// split on ':'
var delimPos = qualifiedName.indexOf(':');
if (delimPos > -1) {
// get prefix
resultQName.prefix = qualifiedName.substring(0, delimPos);
// get localName
resultQName.localName = qualifiedName.substring(delimPos +1, qualifiedName.length);
return resultQName;
* @author envjs team
Notation = function() {
throw new Error("Notation Not Implemented" );
* @author thatcher
Range = function(){
__extend__(Range.prototype, {
get startContainer(){
get endContainer(){
get startOffset(){
get endOffset(){
get collapsed(){
get commonAncestorContainer(){
setStart: function(refNode, offset){//throws RangeException
setEnd: function(refNode, offset){//throws RangeException
setStartBefore: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
setStartAfter: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
setEndBefore: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
setEndAfter: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
collapse: function(toStart){//throws RangeException
selectNode: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
selectNodeContents: function(refNode){//throws RangeException
compareBoundaryPoints: function(how, sourceRange){
deleteContents: function(){
extractContents: function(){
cloneContents: function(){
insertNode: function(newNode){
surroundContents: function(newParent){
cloneRange: function(){
toString: function(){
return '[object Range]';
detach: function(){
// CompareHow
Range.START_TO_END = 1;
Range.END_TO_END = 2;
Range.END_TO_START = 3;
* Forward declarations
var __isValidNamespace__;
* @class Document - The Document interface represents the entire HTML
* or XML document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree,
* and provides the primary access to the document's data.
* @extends Node
* @param implementation : DOMImplementation - the creator Implementation
Document = function(implementation, docParentWindow) {
Node.apply(this, arguments);
//TODO: Temporary!!! Cnage back to true!!!
this.async = true;
// The Document Type Declaration (see DocumentType) associated with this document
this.doctype = null;
// The DOMImplementation object that handles this document.
this.implementation = implementation;
this.nodeName = "#document";
// initially false, set to true by parser
this.parsing = false;
this.baseURI = 'about:blank';
this.ownerDocument = null;
this.importing = false;
Document.prototype = new Node();
get localName(){
return null;
get textContent(){
return null;
get all(){
return this.getElementsByTagName("*");
get documentElement(){
var i, length = this.childNodes?this.childNodes.length:0;
if(this.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
return this.childNodes[i];
return null;
get documentURI(){
return this.baseURI;
createExpression: function(xpath, nsuriMap){
return new XPathExpression(xpath, nsuriMap);
createDocumentFragment: function() {
var node = new DocumentFragment(this);
return node;
createTextNode: function(data) {
var node = new Text(this); = data;
return node;
createComment: function(data) {
var node = new Comment(this); = data;
return node;
createCDATASection : function(data) {
var node = new CDATASection(this); = data;
return node;
createProcessingInstruction: function(target, data) {
// throw Exception if the target string contains an illegal character
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
(!__isValidName__(target))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
var node = new ProcessingInstruction(this); = target; = data;
return node;
createElement: function(tagName) {
// throw Exception if the tagName string contains an illegal character
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
(!__isValidName__(tagName))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
var node = new Element(this);
node.nodeName = tagName;
return node;
createElementNS : function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {
//we use this as a parser flag to ignore the xhtml
//namespace assumed by the parser
//console.log('creating element %s %s', namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
if(this.baseURI === '' &&
namespaceURI === ''){
return this.createElement(qualifiedName);
//console.log('createElementNS %s %s', namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
if (!__isValidNamespace__(this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
// throw Exception if the qualifiedName string contains an illegal character
if (!__isValidName__(qualifiedName)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
var node = new Element(this);
var qname = __parseQName__(qualifiedName);
node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
node.prefix = qname.prefix;
node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
//console.log('created element %s %s', namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
return node;
createAttribute : function(name) {
//console.log('createAttribute %s ', name);
// throw Exception if the name string contains an illegal character
if (__ownerDocument__(this).implementation.errorChecking &&
(!__isValidName__(name))) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
var node = new Attr(this);
node.nodeName = name;
return node;
createAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) {
//we use this as a parser flag to ignore the xhtml
//namespace assumed by the parser
if(this.baseURI === '' &&
namespaceURI === ''){
return this.createAttribute(qualifiedName);
//console.log('createAttributeNS %s %s', namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
// test for exceptions
if (this.implementation.errorChecking) {
// throw Exception if the Namespace is invalid
if (!__isValidNamespace__(this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, true)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR));
// throw Exception if the qualifiedName string contains an illegal character
if (!__isValidName__(qualifiedName)) {
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR));
var node = new Attr(this);
var qname = __parseQName__(qualifiedName);
node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI === '' ? null : namespaceURI;
node.prefix = qname.prefix;
node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
node.nodeValue = "";
//console.log('attribute %s %s %s', node.namespaceURI, node.prefix, node.nodeName);
return node;
createNamespace : function(qualifiedName) {
//console.log('createNamespace %s', qualifiedName);
// create Namespace specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
var node = new Namespace(this);
var qname = __parseQName__(qualifiedName);
// assign values to properties (and aliases)
node.prefix = qname.prefix;
node.localName = qname.localName; = qualifiedName;
node.nodeValue = "";
return node;
createRange: function(){
return new Range();
evaluate: function(xpathText, contextNode, nsuriMapper, resultType, result){
//return new XPathExpression().evaluate();
throw Error('Document.evaluate not supported yet!');
getElementById : function(elementId) {
var retNode = null,
// loop through all Elements
var all = this.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i=0; i < all.length; i++) {
node = all[i];
// if id matches
if ( == elementId) {
//found the node
retNode = node;
return retNode;
normalizeDocument: function(){
get nodeType(){
return Node.DOCUMENT_NODE;
get xml(){
return this.documentElement.xml;
toString: function(){
return "[object XMLDocument]";
get defaultView(){
return { getComputedStyle: function(elem){
return window.getComputedStyle(elem);
* Helper function
__isValidNamespace__ = function(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, isAttribute) {
if (doc.importing === true) {
//we're doing an importNode operation (or a cloneNode) - in both cases, there
//is no need to perform any namespace checking since the nodes have to have been valid
//to have gotten into the DOM in the first place
return true;
var valid = true;
// parse QName
var qName = __parseQName__(qualifiedName);
//only check for namespaces if we're finished parsing
if (this.parsing === false) {
// if the qualifiedName is malformed
if (qName.localName.indexOf(":") > -1 ){
valid = false;
if ((valid) && (!isAttribute)) {
// if the namespaceURI is not null
if (!namespaceURI) {
valid = false;
// if the qualifiedName has a prefix
if ((valid) && (qName.prefix === "")) {
valid = false;
// if the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is
// different from "" [Namespaces].
if ((valid) && (qName.prefix === "xml") && (namespaceURI !== "")) {
valid = false;
return valid;
* This file only handles XML parser.
* It is extended by parser/domparser.js (and parser/htmlparser.js)
* This depends on e4x, which some engines may not have.
* @author thatcher
DOMParser = function(principle, documentURI, baseURI) {
// TODO: why/what should these 3 args do?
parseFromString: function(xmlstring, mimetype){
var doc = new Document(new DOMImplementation()),
// The following are e4x directives.
// Full spec is here:
// that is pretty gross, so checkout this summary
// also see the Mozilla Developer Center:
XML.ignoreComments = false;
XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = false;
XML.ignoreWhitespace = false;
// for some reason e4x can't handle initial xml declarations
// The official workaround is the big regexp below
// but simpler one seems to be ok
// xmlstring = xmlstring.replace(/^<\?xml\s+version\s*=\s*(["'])[^\1]+\1[^?]*\?>/, "");
xmlstring = xmlstring.replace(/<\?xml.*\?>/);
e4 = new XMLList(xmlstring);
__toDomNode__(e4, doc, doc);
//console.log('xml \n %s', doc.documentElement.xml);
return doc;
var __toDomNode__ = function(e4, parent, doc){
var xnode,
//console.log('converting e4x node list \n %s', e4)
// not using the for each(item in e4) since some engines can't
// handle the syntax (i.e. says syntax error)
// for each(xnode in e4) {
for (item in e4) {
// NO do not do this if (e4.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
// breaks spidermonkey
xnode = e4[item];
kind = xnode.nodeKind();
//console.log('treating node kind %s', kind);
case 'element':
// add node
//console.log('creating element %s %s', xnode.localName(), xnode.namespace());
if(xnode.namespace() && (xnode.namespace()+'') !== ''){
//console.log('createElementNS %s %s',xnode.namespace()+'', xnode.localName() );
domnode = doc.createElementNS(xnode.namespace()+'', xnode.localName());
domnode = doc.createElement('');
// add attributes
__toDomNode__(xnode.attributes(), domnode, doc);
// add children
children = xnode.children();
length = children.length();
//console.log('recursing? %s', length ? 'yes' : 'no');
if (length > 0) {
__toDomNode__(children, domnode, doc);
case 'attribute':
// console.log('setting attribute %s %s %s',
// xnode.localName(), xnode.namespace(), xnode.valueOf());
// cross-platform alert. The original code used
// xnode.text() to get the attribute value
// This worked in Rhino, but did not in Spidermonkey
// valueOf seemed to work in both
if(xnode.namespace() && xnode.namespace().prefix){
//console.log("%s", xnode.namespace().prefix);
}else if(('').match('')){
parent.setAttribute(xnode.localName()+'', xnode.valueOf());
case 'text':
//console.log('creating text node : %s', xnode);
domnode = doc.createTextNode(xnode+'');
case 'comment':
//console.log('creating comment node : %s', xnode);
value = xnode+'';
domnode = doc.createComment(value.substring(4,value.length-3));
case 'processing-instruction':
//console.log('creating processing-instruction node : %s', xnode);
value = xnode+'';
target = value.split(' ')[0].substring(2);
value = value.split(' ').splice(1).join(' ').replace('?>','');
//console.log('creating processing-instruction data : %s', value);
domnode = doc.createProcessingInstruction(target, value);
console.log('e4x DOM ERROR');
throw new Error("Assertion failed in xml parser");
* @author envjs team
* @class XMLSerializer
XMLSerializer = function() {};
__extend__(XMLSerializer.prototype, {
serializeToString: function(node){
return node.xml;
toString : function(){
return "[object XMLSerializer]";
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs event.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* This file simply provides the global definitions we need to
* be able to correctly implement to core browser DOM Event interfaces.
var Event,
//nonstandard but very useful for implementing mutation events
//among other things like general profiling
* Envjs event.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
* Borrowed with love from:
* jQuery AOP - jQuery plugin to add features of aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to jQuery.
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* Version: 1.1
(function() {
var _after = 1;
var _before = 2;
var _around = 3;
var _intro = 4;
var _regexEnabled = true;
* Private weaving function.
var weaveOne = function(source, method, advice) {
var old = source[method];
var aspect;
if (advice.type == _after)
aspect = function() {
var returnValue = old.apply(this, arguments);
return advice.value.apply(this, [returnValue, method]);
else if (advice.type == _before)
aspect = function() {
advice.value.apply(this, [arguments, method]);
return old.apply(this, arguments);
else if (advice.type == _intro)
aspect = function() {
return advice.value.apply(this, arguments);
else if (advice.type == _around) {
aspect = function() {
var invocation = { object: this, args: arguments };
return advice.value.apply(invocation.object, [{ arguments: invocation.args, method: method, proceed :
function() {
return old.apply(invocation.object, invocation.args);
}] );
aspect.unweave = function() {
source[method] = old;
pointcut = source = aspect = old = null;
source[method] = aspect;
return aspect;
* Private weaver and pointcut parser.
var weave = function(pointcut, advice)
var source = (typeof( != 'undefined') ? :;
var advices = [];
// If it's not an introduction and no method was found, try with regex...
if (advice.type != _intro && typeof(source[pointcut.method]) == 'undefined')
for (var method in source)
if (source[method] != null && source[method] instanceof Function && method.match(pointcut.method))
advices[advices.length] = weaveOne(source, method, advice);
if (advices.length == 0)
throw 'No method: ' + pointcut.method;
// Return as an array of one element
advices[0] = weaveOne(source, pointcut.method, advice);
return _regexEnabled ? advices : advices[0];
Aspect =
* Creates an advice after the defined point-cut. The advice will be executed after the point-cut method
* has completed execution successfully, and will receive one parameter with the result of the execution.
* This function returns an array of weaved aspects (Function).
* @example jQuery.aop.after( {target: window, method: 'MyGlobalMethod'}, function(result) { alert('Returned: ' + result); } );
* @result Array<Function>
* @example jQuery.aop.after( {target: String, method: 'indexOf'}, function(index) { alert('Result found at: ' + index + ' on:' + this); } );
* @result Array<Function>
* @name after
* @param Map pointcut Definition of the point-cut to apply the advice. A point-cut is the definition of the object/s and method/s to be weaved.
* @option Object target Target object to be weaved.
* @option String method Name of the function to be weaved. Regex are supported, but not on built-in objects.
* @param Function advice Function containing the code that will get called after the execution of the point-cut. It receives one parameter
* with the result of the point-cut's execution.
* @type Array<Function>
* @cat Plugins/General
after : function(pointcut, advice)
return weave( pointcut, { type: _after, value: advice } );
* Creates an advice before the defined point-cut. The advice will be executed before the point-cut method
* but cannot modify the behavior of the method, or prevent its execution.
* This function returns an array of weaved aspects (Function).
* @example jQuery.aop.before( {target: window, method: 'MyGlobalMethod'}, function() { alert('About to execute MyGlobalMethod'); } );
* @result Array<Function>
* @example jQuery.aop.before( {target: String, method: 'indexOf'}, function(index) { alert('About to execute String.indexOf on: ' + this); } );
* @result Array<Function>
* @name before
* @param Map pointcut Definition of the point-cut to apply the advice. A point-cut is the definition of the object/s and method/s to be weaved.
* @option Object target Target object to be weaved.
* @option String method Name of the function to be weaved. Regex are supported, but not on built-in objects.
* @param Function advice Function containing the code that will get called before the execution of the point-cut.
* @type Array<Function>
* @cat Plugins/General
before : function(pointcut, advice)
return weave( pointcut, { type: _before, value: advice } );
* Creates an advice 'around' the defined point-cut. This type of advice can control the point-cut method execution by calling
* the functions '.proceed()' on the 'invocation' object, and also, can modify the arguments collection before sending them to the function call.
* This function returns an array of weaved aspects (Function).
* @example jQuery.aop.around( {target: window, method: 'MyGlobalMethod'}, function(invocation) {
* alert('# of Arguments: ' + invocation.arguments.length);
* return invocation.proceed();
* } );
* @result Array<Function>
* @example jQuery.aop.around( {target: String, method: 'indexOf'}, function(invocation) {
* alert('Searching: ' + invocation.arguments[0] + ' on: ' + this);
* return invocation.proceed();
* } );
* @result Array<Function>
* @example jQuery.aop.around( {target: window, method: /Get(\d+)/}, function(invocation) {
* alert('Executing ' + invocation.method);
* return invocation.proceed();
* } );
* @desc Matches all global methods starting with 'Get' and followed by a number.
* @result Array<Function>
* @name around
* @param Map pointcut Definition of the point-cut to apply the advice. A point-cut is the definition of the object/s and method/s to be weaved.
* @option Object target Target object to be weaved.
* @option String method Name of the function to be weaved. Regex are supported, but not on built-in objects.
* @param Function advice Function containing the code that will get called around the execution of the point-cut. This advice will be called with one
* argument containing one function '.proceed()', the collection of arguments '.arguments', and the matched method name '.method'.
* @type Array<Function>
* @cat Plugins/General
around : function(pointcut, advice)
return weave( pointcut, { type: _around, value: advice } );
* Creates an introduction on the defined point-cut. This type of advice replaces any existing methods with the same
* name. To restore them, just unweave it.
* This function returns an array with only one weaved aspect (Function).
* @example jQuery.aop.introduction( {target: window, method: 'MyGlobalMethod'}, function(result) { alert('Returned: ' + result); } );
* @result Array<Function>
* @example jQuery.aop.introduction( {target: String, method: 'log'}, function() { alert('Console: ' + this); } );
* @result Array<Function>
* @name introduction
* @param Map pointcut Definition of the point-cut to apply the advice. A point-cut is the definition of the object/s and method/s to be weaved.
* @option Object target Target object to be weaved.
* @option String method Name of the function to be weaved.
* @param Function advice Function containing the code that will be executed on the point-cut.
* @type Array<Function>
* @cat Plugins/General
introduction : function(pointcut, advice)
return weave( pointcut, { type: _intro, value: advice } );
* Configures global options.
* @name setup
* @param Map settings Configuration options.
* @option Boolean regexMatch Enables/disables regex matching of method names.
* @example jQuery.aop.setup( { regexMatch: false } );
* @desc Disable regex matching.
* @type Void
* @cat Plugins/General
setup: function(settings)
_regexEnabled = settings.regexMatch;
* @name EventTarget
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri -//TODO: paste dom event level 2 w3c spc uri here
EventTarget = function(){};
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, fn, phase){
__addEventListener__(this, type, fn, phase);
EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, fn){
__removeEventListener__(this, type, fn);
EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event, bubbles){
__dispatchEvent__(this, event, bubbles);
__extend__(Node.prototype, EventTarget.prototype);
var $events = [{}];
function __addEventListener__(target, type, fn, phase){
phase = !!phase?"CAPTURING":"BUBBLING";
if ( !target.uuid ) {
//console.log('event uuid %s %s', target, target.uuid);
target.uuid = $events.length+'';
if ( !$events[target.uuid] ) {
//console.log('creating listener for target: %s %s', target, target.uuid);
$events[target.uuid] = {};
if ( !$events[target.uuid][type] ){
//console.log('creating listener for type: %s %s %s', target, target.uuid, type);
$events[target.uuid][type] = {
if ( $events[target.uuid][type][phase].indexOf( fn ) < 0 ){
//console.log('adding event listener %s %s %s %s %s %s', target, target.uuid, type, phase,
// $events[target.uuid][type][phase].length, $events[target.uuid][type][phase].indexOf( fn ));
//console.log('creating listener for function: %s %s %s', target, target.uuid, phase);
$events[target.uuid][type][phase].push( fn );
//console.log('adding event listener %s %s %s %s %s %s', target, target.uuid, type, phase,
// $events[target.uuid][type][phase].length, $events[target.uuid][type][phase].indexOf( fn ));
//console.log('registered event listeners %s', $events.length);
function __removeEventListener__(target, type, fn, phase){
phase = !!phase?"CAPTURING":"BUBBLING";
if ( !target.uuid ) {
if ( !$events[target.uuid] ) {
if(type == '*'){
//used to clean all event listeners for a given node
//console.log('cleaning all event listeners for node %s %s',target, target.uuid);
delete $events[target.uuid];
}else if ( !$events[target.uuid][type] ){
$events[target.uuid][type][phase] =
//console.log('removing event listener %s %s %s %s', target, type, phase, fn);
return f != fn;
var __eventuuid__ = 0;
function __dispatchEvent__(target, event, bubbles){
if (!event.uuid) {
event.uuid = __eventuuid__++;
//the window scope defines the $event object, for IE(^^^) compatibility;
//$event = event;
//console.log('dispatching event %s', event.uuid);
if (bubbles === undefined || bubbles === null) {
bubbles = true;
if (! { = target;
//console.log('dispatching? %s %s %s', target, event.type, bubbles);
if ( event.type && (target.nodeType || target === window )) {
//console.log('dispatching event %s %s %s', target, event.type, bubbles);
__captureEvent__(target, event);
event.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET;
if ( target.uuid && $events[target.uuid] && $events[target.uuid][event.type] ) {
event.currentTarget = target;
//console.log('dispatching %s %s %s %s', target, event.type,
// $events[target.uuid][event.type]['CAPTURING'].length);
//console.log('AT_TARGET (CAPTURING) event %s', fn);
var returnValue = fn( event );
//console.log('AT_TARGET (CAPTURING) return value %s', returnValue);
if(returnValue === false){
//console.log('dispatching %s %s %s %s', target, event.type,
// $events[target.uuid][event.type]['BUBBLING'].length);
//console.log('AT_TARGET (BUBBLING) event %s', fn);
var returnValue = fn( event );
//console.log('AT_TARGET (BUBBLING) return value %s', returnValue);
if(returnValue === false){
if (target["on" + event.type]) {
target["on" + event.type](event);
if (bubbles && !event.cancelled){
__bubbleEvent__(target, event);
//At this point I'm guessing that just HTMLEvents are concerned
//with default behavior being executed in a browser but I could be
//wrong as usual. The goal is much more to filter at this point
//what events have no need to be handled
//console.log('triggering default behavior for %s', event.type);
if(event.type in Envjs.defaultEventBehaviors){
//console.log('deleting event %s', event.uuid); = null;
event = null;
throw new EventException(EventException.UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR);
function __captureEvent__(target, event){
var ancestorStack = [],
parent = target.parentNode;
event.eventPhase = Event.CAPTURING_PHASE;
if(parent.uuid && $events[parent.uuid] && $events[parent.uuid][event.type]){
parent = parent.parentNode;
while(ancestorStack.length && !event.cancelled){
event.currentTarget = ancestorStack.pop();
if($events[event.currentTarget.uuid] && $events[event.currentTarget.uuid][event.type]){
var returnValue = fn( event );
if(returnValue === false){
function __bubbleEvent__(target, event){
var parent = target.parentNode;
event.eventPhase = Event.BUBBLING_PHASE;
if(parent.uuid && $events[parent.uuid] && $events[parent.uuid][event.type] ){
event.currentTarget = parent;
var returnValue = fn( event );
if(returnValue === false){
parent = parent.parentNode;
* @class Event
Event = function(options){
// event state is kept read-only by forcing
// a new object for each event. This may not
// be appropriate in the long run and we'll
// have to decide if we simply dont adhere to
// the read-only restriction of the specification
this._bubbles = true;
this._cancelable = true;
this._cancelled = false;
this._currentTarget = null;
this._target = null;
this._eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET;
this._timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
this._preventDefault = false;
this._stopPropogation = false;
get bubbles(){return this._bubbles;},
get cancelable(){return this._cancelable;},
get currentTarget(){return this._currentTarget;},
set currentTarget(currentTarget){ this._currentTarget = currentTarget; },
get eventPhase(){return this._eventPhase;},
set eventPhase(eventPhase){this._eventPhase = eventPhase;},
get target(){return this._target;},
set target(target){ this._target = target;},
get timeStamp(){return this._timeStamp;},
get type(){return this._type;},
initEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable){
preventDefault: function(){
this._preventDefault = true;
stopPropagation: function(){
this._cancelled = true;
this._bubbles = false;
get cancelled(){
return this._cancelled;
toString: function(){
return '[object Event]';
* @name UIEvent
* @param {Object} options
UIEvent = function(options) {
this._view = null;
this._detail = 0;
UIEvent.prototype = new Event();
get view(){
return this._view;
get detail(){
return this._detail;
initUIEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, detail){
this.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
this._detail = 0;
this._view = windowObject;
var $onblur,
* @name MouseEvent
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri
MouseEvent = function(options) {
this._screenX= 0;
this._screenY= 0;
this._clientX= 0;
this._clientY= 0;
this._ctrlKey= false;
this._metaKey= false;
this._altKey= false;
this._button= null;
this._relatedTarget= null;
MouseEvent.prototype = new UIEvent();
get screenX(){
return this._screenX;
get screenY(){
return this._screenY;
get clientX(){
return this._clientX;
get clientY(){
return this._clientY;
get ctrlKey(){
return this._ctrlKey;
get altKey(){
return this._altKey;
get shiftKey(){
return this._shiftKey;
get metaKey(){
return this._metaKey;
get button(){
return this._button;
get relatedTarget(){
return this._relatedTarget;
initMouseEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, detail,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey,
metaKey, button, relatedTarget){
this.initUIEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, detail);
this._screenX = screenX;
this._screenY = screenY;
this._clientX = clientX;
this._clientY = clientY;
this._ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
this._altKey = altKey;
this._shiftKey = shiftKey;
this._metaKey = metaKey;
this._button = button;
this._relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
* Interface KeyboardEvent (introduced in DOM Level 3)
KeyboardEvent = function(options) {
this._keyIdentifier = 0;
this._keyLocation = 0;
this._ctrlKey = false;
this._metaKey = false;
this._altKey = false;
this._metaKey = false;
KeyboardEvent.prototype = new UIEvent();
get ctrlKey(){
return this._ctrlKey;
get altKey(){
return this._altKey;
get shiftKey(){
return this._shiftKey;
get metaKey(){
return this._metaKey;
get button(){
return this._button;
get relatedTarget(){
return this._relatedTarget;
getModifiersState: function(keyIdentifier){
initMouseEvent: function(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject,
keyIdentifier, keyLocation, modifiersList, repeat){
this.initUIEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, 0);
this._keyIdentifier = keyIdentifier;
this._keyLocation = keyLocation;
this._modifiersList = modifiersList;
this._repeat = repeat;
KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT = 1;
//We dont fire mutation events until someone has registered for them
var __supportedMutations__ = /DOMSubtreeModified|DOMNodeInserted|DOMNodeRemoved|DOMAttrModified|DOMCharacterDataModified/;
var __fireMutationEvents__ = Aspect.before({
target: EventTarget,
method: 'addEventListener'
}, function(target, type){
if(type && type.match(__supportedMutations__)){
//unweaving removes the __addEventListener__ aspect
// These two methods are enough to cover all dom 2 manipulations
target: Node,
}, function(invocation){
var event,
node = invocation.arguments[0];
event = node.ownerDocument.createEvent('MutationEvents');
event.initEvent('DOMNodeRemoved', true, false, node.parentNode, null, null, null, null);
node.dispatchEvent(event, false);
return invocation.proceed();
target: Node,
}, function(invocation) {
var event,
node = invocation.proceed();
event = node.ownerDocument.createEvent('MutationEvents');
event.initEvent('DOMNodeInserted', true, false, node.parentNode, null, null, null, null);
node.dispatchEvent(event, false);
return node;
* @name MutationEvent
* @param {Object} options
MutationEvent = function(options) {
this._cancelable = false;
this._timeStamp = 0;
MutationEvent.prototype = new Event();
get relatedNode(){
return this._relatedNode;
get prevValue(){
return this._prevValue;
get newValue(){
return this._newValue;
get attrName(){
return this._attrName;
get attrChange(){
return this._attrChange;
initMutationEvent: function( type, bubbles, cancelable,
relatedNode, prevValue, newValue, attrName, attrChange ){
this._relatedNode = relatedNode;
this._prevValue = prevValue;
this._newValue = newValue;
this._attrName = attrName;
this._attrChange = attrChange;
case "DOMSubtreeModified":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
case "DOMNodeInserted":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
case "DOMNodeRemoved":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
case "DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument":
this.initEvent(type, false, false);
case "DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument":
this.initEvent(type, false, false);
case "DOMAttrModified":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
case "DOMCharacterDataModified":
this.initEvent(type, true, false);
this.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
// constants
MutationEvent.ADDITION = 0;
MutationEvent.MODIFICATION = 1;
MutationEvent.REMOVAL = 2;
* @name EventException
EventException = function(code) {
this.code = code;
* DOM Level 2:
* DOM Level 3:
* interface DocumentEvent {
* Event createEvent (in DOMString eventType)
* raises (DOMException);
* };
* Firefox (3.6) exposes DocumentEvent
* Safari (4) does NOT.
* TODO: Not sure we need a full prototype. We not just an regular object?
DocumentEvent = function(){};
DocumentEvent.prototype.__EventMap__ = {
// Safari4: singular and plural forms accepted
// Firefox3.6: singular and plural forms accepted
'Event' : Event,
'Events' : Event,
'UIEvent' : UIEvent,
'UIEvents' : UIEvent,
'MouseEvent' : MouseEvent,
'MouseEvents' : MouseEvent,
'MutationEvent' : MutationEvent,
'MutationEvents' : MutationEvent,
// Safari4: accepts HTMLEvents, but not HTMLEvent
// Firefox3.6: accepts HTMLEvents, but not HTMLEvent
'HTMLEvent' : Event,
'HTMLEvents' : Event,
// Safari4: both not accepted
// Firefox3.6, only KeyEvents is accepted
'KeyEvent' : KeyboardEvent,
'KeyEvents' : KeyboardEvent,
// Safari4: both accepted
// Firefox3.6: none accepted
'KeyboardEvent' : KeyboardEvent,
'KeyboardEvents' : KeyboardEvent
DocumentEvent.prototype.createEvent = function(eventType) {
var Clazz = this.__EventMap__[eventType];
if (Clazz) {
return new Clazz();
throw(new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR));
__extend__(Document.prototype, DocumentEvent.prototype);
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs timer.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* Parts of the implementation were originally written by:\
* Steven Parkes
* requires Envjs.wait, Envjs.sleep, Envjs.WAIT_INTERVAL
var setTimeout,
* Envjs timer.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* timer.js
* implementation provided by Steven Parkes
var $timers = [],
$timers.lock = function(fn){
//private internal class
var Timer = function(fn, interval){
this.fn = fn;
this.interval = interval; = + interval;
// allows for calling wait() from callbacks
this.running = false;
Timer.prototype.start = function(){};
Timer.prototype.stop = function(){};
Timer.normalize = function(time) {
time = time*1;
if ( isNaN(time) || time < 0 ) {
time = 0;
if ( EVENT_LOOP_RUNNING && time < Timer.MIN_TIME ) {
time = Timer.MIN_TIME;
return time;
// html5 says this should be at least 4, but the parser is using
// a setTimeout for the SAX stuff which messes up the world
Timer.MIN_TIME = /* 4 */ 0;
* @function setTimeout
* @param {Object} fn
* @param {Object} time
setTimeout = function(fn, time){
var num;
time = Timer.normalize(time);
num = $timers.length+1;
var tfn;
if (typeof fn == 'string') {
tfn = function() {
try {
// eval in global scope
eval(fn, null);
} catch (e) {
console.log('timer error %s %s', fn, e);
} finally {
} else {
tfn = function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('timer error %s %s', fn, e);
} finally {
//console.log("Creating timer number %s", num);
$timers[num] = new Timer(tfn, time);
return num;
* @function setInterval
* @param {Object} fn
* @param {Object} time
setInterval = function(fn, time){
//console.log('setting interval %s %s', time, fn.toString().substring(0,64));
time = Timer.normalize(time);
if ( time < 10 ) {
time = 10;
if (typeof fn == 'string') {
var fnstr = fn;
fn = function() {
var num;
num = $timers.length+1;
//Envjs.debug("Creating timer number "+num);
$timers[num] = new Timer(fn, time);
return num;
* clearInterval
* @param {Object} num
clearInterval = clearTimeout = function(num){
//console.log("clearing interval "+num);
if ( $timers[num] ) {
delete $timers[num];
// wait === null/undefined: execute any timers as they fire,
// waiting until there are none left
// wait(n) (n > 0): execute any timers as they fire until there
// are none left waiting at least n ms but no more, even if there
// are future events/current threads
// wait(0): execute any immediately runnable timers and return
// wait(-n): keep sleeping until the next event is more than n ms
// in the future
// TODO: make a priority queue ...
Envjs.wait = function(wait) {
//console.log('wait %s', wait);
var delta_wait,
start =,
was_running = EVENT_LOOP_RUNNING;
if (wait < 0) {
delta_wait = -wait;
wait = 0;
if (wait !== 0 && wait !== null && wait !== undefined){
wait +=;
var earliest,
for (;;) {
//console.log('timer loop');
earliest = sleep = goal = now = nextfn = null;
for(index in $timers){
if( isNaN(index*0) ) {
timer = $timers[index];
// determine timer with smallest run-at time that is
// not already running
if( !timer.running && ( !earliest || < ) {
earliest = timer;
//next sleep time
sleep = earliest && -;
if ( earliest && sleep <= 0 ) {
nextfn = earliest.fn;
try {
//console.log('running stack %s', nextfn.toString().substring(0,64));
earliest.running = true;
} catch (e) {
console.log('timer error %s %s', nextfn, e);
} finally {
earliest.running = false;
goal = + earliest.interval;
now =;
if ( goal < now ) { = now;
} else { = goal;
// bunch of subtle cases here ...
if ( !earliest ) {
// no events in the queue (but maybe XHR will bring in events, so ...
if ( !wait || wait < ) {
// Loop ends if there are no events and a wait hasn't been
// requested or has expired
// no events, but a wait requested: fall through to sleep
} else {
// there are events in the queue, but they aren't firable now
/*if ( delta_wait && sleep <= delta_wait ) {
//TODO: why waste a check on a tight
// loop if it just falls through?
// if they will happen within the next delta, fall through to sleep
} else */if ( wait === 0 || ( wait > 0 && wait < () ) ) {
// loop ends even if there are events but the user
// specifcally asked not to wait too long
// there are events and the user wants to wait: fall through to sleep
// Related to ajax threads ... hopefully can go away ..
var interval = Envjs.WAIT_INTERVAL || 100;
if ( !sleep || sleep > interval ) {
sleep = interval;
//console.log('sleeping %s', sleep);
EVENT_LOOP_RUNNING = was_running;
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* This file simply provides the global definitions we need to
* be able to correctly implement to core browser DOM HTML interfaces.
var HTMLDocument,
* Envjs html.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author ariel flesler
* @param {Object} str
function __trim__( str ){
return (str || "").replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" );
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
* @class HTMLDocument
* The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
* Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides
* the primary access to the document's data.
* @extends Document
HTMLDocument = function(implementation, ownerWindow, referrer) {
Document.apply(this, arguments);
this.referrer = referrer || '';
this.baseURI = "about:blank";
this.ownerWindow = ownerWindow;
HTMLDocument.prototype = new Document();
__extend__(HTMLDocument.prototype, {
createElement: function(tagName){
var node;
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
// create Element specifying 'this' as ownerDocument
// This is an html document so we need to use explicit interfaces per the
//TODO: would be much faster as a big switch
case "A":
node = new HTMLAnchorElement(this);break;
case "AREA":
node = new HTMLAreaElement(this);break;
case "BASE":
node = new HTMLBaseElement(this);break;
node = new HTMLQuoteElement(this);break;
case "CANVAS":
node = new HTMLCanvasElement(this);break;
case "Q":
node = new HTMLQuoteElement(this);break;
case "BODY":
node = new HTMLBodyElement(this);break;
case "BR":
node = new HTMLBRElement(this);break;
case "BUTTON":
node = new HTMLButtonElement(this);break;
case "CAPTION":
node = new HTMLElement(this);break;
case "COL":
node = new HTMLTableColElement(this);break;
case "COLGROUP":
node = new HTMLTableColElement(this);break;
case "DEL":
node = new HTMLModElement(this);break;
case "INS":
node = new HTMLModElement(this);break;
case "DIV":
node = new HTMLDivElement(this);break;
case "DL":
node = new HTMLDListElement(this);break;
case "DT":
node = new HTMLElement(this); break;
case "FIELDSET":
node = new HTMLFieldSetElement(this);break;
case "FORM":
node = new HTMLFormElement(this);break;
case "FRAME":
node = new HTMLFrameElement(this);break;
case "H1":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H2":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H3":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H4":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H5":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "H6":
node = new HTMLHeadingElement(this);break;
case "HEAD":
node = new HTMLHeadElement(this);break;
case "HR":
node = new HTMLHRElement(this);break;
case "HTML":
node = new HTMLHtmlElement(this);break;
case "IFRAME":
node = new HTMLIFrameElement(this);break;
case "IMG":
node = new HTMLImageElement(this);break;
case "INPUT":
node = new HTMLInputElement(this);break;
case "LABEL":
node = new HTMLLabelElement(this);break;
case "LEGEND":
node = new HTMLLegendElement(this);break;
case "LI":
node = new HTMLLIElement(this);break;
case "LINK":
node = new HTMLLinkElement(this);break;
case "MAP":
node = new HTMLMapElement(this);break;
case "META":
node = new HTMLMetaElement(this);break;
case "NOSCRIPT":
node = new HTMLElement(this);break;
case "OBJECT":
node = new HTMLObjectElement(this);break;
case "OPTGROUP":
node = new HTMLOptGroupElement(this);break;
case "OL":
node = new HTMLOListElement(this); break;
case "OPTION":
node = new HTMLOptionElement(this);break;
case "P":
node = new HTMLParagraphElement(this);break;
case "PARAM":
node = new HTMLParamElement(this);break;
case "PRE":
node = new HTMLPreElement(this);break;
case "SCRIPT":
node = new HTMLScriptElement(this);break;
case "SELECT":
node = new HTMLSelectElement(this);break;
case "SMALL":
node = new HTMLElement(this);break;
case "SPAN":
node = new HTMLSpanElement(this);break;
case "STRONG":
node = new HTMLElement(this);break;
case "STYLE":
node = new HTMLStyleElement(this);break;
case "TABLE":
node = new HTMLTableElement(this);break;
case "TBODY":
node = new HTMLTableSectionElement(this);break;
case "TFOOT":
node = new HTMLTableSectionElement(this);break;
case "THEAD":
node = new HTMLTableSectionElement(this);break;
case "TD":
node = new HTMLTableDataCellElement(this);break;
case "TH":
node = new HTMLTableHeaderCellElement(this);break;
case "TEXTAREA":
node = new HTMLTextAreaElement(this);break;
case "TITLE":
node = new HTMLTitleElement(this);break;
case "TR":
node = new HTMLTableRowElement(this);break;
case "UL":
node = new HTMLUListElement(this);break;
node = new HTMLUnknownElement(this);
// assign values to properties (and aliases)
node.nodeName = tagName;
return node;
createElementNS : function (uri, local) {
//print('createElementNS :'+uri+" "+local);
return this.createElement(local);
}else if ("" == uri) {
return this.createElement(local);
} else if ("" == uri) {
return this.createElement(local);
} else {
return Document.prototype.createElementNS.apply(this,[uri, local]);
get anchors(){
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName('a'));
get applets(){
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName('applet'));
get documentElement(){
var html = Document.prototype.__lookupGetter__('documentElement').apply(this,[]);
if( html === null){
html = this.createElement('html');
return html;
//document.head is non-standard
get head(){
//console.log('get head');
if (!this.documentElement) {
var element = this.documentElement,
length = element.childNodes.length,
//check for the presence of the head element in this html doc
if(element.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
if(element.childNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'head'){
return element.childNodes[i];
//no head? ugh bad news html.. I guess we'll force the issue?
var head = element.appendChild(this.createElement('head'));
return head;
get title(){
//console.log('get title');
if (!this.documentElement) {
var title,
head = this.head,
length = head.childNodes.length,
//check for the presence of the title element in this head element
if(head.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
if(head.childNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'title'){
return head.childNodes[i].textContent;
//no title? ugh bad news html.. I guess we'll force the issue?
title = head.appendChild(this.createElement('title'));
return title.appendChild(this.createTextNode('Untitled Document')).nodeValue;
set title(titleStr){
//console.log('set title %s', titleStr);
if (!this.documentElement) {
var title = this.title;
title.textContent = titleStr;
get body(){
//console.log('get body');
if (!this.documentElement) {
var body,
element = this.documentElement,
length = element.childNodes.length,
//check for the presence of the head element in this html doc
if(element.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
if(element.childNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'body'){
return element.childNodes[i];
//no head? ugh bad news html.. I guess we'll force the issue?
return element.appendChild(this.createElement('body'));
set body(){console.log('set body');/**in firefox this is a benevolent do nothing*/},
get cookie(){
return Envjs.getCookies(this.location+'');
set cookie(cookie){
return Envjs.setCookie(this.location+'', cookie);
* document.location
* should be identical to window.location
* HTML5:
* Mozilla MDC:
get location() {
if (this.ownerWindow) {
return this.ownerWindow.location;
} else {
return this.baseURI;
set location(url) {
this.baseURI = url;
if (this.ownerWindow) {
this.ownerWindow.location = url;
* document.URL (read-only)
* HTML DOM Level 2:
* HTML5:
* Mozilla MDC:
get URL() {
return this.location;
set URL(url) {
this.location = url;
* document.domain
* HTML5 Spec:
* Mozilla MDC:
get domain(){
var HOSTNAME = new RegExp('\/\/([^\:\/]+)'),
matches = HOSTNAME.exec(this.baseURI);
return matches&&matches.length>1?matches[1]:"";
set domain(value){
var i,
domainParts = this.domain.split('.').reverse(),
newDomainParts = value.split('.').reverse();
if(newDomainParts.length > 1){
if(!(newDomainParts[i] === domainParts[i])){
this.baseURI = this.baseURI.replace(domainParts.join('.'), value);
get forms(){
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName('form'));
get images(){
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName('img'));
get lastModified(){
/* TODO */
return this._lastModified;
get links(){
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName('a'));
getElementsByName : function(name){
//returns a real Array + the NodeList
var retNodes = __extend__([],new NodeList(this, this.documentElement)),
// loop through all Elements
var all = this.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i=0; i < all.length; i++) {
node = all[i];
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
node.getAttribute('name') == name) {
return retNodes;
toString: function(){
return "[object HTMLDocument]";
get innerHTML(){
return this.documentElement.outerHTML;
target: Node,
}, function(invocation) {
var event,
node = invocation.proceed(),
doc = node.ownerDocument;
//console.log('element appended: %s %s %s', node+'', node.nodeName, node.namespaceURI);
if((node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)){
//for now we are only handling element insertions. probably
//we will need to handle text node changes to script tags and
//changes to src attributes
return node;
//console.log('appended html element %s %s %s',
// node.namespaceURI, node.nodeName, node);
case true:
//handled by parser if included
//console.log('html document in parse mode');
case false:
case null:
//fall through
case "":
//fall through
case "":
case 'style':
case 'script':
if((this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'head')){
okay = Envjs.loadLocalScript(node, null);
//console.log('loaded script? %s %s', node.uuid, okay);
// only fire event if we actually had something to load
if (node.src && node.src.length > 0){
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent( okay ? "load" : "error", false, false );
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('error loading html element %s %e', node, e.toString());
case 'frame':
case 'iframe':
node.contentWindow = { };
node.contentDocument = new HTMLDocument(new DOMImplementation(), node.contentWindow);
node.contentWindow.document = node.contentDocument;
node.contentDocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
if (node.src && node.src.length > 0){
//console.log("getting content document for (i)frame from %s", node.src);
Envjs.loadFrame(node, Envjs.uri(node.src));
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
//I dont like this being here:
//TODO: better mix-in strategy so the try/catch isnt required
//console.log('src/html/document.js: triggering frame load');
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('error loading html element %s %e', node, e.toString());
case 'link':
if (node.href && node.href.length > 0) {
__loadLink__(node, node.href);
case 'img':
if (node.src && node.src.length > 0){
// don't actually load anything, so we're "done" immediately:
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
case 'option':
console.log('calling attribute onload %s | %s', node.onload, node.tagName);
}//switch on name
}//switch on ns
// console.log('element appended: %s %s', node+'', node.namespaceURI);
}//switch on doc.parsing
return node;
target: Node,
}, function(invocation) {
var event,
node = invocation.proceed(),
doc = node.ownerDocument;
if((node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)){
//for now we are only handling element insertions. probably we will need
//to handle text node changes to script tags and changes to src
if(node.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE && node.uuid){
//console.log('removing event listeners, %s', node, node.uuid);
node.removeEventListener('*', null, null);
return node;
//console.log('appended html element %s %s %s', node.namespaceURI, node.nodeName, node);
case true:
//handled by parser if included
case false:
case null:
//fall through
case "":
//fall through
case "":
//this is interesting dillema since our event engine is
//storing the registered events in an array accessed
//by the uuid property of the node. unforunately this
//means listeners hang out way after(forever ;)) the node
//has been removed and gone out of scope.
//console.log('removing event listeners, %s', node, node.uuid);
node.removeEventListener('*', null, null);
case 'frame':
case 'iframe':
//console.log('removing iframe document');
console.log('error freeing resources from frame %s', e);
node.contentWindow = null;
node.contentDocument = null;
console.log('error unloading html element %s %e', node, e.toString());
}//switch on name
}//switch on ns
console.log('element appended: %s %s', node+'', node.namespaceURI);
}//switch on doc.parsing
return node;
* Named Element Support
* @returns 'name' if the node has a appropriate name
* null if node does not have a name
var __isNamedElement__ = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return null;
var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
var nodename = null;
switch (tagName) {
case 'embed':
case 'form':
case 'iframe':
nodename = node.getAttribute('name');
case 'applet':
nodename =;
case 'object':
// TODO: object needs to be 'fallback free'
nodename =;
case 'img':
nodename =;
if (!nodename || ! node.getAttribute('name')) {
nodename = null;
return (nodename) ? nodename : null;
var __addNamedMap__ = function(target, node) {
var nodename = __isNamedElement__(node);
if (nodename) {
target.__defineGetter__(nodename, function() {
return node;
var __removeNamedMap__ = function(target, node) {
if (!node) {
var nodename = __isNamedElement__(node);
if (nodename) {
delete target[nodename];
* @name HTMLEvents
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri
var __eval__ = function(script, node){
if (!script == ""){
// don't assemble environment if no script...
console.log('error evaluating %s', e);
var HTMLEvents= function(){};
HTMLEvents.prototype = {
onload: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onload')||'', this);
onunload: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onunload')||'', this);
onabort: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onabort')||'', this);
onerror: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onerror')||'', this);
onselect: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onselect')||'', this);
onchange: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onchange')||'', this);
onsubmit: function(event){
if (__eval__(this.getAttribute('onsubmit')||'', this)) {
onreset: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onreset')||'', this);
onfocus: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onfocus')||'', this);
onblur: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onblur')||'', this);
onresize: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onresize')||'', this);
onscroll: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onscroll')||'', this);
//HTMLDocument, HTMLFramesetElement, HTMLObjectElement
var __load__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
return event;
//HTMLFramesetElement, HTMLBodyElement
var __unload__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("unload", false, false);
return event;
var __abort__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("abort", true, false);
return event;
//HTMLFramesetElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLBodyElement
var __error__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("error", true, false);
return event;
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __select__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("select", true, false);
return event;
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __change__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("change", true, false);
return event;
var __submit__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("submit", true, true);
return event;
var __reset__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("reset", false, false);
return event;
var __focus__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("focus", false, false);
return event;
var __blur__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("blur", false, false);
return event;
var __resize__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("resize", true, false);
return event;
var __scroll__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("scroll", true, false);
return event;
* @name KeyboardEvents
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri
var KeyboardEvents= function(){};
KeyboardEvents.prototype = {
onkeydown: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onkeydown')||'', this);
onkeypress: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onkeypress')||'', this);
onkeyup: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onkeyup')||'', this);
var __registerKeyboardEventAttrs__ = function(elm){
elm.addEventListener('keydown', elm.onkeydown, false);
elm.addEventListener('keypress', elm.onkeypress, false);
elm.addEventListener('keyup', elm.onkeyup, false);
return elm;
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __keydown__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('KeyboardEvents');
event.initEvent("keydown", false, false);
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __keypress__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('KeyboardEvents');
event.initEvent("keypress", false, false);
//HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement
var __keyup__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('KeyboardEvents');
event.initEvent("keyup", false, false);
* @name MaouseEvents
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri
var MouseEvents= function(){};
MouseEvents.prototype = {
onclick: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onclick')||'', this);
ondblclick: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('ondblclick')||'', this);
onmousedown: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmousedown')||'', this);
onmousemove: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmousemove')||'', this);
onmouseout: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmouseout')||'', this);
onmouseover: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmouseover')||'', this);
onmouseup: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onmouseup')||'', this);
var __registerMouseEventAttrs__ = function(elm){
elm.addEventListener('click', elm.onclick, false);
elm.addEventListener('dblclick', elm.ondblclick, false);
elm.addEventListener('mousedown', elm.onmousedown, false);
elm.addEventListener('mousemove', elm.onmousemove, false);
elm.addEventListener('mouseout', elm.onmouseout, false);
elm.addEventListener('mouseover', elm.onmouseover, false);
elm.addEventListener('mouseup', elm.onmouseup, false);
return elm;
var __click__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("click", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mousedown__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mousedown", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mouseup__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mouseup", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mouseover__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mouseover", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mousemove__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mousemove", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
var __mouseout__ = function(element){
var event = new Event('MouseEvents');
event.initEvent("mouseout", true, true, null, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false,
false, null, null);
* HTMLElement - DOM Level 2
/* Hack for
* Prototype 1.6 (the library) creates a new global Element, which causes
* envjs to use the wrong Element.
* Options:
* (1) Rename the dom/element to something else
* rejected: been done before. people want Element.
* (2) merge dom+html and not export Element to global namespace
* (meaning we would use a local var Element in a closure, so prototype
* can do what ever it wants)
* rejected: want dom and html separate
* (3) use global namespace (put everything under Envjs = {})
* rejected: massive change
* (4) use commonjs modules (similar to (3) in spirit)
* rejected: massive change
* or
* (5) take a reference to Element during initial loading ("compile
* time"), and use the reference instead of "Element". That's
* what the next line does. We use __DOMElement__ if we need to
* reference the parent class. Only this file explcity uses
* Element so this should work, and is the most minimal change I
* could think of with no external API changes.
var __DOMElement__ = Element;
HTMLElement = function(ownerDocument) {
__DOMElement__.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLElement.prototype = new Element();
__extend__(HTMLElement.prototype, HTMLEvents.prototype);
__extend__(HTMLElement.prototype, {
get className() {
return this.getAttribute("class")||'';
set className(value) {
return this.setAttribute("class",__trim__(value));
get dir() {
return this.getAttribute("dir")||"ltr";
set dir(val) {
return this.setAttribute("dir",val);
get id(){
return this.getAttribute('id');
set id(id){
this.setAttribute('id', id);
get innerHTML(){
var ret = "",
// create string containing the concatenation of the string
// values of each child
for (i=0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {
if(this.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
ret += this.childNodes[i].xhtml;
} else if (this.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && i>0 &&
this.childNodes[i-1].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE){
//add a single space between adjacent text nodes
ret += " "+this.childNodes[i].xml;
ret += this.childNodes[i].xml;
return ret;
get lang() {
return this.getAttribute("lang");
set lang(val) {
return this.setAttribute("lang",val);
get offsetHeight(){
return Number(( || '').replace("px",""));
get offsetWidth(){
return Number(( || '').replace("px",""));
offsetLeft: 0,
offsetRight: 0,
get offsetParent(){
/* TODO */
set offsetParent(element){
/* TODO */
scrollHeight: 0,
scrollWidth: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollRight: 0,
get style(){
return this.getAttribute('style')||'';
get title() {
return this.getAttribute("title");
set title(value) {
return this.setAttribute("title", value);
get tabIndex(){
var tabindex = this.getAttribute('tabindex');
return Number(tabindex);
} else {
return 0;
set tabIndex(value){
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
value = 0;
get outerHTML(){
//Not in the specs but I'll leave it here for now.
return this.xhtml;
scrollIntoView: function(){
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLElement]';
get xhtml() {
// HTMLDocument.xhtml is non-standard
// This is exactly like Document.xml except the tagName has to be
// lower cased. I dont like to duplicate this but its really not
// a simple work around between xml and html serialization via
// XMLSerializer (which uppercases html tags) and innerHTML (which
// lowercases tags)
var ret = "",
ns = "",
name = (this.tagName+"").toLowerCase(),
attrstring = "",
// serialize namespace declarations
if (this.namespaceURI){
if((this === this.ownerDocument.documentElement) ||
(!this.parentNode) ||
(this.parentNode &&
(this.parentNode.namespaceURI !== this.namespaceURI))) {
ns = ' xmlns' + (this.prefix ? (':' + this.prefix) : '') +
'="' + this.namespaceURI + '"';
// serialize Attribute declarations
attrs = this.attributes;
for(i=0;i< attrs.length;i++){
attrstring += " "+attrs[i].name+'="'+attrs[i].xml+'"';
// serialize this Element
ret += "<" + name + ns + attrstring +">";
for(i=0;i< this.childNodes.length;i++){
ret += this.childNodes[i].xhtml ?
this.childNodes[i].xhtml :
ret += "</" + name + ">";
case 'script':
ret += "<" + name + ns + attrstring +"></"+name+">";
ret += "<" + name + ns + attrstring +"/>";
return ret;
* setAttribute use a dispatch table that other tags can set to
* "listen" to various values being set. The dispatch table
* and registration functions are at the end of the file.
setAttribute: function(name, value) {
var result = __DOMElement__.prototype.setAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
var tagname = this.tagName;
var callback = HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback('set', tagname, name);
if (callback) {
callback(this, value);
setAttributeNS: function(namespaceURI, name, value) {
var result = __DOMElement__.prototype.setAttributeNS.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
var tagname = this.tagName;
var callback = HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback('set', tagname, name);
if (callback) {
callback(this, value);
return result;
setAttributeNode: function(newnode) {
var result = __DOMElement__.prototype.setAttributeNode.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
var tagname = this.tagName;
var callback = HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback('set', tagname,;
if (callback) {
callback(this, node.value);
return result;
setAttributeNodeNS: function(newnode) {
var result = __DOMElement__.prototype.setAttributeNodeNS.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
var tagname = this.tagName;
var callback = HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback('set', tagname,;
if (callback) {
callback(this, node.value);
return result;
removeAttribute: function(name) {
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
return __DOMElement__.prototype.removeAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
removeAttributeNS: function(namespace, localname) {
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
return __DOMElement__.prototype.removeAttributeNS.apply(this, arguments);
removeAttributeNode: function(name) {
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, this);
return __DOMElement__.prototype.removeAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
removeChild: function(oldChild) {
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, oldChild);
return __DOMElement__.prototype.removeChild.apply(this, arguments);
importNode: function(othernode, deep) {
var newnode = __DOMElement__.prototype.importNode.apply(this, arguments);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, newnode);
return newnode;
// not actually sure if this is needed or not
replaceNode: function(newchild, oldchild) {
var newnode = __DOMElement__.prototype.replaceNode.apply(this, arguments);
__removeNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, oldchild);
__addNamedMap__(this.ownerDocument, newnode);
return newnode;
HTMLElement.attributeCallbacks = {};
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute = function(tag, attrib, callbackfn) {
HTMLElement.attributeCallbacks[tag + ':set:' + attrib] = callbackfn;
HTMLElement.registerRemoveAttribute = function(tag, attrib, callbackfn) {
HTMLElement.attributeCallbacks[tag + ':remove:' + attrib] = callbackfn;
* This is really only useful internally
HTMLElement.getAttributeCallback = function(type, tag, attrib) {
return HTMLElement.attributeCallbacks[tag + ':' + type + ':' + attrib] || null;
* HTMLCollection
* HTML5 -- HTMLCollection
HTMLCollection = function(nodelist, type) {
__setArray__(this, []);
var n;
for (var i=0; i<nodelist.length; i++) {
this[i] = nodelist[i];
n = nodelist[i].name;
if (n) {
this[n] = nodelist[i];
n = nodelist[i].id;
if (n) {
this[n] = nodelist[i];
this.length = nodelist.length;
HTMLCollection.prototype = {
item: function (idx) {
return ((idx >= 0) && (idx < this.length)) ? this[idx] : null;
namedItem: function (name) {
return this[name] || null;
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLCollection]';
* a set of convenience classes to centralize implementation of
* properties and methods across multiple in-form elements
* the hierarchy of related HTML elements and their members is as follows:
* Condensed Version
* HTMLInputCommon
* * legent (no value attr)
* * fieldset (no value attr)
* * label (no value attr)
* * option (custom value)
* HTMLTypeValueInputs (extends InputCommon)
* * select (custom value)
* * button (just sets value)
* HTMLInputAreaCommon (extends TypeValueIput)
* * input (custom)
* * textarea (just sets value)
* -----------------------
* HTMLInputCommon: common to all elements
* .form
* <legend>
* [common plus:]
* .align
* <fieldset>
* [identical to "legend" plus:]
* .margin
* ****
* <label>
* [common plus:]
* .dataFormatAs
* .htmlFor
* [plus data properties]
* <option>
* [common plus:]
* .defaultSelected
* .index
* .label
* .selected
* .text
* .value // unique implementation, not duplicated
* .form // unique implementation, not duplicated
* ****
* HTMLTypeValueInputs: common to remaining elements
* [common plus:]
* .name
* .type
* .value
* [plus data properties]
* <select>
* .length
* .multiple
* .options[]
* .selectedIndex
* .add()
* .remove()
* .item() // unimplemented
* .namedItem() // unimplemented
* [plus ".onchange"]
* [plus focus events]
* [plus data properties]
* [plus ".size"]
* <button>
* .dataFormatAs // duplicated from above, oh well....
* [plus ".status", ".createTextRange()"]
* ****
* HTMLInputAreaCommon: common to remaining elements
* .defaultValue
* .readOnly
* .handleEvent() // unimplemented
* .select()
* .onselect
* [plus ".size"]
* [plus ".status", ".createTextRange()"]
* [plus focus events]
* [plus ".onchange"]
* <textarea>
* .cols
* .rows
* .wrap // unimplemented
* .onscroll // unimplemented
* <input>
* .alt
* .accept // unimplemented
* .checked
* .complete // unimplemented
* .defaultChecked
* .dynsrc // unimplemented
* .height
* .hspace // unimplemented
* .indeterminate // unimplemented
* .loop // unimplemented
* .lowsrc // unimplemented
* .maxLength
* .src
* .start // unimplemented
* .useMap
* .vspace // unimplemented
* .width
* .onclick
* [plus ".size"]
* [plus ".status", ".createTextRange()"]
* [data properties] // unimplemented
* .dataFld
* .dataSrc
* [status stuff] // unimplemented
* .status
* .createTextRange()
* [focus events]
* .onblur
* .onfocus
var inputElements_dataProperties = {};
var inputElements_status = {};
var inputElements_onchange = {
onchange: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onchange')||'', this);
var inputElements_size = {
get size(){
return Number(this.getAttribute('size'));
set size(value){
var inputElements_focusEvents = {
blur: function(){
if (this._oldValue != this.value){
var event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
event.initEvent("change", true, true);
this.dispatchEvent( event );
focus: function(){
this._oldValue = this.value;
* HTMLInputCommon - convenience class, not DOM
var HTMLInputCommon = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLInputCommon.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLInputCommon.prototype, {
get form() {
// parent can be null if element is outside of a form
// or not yet added to the document
var parent = this.parentNode;
while (parent && parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'form') {
parent = parent.parentNode;
return parent;
get accessKey(){
return this.getAttribute('accesskey');
set accessKey(value){
get access(){
return this.getAttribute('access');
set access(value){
this.setAttribute('access', value);
get disabled(){
return (this.getAttribute('disabled') === 'disabled');
set disabled(value){
this.setAttribute('disabled', (value ? 'disabled' :''));
* HTMLTypeValueInputs - convenience class, not DOM
var HTMLTypeValueInputs = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLInputCommon.apply(this, arguments);
this._oldValue = "";
HTMLTypeValueInputs.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon();
__extend__(HTMLTypeValueInputs.prototype, inputElements_size);
__extend__(HTMLTypeValueInputs.prototype, inputElements_status);
__extend__(HTMLTypeValueInputs.prototype, inputElements_dataProperties);
__extend__(HTMLTypeValueInputs.prototype, {
get name(){
return this.getAttribute('name')||'';
set name(value){
* HTMLInputAreaCommon - convenience class, not DOM
var HTMLInputAreaCommon = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLTypeValueInputs.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLInputAreaCommon.prototype = new HTMLTypeValueInputs();
__extend__(HTMLInputAreaCommon.prototype, inputElements_focusEvents);
__extend__(HTMLInputAreaCommon.prototype, inputElements_onchange);
__extend__(HTMLInputAreaCommon.prototype, {
get readOnly(){
return (this.getAttribute('readonly')=='readonly');
set readOnly(value){
this.setAttribute('readonly', (value ? 'readonly' :''));
var __updateFormForNamedElement__ = function(node, value) {
if (node.form) {
// to check for ID or NAME attribute too
// not, then nothing to do
* HTMLAnchorElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.6.1 The a element
HTMLAnchorElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLAnchorElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLAnchorElement.prototype, {
get accessKey() {
return this.getAttribute("accesskey")||'';
set accessKey(val) {
return this.setAttribute("accesskey",val);
get charset() {
return this.getAttribute("charset")||'';
set charset(val) {
return this.setAttribute("charset",val);
get coords() {
return this.getAttribute("coords")||'';
set coords(val) {
return this.setAttribute("coords",val);
get href() {
var link = this.getAttribute('href');
if (!link) {
return '';
return Envjs.uri(link,
set href(val) {
return this.setAttribute("href", val);
get hreflang() {
return this.getAttribute("hreflang")||'';
set hreflang(val) {
get name() {
return this.getAttribute("name")||'';
set name(val) {
get rel() {
return this.getAttribute("rel")||'';
set rel(val) {
return this.setAttribute("rel", val);
get rev() {
return this.getAttribute("rev")||'';
set rev(val) {
return this.setAttribute("rev",val);
get shape() {
return this.getAttribute("shape")||'';
set shape(val) {
return this.setAttribute("shape",val);
get target() {
return this.getAttribute("target")||'';
set target(val) {
return this.setAttribute("target",val);
get type() {
return this.getAttribute("type")||'';
set type(val) {
return this.setAttribute("type",val);
blur: function() {
focus: function() {
* Unlike other elements, toString returns the href
toString: function() {
return this.href;
* HTMLAreaElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.8.13 The area element
HTMLAreaElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLAreaElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLAreaElement.prototype, {
get accessKey(){
return this.getAttribute('accesskey');
set accessKey(value){
get alt(){
return this.getAttribute('alt') || '';
set alt(value){
get coords(){
return this.getAttribute('coords');
set coords(value){
get href(){
return this.getAttribute('href') || '';
set href(value){
get noHref(){
return this.hasAttribute('href');
get shape(){
return 0;
/*get tabIndex(){
return this.getAttribute('tabindex');
set tabIndex(value){
get target(){
return this.getAttribute('target');
set target(value){
* toString like <a>, returns the href
toString: function() {
return this.href;
* HTMLBaseElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.2.3 The base element
HTMLBaseElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLBaseElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLBaseElement.prototype, {
get href(){
return this.getAttribute('href');
set href(value){
get target(){
return this.getAttribute('target');
set target(value){
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLBaseElement]';
* HTMLQuoteElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.5.5 The blockquote element
HTMLQuoteElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
__extend__(HTMLQuoteElement.prototype, HTMLElement.prototype);
__extend__(HTMLQuoteElement.prototype, {
* Quoth the spec:
* """
* If the cite attribute is present, it must be a valid URL. To
* obtain the corresponding citation link, the value of the
* attribute must be resolved relative to the element. User agents
* should allow users to follow such citation links.
* """
* TODO: normalize
get cite() {
return this.getAttribute('cite') || '';
set cite(value) {
this.setAttribute('cite', value);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLQuoteElement]';
* HTMLBodyElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5:
HTMLBodyElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLBodyElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLBodyElement.prototype, {
onload: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onload')||'', this);
onunload: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onunload')||'', this);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLBodyElement]';
* HTMLBRElement
* HTML5: 4.5.3 The hr Element
HTMLBRElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLBRElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLBRElement.prototype, {
// no additional properties or elements
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLBRElement]';
* HTMLButtonElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.10.6 The button element
HTMLButtonElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLTypeValueInputs.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLButtonElement.prototype = new HTMLTypeValueInputs();
__extend__(HTMLButtonElement.prototype, inputElements_status);
__extend__(HTMLButtonElement.prototype, {
get dataFormatAs(){
return this.getAttribute('dataFormatAs');
set dataFormatAs(value){
get type() {
return this.getAttribute('type') || 'submit';
set type(value) {
this.setAttribute('type', value);
get value() {
return this.getAttribute('value') || '';
set value(value) {
this.setAttribute('value', value);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLButtonElement]';
// Named Element Support
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('BUTTON', 'name',
* HTMLCanvasElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.8.11 The canvas element
* This is a "non-Abstract Base Class". For an implmentation that actually
* did something, all these methods would need to over-written
CanvasRenderingContext2D = function() {
// NOP
var nullfunction = function() {};
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype = {
addColorStop: nullfunction,
arc: nullfunction,
beginPath: nullfunction,
bezierCurveTo: nullfunction,
clearRect: nullfunction,
clip: nullfunction,
closePath: nullfunction,
createLinearGradient: nullfunction,
createPattern: nullfunction,
createRadialGradient: nullfunction,
drawImage: nullfunction,
fill: nullfunction,
fillRect: nullfunction,
lineTo: nullfunction,
moveTo: nullfunction,
quadraticCurveTo: nullfunction,
rect: nullfunction,
restore: nullfunction,
rotate: nullfunction,
save: nullfunction,
scale: nullfunction,
setTranform: nullfunction,
stroke: nullfunction,
strokeRect: nullfunction,
transform: nullfunction,
translate: nullfunction,
toString: function() {
return '[object CanvasRenderingContext2D]';
HTMLCanvasElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, {
getContext: function(ctxtype) {
if (ctxtype === '2d') {
return new CanvasRenderingContext2D();
throw new Error("Unknown context type of '" + ctxtype + '"');
get height(){
return Number(this.getAttribute('height')|| 150);
set height(value){
this.setAttribute('height', value);
get width(){
return Number(this.getAttribute('width')|| 300);
set width(value){
this.setAttribute('width', value);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLCanvasElement]';
* HTMLTableColElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.9.3 The colgroup element
HTMLTableColElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLTableColElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLTableColElement.prototype, {
get align(){
return this.getAttribute('align');
set align(value){
this.setAttribute('align', value);
get ch(){
return this.getAttribute('ch');
set ch(value){
this.setAttribute('ch', value);
get chOff(){
return this.getAttribute('ch');
set chOff(value){
this.setAttribute('ch', value);
get span(){
return this.getAttribute('span');
set span(value){
this.setAttribute('span', value);
get vAlign(){
return this.getAttribute('valign');
set vAlign(value){
this.setAttribute('valign', value);
get width(){
return this.getAttribute('width');
set width(value){
this.setAttribute('width', value);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTableColElement]';
* HTMLModElement - DOM Level 2
HTMLModElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLModElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLModElement.prototype, {
get cite(){
return this.getAttribute('cite');
set cite(value){
this.setAttribute('cite', value);
get dateTime(){
return this.getAttribute('datetime');
set dateTime(value){
this.setAttribute('datetime', value);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLModElement]';
* HTMLDivElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.5.12 The Div Element
HTMLDivElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLDivElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLDivElement.prototype, {
get align(){
return this.getAttribute('align') || 'left';
set align(value){
this.setAttribute('align', value);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLDivElement]';
* HTMLDListElement
* HTML5: 4.5.7 The dl Element
HTMLDListElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLDListElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLDListElement.prototype, {
// no additional properties or elements
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLDListElement]';
* HTMLLegendElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.10.3 The legend element
HTMLLegendElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLInputCommon.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLLegendElement.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon();
__extend__(HTMLLegendElement.prototype, {
get align(){
return this.getAttribute('align');
set align(value){
* HTMLFieldSetElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.10.2 The fieldset element
HTMLFieldSetElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLLegendElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype = new HTMLLegendElement();
__extend__(HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype, {
get margin(){
return this.getAttribute('margin');
set margin(value){
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLFieldSetElement]';
// Named Element Support
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('FIELDSET', 'name',
* HTMLFormElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5:
HTMLFormElement = function(ownerDocument){
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
//TODO: on __elementPopped__ from the parser
// we need to determine all the forms default
// values
HTMLFormElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
get acceptCharset(){
return this.getAttribute('accept-charset');
set acceptCharset(acceptCharset) {
this.setAttribute('accept-charset', acceptCharset);
get action() {
return this.getAttribute('action');
set action(action){
this.setAttribute('action', action);
get enctype() {
return this.getAttribute('enctype');
set enctype(enctype) {
this.setAttribute('enctype', enctype);
get method() {
return this.getAttribute('method');
set method(method) {
this.setAttribute('method', method);
get name() {
return this.getAttribute("name");
set name(val) {
return this.setAttribute("name",val);
get target() {
return this.getAttribute("target");
set target(val) {
return this.setAttribute("target",val);
* "Named Elements"
* returns HTMLFormControlsCollection
* button fieldset input keygen object output select textarea
get elements() {
var nodes = this.getElementsByTagName('*');
var alist = [];
var i, tmp;
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
nodename = nodes[i].nodeName;
// would like to replace switch with something else
// since it's redundant with the SetAttribute callbacks
switch (nodes[i].nodeName) {
case 'BUTTON':
case 'FIELDSET':
case 'INPUT':
case 'KEYGEN':
case 'OBJECT':
case 'OUTPUT':
case 'SELECT':
case 'TEXTAREA':
this[i] = nodes[i];
tmp = nodes[i].name;
if (tmp) {
this[tmp] = nodes[i];
tmp = nodes[i].id;
if (tmp) {
this[tmp] = nodes[i];
return new HTMLCollection(alist);
_updateElements: function() {
get length() {
return this.elements.length;
item: function(idx) {
return this.elements[idx];
namedItem: function(aname) {
return this.elements.namedItem(aname);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLFormElement]';
submit: function() {
//TODO: this needs to perform the form inputs serialization
// and submission
// DONE: see xhr/form.js
var event = __submit__(this);
reset: function() {
//TODO: this needs to reset all values specified in the form
// to those which where set as defaults
onsubmit: HTMLEvents.prototype.onsubmit,
onreset: HTMLEvents.prototype.onreset
* HTMLFrameElement - DOM Level 2
HTMLFrameElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
// this is normally a getter but we need to be
// able to set it to correctly emulate behavior
this.contentDocument = null;
this.contentWindow = null;
HTMLFrameElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLFrameElement.prototype, {
get frameBorder(){
return this.getAttribute('border')||"";
set frameBorder(value){
this.setAttribute('border', value);
get longDesc(){
return this.getAttribute('longdesc')||"";
set longDesc(value){
this.setAttribute('longdesc', value);
get marginHeight(){
return this.getAttribute('marginheight')||"";
set marginHeight(value){
this.setAttribute('marginheight', value);
get marginWidth(){
return this.getAttribute('marginwidth')||"";
set marginWidth(value){
this.setAttribute('marginwidth', value);
get name(){
return this.getAttribute('name')||"";
set name(value){
this.setAttribute('name', value);
get noResize(){
return this.getAttribute('noresize')||false;
set noResize(value){
this.setAttribute('noresize', value);
get scrolling(){
return this.getAttribute('scrolling')||"";
set scrolling(value){
this.setAttribute('scrolling', value);
get src(){
return this.getAttribute('src')||"";
set src(value){
this.setAttribute('src', value);
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLFrameElement]';
onload: HTMLEvents.prototype.onload
* HTMLFrameSetElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 12.3.3 Frames
HTMLFrameSetElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLFrameSetElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLFrameSetElement.prototype, {
get cols(){
return this.getAttribute('cols');
set cols(value){
this.setAttribute('cols', value);
get rows(){
return this.getAttribute('rows');
set rows(value){
this.setAttribute('rows', value);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLFrameSetElement]';
* HTMLHeadingElement
* HTML5: 4.4.6 The h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 elements
HTMLHeadingElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLHeadingElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLHeadingElement.prototype, {
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLHeadingElement]';
* HTMLHeadElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.2.1 The head element
HTMLHeadElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLHeadElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLHeadElement.prototype, {
get profile(){
return this.getAttribute('profile');
set profile(value){
this.setAttribute('profile', value);
//we override this so we can apply browser behavior specific to head children
//like loading scripts
appendChild : function(newChild) {
newChild = HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild.apply(this,[newChild]);
//TODO: evaluate scripts which are appended to the head
return newChild;
insertBefore : function(newChild, refChild) {
newChild = HTMLElement.prototype.insertBefore.apply(this,[newChild]);
//TODO: evaluate scripts which are appended to the head
return newChild;
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLHeadElement]';
* HTMLHRElement
* HTML5: 4.5.2 The hr Element
HTMLHRElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLHRElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLHRElement.prototype, {
// no additional properties or elements
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLHRElement]';
* HTMLHtmlElement
* HTML5: 4.1.1 The Html Element
HTMLHtmlElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLHtmlElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLHtmlElement.prototype, {
// no additional properties or elements
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLHtmlElement]';
* HTMLIFrameElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.8.3 The iframe element
HTMLIFrameElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLFrameElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLIFrameElement.prototype = new HTMLFrameElement();
__extend__(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, {
get height() {
return this.getAttribute("height") || "";
set height(val) {
return this.setAttribute("height",val);
get width() {
return this.getAttribute("width") || "";
set width(val) {
return this.setAttribute("width",val);
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLIFrameElement]';
* HTMLImageElement and Image
HTMLImageElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLImageElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLImageElement.prototype, {
get alt(){
return this.getAttribute('alt');
set alt(value){
this.setAttribute('alt', value);
get height(){
return parseInt(this.getAttribute('height'), 10) || 0;
set height(value){
this.setAttribute('height', value);
get isMap(){
return this.hasAttribute('map');
set useMap(value){
this.setAttribute('map', value);
get longDesc(){
return this.getAttribute('longdesc');
set longDesc(value){
this.setAttribute('longdesc', value);
get name(){
return this.getAttribute('name');
set name(value){
this.setAttribute('name', value);
get src(){
return this.getAttribute('src') || '';
set src(value){
this.setAttribute('src', value);
get width(){
return parseInt(this.getAttribute('width'), 10) || 0;
set width(value){
this.setAttribute('width', value);
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLImageElement]';
* html5 4.8.1
Image = function(width, height) {
// Not sure if "[global].document" satifies this requirement:
// "The element's document must be the active document of the
// browsing context of the Window object on which the interface
// object of the invoked constructor is found."
HTMLElement.apply(this, [document]);
// Note: firefox will throw an error if the width/height
// is not an integer. Safari just converts to 0 on error.
this.width = parseInt(width, 10) || 0;
this.height = parseInt(height, 10) || 0;
this.nodeName = 'IMG';
Image.prototype = new HTMLImageElement();
* Image.src attribute events.
* Not sure where this should live... in events/img.js? in parser/img.js?
* Split out to make it easy to move.
* HTMLImageElement && Image are a bit odd in that the 'src' attribute
* is 'active' -- changing it triggers loading of the image from the
* network.
* This can occur by
* - Directly setting the Image.src =
* - Using one of the Element.setAttributeXXX methods
* - Node.importNode an image
* - The initial creation and parsing of an <img> tag
* __onImageRequest__ is a function that handles eventing
* and dispatches to a user-callback.
__loadImage__ = function(node, value) {
var event;
if (value && (!Envjs.loadImage ||
(Envjs.loadImage &&
Envjs.loadImage(node, value)))) {
// value has to be something (easy)
// if the user-land API doesn't exist
// Or if the API exists and it returns true, then ok:
event = document.createEvent('Events');
} else {
// oops
event = document.createEvent('Events');
node.dispatchEvent(event, false);
__extend__(HTMLImageElement.prototype, {
onload: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onload') || '', this);
* Image Loading
* The difference between "owner.parsing" and "owner.fragment"
* If owner.parsing === true, then during the html5 parsing then,
* __elementPopped__ is called when a compete tag (with attrs and
* children) is full parsed and added the DOM.
* For images, __elementPopped__ is called with everything the
* tag has. which in turn looks for a "src" attr and calls
* __loadImage__
* If owner.parser === false (or non-existant), then we are not in
* a parsing step. For images, perhaps someone directly modified
* a 'src' attribute of an existing image.
* 'innerHTML' is tricky since we first create a "fake document",
* parse it, then import the right parts. This may call
* img.setAttributeNS twice. once during the parse and once
* during the clone of the node. We want event to trigger on the
* later and not during th fake doco. "owner.fragment" is set by
* the fake doco parser to indicate that events should not be
* triggered on this.
* We coud make 'owner.parser' == [ 'none', 'full', 'fragment']
* and just use one variable That was not done since the patch is
* quite large as is.
* This same problem occurs with scripts. innerHTML oddly does
* not eval any <script> tags inside.
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('IMG', 'src', function(node, value) {
var owner = node.ownerDocument;
if (!owner.parsing && !owner.fragment) {
__loadImage__(node, value);
* HTMLInputElement
* HTML5: 4.10.5 The input element
HTMLInputElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLInputAreaCommon.apply(this, arguments);
this._dirty = false;
this._checked = null;
this._value = null;
HTMLInputElement.prototype = new HTMLInputAreaCommon();
__extend__(HTMLInputElement.prototype, {
get alt(){
return this.getAttribute('alt') || '';
set alt(value){
this.setAttribute('alt', value);
* 'checked' returns state, NOT the value of the attribute
get checked(){
if (this._checked === null) {
this._checked = this.defaultChecked;
return this._checked;
set checked(value){
// force to boolean value
this._checked = (value) ? true : false;
* 'defaultChecked' actually reflects if the 'checked' attribute
* is present or not
get defaultChecked(){
return this.hasAttribute('checked');
set defaultChecked(val){
if (val) {
this.setAttribute('checked', '');
} else {
if (this.defaultChecked) {
get defaultValue() {
return this.getAttribute('value') || '';
set defaultValue(value) {
this._dirty = true;
this.setAttribute('value', value);
get value() {
return (this._value === null) ? this.defaultValue : this._value;
set value(newvalue) {
this._value = newvalue;
* Height is a string
get height(){
// spec says it is a string
return this.getAttribute('height') || '';
set height(value){
* MaxLength is a number
get maxLength(){
return Number(this.getAttribute('maxlength')||'-1');
set maxLength(value){
this.setAttribute('maxlength', value);
* Src is a URL string
get src(){
return this.getAttribute('src') || '';
set src(value){
// TODO: make absolute any relative URLS
this.setAttribute('src', value);
get type() {
return this.getAttribute('type') || 'text';
set type(value) {
this.setAttribute('type', value);
get useMap(){
return this.getAttribute('map') || '';
* Width: spec says it is a string
get width(){
return this.getAttribute('width') || '';
set width(value){
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLInputElement]';
// if someone directly modifies the value attribute, then the input's value
// also directly changes.
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('INPUT', 'value', function(node, value) {
if (!node._dirty) {
node._value = value;
node._dirty = true;
*The checked content attribute is a boolean attribute that gives the
*default checkedness of the input element. When the checked content
*attribute is added, if the control does not have dirty checkedness,
*the user agent must set the checkedness of the element to true; when
*the checked content attribute is removed, if the control does not
*have dirty checkedness, the user agent must set the checkedness of
*the element to false.
// Named Element Support
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('INPUT', 'name',
* HTMLLabelElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5 4.10.4 The label element
HTMLLabelElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLInputCommon.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLLabelElement.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon();
__extend__(HTMLLabelElement.prototype, inputElements_dataProperties);
__extend__(HTMLLabelElement.prototype, {
get htmlFor() {
return this.getAttribute('for');
set htmlFor(value) {
get dataFormatAs() {
return this.getAttribute('dataFormatAs');
set dataFormatAs(value) {
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLLabelElement]';
* HTMLLIElement
* HTML5: 4.5.8 The li Element
HTMLLIElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLLIElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLLIElement.prototype, {
// TODO: attribute long value;
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLLIElement]';
* HTMLLinkElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.8.12 The map element
HTMLLinkElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLLinkElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLLinkElement.prototype, {
get disabled(){
return this.getAttribute('disabled');
set disabled(value){
get charset(){
return this.getAttribute('charset');
set charset(value){
get href(){
return this.getAttribute('href');
set href(value){
get hreflang(){
return this.getAttribute('hreflang');
set hreflang(value){
get media(){
return this.getAttribute('media');
set media(value){
get rel(){
return this.getAttribute('rel');
set rel(value){
get rev(){
return this.getAttribute('rev');
set rev(value){
get target(){
return this.getAttribute('target');
set target(value){
get type(){
return this.getAttribute('type');
set type(value){
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLLinkElement]';
__loadLink__ = function(node, value) {
var event;
var owner = node.ownerDocument;
if (owner.fragment) {
* if we are in an innerHTML fragment parsing step
* then ignore. It will be handled once the fragment is
* added to the real doco
if (node.parentNode === null) {
* if a <link> is parentless (normally by create a new link
* via document.createElement('link'), then do *not* fire an
* event, even if it has a valid 'href' attribute.
if (value != '' && (!Envjs.loadLink ||
(Envjs.loadLink &&
Envjs.loadLink(node, value)))) {
// value has to be something (easy)
// if the user-land API doesn't exist
// Or if the API exists and it returns true, then ok:
event = document.createEvent('Events');
} else {
// oops
event = document.createEvent('Events');
node.dispatchEvent(event, false);
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('LINK', 'href', function(node, value) {
__loadLink__(node, value);
* Event stuff, not sure where it goes
__extend__(HTMLLinkElement.prototype, {
onload: function(event){
__eval__(this.getAttribute('onload')||'', this);
* HTMLMapElement
* 4.8.12 The map element
HTMLMapElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLMapElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLMapElement.prototype, {
get areas(){
return this.getElementsByTagName('area');
get name(){
return this.getAttribute('name') || '';
set name(value){
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLMapElement]';
* HTMLMetaElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.2.5 The meta element
HTMLMetaElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLMetaElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLMetaElement.prototype, {
get content() {
return this.getAttribute('content') || '';
set content(value){
get httpEquiv(){
return this.getAttribute('http-equiv') || '';
set httpEquiv(value){
get name(){
return this.getAttribute('name') || '';
set name(value){
get scheme(){
return this.getAttribute('scheme');
set scheme(value){
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLMetaElement]';
* HTMLObjectElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.8.5 The object element
HTMLObjectElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLObjectElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLObjectElement.prototype, {
get code(){
return this.getAttribute('code');
set code(value){
get archive(){
return this.getAttribute('archive');
set archive(value){
get codeBase(){
return this.getAttribute('codebase');
set codeBase(value){
get codeType(){
return this.getAttribute('codetype');
set codeType(value){
get data(){
return this.getAttribute('data');
set data(value){
get declare(){
return this.getAttribute('declare');
set declare(value){
get height(){
return this.getAttribute('height');
set height(value){
get standby(){
return this.getAttribute('standby');
set standby(value){
/*get tabIndex(){
return this.getAttribute('tabindex');
set tabIndex(value){
get type(){
return this.getAttribute('type');
set type(value){
get useMap(){
return this.getAttribute('usemap');
set useMap(value){
get width(){
return this.getAttribute('width');
set width(value){
get contentDocument(){
return this.ownerDocument;
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLObjectElement]';
// Named Element Support
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('OBJECT', 'name',
* HTMLOListElement
* HTML5: 4.5.6 The ol Element
HTMLOListElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLOListElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLOListElement.prototype, {
// TODO: attribute boolean reversed;
// TODO: attribute long start;
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLOListElement]';
* HTMLOptGroupElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML 5: 4.10.9 The optgroup element
HTMLOptGroupElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLOptGroupElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLOptGroupElement.prototype, {
get disabled(){
return this.getAttribute('disabled');
set disabled(value){
get label(){
return this.getAttribute('label');
set label(value){
appendChild: function(node){
var i,
selected = false;
//make sure at least one is selected by default
if(node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName === 'OPTION'){
length = this.childNodes.length;
if(this.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
this.childNodes[i].tagName === 'OPTION'){
//check if it is selected
selected = true;
node.selected = true;
this.value = node.value?node.value:'';
return HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild.apply(this, [node]);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLOptGroupElement]';
* HTMLOptionElement, Option
* HTML5: 4.10.10 The option element
HTMLOptionElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLInputCommon.apply(this, arguments);
this._selected = null;
HTMLOptionElement.prototype = new HTMLInputCommon();
__extend__(HTMLOptionElement.prototype, {
* defaultSelected actually reflects the presence of the
* 'selected' attribute.
get defaultSelected() {
return this.hasAttribute('selected');
set defaultSelected(value) {
if (value) {
} else {
if (this.hasAttribute('selected')) {
* HTML5: The form IDL attribute's behavior depends on whether the
* option element is in a select element or not. If the option has
* a select element as its parent, or has a colgroup element as
* its parent and that colgroup element has a select element as
* its parent, then the form IDL attribute must return the same
* value as the form IDL attribute on that select
* element. Otherwise, it must return null.
_selectparent: function() {
var parent = this.parentNode;
if (!parent) {
return null;
if (parent.tagName === 'SELECT') {
return parent;
if (parent.tagName === 'COLGROUP') {
parent = parent.parentNode;
if (parent && parent.tagName === 'SELECT') {
return parent;
_updateoptions: function() {
var parent = this._selectparent();
if (parent) {
// has side effects and updates owner select's options
get form() {
var parent = this._selectparent();
return parent ? parent.form : null;
get index() {
var options, i;
if (! this.parentNode) {
return -1;
options = this.parentNode.options;
for (i=0; i < options.length; ++i) {
if (this === options[i]) {
return i;
return 0;
get label() {
return this.getAttribute('label');
set label(value) {
this.setAttribute('label', value);
* This is not in the spec, but safari and firefox both
* use this
get name() {
return this.getAttribute('name');
set name(value) {
this.setAttribute('name', value);
get selected() {
// if disabled, return false, no matter what
if (this.disabled) {
return false;
if (this._selected === null) {
return this.defaultSelected;
return this._selected;
set selected(value) {
this._selected = (value) ? true : false;
get text() {
var val = this.nodeValue;
return (val === null || this.value === undefined) ?
this.innerHTML :
get value() {
var val = this.getAttribute('value');
return (val === null || val === undefined) ?
this.textContent :
set value(value) {
this.setAttribute('value', value);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLOptionElement]';
Option = function(text, value, defaultSelected, selected) {
// Not sure if this is correct:
// The element's document must be the active document of the
// browsing context of the Window object on which the interface
// object of the invoked constructor is found.
HTMLOptionElement.apply(this, [document]);
this.nodeName = 'OPTION';
if (arguments.length >= 1) {
this.appendChild(document.createTextNode('' + text));
if (arguments.length >= 2) {
this.value = value;
if (arguments.length >= 3) {
if (defaultSelected) {
this.defaultSelected = '';
if (arguments.length >= 4) {
this.selected = (selected) ? true : false;
Option.prototype = new HTMLOptionElement();
// Named Element Support
function updater(node, value) {
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('OPTION', 'name', updater);
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('OPTION', 'id', updater);
* HTMLParagraphElement - DOM Level 2
HTMLParagraphElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLParagraphElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLParagraphElement.prototype, {
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLParagraphElement]';
* HTMLParamElement
* HTML5: 4.8.6 The param element
HTMLParamElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLParamElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLParamElement.prototype, {
get name() {
return this.getAttribute('name') || '';
set name(value) {
this.setAttribute('name', value);
get type(){
return this.getAttribute('type');
set type(value){
get value(){
return this.getAttribute('value');
set value(value){
get valueType(){
return this.getAttribute('valuetype');
set valueType(value){
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLParamElement]';
* HTMLScriptElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.3.1 The script element
HTMLScriptElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLScriptElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLScriptElement.prototype, {
* HTML5 spec @
* "The IDL attribute text must return a concatenation of the
* contents of all the text nodes that are direct children of the
* script element (ignoring any other nodes such as comments or
* elements), in tree order. On setting, it must act the same way
* as the textContent IDL attribute."
* AND... "The term text node refers to any Text node,
* including CDATASection nodes; specifically, any Node with node
get text() {
var kids = this.childNodes;
var kid;
var s = '';
var imax = kids.length;
for (var i = 0; i < imax; ++i) {
kid = kids[i];
if (kid.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ||
kid.nodeType === Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
s += kid.nodeValue;
return s;
* HTML5 spec "Can be set, to replace the element's children with
* the given value."
set text(value) {
// this deletes all children, and make a new single text node
// with value
this.textContent = value;
/* Currently we always execute, but this isn't quite right if
* the node has *not* been inserted into the document, then it
* should *not* fire. The more detailed answer from the spec:
* When a script element that is neither marked as having
* "already started" nor marked as being "parser-inserted"
* experiences one of the events listed in the following list,
* the user agent must synchronously run the script element:
* * The script element gets inserted into a document.
* * The script element is in a Document and its child nodes
* are changed.
* * The script element is in a Document and has a src
* attribute set where previously the element had no such
* attribute.
* And no doubt there are other cases as well.
get htmlFor(){
return this.getAttribute('for');
set htmlFor(value){
get event(){
return this.getAttribute('event');
set event(value){
get charset(){
return this.getAttribute('charset');
set charset(value){
get defer(){
return this.getAttribute('defer');
set defer(value){
get src(){
return this.getAttribute('src')||'';
set src(value){
get type(){
return this.getAttribute('type')||'';
set type(value){
onload: HTMLEvents.prototype.onload,
onerror: HTMLEvents.prototype.onerror,
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLScriptElement]';
* HTMLSelectElement
* HTML5:
HTMLSelectElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLTypeValueInputs.apply(this, arguments);
this._oldIndex = -1;
HTMLSelectElement.prototype = new HTMLTypeValueInputs();
__extend__(HTMLSelectElement.prototype, inputElements_dataProperties);
__extend__(HTMLButtonElement.prototype, inputElements_size);
__extend__(HTMLSelectElement.prototype, inputElements_onchange);
__extend__(HTMLSelectElement.prototype, inputElements_focusEvents);
__extend__(HTMLSelectElement.prototype, {
get value() {
var index = this.selectedIndex;
return (index === -1) ? '' : this.options[index].value;
set value(newValue) {
var options = this.options;
var imax = options.length;
for (var i=0; i< imax; ++i) {
if (options[i].value == newValue) {
this.setAttribute('value', newValue);
this.selectedIndex = i;
get multiple() {
return this.hasAttribute('multiple');
set multiple(value) {
if (value) {
this.setAttribute('multiple', '');
} else {
if (this.hasAttribute('multiple')) {
// Returns HTMLOptionsCollection
get options() {
var nodes = this.getElementsByTagName('option');
var alist = [];
var i, tmp;
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
this[i] = nodes[i];
tmp = nodes[i].name;
if (tmp) {
this[tmp] = nodes[i];
tmp = nodes[i].id;
if (tmp) {
this[tmp] = nodes[i];
return new HTMLCollection(alist);
get length() {
return this.options.length;
item: function(idx) {
return this.options[idx];
namedItem: function(aname) {
return this.options[aname];
get selectedIndex() {
var options = this.options;
var imax = options.length;
for (var i=0; i < imax; ++i) {
if (options[i].selected) {
//console.log('select get selectedIndex %s', i);
return i;
//console.log('select get selectedIndex %s', -1);
return -1;
set selectedIndex(value) {
var options = this.options;
var num = Number(value);
var imax = options.length;
for (var i = 0; i < imax; ++i) {
options[i].selected = (i === num);
get type() {
return this.multiple ? 'select-multiple' : 'select-one';
add: function(element, before) {
remove: function() {
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLSelectElement]';
// Named Element Support
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('SELECT', 'name',
* HTML 5: 4.6.22 The span element
HTMLSpanElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLSpanElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLSpanElement.prototype, {
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLSpanElement]';
* HTMLStyleElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5 4.2.6 The style element
HTMLStyleElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLStyleElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLStyleElement.prototype, {
get disabled(){
return this.getAttribute('disabled');
set disabled(value){
get media(){
return this.getAttribute('media');
set media(value){
get type(){
return this.getAttribute('type');
set type(value){
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLStyleElement]';
* HTMLTableElement - DOM Level 2
* Implementation Provided by Steven Wood
* HTML5: 4.9.1 The table element
HTMLTableElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLTableElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLTableElement.prototype, {
get tFoot() {
//tFoot returns the table footer.
return this.getElementsByTagName("tfoot")[0];
createTFoot : function () {
var tFoot = this.tFoot;
if (!tFoot) {
tFoot = document.createElement("tfoot");
return tFoot;
deleteTFoot : function () {
var foot = this.tFoot;
if (foot) {
get tHead() {
//tHead returns the table head.
return this.getElementsByTagName("thead")[0];
createTHead : function () {
var tHead = this.tHead;
if (!tHead) {
tHead = document.createElement("thead");
this.insertBefore(tHead, this.firstChild);
return tHead;
deleteTHead : function () {
var head = this.tHead;
if (head) {
/*appendChild : function (child) {
var tagName;
tagName = child.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (tagName === "tr") {
// need an implcit <tbody> to contain this...
if (!this.currentBody) {
this.currentBody = document.createElement("tbody");
Node.prototype.appendChild.apply(this, [this.currentBody]);
return this.currentBody.appendChild(child);
} else if (tagName === "tbody" || tagName === "tfoot" && this.currentBody) {
this.currentBody = child;
return Node.prototype.appendChild.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
return Node.prototype.appendChild.apply(this, arguments);
//tables can still have text node from white space
return Node.prototype.appendChild.apply(this, arguments);
get tBodies() {
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName("tbody"));
get rows() {
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName("tr"));
insertRow : function (idx) {
if (idx === undefined) {
throw new Error("Index omitted in call to HTMLTableElement.insertRow ");
var rows = this.rows,
numRows = rows.length,
if (idx > numRows) {
throw new Error("Index > rows.length in call to HTMLTableElement.insertRow");
inserted = document.createElement("tr");
// If index is -1 or equal to the number of rows,
// the row is appended as the last row. If index is omitted
// or greater than the number of rows, an error will result
if (idx === -1 || idx === numRows) {
} else {
rows[idx].parentNode.insertBefore(inserted, rows[idx]);
return inserted;
deleteRow : function (idx) {
var elem = this.rows[idx];
get summary() {
return this.getAttribute("summary");
set summary(summary) {
this.setAttribute("summary", summary);
get align() {
return this.getAttribute("align");
set align(align) {
this.setAttribute("align", align);
get bgColor() {
return this.getAttribute("bgColor");
set bgColor(bgColor) {
return this.setAttribute("bgColor", bgColor);
get cellPadding() {
return this.getAttribute("cellPadding");
set cellPadding(cellPadding) {
return this.setAttribute("cellPadding", cellPadding);
get cellSpacing() {
return this.getAttribute("cellSpacing");
set cellSpacing(cellSpacing) {
this.setAttribute("cellSpacing", cellSpacing);
get frame() {
return this.getAttribute("frame");
set frame(frame) {
this.setAttribute("frame", frame);
get rules() {
return this.getAttribute("rules");
set rules(rules) {
this.setAttribute("rules", rules);
get width() {
return this.getAttribute("width");
set width(width) {
this.setAttribute("width", width);
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTableElement]';
* HTMLxElement - DOM Level 2
* - Contributed by Steven Wood
* HTML5: 4.9.5 The tbody element
HTMLTableSectionElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLTableSectionElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLTableSectionElement.prototype, {
/*appendChild : function (child) {
// disallow nesting of these elements.
if (child.tagName.match(/TBODY|TFOOT|THEAD/)) {
return this.parentNode.appendChild(child);
} else {
return Node.prototype.appendChild.apply(this, arguments);
get align() {
return this.getAttribute("align");
get ch() {
return this.getAttribute("ch");
set ch(ch) {
this.setAttribute("ch", ch);
// ch gets or sets the alignment character for cells in a column.
set chOff(chOff) {
this.setAttribute("chOff", chOff);
get chOff() {
return this.getAttribute("chOff");
get vAlign () {
return this.getAttribute("vAlign");
get rows() {
return new HTMLCollection(this.getElementsByTagName("tr"));
insertRow : function (idx) {
if (idx === undefined) {
throw new Error("Index omitted in call to HTMLTableSectionElement.insertRow ");
var numRows = this.rows.length,
node = null;
if (idx > numRows) {
throw new Error("Index > rows.length in call to HTMLTableSectionElement.insertRow");
var row = document.createElement("tr");
// If index is -1 or equal to the number of rows,
// the row is appended as the last row. If index is omitted
// or greater than the number of rows, an error will result
if (idx === -1 || idx === numRows) {
} else {
node = this.firstChild;
for (var i=0; i<idx; i++) {
node = node.nextSibling;
this.insertBefore(row, node);
return row;
deleteRow : function (idx) {
var elem = this.rows[idx];
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTableSectionElement]';
* HTMLTableCellElement
* base interface for TD and TH
* HTML5: 4.9.11 Attributes common to td and th elements
HTMLTableCellElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLTableCellElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLTableCellElement.prototype, {
// TOOD: attribute unsigned long colSpan;
// TODO: attribute unsigned long rowSpan;
// TODO: attribute DOMString headers;
// TODO: readonly attribute long cellIndex;
// Not really necessary but might be helpful in debugging
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTableCellElement]';
* HTMLTableDataCellElement
* HTML5: 4.9.9 The td Element
HTMLTableDataCellElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLTableDataCellElement.prototype = new HTMLTableCellElement();
__extend__(HTMLTableDataCellElement.prototype, {
// adds no new properties or methods
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTableDataCellElement]';
* HTMLTableHeaderCellElement
* HTML5: 4.9.10 The th Element
HTMLTableHeaderCellElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLTableHeaderCellElement.prototype = new HTMLTableCellElement();
__extend__(HTMLTableHeaderCellElement.prototype, {
// TODO: attribute DOMString scope
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTableHeaderCellElement]';
* HTMLTextAreaElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.10.11 The textarea element
HTMLTextAreaElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLInputAreaCommon.apply(this, arguments);
this._rawvalue = null;
HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype = new HTMLInputAreaCommon();
__extend__(HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype, {
get cols(){
return Number(this.getAttribute('cols')||'-1');
set cols(value){
this.setAttribute('cols', value);
get rows(){
return Number(this.getAttribute('rows')||'-1');
set rows(value){
this.setAttribute('rows', value);
* read-only
get type() {
return this.getAttribute('type') || 'textarea';
* This modifies the text node under the widget
get defaultValue() {
return this.textContent;
set defaultValue(value) {
this.textContent = value;
get value() {
return (this._rawvalue === null) ? this.defaultValue : this._rawvalue;
set value(value) {
this._rawvalue = value;
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTextAreaElement]';
// Named Element Support
HTMLElement.registerSetAttribute('TEXTAREA', 'name',
* HTMLTitleElement - DOM Level 2
* HTML5: 4.2.2 The title element
HTMLTitleElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLTitleElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLTitleElement.prototype, {
get text() {
return this.innerText;
set text(titleStr) {
this.textContent = titleStr;
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTitleElement]';
* HTMLRowElement - DOM Level 2
* Implementation Provided by Steven Wood
* HTML5: 4.9.8 The tr element
HTMLTableRowElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLTableRowElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLTableRowElement.prototype, {
/*appendChild : function (child) {
var retVal = Node.prototype.appendChild.apply(this, arguments);
retVal.cellIndex = this.cells.length -1;
return retVal;
// align gets or sets the horizontal alignment of data within cells of the row.
get align() {
return this.getAttribute("align");
get bgColor() {
return this.getAttribute("bgcolor");
get cells() {
var nl = this.getElementsByTagName("td");
return new HTMLCollection(nl);
get ch() {
return this.getAttribute("ch");
set ch(ch) {
this.setAttribute("ch", ch);
// ch gets or sets the alignment character for cells in a column.
set chOff(chOff) {
this.setAttribute("chOff", chOff);
get chOff() {
return this.getAttribute("chOff");
get rowIndex() {
var nl = this.parentNode.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
if (nl[i] === this) {
return i;
return -1;
get sectionRowIndex() {
var nl = this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(this.tagName);
for (var i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
if (nl[i] === this) {
return i;
return -1;
get vAlign () {
return this.getAttribute("vAlign");
insertCell : function (idx) {
if (idx === undefined) {
throw new Error("Index omitted in call to HTMLTableRow.insertCell");
var numCells = this.cells.length,
node = null;
if (idx > numCells) {
throw new Error("Index > rows.length in call to HTMLTableRow.insertCell");
var cell = document.createElement("td");
if (idx === -1 || idx === numCells) {
} else {
node = this.firstChild;
for (var i=0; i<idx; i++) {
node = node.nextSibling;
this.insertBefore(cell, node);
cell.cellIndex = idx;
return cell;
deleteCell : function (idx) {
var elem = this.cells[idx];
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLTableRowElement]';
* HTMLUListElement
* HTML5: 4.5.7 The ul Element
HTMLUListElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLUListElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
__extend__(HTMLUListElement.prototype, {
// no additional properties or elements
toString: function() {
return '[object HTMLUListElement]';
* HTMLUnknownElement DOM Level 2
HTMLUnknownElement = function(ownerDocument) {
HTMLElement.apply(this, arguments);
HTMLUnknownElement.prototype = new HTMLElement();
toString: function(){
return '[object HTMLUnknownElement]';
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* DOM Style Level 2
var CSS2Properties,
* Envjs css.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
* @author ariel flesler
* @param {Object} str
function __trim__( str ){
return (str || "").replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" );
* Interface DocumentStyle (introduced in DOM Level 2)
* interface DocumentStyle {
* readonly attribute StyleSheetList styleSheets;
* };
__extend__(Document.prototype, {
get styleSheets() {
if (! this._styleSheets) {
this._styleSheets = new StyleSheetList();
return this._styleSheets;
* CSS2Properties - DOM Level 2 CSS
* Renamed to CSSStyleDeclaration??
var __toCamelCase__ = function(name) {
if (name) {
return name.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
return name;
var __toDashed__ = function(camelCaseName) {
if (camelCaseName) {
return camelCaseName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(all) {
return '-' + all.toLowerCase();
return camelCaseName;
CSS2Properties = function(element){
//console.log('css2properties %s', __cssproperties__++);
this.styleIndex = __supportedStyles__;//non-standard
this.type = element.tagName;//non-standard
__setArray__(this, []);
__cssTextToStyles__(this, element.cssText || '');
__extend__(CSS2Properties.prototype, {
get cssText() {
var i, css = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
css.push(this[i] + ': ' + this.getPropertyValue(this[i]) + ';');
return css.join(' ');
set cssText(cssText) {
__cssTextToStyles__(this, cssText);
getPropertyCSSValue: function(name) {
getPropertyPriority: function() {
getPropertyValue: function(name) {
var index, cname = __toCamelCase__(name);
if (cname in this.styleIndex) {
return this[cname];
} else {
index = Array.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, [name]);
if (index > -1) {
return this[index];
return null;
item: function(index) {
return this[index];
removeProperty: function(name) {
this.styleIndex[name] = null;
name = __toDashed__(name);
var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, [name]);
if (index > -1) {
Array.prototype.splice.apply(this, [1,index]);
setProperty: function(name, value, priority) {
var nval;
name = __toCamelCase__(name);
if (value !== undefined && name in this.styleIndex) {
// NOTE: parseFloat('300px') ==> 300 no
// NOTE: Number('300px') ==> Nan yes
nval = Number(value);
this.styleIndex[name] = isNaN(nval) ? value : nval;
name = __toDashed__(name);
if (Array.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, [name]) === -1 ){
toString: function() {
return '[object CSS2Properties]';
var __cssTextToStyles__ = function(css2props, cssText) {
//console.log('__cssTextToStyles__ %s %s', css2props, cssText);
//var styleArray=[];
var i, style, styles = cssText.split(';');
for (i = 0; i < styles.length; ++i) {
style = styles[i].split(':');
if (style.length === 2) {
css2props.setProperty(style[0].replace(' ', '', 'g'),
style[1].replace(' ', '', 'g'));
//Obviously these arent all supported but by commenting out various
//sections this provides a single location to configure what is
//exposed as supported.
var __supportedStyles__ = {
azimuth: null,
background: null,
backgroundAttachment: null,
backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
backgroundImage: null,
backgroundPosition: null,
backgroundRepeat: null,
border: null,
borderBottom: null,
borderBottomColor: null,
borderBottomStyle: null,
borderBottomWidth: null,
borderCollapse: null,
borderColor: null,
borderLeft: null,
borderLeftColor: null,
borderLeftStyle: null,
borderLeftWidth: null,
borderRight: null,
borderRightColor: null,
borderRightStyle: null,
borderRightWidth: null,
borderSpacing: null,
borderStyle: null,
borderTop: null,
borderTopColor: null,
borderTopStyle: null,
borderTopWidth: null,
borderWidth: null,
bottom: null,
captionSide: null,
clear: null,
clip: null,
color: null,
content: null,
counterIncrement: null,
counterReset: null,
cssFloat: null,
cue: null,
cueAfter: null,
cueBefore: null,
cursor: null,
direction: 'ltr',
display: null,
elevation: null,
emptyCells: null,
font: null,
fontFamily: null,
fontSize: '1em',
fontSizeAdjust: null,
fontStretch: null,
fontStyle: null,
fontVariant: null,
fontWeight: null,
height: '',
left: null,
letterSpacing: null,
lineHeight: null,
listStyle: null,
listStyleImage: null,
listStylePosition: null,
listStyleType: null,
margin: null,
marginBottom: '0px',
marginLeft: '0px',
marginRight: '0px',
marginTop: '0px',
markerOffset: null,
marks: null,
maxHeight: null,
maxWidth: null,
minHeight: null,
minWidth: null,
opacity: 1,
orphans: null,
outline: null,
outlineColor: null,
outlineOffset: null,
outlineStyle: null,
outlineWidth: null,
overflow: null,
overflowX: null,
overflowY: null,
padding: null,
paddingBottom: '0px',
paddingLeft: '0px',
paddingRight: '0px',
paddingTop: '0px',
page: null,
pageBreakAfter: null,
pageBreakBefore: null,
pageBreakInside: null,
pause: null,
pauseAfter: null,
pauseBefore: null,
pitch: null,
pitchRange: null,
position: null,
quotes: null,
richness: null,
right: null,
size: null,
speak: null,
speakHeader: null,
speakNumeral: null,
speakPunctuation: null,
speechRate: null,
stress: null,
tableLayout: null,
textAlign: null,
textDecoration: null,
textIndent: null,
textShadow: null,
textTransform: null,
top: null,
unicodeBidi: null,
verticalAlign: null,
visibility: '',
voiceFamily: null,
volume: null,
whiteSpace: null,
widows: null,
width: '1px',
wordSpacing: null,
zIndex: 1
var __displayMap__ = {
DIV : 'block',
P : 'block',
A : 'inline',
CODE : 'inline',
PRE : 'block',
SPAN : 'inline',
TABLE : 'table',
THEAD : 'table-header-group',
TBODY : 'table-row-group',
TR : 'table-row',
TH : 'table-cell',
TD : 'table-cell',
UL : 'block',
LI : 'list-item'
for (var style in __supportedStyles__) {
if (__supportedStyles__.hasOwnProperty(style)) {
(function(name) {
if (name === 'width' || name === 'height') {
CSS2Properties.prototype.__defineGetter__(name, function() {
if (this.display === 'none'){
return '0px';
return this.styleIndex[name];
} else if (name === 'display') {
//display will be set to a tagName specific value if ''
CSS2Properties.prototype.__defineGetter__(name, function() {
var val = this.styleIndex[name];
val = val ? val :__displayMap__[this.type];
return val;
} else {
CSS2Properties.prototype.__defineGetter__(name, function() {
return this.styleIndex[name];
CSS2Properties.prototype.__defineSetter__(name, function(value) {
this.setProperty(name, value);
* CSSRule - DOM Level 2
CSSRule = function(options) {
var $style,
$selectorText = options.selectorText ? options.selectorText : '';
$style = new CSS2Properties({
cssText: options.cssText ? options.cssText : null
return __extend__(this, {
get style(){
return $style;
get selectorText(){
return $selectorText;
set selectorText(selectorText){
$selectorText = selectorText;
toString : function(){
return "[object CSSRule]";
CSSStyleRule = function() {
CSSImportRule = function() {
CSSMediaRule = function() {
CSSFontFaceRule = function() {
CSSPageRule = function() {
CSSRuleList = function(data) {
this.length = 0;
__setArray__(this, data);
__extend__(CSSRuleList.prototype, {
item : function(index) {
if ((index >= 0) && (index < this.length)) {
// bounds check
return this[index];
return null;
toString: function() {
return '[object CSSRuleList]';
* StyleSheet
* interface StyleSheet {
* readonly attribute DOMString type;
* readonly attribute DOMString href;
* readonly attribute Node ownerNode;
* readonly attribute StyleSheet parentStyleSheet;
* readonly attribute DOMString title;
* [PutForwards=mediaText] readonly attribute MediaList media;
* attribute boolean disabled;
* };
StyleSheet = function() {
* CSSStyleSheet
* interface CSSStyleSheet : StyleSheet {
* readonly attribute CSSRule ownerRule;
* readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
* unsigned long insertRule(DOMString rule, unsigned long index);
* void deleteRule(unsigned long index);
* };
CSSStyleSheet = function(options){
var $cssRules,
$disabled = options.disabled ? options.disabled : false,
$href = options.href ? options.href : null,
$parentStyleSheet = options.parentStyleSheet ? options.parentStyleSheet : null,
$title = options.title ? options.title : "",
$type = "text/css";
function parseStyleSheet(text){
//$debug("parsing css");
//this is pretty ugly, but text is the entire text of a stylesheet
var cssRules = [];
if (!text) {
text = '';
text = __trim__(text.replace(/\/\*(\r|\n|.)*\*\//g,""));
// TODO: @import
var blocks = text.split("}");
var i, j, len = blocks.length;
var definition_block, properties, selectors;
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
definition_block = blocks[i].split("{");
if (definition_block.length === 2) {
selectors = definition_block[0].split(",");
for (j=0; j<selectors.length; j++) {
cssRules.push(new CSSRule({
selectorText : __trim__(selectors[j]),
cssText : definition_block[1]
return cssRules;
$cssRules = new CSSRuleList(parseStyleSheet(options.textContent));
return __extend__(this, {
get cssRules(){
return $cssRules;
get rule(){
return $cssRules;
},//IE - may be deprecated
get href(){
return $href;
get parentStyleSheet(){
return $parentStyleSheet;
get title(){
return $title;
get type(){
return $type;
addRule: function(selector, style, index){/*TODO*/},
deleteRule: function(index){/*TODO*/},
insertRule: function(rule, index){/*TODO*/},
//IE - may be deprecated
removeRule: function(index){
StyleSheetList = function() {
StyleSheetList.prototype = new Array();
__extend__(StyleSheetList.prototype, {
item : function(index) {
if ((index >= 0) && (index < this.length)) {
// bounds check
return this[index];
return null;
toString: function() {
return '[object StyleSheetList]';
* This extends HTMLElement to handle CSS-specific interfaces.
* More work / research would be needed to extend just (DOM) Element
* for xml use and additional changes for just HTMLElement.
* Replace or add the getter for 'style'
* This could be wrapped in a closure
var $css2properties = [{}];
__extend__(HTMLElement.prototype, {
get style(){
if ( !this.css2uuid ) {
this.css2uuid = $css2properties.length;
$css2properties[this.css2uuid] = new CSS2Properties(this);
return $css2properties[this.css2uuid];
* Change for how 'setAttribute("style", ...)' works
* We are truly adding functionality to HtmlElement.setAttribute, not
* replacing it. So we need to save the old one first, call it, then
* do our stuff. If we need to do more hacks like this, HTMLElement
* (or regular Element) needs to have a hooks array or dispatch table
* for global changes.
* This could be wrapped in a closure if desired.
var updateCss2Props = function(elem, values) {
//console.log('__updateCss2Props__ %s %s', elem, values);
if ( !elem.css2uuid ) {
elem.css2uuid = $css2properties.length;
$css2properties[elem.css2uuid] = new CSS2Properties(elem);
__cssTextToStyles__($css2properties[elem.css2uuid], values);
var origSetAttribute = HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute;
HTMLElement.prototype.setAttribute = function(name, value) {
//console.log("CSS set attribute: " + name + ", " + value);
origSetAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
if (name === "style") {
updateCss2Props(this, value);
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
//these are both non-standard globals that
//provide static namespaces and functions
//to support the html 5 parser from nu.
var XMLParser = {},
HTMLParser = {};
* Envjs parser.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
var __defineParser__;
(function () {
var $gwt_version = "1.5.1";
var $wnd = {};
var $doc = {};
var $moduleName, $moduleBase;
var $stats = $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent ? function(a) {$wnd.__gwtStatsEvent(a)} : null;
var cNh='',qPg='\n',n4h='\n ',Bxg=' which is not a legal XML 1.0 character.',cNg='#mathplayer',zOg='#renesis',rZg='(',vxg=').',iwh='): ',fPh='+//silmaril//dtd html pro v0r11 19970101//',cWg=', ',mih=', Size: ',dNh='-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN',oNh='-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN',zNh='-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN',eOh='-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN',pOh='-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN',AOh='-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN',utg='-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN',lug='-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN',qPh='-//advasoft ltd//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//',BPh='-//as//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//',gQh='-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 1//',sQh='-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 2//',DQh='-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 1//',iRh='-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 2//',tRh='-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict//',ERh='-//ietf//dtd html 2.0//',jSh='-//ietf//dtd html 2.1e//',uSh='-//ietf//dtd html 3.0//',FSh='-//ietf//dtd html 3.2 final//',kTh='-//ietf//dtd html 3.2//',vTh='-//ietf//dtd html 3//',bUh='-//ietf//dtd html level 0//',mUh='-//ietf//dtd html level 1//',xUh='-//ietf//dtd html level 2//',cVh='-//ietf//dtd html level 3//',nVh='-//ietf//dtd html strict level 0//',yVh='-//ietf//dtd html strict level 1//',dWh='-//ietf//dtd html strict level 2//',oWh='-//ietf//dtd html strict level 3//',zWh='-//ietf//dtd html strict//',eXh='-//ietf//dtd html//',qXh='-//metrius//dtd metrius presentational//',BXh='-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html strict//',gYh='-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html//',rYh='-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 tables//',CYh='-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html strict//',hZh='-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html//',sZh='-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 tables//',DZh='-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd html//',i0h='-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd strict html//',t0h="-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html 2.0//",F0h="-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html extended 1.0//",k1h="-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html extended relaxed 1.0//",v1h='-//softquad software//dtd hotmetal pro 6.0::19990601::extensions to html 4.0//',a2h='-//softquad//dtd hotmetal pro 4.0::19971010::extensions to html 4.0//',l2h='-//spyglass//dtd html 2.0 extended//',w2h='-//sq//dtd html 2.0 hotmetal + extensions//',b3h='-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava html//',m3h='-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava strict html//',x3h='-//w3c//dtd html 3 1995-03-24//',c4h='-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 draft//',o4h='-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 final//',z4h='-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//',e5h='-//w3c//dtd html 3.2s draft//',p5h='-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 frameset//',A5h='-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//',Czg='-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//en',rzg='-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en',f6h='-//w3c//dtd html experimental 19960712//',q6h='-//w3c//dtd html experimental 970421//',B6h='-//w3c//dtd w3 html//',gzg='-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 frameset//en',Byg='-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en',g7h='-//w3o//dtd w3 html 3.0//',sAg='-//w3o//dtd w3 html strict 3.0//en//',r7h='-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html 2.0//',Cqg='-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html//',DAg='-/w3c/dtd html 4.0 transitional/en',Dxg='.',gyg='0123456789ABCDEF',iBg=':',Aqg=': ',q6g='=',zqg='@',txg='A character reference expanded to a form feed which is not legal XML 1.0 white space.',iyg='AElig',jyg='AElig;',wLh='ALLOW',fKh='ALMOST_STANDARDS_MODE',mMh='ALTER_INFOSET',kyg='AMP',lyg='AMP;',yzh='AUTO',myg='Aacute',nyg='Aacute;',oyg='Abreve;',DIh='AbstractCollection',rJh='AbstractHashMap',tJh='AbstractHashMap$EntrySet',uJh='AbstractHashMap$EntrySetIterator',wJh='AbstractHashMap$MapEntryNull',xJh='AbstractHashMap$MapEntryString',EIh='AbstractList',yJh='AbstractList$IteratorImpl',zJh='AbstractList$ListIteratorImpl',qJh='AbstractMap',vJh='AbstractMapEntry',BJh='AbstractSequentialList',sJh='AbstractSet',pyg='Acirc',ryg='Acirc;',syg='Acy;',ePg='Add not supported on this collection',obh='Add not supported on this list',tyg='Afr;',uyg='Agrave',vyg='Agrave;',wyg='Alpha;',xyg='Amacr;',yyg='And;',zyg='Aogon;',Ayg='Aopf;',Cyg='ApplyFunction;',Dyg='Aring',Eyg='Aring;',vLg='Array types must match',FIh=
function zdi(a){return (this==null?null:this)===(a==null?null:a)}
function Adi(){return k$h}
function Bdi(){return this.$H||(this.$H=++D8h)}
function Cdi(){return (this.tM==v0i||this.tI==2?this.gC():F9h).b+zqg+idi(this.tM==v0i||this.tI==2?this.hC():this.$H||(this.$H=++D8h),4)}
function xdi(){}
_=xdi.prototype={};_.eQ=zdi;_.gC=Adi;_.hC=Bdi;_.tS=Cdi;_.toString=function(){return this.tS()};_.tM=v0i;_.tI=1;function agi(c){var a,b;a=c.gC().b;b=c.Bb();if(b!=null){return a+Aqg+b}else{return a}}
function bgi(){return q$h}
function cgi(){return this.b}
function dgi(){return agi(this)}
function Efi(){}
_=Efi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=bgi;_.Bb=cgi;_.tS=dgi;_.tI=3;_.b=null;function Bci(b,a){b.b=a;return b}
function Dci(){return g$h}
function Aci(){}
_=Aci.prototype=new Efi();_.gC=Dci;_.tI=4;function Edi(b,a){b.b=a;return b}
function aei(){return l$h}
function Ddi(){}
_=Ddi.prototype=new Aci();_.gC=aei;_.tI=5;function a8h(b,a){Bci(b,rZg+h8h(a)+iwh+e8h(a)+(a!=null&&(a.tM!=v0i&&a.tI!=2)?i8h(o9h(a)):cNh));h8h(a);e8h(a);f8h(a);return b}
function c8h(){return E9h}
function e8h(a){if(a!=null&&(a.tM!=v0i&&a.tI!=2)){return d8h(o9h(a))}else{return a+cNh}}
function d8h(a){return a==null?null:a.message}
function f8h(a){if(a!=null&&(a.tM!=v0i&&a.tI!=2)){return o9h(a)}else{return null}}
function h8h(a){if(a==null){return rQh}else if(a!=null&&(a.tM!=v0i&&a.tI!=2)){return g8h(o9h(a))}else if(a!=null&&n9h(a.tI,1)){return aUh}else{return (a.tM==v0i||a.tI==2?a.gC():F9h).b}}
function g8h(a){return a==null?}
function i8h(a){var b=cNh;for(prop in a){if(prop!=pXh&&prop!=E0h){b+=n4h+prop+Aqg+a[prop]}}return b}
function F7h(){}
_=F7h.prototype=new Ddi();_.gC=c8h;_.tI=6;function q8h(){return function(){}}
function s8h(b,a){return b.tM==v0i||b.tI==2?b.eQ(a):(b==null?null:b)===(a==null?null:a)}
function w8h(a){return a.tM==v0i||a.tI==2?a.hC():a.$H||(a.$H=++D8h)}
var D8h=0;function c9h(e,c){var d=[null,0,false,[0,0]];var f=d[e];var a=new Array(c);for(var b=0;b<c;++b){a[b]=f}return a}
function d9h(){return this.aC}
function e9h(a,f,c,b,e){var d;d=c9h(e,b);f9h(a,f,c,d);return d}
function f9h(b,d,c,a){if(!g9h){g9h=new E8h()}j9h(a,g9h);a.aC=b;a.tI=d;a.qI=c;return a}
function h9h(a,b,c){if(c!=null){if(a.qI>0&&!m9h(c.tI,a.qI)){throw new Ebi()}if(a.qI<0&&(c.tM==v0i||c.tI==2)){throw new Ebi()}}return a[b]=c}
function j9h(a,c){for(var b in c){var d=c[b];if(d){a[b]=d}}return a}
function E8h(){}
_=E8h.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=d9h;_.tI=0;_.aC=null;_.length=0;_.qI=0;var g9h=null;function n9h(b,a){return b&&!!B9h[b][a]}
function m9h(b,a){return b&&B9h[b][a]}
function p9h(b,a){if(b!=null&&!m9h(b.tI,a)){throw new eci()}return b}
function o9h(a){if(a!=null&&(a.tM==v0i||a.tI==2)){throw new eci()}return a}
function s9h(b,a){return b!=null&&n9h(b.tI,a)}
var B9h=[{},{},{1:1,6:1,7:1,8:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1,19:1},{4:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{6:1,8:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{7:1},{7:1},{2:1,6:1},{2:1,6:1},{18:1},{14:1},{14:1},{14:1},{15:1},{15:1},{6:1,15:1},{6:1,16:1},{6:1,15:1},{2:1,6:1,17:1},{6:1,8:1},{6:1,8:1},{6:1,8:1},{20:1},{3:1},{9:1},{10:1},{11:1},{21:1},{2:1,6:1,22:1},{2:1,6:1,22:1},{12:1},{13:1},{5:1},{5:1},{5:1},{5:1},{5:1},{5:1},{5:1},{5:1},{5:1},{5:1}];function gai(a){if(a!=null&&n9h(a.tI,2)){return a}return a8h(new F7h(),a)}
function rai(d,c){var a,b;c%=1.8446744073709552E19;d%=1.8446744073709552E19;a=c%4294967296;b=Math.floor(d/4294967296)*4294967296;c=c-a+b;d=d-b+a;while(d<0){d+=4294967296;c-=4294967296}while(d>4294967295){d-=4294967296;c+=4294967296}c=c%1.8446744073709552E19;while(c>9223372032559808512){c-=1.8446744073709552E19}while(c<-9223372036854775808){c+=1.8446744073709552E19}return [d,c]}
function sai(a){if(isNaN(a)){return mai(),pai}if(a<-9223372036854775808){return mai(),oai}if(a>=9223372036854775807){return mai(),nai}if(a>0){return rai(Math.floor(a),0)}else{return rai(Math.ceil(a),0)}}
function tai(c){var a,b;if(c>-129&&c<128){a=c+128;b=(jai(),kai)[a];if(b==null){b=kai[a]=uai(c)}return b}return uai(c)}
function uai(a){if(a>=0){return [a,0]}else{return [a+4294967296,-4294967296]}}
function jai(){jai=v0i;kai=e9h(dai,53,13,256,0)}
var kai;function mai(){mai=v0i;Math.log(2);nai=E7h;oai=C7h;tai(-1);tai(1);tai(2);pai=tai(0)}
var nai,oai,pai;function gbi(){gbi=v0i;obi=fji(new eji());sbi(new bbi())}
function fbi(a){if(a.b){clearInterval(a.c)}else{clearTimeout(a.c)}lji(obi,a)}
function hbi(a){if(!a.b){lji(obi,a)}rni(a)}
function ibi(b,a){if(a<=0){throw Fci(new Eci(),Bqg)}fbi(b);b.b=false;b.c=lbi(b,a);gji(obi,b)}
function lbi(b,a){return setTimeout(function(){b.zb()},a)}
function mbi(){hbi(this)}
function nbi(){return b$h}
function abi(){}
_=abi.prototype=new xdi();_.zb=mbi;_.gC=nbi;_.tI=0;_.b=false;_.c=0;var obi;function dbi(){while((gbi(),obi).b>0){fbi(p9h(iji(obi,0),3))}}
function ebi(){return a$h}
function bbi(){}
_=bbi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=ebi;_.tI=7;
function sbi(a){ybi();if(!tbi){tbi=fji(new eji())}gji(tbi,a)}
function ubi(){var a;if(tbi){for(a=zhi(new xhi(),tbi);a.a<a.b.bc();){p9h(Chi(a),4);dbi()}}}
function vbi(){var a,b;b=null;if(tbi){for(a=zhi(new xhi(),tbi);a.a<a.b.bc();){p9h(Chi(a),4);b=null}}return b}
function xbi(){__gwt_initHandlers(function(){},function(){return vbi()},function(){ubi()})}
function ybi(){if(!wbi){xbi();wbi=true}}
var tbi=null,wbi=false;function Fbi(b,a){b.b=a;return b}
function bci(){return c$h}
function Ebi(){}
_=Ebi.prototype=new Ddi();_.gC=bci;_.tI=9;function ici(c,a){var b;b=new dci();b.b=c+a;b.a=4;return b}
function jci(c,a){var b;b=new dci();b.b=c+a;return b}
function kci(c,a){var b;b=new dci();b.b=c+a;b.a=8;return b}
function mci(){return e$h}
function nci(){return ((this.a&2)!=0?kug:(this.a&1)!=0?cNh:zxg)+this.b}
function dci(){}
_=dci.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=mci;_.tS=nci;_.tI=0;_.a=0;_.b=null;function gci(){return d$h}
function eci(){}
_=eci.prototype=new Ddi();_.gC=gci;_.tI=12;function vci(a){return this.b-a.b}
function wci(a){return (this==null?null:this)===(a==null?null:a)}
function xci(){return f$h}
function yci(){return this.$H||(this.$H=++D8h)}
function zci(){return this.a}
function tci(){}
_=tci.prototype=new xdi();_.cT=vci;_.eQ=wci;_.gC=xci;_.hC=yci;_.tS=zci;_.tI=13;_.a=null;_.b=0;function Fci(b,a){b.b=a;return b}
function bdi(){return h$h}
function Eci(){}
_=Eci.prototype=new Ddi();_.gC=bdi;_.tI=14;function ddi(b,a){b.b=a;return b}
function fdi(){return i$h}
function cdi(){}
_=cdi.prototype=new Ddi();_.gC=fdi;_.tI=15;function idi(f,e){var a,b,c,d;c=~~(32/e);a=(1<<e)-1;b=e9h(A_h,42,-1,c,1);d=c-1;if(f>=0){while(f>a){b[d--]=(udi(),vdi)[f&a];f>>=e}}else{while(d>0){b[d--]=(udi(),vdi)[f&a];f>>=e}}b[d]=(udi(),vdi)[f&a];return ofi(b,d,c)}
function rdi(){return j$h}
function pdi(){}
_=pdi.prototype=new Ddi();_.gC=rdi;_.tI=16;function udi(){udi=v0i;vdi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122])}
var vdi;function efi(b,a){if(!(a!=null&&n9h(a.tI,1))){return false}return String(b)==a}
function ffi(f,c,d,a,b){var e;for(e=c;e<d;++e){a[b++]=f.charCodeAt(e)}}
function lfi(c){var a,b;b=c.length;a=e9h(A_h,42,-1,b,1);ffi(c,0,b,a,0);return a}
function mfi(b,c,a){if(c<0){throw Fei(new Eei(),c)}if(a<c){throw Fei(new Eei(),a-c)}if(a>b){throw Fei(new Eei(),a)}}
function ofi(c,b,a){c=c.slice(b,a);return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,c)}
function qfi(b,a){b=String(b);if(b==a){return 0}return b<a?-1:1}
function pfi(a){return qfi(this,a)}
function rfi(a){return efi(this,a)}
function sfi(){return p$h}
function tfi(){return iei(this)}
function ufi(){return this}
function xfi(d,c,a){var b;b=c+a;mfi(d.length,c,b);return ofi(d,c,b)}
_=String.prototype;_.cT=pfi;_.eQ=rfi;_.gC=sfi;_.hC=tfi;_.tS=ufi;_.tI=2;function dei(){dei=v0i;eei={};hei={}}
function fei(e){var a,b,c,d;d=e.length;c=d<64?1:~~(d/32);a=0;for(b=0;b<d;b+=c){a<<=1;a+=e.charCodeAt(b)}a|=0;return a}
function iei(c){dei();var a=iBg+c;var b=hei[a];if(b!=null){return b}b=eei[a];if(b==null){b=fei(c)}jei();return hei[a]=b}
function jei(){if(gei==256){eei=hei;hei={};gei=0}++gei}
var eei,gei=0,hei;function mei(a){a.a=tei(new rei());return a}
function nei(a,b){uei(a.a,b);return a}
function pei(){return m$h}
function qei(){return zei(this.a)}
function kei(){}
_=kei.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=pei;_.tS=qei;_.tI=17;function tei(a){a.b=e9h(D_h,48,1,0,0);return a}
function uei(b,c){var a;if(c==null){c=rQh}a=c.length;if(a>0){b.b[b.a++]=c;b.c+=a;if(b.a>1024){zei(b);b.b.length=1024}}return b}
function wei(f,e,d,a,b){var c;mfi(f.c,e,d);mfi(a.length,b,b+(d-e));c=zei(f);while(e<d){a[b++]=c.charCodeAt(e++)}}
function yei(d,b){var c,a;c=d.c;if(b<c){a=zei(d);d.b=f9h(D_h,48,1,[a.substr(0,b-0),cNh,a.substr(c,a.length-c)]);d.a=3;d.c+=cNh.length-(c-b)}else if(b>c){uei(d,String.fromCharCode.apply(null,e9h(A_h,42,-1,b-c,1)))}}
function zei(b){var a;if(b.a!=1){b.b.length=b.a;a=b.b.join(cNh);b.b=f9h(D_h,48,1,[a]);b.a=1}return b.b[0]}
function Aei(){return n$h}
function Dei(){return zei(this)}
function rei(){}
_=rei.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=Aei;_.tS=Dei;_.tI=18;_.a=0;_.c=0;function Fei(b,a){b.b=xEg+a;return b}
function bfi(){return o$h}
function Eei(){}
_=Eei.prototype=new cdi();_.gC=bfi;_.tI=19;function Afi(h,j,a,d,g){var b,c,e,f,i,k,l;if(h==null||a==null){throw new pdi()}k=(h.tM==v0i||h.tI==2?h.gC():F9h).b;e=(a.tM==v0i||a.tI==2?a.gC():F9h).b;if(k.charCodeAt(0)!=91||e.charCodeAt(0)!=91){throw Fbi(new Ebi(),gIg)}if(k.charCodeAt(1)!=e.charCodeAt(1)){throw Fbi(new Ebi(),vLg)}l=h.length;f=a.length;if(j<0||d<0||g<0||j+g>l||d+g>f){throw new cdi()}if((k.charCodeAt(1)==76||k.charCodeAt(1)==91)&&!efi(k,e)){i=p9h(h,5);b=p9h(a,5);if((h==null?null:h)===(a==null?null:a)&&j<d){j+=g;for(c=d+g;c-->d;){h9h(b,c,i[--j])}}else{for(c=d+g;d<c;){h9h(b,d++,i[j++])}}}else{Array.prototype.splice.apply(a,[d,g].concat(h.slice(j,j+g)))}}
function fgi(b,a){b.b=a;return b}
function hgi(){return r$h}
function egi(){}
_=egi.prototype=new Ddi();_.gC=hgi;_.tI=20;function jgi(a,b){var c;while(a.Eb()){;if(b==null?c==null:s8h(b,c)){return a}}return null}
function lgi(a){throw fgi(new egi(),ePg)}
function mgi(b){var a;a=jgi(this.Fb(),b);return !!a}
function ngi(){return s$h}
function ogi(){var a,b,c;c=mei(new kei());a=null;uei(c.a,tSg);b=this.Fb();while(b.Eb()){if(a!=null){uei(c.a,a)}else{a=cWg}nei(c,}uei(c.a,sZg);return zei(c.a)}
function igi(){}
_=igi.prototype=new xdi();_.vb=lgi;_.wb=mgi;_.gC=ngi;_.tS=ogi;_.tI=0;function vii(c){var a,b,d,e,f;if((c==null?null:c)===(this==null?null:this)){return true}if(!(c!=null&&n9h(c.tI,16))){return false}e=p9h(c,16);if(p9h(this,16).d!=e.d){return false}for(b=sgi(new rgi(),xgi(new qgi(),e).a);Bhi(b.a);){a=p9h(Chi(b.a),14);d=a.Ab();f=a.Cb();if(!(d==null?p9h(this,16).c:d!=null?thi(p9h(this,16),d):shi(p9h(this,16),d,~~iei(d)))){return false}if(!pli(f,d==null?p9h(this,16).b:d!=null?p9h(this,16).e[iBg+d]:phi(p9h(this,16),d,~~iei(d)))){return false}}return true}
function wii(){return C$h}
function xii(){var a,b,c;c=0;for(b=sgi(new rgi(),xgi(new qgi(),p9h(this,16)).a);Bhi(b.a);){a=p9h(Chi(b.a),14);c+=a.hC();c=~~c}return c}
function yii(){var a,b,c,d;d=b3g;a=false;for(c=sgi(new rgi(),xgi(new qgi(),p9h(this,16)).a);Bhi(c.a);){b=p9h(Chi(c.a),14);if(a){d+=cWg}else{a=true}d+=cNh+b.Ab();d+=q6g;d+=cNh+b.Cb()}return d+F9g}
function nii(){}
_=nii.prototype=new xdi();_.eQ=vii;_.gC=wii;_.hC=xii;_.tS=yii;_.tI=0;function khi(g,c){var e=g.a;for(var d in e){if(d==parseInt(d)){var a=e[d];for(var f=0,b=a.length;f<b;++f){c.vb(a[f])}}}}
function lhi(e,a){var d=e.e;for(var c in d){if(c.charCodeAt(0)==58){var b=jhi(e,c.substring(1));a.vb(b)}}}
function mhi(a){a.a=[];a.e={};a.c=false;a.b=null;a.d=0}
function ohi(b,a){return a==null?b.c:a!=null?iBg+a in b.e:shi(b,a,~~iei(a))}
function rhi(b,a){return a==null?b.b:a!=null?b.e[iBg+a]:phi(b,a,~~iei(a))}
function phi(h,g,e){var a=h.a[e];if(a){for(var f=0,b=a.length;f<b;++f){var c=a[f];var d=c.Ab();if(h.yb(g,d)){return c.Cb()}}}return null}
function shi(h,g,e){var a=h.a[e];if(a){for(var f=0,b=a.length;f<b;++f){var c=a[f];var d=c.Ab();if(h.yb(g,d)){return true}}}return false}
function thi(b,a){return iBg+a in b.e}
function uhi(a,b){return (a==null?null:a)===(b==null?null:b)||a!=null&&s8h(a,b)}
function vhi(){return x$h}
function pgi(){}
_=pgi.prototype=new nii();_.yb=uhi;_.gC=vhi;_.tI=0;_.a=null;_.b=null;_.c=false;_.d=0;_.e=null;function bji(b){var a,c,d;if((b==null?null:b)===(this==null?null:this)){return true}if(!(b!=null&&n9h(b.tI,18))){return false}c=p9h(b,18);if(c.a.d!=this.bc()){return false}for(a=sgi(new rgi(),c.a);Bhi(a.a);){d=p9h(Chi(a.a),14);if(!this.wb(d)){return false}}return true}
function cji(){return E$h}
function dji(){var a,b,c;a=0;for(b=this.Fb();b.Eb();){;if(c!=null){a+=w8h(c);a=~~a}}return a}
function Fii(){}
_=Fii.prototype=new igi();_.eQ=bji;_.gC=cji;_.hC=dji;_.tI=0;function xgi(b,a){b.a=a;return b}
function zgi(c){var a,b,d;if(c!=null&&n9h(c.tI,14)){a=p9h(c,14);b=a.Ab();if(ohi(this.a,b)){d=rhi(this.a,b);return eki(a.Cb(),d)}}return false}
function Agi(){return u$h}
function Bgi(){return sgi(new rgi(),this.a)}
function Cgi(){return this.a.d}
function qgi(){}
_=qgi.prototype=new Fii();_.wb=zgi;_.gC=Agi;_.Fb=Bgi;_.bc=Cgi;_.tI=21;_.a=null;function sgi(c,b){var a;c.b=b;a=fji(new eji());if(c.b.c){gji(a,Egi(new Dgi(),c.b))}lhi(c.b,a);khi(c.b,a);c.a=zhi(new xhi(),a);return c}
function ugi(){return t$h}
function vgi(){return Bhi(this.a)}
function wgi(){return p9h(Chi(this.a),14)}
function rgi(){}
_=rgi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=ugi;_.Eb=vgi;;_.tI=0;_.a=null;_.b=null;function qii(b){var a;if(b!=null&&n9h(b.tI,14)){a=p9h(b,14);if(pli(this.Ab(),a.Ab())&&pli(this.Cb(),a.Cb())){return true}}return false}
function rii(){return B$h}
function sii(){var a,b;a=0;b=0;if(this.Ab()!=null){a=iei(this.Ab())}if(this.Cb()!=null){b=w8h(this.Cb())}return a^b}
function tii(){return this.Ab()+q6g+this.Cb()}
function oii(){}
_=oii.prototype=new xdi();_.eQ=qii;_.gC=rii;_.hC=sii;_.tS=tii;_.tI=22;function Egi(b,a){b.a=a;return b}
function ahi(){return v$h}
function bhi(){return null}
function chi(){return this.a.b}
function Dgi(){}
_=Dgi.prototype=new oii();_.gC=ahi;_.Ab=bhi;_.Cb=chi;_.tI=23;_.a=null;function ehi(c,a,b){c.b=b;c.a=a;return c}
function ghi(){return w$h}
function hhi(){return this.a}
function ihi(){return this.b.e[iBg+this.a]}
function jhi(b,a){return ehi(new dhi(),a,b)}
function dhi(){}
_=dhi.prototype=new oii();_.gC=ghi;_.Ab=hhi;_.Cb=ihi;_.tI=24;_.a=null;_.b=null;function gii(a){this.ub(this.bc(),a);return true}
function fii(b,a){throw fgi(new egi(),obh)}
function hii(a,b){if(a<0||a>=b){lii(a,b)}}
function iii(e){var a,b,c,d,f;if((e==null?null:e)===(this==null?null:this)){return true}if(!(e!=null&&n9h(e.tI,15))){return false}f=p9h(e,15);if(this.bc()!=f.bc()){return false}c=this.Fb();d=f.Fb();while(c.a<c.b.bc()){a=Chi(c);b=Chi(d);if(!(a==null?b==null:s8h(a,b))){return false}}return true}
function jii(){return A$h}
function kii(){var a,b,c;b=1;a=this.Fb();while(a.a<a.b.bc()){c=Chi(a);b=31*b+(c==null?0:w8h(c));b=~~b}return b}
function lii(a,b){throw ddi(new cdi(),Deh+a+mih+b)}
function mii(){return zhi(new xhi(),this)}
function whi(){}
_=whi.prototype=new igi();_.vb=gii;_.ub=fii;_.eQ=iii;_.gC=jii;_.hC=kii;_.Fb=mii;_.tI=25;function zhi(b,a){b.b=a;return b}
function Bhi(a){return a.a<a.b.bc()}
function Chi(a){if(a.a>=a.b.bc()){throw new hli()}return a.b.Db(a.a++)}
function Dhi(){return y$h}
function Ehi(){return this.a<this.b.bc()}
function Fhi(){return Chi(this)}
function xhi(){}
_=xhi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=Dhi;_.Eb=Ehi;;_.tI=0;_.a=0;_.b=null;function bii(b,a){b.b=a;return b}
function dii(){return z$h}
function aii(){}
_=aii.prototype=new xhi();_.gC=dii;_.tI=0;function Bii(b,a){var c;c=Dki(this,b);yki(c.d,a,c.b);++c.a;c.c=null}
function Dii(c){var a,d;d=Dki(this,c);try{return nki(d)}catch(a){a=gai(a);if(s9h(a,17)){throw ddi(new cdi(),Blh+c)}else throw a}}
function Cii(){return D$h}
function Eii(){return bii(new aii(),this)}
function zii(){}
_=zii.prototype=new whi();_.ub=Bii;_.Db=Dii;_.gC=Cii;_.Fb=Eii;_.tI=26;function fji(a){a.a=e9h(C_h,47,0,0,0);a.b=0;return a}
function gji(b,a){h9h(b.a,b.b++,a);return true}
function iji(b,a){hii(a,b.b);return b.a[a]}
function jji(c,b,a){for(;a<c.b;++a){if(pli(b,c.a[a])){return a}}return -1}
function lji(d,c){var a,b;a=jji(d,c,0);if(a==-1){return false}b=(hii(a,d.b),d.a[a]);d.a.splice(a,1);--d.b;return true}
function nji(a){return h9h(this.a,this.b++,a),true}
function mji(a,b){if(a<0||a>this.b){lii(a,this.b)}this.a.splice(a,0,b);++this.b}
function oji(a){return jji(this,a,0)!=-1}
function qji(a){return hii(a,this.b),this.a[a]}
function pji(){return F$h}
function rji(){return this.b}
function eji(){}
_=eji.prototype=new whi();_.vb=nji;_.ub=mji;_.wb=oji;_.Db=qji;_.gC=pji;_.bc=rji;_.tI=27;_.a=null;_.b=0;function wji(f,b){var a,c,d,e;c=0;a=f.length-1;while(c<=a){d=c+(a-c>>1);e=f[d];if(e<b){c=d+1}else if(e>b){a=d-1}else{return d}}return -c-1}
function xji(h,d,a){var b,c,e,f,g;if(!a){a=(Eji(),Fji)}e=0;c=h.length-1;while(e<=c){f=e+(c-e>>1);g=h[f];b=g.cT(d);if(b<0){e=f+1}else if(b>0){c=f-1}else{return f}}return -e-1}
function Eji(){Eji=v0i;Fji=new Bji()}
var Fji;function Dji(){return a_h}
function Bji(){}
_=Bji.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=Dji;_.tI=0;function cki(a){mhi(a);return a}
function eki(a,b){return (a==null?null:a)===(b==null?null:b)||a!=null&&s8h(a,b)}
function fki(){return b_h}
function bki(){}
_=bki.prototype=new pgi();_.gC=fki;_.tI=28;function xki(a){a.a=ski(new rki());a.b=0;return a}
function yki(c,a,b){tki(new rki(),a,b);++c.b}
function zki(b,a){tki(new rki(),a,b.a);++b.b}
function Aki(a){a.a=ski(new rki());a.b=0}
function Cki(a){Fki(a);return a.a.b.c}
function Dki(d,b){var a,c;if(b<0||b>d.b){lii(b,d.b)}if(b>=d.b>>1){c=d.a;for(a=d.b;a>b;--a){c=c.b}}else{c=d.a.a;for(a=0;a<b;++a){c=c.a}}return kki(new iki(),b,c,d)}
function Eki(b){var a;Fki(b);--b.b;a=b.a.b;a.a.b=a.b;a.b.a=a.a;a.a=a.b=a;return a.c}
function Fki(a){if(a.b==0){throw new hli()}}
function ali(a){tki(new rki(),a,this.a);++this.b;return true}
function bli(){return e_h}
function cli(){return this.b}
function hki(){}
_=hki.prototype=new zii();_.vb=ali;_.gC=bli;_.bc=cli;_.tI=29;_.a=null;_.b=0;function kki(d,a,b,c){d.d=c;d.b=b;d.a=a;return d}
function nki(a){if(a.b==a.d.a){throw new hli()}a.c=a.b;a.b=a.b.a;++a.a;return a.c.c}
function oki(){return c_h}
function pki(){return this.b!=this.d.a}
function qki(){return nki(this)}
function iki(){}
_=iki.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=oki;_.Eb=pki;;_.tI=0;_.a=0;_.b=null;_.c=null;_.d=null;function ski(a){a.a=a.b=a;return a}
function tki(b,c,a){b.c=c;b.a=a;b.b=a.b;a.b.a=b;a.b=b;return b}
function wki(){return d_h}
function rki(){}
_=rki.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=wki;_.tI=0;_.a=null;_.b=null;_.c=null;function jli(){return f_h}
function hli(){}
_=hli.prototype=new Ddi();_.gC=jli;_.tI=30;function pli(a,b){return (a==null?null:a)===(b==null?null:b)||a!=null&&s8h(a,b)}
function sli(){sli=v0i;tli=rli(new qli(),kph,0);rli(new qli(),zsh,1);rli(new qli(),jwh,2);rli(new qli(),yzh,3);rli(new qli(),hDh,4)}
function rli(c,a,b){sli();c.a=a;c.b=b;return c}
function uli(){return g_h}
function qli(){}
_=qli.prototype=new tci();_.gC=uli;_.tI=31;var tli;function xli(){xli=v0i;Ali=wli(new vli(),wGh,0);yli=wli(new vli(),fKh,1);zli=wli(new vli(),lLh,2)}
function wli(c,a,b){xli();c.a=a;c.b=b;return c}
function Bli(){return h_h}
function vli(){}
_=vli.prototype=new tci();_.gC=Bli;_.tI=32;var yli,zli,Ali;function Fli(){Fli=v0i;ami=Eli(new Dli(),wLh,0);cmi=Eli(new Dli(),bMh,1);bmi=Eli(new Dli(),mMh,2)}
function Eli(c,a,b){Fli();c.a=a;c.b=b;return c}
function dmi(){return i_h}
function Dli(){}
_=Dli.prototype=new tci();_.gC=dmi;_.tI=33;var ami,bmi,cmi;function CYi(){CYi=v0i;l0i=lfi(xMh);k0i=f9h(D_h,48,1,[dNh,oNh,zNh,eOh,pOh,AOh]);m0i=f9h(D_h,48,1,[fPh,qPh,BPh,gQh,sQh,DQh,iRh,tRh,ERh,jSh,uSh,FSh,kTh,vTh,bUh,mUh,xUh,cVh,nVh,yVh,dWh,oWh,zWh,eXh,qXh,BXh,gYh,rYh,CYh,hZh,sZh,DZh,i0h,t0h,F0h,k1h,v1h,a2h,l2h,w2h,b3h,m3h,x3h,c4h,o4h,z4h,e5h,p5h,A5h,f6h,q6h,B6h,g7h,r7h,Cqg])}
function eYi(d,a){var b,c;c=d.g+1;if(c>d.f.length){b=e9h(A_h,42,-1,c,1);Afi(d.f,0,b,0,d.g);d.f=b}d.f[d.g]=a;d.g=c}
function fYi(c,a){var b;FUi(a,c,c.u);if(c.j>=1){b=c.y[1];if(b.c==3){lmi(c,b.e,a)}}}
function gYi(u,m){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,p,q;rZi(u);for(;;){f=u.s;while(f>-1){l=u.r[f];if(!l){f=-1;break}else if(l.d==m){break}--f}if(f==-1){return}e=u.r[f];g=u.j;j=true;while(g>-1){o=u.y[g];if(o==e){break}else if(o.i){j=false}--g}if(g==-1){c0i(u,f);return}if(!j){return}i=g+1;while(i<=u.j){o=u.y[i];if(o.i||o.j){break}++i}if(i>u.j){while(u.j>=g){EZi(u)}c0i(u,f);return}c=u.y[g-1];h=u.y[i];a=f;q=i;k=h;for(;;){--q;o=u.y[q];p=iZi(u,o);if(p==-1){d0i(u,q);--i;continue}if(q==g){break}if(q==i){a=p+1}b=smi(u,hrg,o.d,xUi(o.a));n=CVi(new AVi(),o.c,o.f,o.d,b,o.i,o.j,o.b,o.g,o.a);o.a=null;u.y[q]=n;++n.h;u.r[p]=n;--o.h;--o.h;o=n;vmi(u,k.e);qmi(u,k.e,o.e);k=o}if(c.b){vmi(u,k.e);wZi(u,k.e)}else{vmi(u,k.e);qmi(u,k.e,c.e)}b=smi(u,hrg,e.d,xUi(e.a));d=CVi(new AVi(),e.c,e.f,e.d,b,e.i,e.j,e.b,e.g,e.a);e.a=null;nmi(u,h.e,b);qmi(u,b,h.e);c0i(u,f);xZi(u,d,a);d0i(u,g);yZi(u,d,i)}}
function vYi(c,b){var a;++c.s;if(c.s==c.r.length){a=e9h(aai,51,11,c.r.length+64,0);Afi(c.r,0,a,0,c.r.length);c.r=a}c.r[c.s]=b}
function hYi(d,a){var b,c;FUi(a,d,d.u);b=umi(d,a);c=DVi(new AVi(),hrg,(wHi(),gNi),b);a0i(d,c)}
function nYi(f,e,b,a){var c,d;rZi(f);FUi(a,f,f.u);c=smi(f,e,b.e,a);qmi(f,c,f.y[f.j].e);d=DVi(new AVi(),e,b,c);a0i(f,d)}
function lYi(h,f,c,a){var b,d,e,g;rZi(h);g=c.e;FUi(a,h,h.u);if(c.b){g=zYi(h,g)}d=smi(h,f,g,a);b=h.y[h.j];if(b.b){wZi(h,d)}else{qmi(h,d,b.e)}e=EVi(new AVi(),f,c,d,g);a0i(h,e)}
function mYi(g,f,c,a){var b,d,e;rZi(g);FUi(a,g,g.u);d=tmi(g,f,c.e,a);b=g.y[g.j];if(b.b){wZi(g,d)}else{qmi(g,d,b.e)}e=DVi(new AVi(),f,c,d);a0i(g,e)}
function jYi(h,f,c,a){var b,d,e,g;rZi(h);g=c.a;FUi(a,h,h.u);if(c.b){g=zYi(h,g)}d=smi(h,f,g,a);b=h.y[h.j];if(b.b){wZi(h,d)}else{qmi(h,d,b.e)}e=FVi(new AVi(),f,c,d,g,(wHi(),qMi)==c);a0i(h,e)}
function kYi(h,f,c,a){var b,d,e,g;rZi(h);g=c.e;FUi(a,h,h.u);if(c.b){g=zYi(h,g)}d=smi(h,f,g,a);b=h.y[h.j];if(b.b){wZi(h,d)}else{qmi(h,d,b.e)}e=FVi(new AVi(),f,c,d,g,false);a0i(h,e)}
function oYi(e,a){var b,c,d;rZi(e);FUi(a,e,e.u);c=smi(e,hrg,srg,a);e.m=c;b=e.y[e.j];if(b.b){wZi(e,c)}else{qmi(e,c,b.e)}d=DVi(new AVi(),hrg,(wHi(),rMi),c);a0i(e,d)}
function pYi(g,f,c,a){var b,d,e;rZi(g);FUi(a,g,g.u);d=smi(g,f,c.e,a);b=g.y[g.j];if(b.b){wZi(g,d)}else{qmi(g,d,b.e)}e=aWi(new AVi(),f,c,d,xUi(a));a0i(g,e);vYi(g,e);++e.h}
function qYi(d,a){var b,c;rZi(d);FUi(a,d,d.u);b=smi(d,hrg,Drg,a);qmi(d,b,d.y[d.j].e);d.o=b;c=DVi(new AVi(),hrg,(wHi(),cNi),b);a0i(d,c)}
function sYi(f,e,d,a){var b,c;rZi(f);FUi(a,f,f.u);c=tmi(f,e,d,a);b=f.y[f.j];if(b.b){wZi(f,c)}else{qmi(f,c,b.e)}wmi(f,e,d,c)}
function tYi(g,e,c,a){var b,d,f;rZi(g);f=c.e;FUi(a,g,g.u);if(c.b){f=zYi(g,f)}d=smi(g,e,f,a);b=g.y[g.j];if(b.b){wZi(g,d)}else{qmi(g,d,b.e)}wmi(g,e,f,d)}
function rYi(g,e,c,a){var b,d,f;rZi(g);f=c.a;FUi(a,g,g.u);if(c.b){f=zYi(g,f)}d=smi(g,e,f,a);b=g.y[g.j];if(b.b){wZi(g,d)}else{qmi(g,d,b.e)}wmi(g,e,f,d)}
function wYi(b){var a;for(a=0;a<b.g;++a){switch(b.f[a]){case 32:case 9:case 10:case 12:continue;default:return true;}}return false}
function xYi(p,a,o,e){var c,d;if(p.v){if(a[o]==10){++o;--e;if(e==0){return}}p.v=false}switch(p.t){case 6:case 12:case 8:b0i(p);case 20:pHi(p,a,o,e);return;default:c=o+e;b:for(d=o;d<c;++d){switch(a[d]){case 32:case 9:case 10:case 12:switch(p.t){case 0:case 1:case 2:o=d+1;continue;case 21:case 3:case 4:case 5:case 9:case 16:case 17:continue;case 6:case 12:case 8:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}b0i(p);break b;case 7:case 10:case 11:b0i(p);eYi(p,a[d]);o=d+1;continue;case 15:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}b0i(p);continue;case 18:case 19:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}b0i(p);continue;}default:switch(p.t){case 0:aZi(p,(xli(),zli));p.t=1;--d;continue;case 1:hYi(p,AWi(p.z));p.t=2;--d;continue;case 2:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}qYi(p,(wUi(),bVi));p.t=3;--d;continue;case 3:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}EZi(p);p.t=5;--d;continue;case 4:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}EZi(p);p.t=3;--d;continue;case 5:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}nYi(p,hrg,(wHi(),cJi),AWi(p.z));p.t=21;--d;continue;case 21:p.t=6;--d;continue;case 6:case 12:case 8:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}b0i(p);break b;case 7:case 10:case 11:b0i(p);eYi(p,a[d]);o=d+1;continue;case 9:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}if(p.j==0){o=d+1;continue}EZi(p);p.t=7;--d;continue;break b;case 15:p.t=6;--d;continue;case 16:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}o=d+1;continue;case 17:if(o<d){pHi(p,a,o,d-o);o=d}o=d+1;continue;case 18:p.t=6;--d;continue;case 19:p.t=16;--d;continue;}}}if(o<c){pHi(p,a,o,c-o)}}}
function yYi(e,a){var b,c,d;b=EUi(a,(koi(),nsi));d=null;if(b!=null){d=n0i(b)}if(d==null){c=EUi(a,pri);if(c!=null){e.z.jb=true}}else{e.z.jb=true}}
function zYi(b,a){if(pVi(a)){return a}else{switch(b.u.b){case 0:return a;case 2:return mVi(a);case 1:gZi(b,isg+a+tsg);}}return null}
function AYi(e,a){while(e.j>a){EZi(e)}}
function BYi(a){while(a.s>-1){if(!a.r[a.s]){--a.s;return}--a.r[a.s].h;--a.s}}
function DYi(e,a){tZi(e);while(e.j>=a){EZi(e)}BYi(e);e.t=11;return}
function EYi(h,a,g,f){var c,d,e;h.v=false;if(!h.A){return}b:for(;;){switch(h.l){case 0:break b;default:switch(h.t){case 0:case 1:case 18:case 19:omi(h,(c=g+f,mfi(a.length,g,c),ofi(a,g,c)));return;case 15:rZi(h);pmi(h,h.y[0].e,(d=g+f,mfi(a.length,g,d),ofi(a,g,d)));return;default:break b;}}}rZi(h);pmi(h,h.y[h.j].e,(e=g+f,mfi(a.length,g,e),ofi(a,g,e)));return}
function FYi(f,c,d,e,b){f.v=false;a:for(;;){switch(f.l){case 0:break a;default:switch(f.t){case 0:switch(f.k.b){case 0:if(CZi(c,d,e,b)){aZi(f,(xli(),zli))}else if(zZi(d,e)){aZi(f,(xli(),yli))}else{if(efi(zNh,d)&&(e==null||efi(Esg,e))||efi(AOh,d)&&(e==null||efi(jtg,e))||efi(utg,d)&&efi(Ftg,e)||efi(lug,d)&&efi(wug,e)){}else !((e==null||efi(bvg,e))&&d==null);aZi(f,(xli(),Ali))}break;case 2:f.p=true;f.z.A=true;if(CZi(c,d,e,b)){aZi(f,(xli(),zli))}else if(zZi(d,e)){aZi(f,(xli(),yli))}else{if(efi(AOh,d)){!efi(jtg,e)}else{}aZi(f,(xli(),Ali))}break;case 1:f.p=true;f.z.A=true;if(CZi(c,d,e,b)){aZi(f,(xli(),zli))}else if(zZi(d,e)){if(efi(pOh,d)&&e!=null){!efi(mvg,e)}else{}aZi(f,(xli(),yli))}else{aZi(f,(xli(),Ali))}break;case 3:f.p=AZi(d);if(f.p){f.z.A=true}if(CZi(c,d,e,b)){aZi(f,(xli(),zli))}else if(zZi(d,e)){if(efi(pOh,d)){!efi(mvg,e)}else{}aZi(f,(xli(),yli))}else{if(efi(AOh,d)){!efi(jtg,e)}else{}aZi(f,(xli(),Ali))}break;case 4:if(CZi(c,d,e,b)){aZi(f,(xli(),zli))}else if(zZi(d,e)){aZi(f,(xli(),yli))}else{aZi(f,(xli(),Ali))}}f.t=1;return;default:break a;}}}return}
function aZi(b,a){b.x=a==(xli(),zli)}
function bZi(e){var a;a=nZi(e,xvg);if(a==2147483647){return}while(e.j>=a){EZi(e)}f0i(e)}
function cZi(ad,a){var b,d,e,f;ad.v=false;c:for(;;){d=a.d;e=a.e;switch(ad.t){case 11:switch(d){case 37:b=oZi(ad,37);if(b==0){break c}AYi(ad,b);EZi(ad);ad.t=10;break c;case 34:b=oZi(ad,37);if(b==0){break c}AYi(ad,b);EZi(ad);ad.t=10;continue;case 39:if(nZi(ad,e)==2147483647){break c}b=oZi(ad,37);if(b==0){break c}AYi(ad,b);EZi(ad);ad.t=10;continue;break c;}case 10:switch(d){case 39:b=pZi(ad,e);if(b==0){break c}AYi(ad,b);EZi(ad);ad.t=7;break c;case 34:b=lZi(ad);if(b==0){break c}AYi(ad,b);EZi(ad);ad.t=7;continue;break c;}case 7:switch(d){case 34:b=qZi(ad,cwg);if(b==2147483647){break c}while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}f0i(ad);break c;}case 8:switch(d){case 6:b=nZi(ad,nwg);if(b==2147483647){break c}tZi(ad);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}BYi(ad);ad.t=7;break c;case 34:b=nZi(ad,nwg);if(b==2147483647){break c}tZi(ad);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}BYi(ad);ad.t=7;continue;break c;}case 12:switch(d){case 40:b=nZi(ad,e);if(b==2147483647){break c}tZi(ad);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}BYi(ad);ad.t=11;break c;case 34:case 39:case 37:if(nZi(ad,e)==2147483647){break c}DYi(ad,mZi(ad));continue;break c;}case 21:case 6:switch(d){case 3:if(!(ad.j>=1&&ad.y[1].c==3)){break c}ad.t=15;break c;case 23:if(!(ad.j>=1&&ad.y[1].c==3)){break c}ad.t=15;continue;case 50:case 46:case 44:case 61:case 51:b=kZi(ad,e);if(b==2147483647){}else{tZi(ad);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}}break c;case 9:if(!ad.m){break c}ad.m=null;b=kZi(ad,e);if(b==2147483647){break c}tZi(ad);d0i(ad,b);break c;case 29:b=kZi(ad,ywg);if(b==2147483647){if(ad.l==0){while(ad.y[ad.j].f!=hrg){EZi(ad)}ad.l=1}tYi(ad,hrg,a,(wUi(),bVi));break c}sZi(ad,ywg);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}break c;case 41:case 15:b=kZi(ad,e);if(b==2147483647){}else{sZi(ad,e);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}}break c;case 42:b=jZi(ad);if(b==2147483647){}else{tZi(ad);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}}break c;case 1:case 45:case 64:case 24:gYi(ad,e);break c;case 5:case 63:case 43:b=kZi(ad,e);if(b==2147483647){}else{tZi(ad);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}BYi(ad)}break c;case 4:if(ad.l==0){while(ad.y[ad.j].f!=hrg){EZi(ad)}ad.l=1}b0i(ad);tYi(ad,hrg,a,(wUi(),bVi));break c;case 49:case 55:case 48:case 12:case 13:case 65:case 22:case 14:case 47:case 60:case 25:case 32:case 34:case 35:break c;case 26:default:if(e==ad.y[ad.j].d){EZi(ad);break c}b=ad.j;for(;;){f=ad.y[b];if(f.d==e){tZi(ad);while(ad.j>=b){EZi(ad)}break c}else if(f.i||f.j){break c}--b}}case 9:switch(d){case 8:if(ad.j==0){break c}EZi(ad);ad.t=7;break c;case 7:break c;default:if(ad.j==0){break c}EZi(ad);ad.t=7;continue;}case 14:switch(d){case 6:case 34:case 39:case 37:case 40:if(nZi(ad,e)!=2147483647){bZi(ad);continue}else{break c}}case 13:switch(d){case 28:if(dxg==ad.y[ad.j].d){EZi(ad);break c}else{break c}case 27:if(dxg==ad.y[ad.j].d&&oxg==ad.y[ad.j-1].d){EZi(ad)}if(oxg==ad.y[ad.j].d){EZi(ad)}else{}break c;case 32:bZi(ad);break c;default:break c;}case 15:switch(d){case 23:if(ad.n){break c}else{ad.t=18;break c}default:ad.t=6;continue;}case 16:switch(d){case 11:if(ad.j==0){break c}EZi(ad);if(!ad.n&&Axg!=ad.y[ad.j].d){ad.t=17}break c;default:break c;}case 17:switch(d){case 23:ad.t=19;break c;default:break c;}case 0:aZi(ad,(xli(),zli));ad.t=1;continue;case 1:hYi(ad,AWi(ad.z));ad.t=2;continue;case 2:switch(d){case 20:case 4:case 23:case 3:qYi(ad,(wUi(),bVi));ad.t=3;continue;default:break c;}case 3:switch(d){case 20:EZi(ad);ad.t=5;break c;case 4:case 23:case 3:EZi(ad);ad.t=5;continue;default:break c;}case 4:switch(d){case 26:EZi(ad);ad.t=3;break c;case 4:EZi(ad);ad.t=3;continue;default:break c;}case 5:switch(d){case 23:case 3:case 4:nYi(ad,hrg,(wHi(),cJi),AWi(ad.z));ad.t=21;continue;default:break c;}case 18:ad.t=6;continue;case 19:ad.t=16;continue;case 20:if(ad.w==5){EZi(ad)}EZi(ad);ad.t=ad.w;break c;}}if(ad.l==0&&!uZi(ad)){ad.l=1}}
function dZi(a){a.m=null;a.o=null;while(a.j>-1){--a.y[a.j].h;--a.j}a.y=null;while(a.s>-1){if(a.r[a.s]){--a.r[a.s].h}--a.s}a.r=null;mhi(a.q);a.f=null}
function eZi(C){var b,c;rZi(C);switch(C.l){case 0:while(C.y[C.j].f!=hrg){DZi(C)}C.l=1;}a:for(;;){switch(C.t){case 0:aZi(C,(xli(),zli));C.t=1;continue;case 1:hYi(C,AWi(C.z));C.t=2;continue;case 2:qYi(C,(wUi(),bVi));C.t=3;continue;case 3:while(C.j>0){DZi(C)}C.t=5;continue;case 4:while(C.j>1){DZi(C)}C.t=3;continue;case 5:nYi(C,hrg,(wHi(),cJi),AWi(C.z));C.t=6;continue;case 9:if(C.j==0){break a}else{DZi(C);C.t=7;continue}case 21:case 8:case 12:case 6:B:for(c=C.j;c>=0;--c){b=C.y[c].c;switch(b){case 41:case 15:case 29:case 39:case 40:case 3:case 23:break;default:break B;}}break a;case 20:if(C.w==5){DZi(C)}DZi(C);C.t=C.w;continue;case 10:case 11:case 7:case 13:case 14:case 16:break a;case 15:case 17:case 18:case 19:default:if(C.j==0){sai((new Date()).getTime())}break a;}}while(C.j>0){DZi(C)}if(!C.n){DZi(C)}}
function fZi(c,a){var b;b=b1i(new F0i(),a.b,c.z,a);throw b}
function gZi(c,a){var b;b=a1i(new F0i(),a,c.z);throw b}
function iZi(c,b){var a;for(a=c.s;a>=0;--a){if(b==c.r[a]){return a}}return -1}
function hZi(d,b){var a,c;for(a=d.s;a>=0;--a){c=d.r[a];if(!c){return -1}else if(c.d==b){return a}}return -1}
function qZi(c,b){var a;for(a=c.j;a>0;--a){if(c.y[a].d==b){return a}}return 2147483647}
function kZi(c,b){var a;for(a=c.j;a>0;--a){if(c.y[a].d==b){return a}else if(c.y[a].i){return 2147483647}}return 2147483647}
function jZi(b){var a;for(a=b.j;a>0;--a){if(b.y[a].c==42){return a}else if(b.y[a].i){return 2147483647}}return 2147483647}
function nZi(c,b){var a;for(a=c.j;a>0;--a){if(c.y[a].d==b){return a}else if(c.y[a].d==cwg){return 2147483647}}return 2147483647}
function lZi(b){var a;for(a=b.j;a>0;--a){if(b.y[a].c==39){return a}}return 0}
function mZi(c){var a,b;for(a=c.j;a>0;--a){b=c.y[a].d;if(fyg==b||qyg==b){return a}else if(b==cwg){return 2147483647}}return 2147483647}
function pZi(c,b){var a;for(a=c.j;a>0;--a){if(c.y[a].d==b){return a}}return 0}
function oZi(c,a){var b;for(b=c.j;b>0;--b){if(c.y[b].c==a){return b}}return 0}
function rZi(e){var a,b,c,d;if(e.g>0){a=e.y[e.j];if(a.b&&wYi(e)){c=oZi(e,34);d=e.y[c];b=d.e;if(c==0){mmi(e,b,xfi(e.f,0,e.g));e.g=0;return}rHi(e,e.f,0,e.g,b,e.y[c-1].e);e.g=0;return}mmi(e,e.y[e.j].e,xfi(e.f,0,e.g));e.g=0}}
function tZi(d){for(;;){switch(d.y[d.j].c){case 29:case 15:case 41:case 28:case 27:case 53:EZi(d);continue;default:return;}}}
function sZi(f,a){var b;for(;;){b=f.y[f.j];switch(b.c){case 29:case 15:case 41:case 28:case 27:case 53:if(b.d==a){return}EZi(f);continue;default:return;}}}
function uZi(b){var a;for(a=b.j;a>0;--a){if(b.y[a].f!=hrg){return true}else if(b.y[a].i){return false}}return false}
function vZi(e){var a;a=kZi(e,ywg);if(a==2147483647){return}sZi(e,ywg);while(e.j>=a){EZi(e)}}
function wZi(e,a){var b,c,d;c=oZi(e,34);d=e.y[c];b=d.e;if(c==0){qmi(e,a,b);return}zmi(e,a,b,e.y[c-1].e)}
function xZi(c,b,a){++b.h;if(a<=c.s){Afi(c.r,a,c.r,a+1,c.s-a+1)}++c.s;c.r[a]=b}
function yZi(c,a,b){if(b==c.j+1){rZi(c);a0i(c,a)}else{Afi(c.y,b,c.y,b+1,c.j-b+1);++c.j;c.y[b]=a}}
function zZi(a,b){if(yVi(Byg,a)){return true}if(yVi(gzg,a)){return true}if(b!=null){if(yVi(rzg,a)){return true}if(yVi(Czg,a)){return true}}return false}
function AZi(a){if(a!=null&&xji(k0i,a,(Eji(),Fji))>-1){return true}return false}
function BZi(c,b){var a;for(a=c.j;a>=0;--a){if(c.y[a]==b){return true}}return false}
function CZi(c,d,e,a){var b;if(a){return true}if(c!=hAg){return true}if(d!=null){for(b=0;b<m0i.length;++b){if(zVi(m0i[b],d)){return true}}if(yVi(sAg,d)||yVi(DAg,d)||yVi(hAg,d)){return true}}if(e==null){if(yVi(rzg,d)){return true}else if(yVi(Czg,d)){return true}}else if(yVi(jBg,e)){return true}return false}
function EZi(b){var a;rZi(b);a=b.y[b.j];--b.j;wmi(b,a.f,a.g,a.e);--a.h}
function DZi(b){var a;rZi(b);a=b.y[b.j];--b.j;wmi(b,a.f,a.g,a.e);--a.h}
function a0i(c,b){var a;++c.j;if(c.j==c.y.length){a=e9h(aai,51,11,c.y.length+64,0);Afi(c.y,0,a,0,c.y.length);c.y=a}c.y[c.j]=b}
function FZi(a){rZi(a);if(!a.o){a0i(a,a.y[a.j])}else{a0i(a,DVi(new AVi(),hrg,(wHi(),cNi),a.o))}}
function b0i(g){var a,b,c,d,e,f;if(g.s==-1){return}f=g.r[g.s];if(!f||BZi(g,f)){return}e=g.s;for(;;){--e;if(e==-1){break}if(!g.r[e]){break}if(BZi(g,g.r[e])){break}}if(e<g.s){rZi(g)}while(e<g.s){++e;c=g.r[e];a=smi(g,hrg,c.d,xUi(c.a));d=CVi(new AVi(),c.c,c.f,c.d,a,c.i,c.j,c.b,c.g,c.a);c.a=null;b=g.y[g.j];if(b.b){wZi(g,a)}else{qmi(g,a,b.e)}a0i(g,d);g.r[e]=d;--c.h;++d.h}}
function c0i(b,a){--b.r[a].h;if(a==b.s){--b.s;return}Afi(b.r,a+1,b.r,a,b.s-a);--b.s}
function d0i(e,d){if(e.j==d){EZi(e)}else{--e.y[d].h;Afi(e.y,d+1,e.y,d,e.j-d);--e.j}}
function e0i(f,a){var e;if(f.y[f.j]==a){EZi(f)}else{e=f.j-1;while(e>=0&&f.y[e]!=a){--e}if(e==-1){return}--a.h;Afi(f.y,e+1,f.y,e,f.j-e);--f.j}}
function f0i(d){var a,b,c;d.l=1;for(a=d.j;a>=0;--a){c=d.y[a];b=c.d;if(a==0){if(d.i==hrg&&(d.h==fyg||d.h==qyg)){d.t=6;return}else{b=d.h}}if(xvg==b){d.t=13;return}else if(fyg==b||qyg==b){d.t=12;return}else if(uBg==b){d.t=11;return}else if(FBg==b||kCg==b||vCg==b){d.t=10;return}else if(nwg==b){d.t=8;return}else if(aDg==b){d.t=9;return}else if(cwg==b){d.t=7;return}else if(hrg!=c.f){d.l=0;d.t=6;return}else if(Drg==b){d.t=6;return}else if(lDg==b){d.t=6;return}else if(Axg==b){d.t=16;return}else if(hAg==b){if(!d.o){d.t=2}else{d.t=5}return}else if(a==0){d.t=6;return}}}
function g0i(b,a){b.h=a;b.i=hrg;b.n=false;b.x=false}
function i0i(wg,i,e,ug){var a,b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,p,r,s,t,sg,tg,ae,be;wg.v=false;s=false;vg:for(;;){l=i.d;r=i.e;switch(wg.l){case 0:h=wg.y[wg.j];g=h.f;f=h.c;if(hrg==g||wDg==g&&(56!=l&&57==f||19==l&&58==f)||bEg==g&&(36==f||59==f)){s=true}else{switch(l){case 45:case 50:case 3:case 4:case 52:case 41:case 46:case 48:case 42:case 20:case 22:case 15:case 18:case 24:case 29:case 44:case 34:while(wg.y[wg.j].f!=hrg){EZi(wg)}wg.l=1;continue vg;case 64:if(yUi(e,(koi(),Fri))||yUi(e,Ati)||yUi(e,nDi)){while(wg.y[wg.j].f!=hrg){EZi(wg)}wg.l=1;continue vg}default:if(bEg==g){e.b=2;if(ug){rYi(wg,g,i,e);ug=false}else{jYi(wg,g,i,e)}e=null;break vg}else{e.b=1;if(ug){tYi(wg,g,i,e);ug=false}else{kYi(wg,g,i,e)}e=null;break vg}}}default:switch(wg.t){case 10:switch(l){case 37:AYi(wg,lZi(wg));nYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.t=11;e=null;break vg;case 40:AYi(wg,lZi(wg));nYi(wg,hrg,(wHi(),lTi),(wUi(),bVi));wg.t=11;continue;case 6:case 7:case 8:case 39:j=lZi(wg);if(j==0){break vg}else{AYi(wg,j);EZi(wg);wg.t=7;continue}}case 11:switch(l){case 40:AYi(wg,oZi(wg,37));nYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.t=12;vYi(wg,null);e=null;break vg;case 6:case 7:case 8:case 39:case 37:j=oZi(wg,37);if(j==0){break vg}AYi(wg,j);EZi(wg);wg.t=10;continue;}case 7:q:for(;;){switch(l){case 6:AYi(wg,oZi(wg,34));vYi(wg,null);nYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.t=8;e=null;break vg;case 8:AYi(wg,oZi(wg,34));nYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.t=9;e=null;break vg;case 7:AYi(wg,oZi(wg,34));nYi(wg,hrg,(wHi(),uJi),(wUi(),bVi));wg.t=9;continue vg;case 39:AYi(wg,oZi(wg,34));nYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.t=10;e=null;break vg;case 37:case 40:AYi(wg,oZi(wg,34));nYi(wg,hrg,(wHi(),ESi),(wUi(),bVi));wg.t=10;continue vg;case 34:j=nZi(wg,r);if(j==2147483647){break vg}tZi(wg);while(wg.j>=j){EZi(wg)}f0i(wg);continue vg;case 31:case 33:nYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.w=wg.t;wg.t=20;eXi(wg.z,2,i);e=null;break vg;case 13:if(!yVi(mEg,EUi(e,(koi(),fFi)))){break q}rZi(wg);FUi(e,wg,wg.u);be=tmi(wg,hrg,r,e);ae=wg.y[wg.j];qmi(wg,be,ae.e);wmi(wg,hrg,r,be);ug=false;e=null;break vg;default:break q;}}case 8:switch(l){case 6:case 7:case 8:case 39:case 37:case 40:j=nZi(wg,nwg);if(j==2147483647){break vg}tZi(wg);while(wg.j>=j){EZi(wg)}BYi(wg);wg.t=7;continue;}case 12:switch(l){case 6:case 7:case 8:case 39:case 37:case 40:j=mZi(wg);if(j==2147483647){break vg}else{DYi(wg,j);continue}}case 21:switch(l){case 11:if(wg.t==21){if(wg.j==0||wg.y[1].c!=3){break vg}else{vmi(wg,wg.y[1].e);while(wg.j>0){EZi(wg)}nYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.t=16;e=null;break vg}}else{break vg}case 44:case 15:case 41:case 5:case 43:case 63:case 34:case 49:case 4:case 48:case 13:case 65:case 22:case 35:case 38:case 47:case 32:if(wg.t==21){wg.t=6}}case 6:n:for(;;){switch(l){case 23:FUi(e,wg,wg.u);lmi(wg,wg.y[0].e,e);e=null;break vg;case 2:case 16:case 18:case 33:case 31:case 36:case 54:break n;case 3:fYi(wg,e);e=null;break vg;case 29:case 50:case 46:case 51:vZi(wg);lYi(wg,hrg,i,e);e=null;break vg;case 42:vZi(wg);if(wg.y[wg.j].c==42){EZi(wg)}lYi(wg,hrg,i,e);e=null;break vg;case 61:vZi(wg);mYi(wg,hrg,i,e);e=null;break vg;case 44:vZi(wg);lYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.v=true;e=null;break vg;case 9:if(wg.m){break vg}else{vZi(wg);oYi(wg,e);e=null;break vg}case 15:case 41:j=wg.j;for(;;){t=wg.y[j];if(t.c==l){sZi(wg,t.d);while(wg.j>=j){EZi(wg)}break}else if(t.i||t.j&&t.d!=ywg&&t.d!=yEg&&t.d!=dFg){break}--j}vZi(wg);lYi(wg,hrg,i,e);e=null;break vg;case 30:vZi(wg);lYi(wg,hrg,i,e);eXi(wg.z,3,i);e=null;break vg;case 1:c=hZi(wg,oFg);if(c!=-1){b=wg.r[c];++b.h;gYi(wg,oFg);e0i(wg,b);c=iZi(wg,b);if(c!=-1){c0i(wg,c)}--b.h}b0i(wg);pYi(wg,hrg,i,e);e=null;break vg;case 45:case 64:b0i(wg);pYi(wg,hrg,i,e);e=null;break vg;case 24:b0i(wg);if(2147483647!=kZi(wg,zFg)){gYi(wg,zFg)}pYi(wg,hrg,i,e);e=null;break vg;case 5:j=kZi(wg,r);if(j!=2147483647){tZi(wg);while(wg.j>=j){EZi(wg)}BYi(wg);continue vg}else{b0i(wg);mYi(wg,hrg,i,e);vYi(wg,null);e=null;break vg}case 63:b0i(wg);mYi(wg,hrg,i,e);vYi(wg,null);e=null;break vg;case 43:b0i(wg);lYi(wg,hrg,i,e);vYi(wg,null);e=null;break vg;case 38:b0i(wg);lYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.w=wg.t;wg.t=20;eXi(wg.z,2,i);e=null;break vg;case 34:if(!wg.x){vZi(wg)}lYi(wg,hrg,i,e);wg.t=7;e=null;break vg;case 4:case 48:case 49:b0i(wg);case 55:tYi(wg,hrg,i,e);ug=false;
function j0i(d,c){var a,b;d.z=c;d.y=e9h(aai,51,11,64,0);d.r=e9h(aai,51,11,64,0);d.v=false;d.w=0;d.j=-1;d.s=-1;d.m=null;d.o=null;d.p=false;mhi(d.q);d.A=d.A;d.d=null;d.b=null;d.c=false;d.g=0;d.f=e9h(A_h,42,-1,1024,1);if(d.n){a=umi(d,AWi(d.z));b=DVi(new AVi(),hrg,(wHi(),gNi),a);++d.j;d.y[d.j]=b;f0i(d);if(fHg==d.h||qHg==d.h){dXi(d.z,1)}else if(BHg==d.h||hIg==d.h||sIg==d.h||DIg==d.h||iJg==d.h||tJg==d.h){dXi(d.z,2)}else if(EJg==d.h){dXi(d.z,3)}else{dXi(d.z,0)}d.h=null}else{d.t=0;d.l=1}}
function n0i(a){var b,c,d,e,g,h,o;e=0;o=-1;g=-1;b=lfi(a);f:for(h=0;h<b.length;++h){c=b[h];switch(e){case 0:switch(c){case 99:case 67:e=1;continue;default:continue;}case 1:switch(c){case 104:case 72:e=2;continue;default:e=0;continue;}case 2:switch(c){case 97:case 65:e=3;continue;default:e=0;continue;}case 3:switch(c){case 114:case 82:e=4;continue;default:e=0;continue;}case 4:switch(c){case 115:case 83:e=5;continue;default:e=0;continue;}case 5:switch(c){case 101:case 69:e=6;continue;default:e=0;continue;}case 6:switch(c){case 116:case 84:e=7;continue;default:e=0;continue;}case 7:switch(c){case 9:case 10:case 12:case 13:case 32:continue;case 61:e=8;continue;default:return null;}case 8:switch(c){case 9:case 10:case 12:case 13:case 32:continue;case 39:o=h+1;e=9;continue;case 34:o=h+1;e=10;continue;default:o=h;e=11;continue;}case 9:switch(c){case 39:g=h;break f;default:continue;}case 10:switch(c){case 34:g=h;break f;default:continue;}case 11:switch(c){case 9:case 10:case 12:case 13:case 32:case 59:g=h;break f;default:continue;}}}d=null;if(o!=-1){if(g==-1){g=b.length}d=xfi(b,o,g-o)}return d}
function o0i(){return w_h}
function bYi(){}
_=bYi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=o0i;_.tI=0;_.f=null;_.g=0;_.h=null;_.i=null;_.j=-1;_.l=1;_.m=null;_.n=false;_.o=null;_.p=false;_.r=null;_.s=-1;_.t=0;_.v=false;_.w=0;_.x=false;_.y=null;_.z=null;_.A=false;var k0i,l0i,m0i;function qHi(){qHi=v0i;CYi()}
function pHi(f,a,e,b){var c,d;d=f.g+b;if(d>f.f.length){c=e9h(A_h,42,-1,d,1);Afi(f.f,0,c,0,f.g);f.f=c}Afi(a,e,f.f,f.g,b);f.g=d}
function rHi(g,a,e,c,f,d){var b;ymi(g,(b=e+c,mfi(a.length,e,b),ofi(a,e,b)),f,d)}
function sHi(){return p_h}
function oHi(){}
_=oHi.prototype=new bYi();_.gC=sHi;_.tI=0;function rmi(){rmi=v0i;qHi()}
function kmi(b,a){rmi();b.k=(sli(),tli);b.u=(Fli(),bmi);b.q=cki(new bki());b.n=false;b.e=xki(new hki());b.a=a;jni(a);return b}
function lmi(h,e,c){var a,d,f,g,i;try{for(f=0;f<c.a;++f){g=BUi(c,f);i=CUi(c,f);if(!e.hasAttributeNS(i,g)){e.setAttributeNS(i,g,DUi(c,f))}}}catch(a){a=gai(a);if(s9h(a,19)){d=a;fZi(h,d)}else throw a}}
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function tmi(h,f,e,c){var a,d,g;try{g=smi(h,f,e,c);return g}catch(a){a=gai(a);if(s9h(a,19)){d=a;fZi(h,d);return null}else throw a}}
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function xmi(b){var a;a=b.a;b.a=null;return a}
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function Ami(b){var a;if(b.c){b.c=false;lni(b.b,b.d);if(b.e.b==0){b.d=null;b.b=null}else{a=p9h(Eki(b.e),20);b.d=a.b;b.b=a.a}}}
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function emi(){}
_=emi.prototype=new oHi();_.gC=cni;_.tI=0;_.a=null;_.b=null;_.c=false;_.d=null;function gmi(c,b,a){c.b=b;c.a=a;return c}
function imi(){return j_h}
function fmi(){}
_=fmi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=imi;_.tI=34;_.a=null;_.b=null;function Ani(b,a){b.b=tei(new rei());b.a=xki(new hki());b.c=kmi(new emi(),a);b.i=fUi(new dUi(),b.c);b.c.u=(Fli(),bmi);b.i.p=bmi;b.i.e=bmi;b.i.t=bmi;b.i.db=bmi;hXi(b.i,bmi);return b}
function Cni(i,h,j,a){i.f=a;g0i(i.c,null);i.e=false;i.d=false;yei(i.b,0);i.h=h.length;i.g=q0i(new p0i(),lfi(h),0,i.h<512?i.h:512);Aki(i.a);zki(i.a,i.g);g0i(i.c,null);iXi(i.i);Dni(i,j)}
function Dni(g,i){var a,c,d,e,f,h;if(g.d){BWi(g.i);xmi(g.c);g.f.a();return}d=g.b.c;if(d>0){e=e9h(A_h,42,-1,d,1);wei(g.b,0,d,e,0);zki(g.a,q0i(new p0i(),e,0,d));yei(g.b,0)}for(;;){c=p9h(Cki(g.a),21);if(c.c>=c.b){if(c==g.g){if(c.b==g.h){CWi(g.i);g.d=true;break}else{f=c.c+512;c.b=f<g.h?f:g.h;continue}}else{p9h(Eki(g.a),21);continue}}r0i(c,g.e);g.e=false;if(c.c<c.b){g.e=kXi(g.i,c);Ami(g.c);break}else{continue}}if(i){h=pni(new oni(),g);ibi(h,1)}else{try{Dni(g,false)}catch(a){a=gai(a);if(s9h(a,22)){g.d=true}else throw a}}}
function aoi(h){var a;a=q0i(new p0i(),lfi(h),0,h.length);while(a.c<a.b){r0i(a,this.e);this.e=false;if(a.c<a.b){this.e=kXi(this.i,a);Ami(this.c)}}}
function boi(){return m_h}
function nni(){}
_=nni.prototype=new xdi();_.xb=aoi;_.gC=boi;_.tI=0;_.c=null;_.d=false;_.e=false;_.f=null;_.g=null;_.h=0;_.i=null;function qni(){qni=v0i;gbi()}
function pni(b,a){qni();b.a=a;return b}
function rni(c){var a;try{Dni(c.a,true)}catch(a){a=gai(a);if(s9h(a,22)){c.a.d=true}else throw a}}
function sni(){return l_h}
function oni(){}
_=oni.prototype=new abi();_.gC=sni;_.tI=35;_.a=null;function wni(c,d){c.write=function(){if(arguments.length==0){return}var b=arguments[0];for(var a=1;a<arguments.length;a++){b+=arguments[a]}d.xb(b)};c.writeln=function(){if(arguments.length==0){d.xb(qPg);return}var b=arguments[0];for(var a=1;a<arguments.length;a++){b+=arguments[a]}b+=qPg;d.xb(b)}}
function xni(e,a,f,d,b){var c;if(!d){d=q8h()}yni(a);c=Ani(new nni(),a);wni(a,c);Cni(c,e,f,doi(new coi(),d))}
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function doi(b,a){b.a=a;return b}
function goi(){return n_h}
function coi(){}
_=coi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=goi;_.tI=0;_.a=null;function koi(){var bb;koi=v0i;dpi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[cNh,cNh,cNh,cNh]);zGi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[cNh,BPg,BPg,cNh]);EGi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[cNh,gQg,gQg,cNh]);sGi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[cNh,rQg,rQg,cNh]);hwi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[cNh,cNh,cNh,gQg]);epi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[null,null,null,null]);AGi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[null,CQg,CQg,null]);tGi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[null,hRg,hRg,null]);FGi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[null,sRg,sRg,null]);iwi=f9h(D_h,48,1,[null,null,null,sRg]);bpi=f9h(bai,0,-1,[true,true,true,true]);cpi=f9h(bai,0,-1,[false,false,false,false]);xsi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(DRg),epi,bpi,false);zvi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(iSg),epi,bpi,false);xBi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(uSg),epi,bpi,false);lGi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(FSg),epi,bpi,false);dHi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(kTg),epi,bpi,false);hHi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(vTg),epi,bpi,false);iri=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(aUg),epi,bpi,false);vsi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(lUg),epi,bpi,false);wsi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(wUg),epi,bpi,false);nti=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(bVg),epi,bpi,false);oti=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(mVg),epi,bpi,false);zui=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(xVg),epi,bpi,false);yui=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(dWg),epi,bpi,false);wui=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(oWg),epi,bpi,false);xui=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(zWg),epi,bpi,false);Dvi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(eXg),epi,bpi,false);Bvi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(pXg),epi,bpi,false);Cvi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(AXg),epi,bpi,false);Avi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(fYg),epi,bpi,false);pvi=joi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(kLg),epi,bpi,false);svi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(qYg),epi,bpi,false);hFi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(BYg),epi,bpi,false);gFi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(gZg),epi,bpi,false);wCi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(tZg),epi,bpi,false);yCi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(EZg),epi,bpi,false);zCi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(j0g),epi,bpi,false);dFi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(u0g),epi,bpi,false);fHi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(F0g),epi,bpi,false);eHi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(k1g),epi,bpi,false);mGi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(v1g),epi,bpi,false);nGi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(a2g),epi,bpi,false);gpi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(l2g),epi,bpi,false);eti=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(w2g),epi,bpi,false);mti=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(c3g),epi,bpi,false);vti=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(n3g),epi,bpi,false);pui=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(y3g),epi,bpi,false);tvi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(d4g),epi,bpi,false);nxi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(o4g),epi,bpi,false);txi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(z4g),epi,bpi,false);wwi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(e5g),epi,bpi,false);DBi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(p5g),epi,bpi,false);mCi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(A5g),epi,bpi,false);wDi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(f6g),epi,bpi,false);Aqi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(r6g),epi,bpi,false);roi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(C6g),epi,bpi,false);cri=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(h7g),epi,bpi,false);rri=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(s7g),epi,bpi,false);Bri=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(D7g),epi,bpi,false);gri=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(i8g),epi,bpi,false);esi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(t8g),epi,bpi,false);vri=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(E8g),epi,bpi,false);nri=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(j9g),epi,bpi,false);Dqi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(u9g),epi,bpi,false);pti=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(a$g),epi,bpi,false);ysi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(l$g),epi,bpi,false);Cti=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(w$g),epi,bpi,false);vui=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(b_g),epi,bpi,false);qui=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(srg),epi,bpi,false);Ati=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(m_g),epi,bpi,false);gvi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(x_g),epi,bpi,false);kvi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(cah),epi,bpi,false);yAi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(nah),epi,bpi,false);ovi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(yah),epi,bpi,false);yxi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(pXh),epi,bpi,false);vxi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(dbh),epi,bpi,false);exi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(pbh),epi,bpi,false);qwi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(Abh),epi,bpi,false);fwi=ioi(new hoi(),hwi,ACi(fch),iwi,bpi,false);rwi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(qch),epi,bpi,false);fFi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(Bch),epi,bpi,false);fGi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(gdh),epi,bpi,false);jGi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(rdh),epi,bpi,false);BEi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(Cdh),epi,bpi,false);eBi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(heh),epi,bpi,false);kBi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(seh),epi,bpi,false);BBi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,sEi(Eeh,jfh),epi,bpi,false);CBi=ioi(new hoi(),dpi,sEi(ufh,Ffh),epi,bpi,false);nDi=ioi
function joi(d,e,a,c,b,f){koi();d.c=e;d.a=a;msi(a,c);d.b=b;d.d=f;return d}
function ioi(d,e,a,c,b,f){koi();d.c=e;d.a=a;msi(a,c);d.b=b;d.d=f;return d}
function ooi(a){return a==Boi||a==rqi||a==xqi||a==zqi||a==qri||a==lsi||a==Dsi||a==Esi||a==Fsi||a==gti||a==yvi||a==xxi||a==Axi||a==Bxi||a==Cxi||a==Exi||a==ABi||a==hCi||a==hDi}
function poi(a){return a==Boi||a==Doi||a==rqi||a==wqi||a==xqi||a==zqi||a==qri||a==uri||a==lsi||a==Asi||a==Dsi||a==Esi||a==Fsi||a==eti||a==gti||a==uti||a==sui||a==yvi||a==sxi||a==xxi||a==Axi||a==Bxi||a==Cxi||a==Exi||a==ABi||a==gCi||a==hCi||a==xCi||a==ECi||a==eDi||a==hDi||a==lDi||a==DDi||a==fFi||a==qFi||a==tFi}
function Eri(b,c){var a;a=e9h(D_h,48,1,4,0);a[0]=b;a[1]=c;a[2]=c;a[3]=b;return a}
function msi(c,d){var a,b;a=e9h(D_h,48,1,4,0);for(b=0;b<a.length;++b){if(d[b]==null){a[b]=c[b]}else{a[b]=String(d[b]+iBg+c[b])}}return a}
function ACi(b){var a;a=e9h(D_h,48,1,4,0);a[0]=b;a[1]=b;a[2]=b;a[3]=b;return a}
function sEi(c,b){var a;a=e9h(D_h,48,1,4,0);a[0]=c;a[1]=c;a[2]=b;a[3]=c;return a}
function jHi(a,f){var b,c,d,e;c=0;b=f;b<<=5;b+=a[0]-96;e=f;for(d=0;d<4&&e>0;++d){--e;b<<=5;b+=a[e]-96;c<<=6;c+=a[d]-95}return b^c}
function kHi(b,a){var c,g;c=true;g=b.indexOf(s1h)==0;if(a){if(g){c=false}else{c=pVi(b)}}return ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(b),epi,c?bpi:cpi,g)}
function mHi(){return o_h}
function nHi(b,j,h,c){var f,g;koi();var a,d,e,i;d=jHi(b,h);e=wji(uqi,d);if(e<0){return kHi(String((f=j+h,mfi(b.length,j,f),ofi(b,j,f))),c)}else{a=vqi[e];i=a.a[0];if(!xVi(i,b,j,h)){return kHi(String((g=j+h,mfi(b.length,j,g),ofi(b,j,g))),c)}return a}}
function hoi(){}
_=hoi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=mHi;_.tI=36;_.a=null;_.b=null;_.c=null;_.d=false;var roi,soi,toi,uoi,voi,woi,xoi,yoi,zoi,Aoi,Boi,Coi,Doi,Eoi,Foi,api,bpi,cpi,dpi,epi,fpi,gpi,hpi,ipi,jpi,kpi,lpi,mpi,npi,opi,ppi,qpi,rpi,spi,tpi,upi,vpi,wpi,xpi,ypi,zpi,Api,Bpi,Cpi,Dpi,Epi,Fpi,aqi,bqi,cqi,dqi,eqi,fqi,gqi,hqi,iqi,jqi,kqi,lqi,mqi,nqi,oqi,pqi,qqi,rqi,sqi,tqi,uqi,vqi,wqi,xqi,yqi,zqi,Aqi,Bqi,Cqi,Dqi,Eqi,Fqi,ari,bri,cri,dri,eri,fri,gri,hri,iri,jri,kri,lri,mri,nri,ori,pri,qri,rri,sri,tri,uri,vri,wri,xri,yri,zri,Ari,Bri,Cri,Dri,Fri,asi,bsi,csi,dsi,esi,fsi,gsi,hsi,isi,jsi,ksi,lsi,nsi,osi,psi,qsi,rsi,ssi,tsi,usi,vsi,wsi,xsi,ysi,zsi,Asi,Bsi,Csi,Dsi,Esi,Fsi,ati,bti,cti,dti,eti,fti,gti,hti,iti,jti,kti,lti,mti,nti,oti,pti,qti,rti,sti,tti,uti,vti,wti,xti,yti,zti,Ati,Bti,Cti,Dti,Eti,Fti,aui,bui,cui,dui,eui,fui,gui,hui,iui,jui,kui,lui,mui,nui,oui,pui,qui,rui,sui,tui,uui,vui,wui,xui,yui,zui,Aui,Bui,Cui,Dui,Eui,Fui,avi,bvi,cvi,dvi,evi,fvi,gvi,hvi,ivi,jvi,kvi,lvi,mvi,nvi,ovi,pvi,qvi,rvi,svi,tvi,uvi,vvi,wvi,xvi,yvi,zvi,Avi,Bvi,Cvi,Dvi,Evi,Fvi,awi,bwi,cwi,dwi,ewi,fwi,gwi,hwi,iwi,jwi,kwi,lwi,mwi,nwi,owi,pwi,qwi,rwi,swi,twi,uwi,vwi,wwi,xwi,ywi,zwi,Awi,Bwi,Cwi,Dwi,Ewi,Fwi,axi,bxi,cxi,dxi,exi,fxi,gxi,hxi,ixi,jxi,kxi,lxi,nxi,oxi,pxi,qxi,rxi,sxi,txi,uxi,vxi,wxi,xxi,yxi,zxi,Axi,Bxi,Cxi,Dxi,Exi,Fxi,ayi,byi,cyi,dyi,eyi,fyi,gyi,hyi,iyi,jyi,kyi,lyi,myi,nyi,oyi,pyi,qyi,ryi,syi,tyi,uyi,vyi,wyi,xyi,yyi,zyi,Ayi,Byi,Cyi,Dyi,Eyi,Fyi,azi,bzi,czi,dzi,ezi,fzi,gzi,hzi,izi,jzi,kzi,lzi,mzi,nzi,ozi,pzi,qzi,rzi,szi,tzi,uzi,vzi,wzi,xzi,yzi,zzi,Azi,Bzi,Czi,Dzi,Ezi,Fzi,aAi,bAi,cAi,dAi,eAi,fAi,gAi,hAi,iAi,jAi,kAi,lAi,mAi,nAi,oAi,pAi,qAi,rAi,sAi,tAi,uAi,vAi,wAi,xAi,yAi,zAi,AAi,BAi,CAi,DAi,EAi,FAi,aBi,bBi,cBi,dBi,eBi,fBi,gBi,hBi,iBi,jBi,kBi,lBi,mBi,nBi,oBi,pBi,qBi,rBi,sBi,tBi,uBi,vBi,wBi,xBi,yBi,zBi,ABi,BBi,CBi,DBi,EBi,FBi,aCi,bCi,cCi,dCi,eCi,fCi,gCi,hCi,iCi,jCi,kCi,lCi,mCi,nCi,oCi,pCi,qCi,rCi,sCi,tCi,uCi,vCi,wCi,xCi,yCi,zCi,BCi,CCi,DCi,ECi,FCi,aDi,bDi,cDi,dDi,eDi,fDi,gDi,hDi,iDi,jDi,kDi,lDi,mDi,nDi,oDi,pDi,qDi,rDi,sDi,tDi,uDi,vDi,wDi,xDi,yDi,zDi,ADi,BDi,CDi,DDi,EDi,FDi,aEi,bEi,cEi,dEi,eEi,fEi,gEi,hEi,iEi,jEi,kEi,lEi,mEi,nEi,oEi,pEi,qEi,rEi,tEi,uEi,vEi,wEi,xEi,yEi,zEi,AEi,BEi,CEi,DEi,EEi,FEi,aFi,bFi,cFi,dFi,eFi,fFi,gFi,hFi,iFi,jFi,kFi,lFi,mFi,nFi,oFi,pFi,qFi,rFi,sFi,tFi,uFi,vFi,wFi,xFi,yFi,zFi,AFi,BFi,CFi,DFi,EFi,FFi,aGi,bGi,cGi,dGi,eGi,fGi,gGi,hGi,iGi,jGi,kGi,lGi,mGi,nGi,oGi,pGi,qGi,rGi,sGi,tGi,uGi,vGi,wGi,xGi,yGi,zGi,AGi,BGi,CGi,DGi,EGi,FGi,aHi,bHi,cHi,dHi,eHi,fHi,gHi,hHi,iHi;function wHi(){wHi=v0i;uHi(new tHi(),null);xHi=vHi(new tHi(),oFg,oFg,1,false,false,false);BIi=vHi(new tHi(),t1h,t1h,45,false,false,false);uMi=vHi(new tHi(),u1h,u1h,0,false,false,false);hNi=vHi(new tHi(),w1h,w1h,45,false,false,false);AQi=vHi(new tHi(),ywg,ywg,29,true,false,false);nRi=vHi(new tHi(),x1h,x1h,0,false,false,false);BRi=vHi(new tHi(),oOg,oOg,45,false,false,false);rTi=vHi(new tHi(),y1h,y1h,45,false,false,false);dJi=vHi(new tHi(),z1h,z1h,4,true,false,false);mJi=vHi(new tHi(),A1h,A1h,0,false,false,false);qJi=vHi(new tHi(),B1h,B1h,0,false,false,false);gKi=vHi(new tHi(),C1h,C1h,41,true,false,false);xKi=vHi(new tHi(),D1h,D1h,46,true,false,false);AKi=vHi(new tHi(),E1h,E1h,41,true,false,false);EKi=vHi(new tHi(),F1h,F1h,45,false,false,false);bLi=vHi(new tHi(),b2h,b2h,0,false,false,false);hMi=vHi(new tHi(),c2h,c2h,0,false,false,false);BMi=vHi(new tHi(),d2h,d2h,42,true,false,false);CMi=vHi(new tHi(),e2h,e2h,42,true,false,false);DMi=vHi(new tHi(),f2h,f2h,42,true,false,false);EMi=vHi(new tHi(),g2h,g2h,42,true,false,false);FMi=vHi(new tHi(),h2h,h2h,42,true,false,false);aNi=vHi(new tHi(),i2h,i2h,42,true,false,false);AMi=vHi(new tHi(),j2h,j2h,0,false,false,false);fNi=vHi(new tHi(),k2h,k2h,22,true,false,false);pNi=vHi(new tHi(),qYg,qYg,0,false,false,false);bOi=vHi(new tHi(),m2h,m2h,15,true,false,false);jOi=vHi(new tHi(),n2h,n2h,0,false,false,false);nOi=vHi(new tHi(),o2h,o2h,0,false,false,false);fPi=vHi(new tHi(),p2h,p2h,57,false,false,false);lPi=vHi(new tHi(),q2h,q2h,57,false,false,false);mPi=vHi(new tHi(),r2h,r2h,57,false,false,false);xPi=vHi(new tHi(),s2h,s2h,57,false,false,false);tQi=vHi(new tHi(),t2h,t2h,46,
function vHi(g,d,a,c,f,e,b){wHi();g.e=d;g.a=a;g.d=c;g.g=f;g.f=e;g.c=b;g.b=false;return g}
function uHi(b,a){wHi();b.e=a;b.a=a;b.d=0;b.g=false;b.f=false;b.c=false;b.b=true;return b}
function aUi(a,e){var b,c,d;b=e;b<<=5;b+=a[0]-96;d=e;for(c=0;c<4&&d>0;++c){--d;b<<=5;b+=a[d]-96}return b}
function bUi(a,i,g){var e,f;wHi();var b,c,d,h;c=aUi(a,g);d=wji(BKi,c);if(d<0){return uHi(new tHi(),String((e=i+g,mfi(a.length,i,e),ofi(a,i,e))))}else{b=CKi[d];h=b.e;if(!xVi(h,a,i,g)){return uHi(new tHi(),String((f=i+g,mfi(a.length,i,f),ofi(a,i,f))))}return b}}
function cUi(){return q_h}
function tHi(){}
_=tHi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=cUi;_.tI=37;_.a=null;_.b=false;_.c=false;_.d=0;_.e=null;_.f=false;_.g=false;var xHi,yHi,zHi,AHi,BHi,CHi,DHi,EHi,FHi,aIi,bIi,cIi,dIi,eIi,fIi,gIi,hIi,iIi,jIi,kIi,lIi,mIi,nIi,oIi,pIi,qIi,rIi,sIi,tIi,uIi,vIi,wIi,xIi,yIi,zIi,AIi,BIi,CIi,DIi,EIi,FIi,aJi,bJi,cJi,dJi,eJi,fJi,gJi,hJi,iJi,jJi,kJi,lJi,mJi,nJi,oJi,pJi,qJi,rJi,sJi,tJi,uJi,vJi,wJi,xJi,yJi,zJi,AJi,BJi,CJi,DJi,EJi,FJi,aKi,bKi,cKi,dKi,eKi,fKi,gKi,hKi,iKi,jKi,kKi,lKi,mKi,nKi,oKi,pKi,qKi,rKi,sKi,tKi,uKi,vKi,wKi,xKi,yKi,zKi,AKi,BKi,CKi,DKi,EKi,FKi,aLi,bLi,cLi,dLi,eLi,fLi,gLi,hLi,iLi,jLi,kLi,lLi,mLi,nLi,oLi,pLi,qLi,rLi,sLi,tLi,uLi,vLi,wLi,xLi,yLi,zLi,ALi,BLi,CLi,DLi,ELi,FLi,aMi,bMi,cMi,dMi,eMi,fMi,gMi,hMi,iMi,jMi,kMi,lMi,mMi,nMi,oMi,pMi,qMi,rMi,sMi,tMi,uMi,vMi,wMi,xMi,yMi,zMi,AMi,BMi,CMi,DMi,EMi,FMi,aNi,bNi,cNi,dNi,eNi,fNi,gNi,hNi,iNi,jNi,kNi,lNi,mNi,nNi,oNi,pNi,qNi,rNi,sNi,tNi,uNi,vNi,wNi,xNi,yNi,zNi,ANi,BNi,CNi,DNi,ENi,FNi,aOi,bOi,cOi,dOi,eOi,fOi,gOi,hOi,iOi,jOi,kOi,lOi,mOi,nOi,oOi,pOi,qOi,rOi,sOi,tOi,uOi,vOi,wOi,xOi,yOi,zOi,AOi,BOi,COi,DOi,EOi,FOi,aPi,bPi,cPi,dPi,ePi,fPi,gPi,hPi,iPi,jPi,kPi,lPi,mPi,nPi,oPi,pPi,qPi,rPi,sPi,tPi,uPi,vPi,wPi,xPi,yPi,zPi,APi,BPi,CPi,DPi,EPi,FPi,aQi,bQi,cQi,dQi,eQi,fQi,gQi,hQi,iQi,jQi,kQi,lQi,mQi,nQi,oQi,pQi,qQi,rQi,sQi,tQi,uQi,vQi,wQi,xQi,yQi,zQi,AQi,BQi,CQi,DQi,EQi,FQi,aRi,bRi,cRi,dRi,eRi,fRi,gRi,hRi,iRi,jRi,kRi,lRi,mRi,nRi,oRi,pRi,qRi,rRi,sRi,tRi,uRi,vRi,wRi,xRi,yRi,zRi,ARi,BRi,CRi,DRi,ERi,FRi,aSi,bSi,cSi,dSi,eSi,fSi,gSi,hSi,iSi,jSi,kSi,lSi,mSi,nSi,oSi,pSi,qSi,rSi,sSi,tSi,uSi,vSi,wSi,xSi,ySi,zSi,ASi,BSi,CSi,DSi,ESi,FSi,aTi,bTi,cTi,dTi,eTi,fTi,gTi,hTi,iTi,jTi,kTi,lTi,mTi,nTi,oTi,pTi,qTi,rTi,sTi,tTi,uTi,vTi,wTi,xTi,yTi,zTi,ATi,BTi,CTi,DTi,ETi,FTi;function qWi(){qWi=v0i;oXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[60,62]);pXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[60,47]);wXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[93,93]);vXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[65533]);yXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[32]);nXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[10]);lXi=lfi(ixg);tXi=lfi(jxg);CXi=lfi(kxg);EXi=lfi(lxg);BXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[116,105,116,108,101]);xXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[115,99,114,105,112,116]);zXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[115,116,121,108,101]);uXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[112,108,97,105,110,116,101,120,116]);DXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[120,109,112]);AXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[116,101,120,116,97,114,101,97]);mXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[105,102,114,97,109,101]);qXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[110,111,101,109,98,101,100]);sXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[110,111,115,99,114,105,112,116]);rXi=f9h(A_h,42,-1,[110,111,102,114,97,109,101,115])}
function hWi(a){var b;a.cb&&(wHi(),FOi)==a.pb&&(koi(),pri)==a.l;if(a.l){b=xfi(a.F,0,a.ab);if(!a.w&&a.A&&a.B&&poi(a.l)){b=aYi(b)}tUi(a.m,a.l,b,a.tb)}}
function iWi(a){a.cb&&(koi(),pri)==a.l&&(wHi(),FOi)==a.pb;if(a.l){if(a.A){if(ooi(a.l)){if(a.B){tUi(a.m,a.l,a.l.a[0],a.tb)}else{tUi(a.m,a.l,cNh,a.tb)}}else{tUi(a.m,a.l,cNh,a.tb)}}else{if((koi(),wDi)==a.l||kvi==a.l){mxg+a.l.a[0]+nxg}tUi(a.m,a.l,cNh,a.tb)}}}
function jWi(b,a){switch(b.p.b){case 2:--b.ab;kWi(b,32);kWi(b,45);case 0:kWi(b,a);break;case 1:DWi(b,pxg);}}
function kWi(c,a){var b;if(c.ab==c.F.length){b=e9h(A_h,42,-1,c.ab+(c.ab>>1),1);Afi(c.F,0,b,0,c.F.length);c.F=b}c.F[c.ab++]=a}
function lWi(f,a,d,b){var c,e;e=f.ab+b;if(f.F.length<e){c=e9h(A_h,42,-1,e+(e>>1),1);Afi(f.F,0,c,0,f.F.length);f.F=c}Afi(a,d,f.F,f.ab,b);f.ab=e}
function mWi(a){switch(a.p.b){case 2:kWi(a,32);case 0:kWi(a,45);break;case 1:DWi(a,pxg);}}
function nWi(c,a){var b;if({b=e9h(A_h,42,-1,,1);Afi(,0,b,0,;}[c.mb++]=a}
function oWi(a){a.l=nHi(,0,a.mb,a.db!=(Fli(),ami));if(!a.m){a.m=sUi(new rUi(),}if(yUi(a.m,a.l)){qxg+a.l.a[0]+rxg;a.l=null}}
function rWi(a){switch(a.r.d){case 36:a.s=BXi;return;case 31:a.s=xXi;return;case 33:a.s=zXi;return;case 30:a.s=uXi;return;case 38:a.s=DXi;return;case 35:a.s=AXi;return;case 47:a.s=mXi;return;case 60:a.s=qXi;return;case 26:a.s=sXi;return;case 25:a.s=rXi;return;default:return;}}
function sWi(c,a,b){c.h=true;c.D=true;jUi(c,a,b);xYi(c.qb,nXi,0,1);c.u=2147483647}
function tWi(c,b,a){if({EYi(c.qb,c.F,0,c.ab-b)}c.u=a+1}
function uWi(d,c,b){var a;d.u=b+1;d.kb=0;a=!d.m?(wUi(),bVi):d.m;if(d.w){cZi(d.qb,d.pb)}else{i0i(d.qb,d.pb,a,c)}bXi(d);return d.kb}
function xWi(b,c,a){if((a&-2)!=0){lWi(b,c,0,c.length)}else{xYi(b.qb,c,0,c.length)}}
function vWi(b,c,a){if((a&-2)!=0){kWi(b,c[0])}else{xYi(b.qb,c,0,1)}}
function wWi(b,a){if((a&-2)!=0){lWi(b,,0,b.mb)}else{zWi(b)}}
function yWi(c,a,b){c.h=true;c.D=true;jUi(c,a,b);xYi(c.qb,vXi,0,1);c.u=2147483647}
function zWi(a){if(a.mb>0){xYi(a.qb,,0,a.mb)}}
function AWi(a){if(a.eb){return sUi(new rUi(),}else{return wUi(),bVi}}
function BWi(a){;a.F=null;a.ob=null;;a.v=null;a.pb=null;a.l=null;dZi(a.qb);if(a.m){vUi(a.m,;a.m=null}}
function CWi(j){var a,b,e,h,i,k;i=j.kb;h=j.hb;c:for(;;){switch(i){case 53:xYi(j.qb,oXi,0,1);break c;case 4:xYi(j.qb,oXi,0,1);break c;case 37:if(j.C<j.s.length){break c}else{break c}case 5:xYi(j.qb,pXi,0,2);break c;case 6:break c;case 7:case 14:case 48:break c;case 8:break c;case 9:case 10:break c;case 11:case 12:case 13:break c;case 15:tWi(j,0,0);break c;case 59:aXi(j);tWi(j,0,0);break c;case 16:j.ab=0;tWi(j,0,0);break c;case 38:tWi(j,0,0);break c;case 39:if(j.C<6){tWi(j,0,0)}else{j.v=cNh;;j.ob=null;j.y=true;j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c}break c;case 30:case 32:case 35:tWi(j,0,0);break c;case 34:tWi(j,2,0);break c;case 33:case 31:tWi(j,1,0);break c;case 36:tWi(j,3,0);break c;case 17:case 18:j.y=true;j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c;case 19:j.v=String(xfi(,0,j.mb));j.y=true;j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c;case 40:case 41:case 20:case 21:j.y=true;j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c;case 22:case 23:j.y=true;,0,j.ab);j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c;case 24:case 25:j.y=true;j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c;case 26:case 27:j.y=true;j.ob=xfi(j.F,0,j.ab);j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c;case 28:j.y=true;j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c;case 29:j.u=1;FYi(j.qb,j.v,,j.ob,j.y);break c;case 42:wWi(j,h);i=h;continue;case 44:g:for(;;){++j.x;d:for(;;){if(j.z==-1){break d}if(j.x==(rVi(),sVi)[j.z].length){break d}if(j.x>sVi[j.z].length){break g}else if(0<sVi[j.z][j.x]){--j.z}else{break d}}f:for(;;){if(j.z<j.E){break g}if(j.x==(rVi(),sVi)[j.E].length){j.o=j.E;j.nb=j.mb;++j.E}else if(j.x>sVi[j.E].length){break g}else if(0>sVi[j.E][j.x]){++j.E}else{break f}}if(j.z<j.E){break g}continue}if(j.o==-1){wWi(j,h);i=h;continue c}else{a=(rVi(),sVi)[j.o];if(a[a.length-1]!=59){if((h&-2)!=0){if(j.nb==j.mb){b=0}else{[j.nb]}if(b>=48&&b<=57||b>=65&&b<=90||b>=97&&b<=122){lWi(j,,0,j.mb);i=h;continue c}}}k=tVi[j.o];xWi(j,k,h);if(j.nb<j.mb){if((h&-2)!=0){for(e=j.nb;e<j.mb;++e){kWi(j,[e])}}else{xYi(j.qb,,j.nb,j.mb-j.nb)}}i=h;continue c}case 43:case 46:case 45:if(j.ib){}else{sxg+xfi(,0,j.mb)+rxg;wWi(j,h);i=h;continue}EWi(j,h);i=h;continue;case 0:default:break c;}}eZi(j.qb);return}
function DWi(c,a){var b;b=a1i(new F0i(),a,c);throw b}
function EWi(c,b){var a,d;if(c.rb>=128&&c.rb<=159){d=(rVi(),uVi)[c.rb-128];vWi(c,d,b)}else if(c.rb==13){vWi(c,nXi,b)}else if(c.rb==12&&c.t!=(Fli(),ami)){if(c.t==(Fli(),bmi)){vWi(c,yXi,b)}else if(c.t==cmi){DWi(c,txg)}}else if(c.rb>=0&&c.rb<=8||c.rb==11||c.rb>=14&&c.rb<=31||c.rb==127){uxg+oUi(c.rb&65535)+vxg;vWi(c,vXi,b)}else if((c.rb&63488)==55296){vWi(c,vXi,b)}else if((c.rb&65534)==65534){vWi(c,vXi,b)}else if(c.rb>=64976&&c.rb<=65007){vWi(c,vXi,b)}else if(c.rb<=65535){a=c.rb&65535;c.n[0]=a;vWi(c,c.n,b)}else if(c.rb<=1114111){c.k[0]=55232+(c.rb>>10)&65535;c.k[1]=56320+(c.rb&1023)&65535;xWi(c,c.k,b)}else{vWi(c,vXi,b)}}
function aXi(a){switch(a.p.b){case 2:kWi(a,32);break;case 1:DWi(a,wxg);}}
function bXi(a){if(a.eb){a.m=null}else{vUi(a.m,}}
function dXi(c,b){var a;c.kb=b;if(b==0){return}a=null.dc();c.r=bUi(a,0,;rWi(c)}
function eXi(c,b,a){c.kb=b;c.r=a;rWi(c)}
function hXi(a,b){if(b==(Fli(),cmi)){throw Fci(new Eci(),xxg)}a.tb=b}
function iXi(a){a.q=false;,42,-1,64,1);a.mb=0;a.F=e9h(A_h,42,-1,1024,1);a.ab=0;a.kb=0;a.D=false;a.A=false;a.cb=false;j0i(a.qb,a);;a.C=0;a.y=false;a.j=0;a.x=-1;a.E=0;a.z=(rVi(),sVi).length-1;a.o=-1;a.nb=0;a.fb=-1;a.rb=0;a.ib=false;a.jb=false;if(a.eb){a.m=null}else{a.m=sUi(new rUi(),}a.a=false;a.f=a.g=0;a.c=a.d=1;a.h=true;a.i=0;a.b=false}
function jXi(Ab,vb,p,rb,o,tb,ub,cb){var q,u,bb,ib,kb,Bb;wb:for(;;){switch(vb){case 0:z:for(;;){if(tb){tb=false}else{if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb)}switch(p){case 38:jUi(Ab,o,rb);[0]=p;Ab.mb=1;Ab.j=0;fVi(new eVi(),Ab);ub=vb;vb=42;continue wb;case 60:jUi(Ab,o,rb);vb=4;break z;case 0:yWi(Ab,o,rb);continue;case 13:sWi(Ab,o,rb);break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;default:continue;}}case 4:yb:for(;;){if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb);if(p>=65&&p<=90){Ab.w=false;[0]=p+32&65535;Ab.mb=1;vb=6;break yb}else if(p>=97&&p<=122){Ab.w=false;[0]=p;Ab.mb=1;vb=6;break yb}switch(p){case 33:vb=16;continue wb;case 47:vb=5;continue wb;case 63:Ab.F[0]=p;Ab.ab=1;vb=15;continue wb;case 62:xYi(Ab.qb,oXi,0,2);Ab.u=rb+1;vb=0;continue wb;default:xYi(Ab.qb,oXi,0,1);Ab.u=rb;vb=0;tb=true;continue wb;}}case 6:xb:for(;;){if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb);switch(p){case 13:Ab.h=true;Ab.D=true;Ab.pb=bUi(,0,Ab.mb);vb=7;break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;case 32:case 9:case 12:Ab.pb=bUi(,0,Ab.mb);vb=7;break xb;case 47:Ab.pb=bUi(,0,Ab.mb);vb=48;continue wb;case 62:Ab.pb=bUi(,0,Ab.mb);vb=uWi(Ab,false,rb);if(Ab.jb){break wb}continue wb;case 0:p=65533;default:if(p>=65&&p<=90){p+=32}nWi(Ab,p);continue;}}case 7:h:for(;;){if(tb){tb=false}else{if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb)}switch(p){case 13:Ab.h=true;Ab.D=true;break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;case 32:case 9:case 12:continue;case 47:vb=48;continue wb;case 62:vb=uWi(Ab,false,rb);if(Ab.jb){break wb}continue wb;case 0:p=65533;case 34:case 39:case 60:case 61:default:if(p>=65&&p<=90){p+=32}[0]=p;Ab.mb=1;vb=8;break h;}}case 8:e:for(;;){if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb);switch(p){case 13:Ab.h=true;Ab.D=true;oWi(Ab);vb=9;break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;case 32:case 9:case 12:oWi(Ab);vb=9;continue wb;case 47:oWi(Ab);iWi(Ab);vb=48;continue wb;case 61:oWi(Ab);vb=10;break e;case 62:oWi(Ab);iWi(Ab);vb=uWi(Ab,false,rb);if(Ab.jb){break wb}continue wb;case 0:p=65533;case 34:case 39:case 60:default:if(p>=65&&p<=90){p+=32}nWi(Ab,p);continue;}}case 10:i:for(;;){if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb);switch(p){case 13:Ab.h=true;Ab.D=true;break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;case 32:case 9:case 12:continue;case 34:Ab.ab=0;vb=11;break i;case 38:Ab.ab=0;vb=13;tb=true;continue wb;case 39:Ab.ab=0;vb=12;continue wb;case 62:iWi(Ab);vb=uWi(Ab,false,rb);if(Ab.jb){break wb}continue wb;case 0:p=65533;case 60:case 61:iUi(p);default:Ab.F[0]=p;Ab.ab=1;vb=13;continue wb;}}case 11:f:for(;;){if(tb){tb=false}else{if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb)}switch(p){case 34:hWi(Ab);vb=14;break f;case[0]=p;Ab.mb=1;Ab.j=34;fVi(new eVi(),Ab);ub=vb;vb=42;continue wb;case 13:Ab.h=true;Ab.D=true;kWi(Ab,10);break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;kWi(Ab,10);continue;case 0:p=65533;default:kWi(Ab,p);continue;}}case 14:a:for(;;){if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb);switch(p){case 13:Ab.h=true;Ab.D=true;vb=7;break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;case 32:case 9:case 12:vb=7;continue wb;case 47:vb=48;break a;case 62:vb=uWi(Ab,false,rb);if(Ab.jb){break wb}continue wb;default:vb=7;tb=true;continue wb;}}case 48:if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb);switch(p){case 62:vb=uWi(Ab,true,rb);if(Ab.jb){break wb}continue wb;default:vb=7;tb=true;continue wb;}case 13:for(;;){if(tb){tb=false}else{if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb)}switch(p){case 13:Ab.h=true;Ab.D=true;hWi(Ab);vb=7;break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;case 32:case 9:case 12:hWi(Ab);vb=7;continue wb;case[0]=p;Ab.mb=1;Ab.j=62;fVi(new eVi(),Ab);ub=vb;vb=42;continue wb;case 62:hWi(Ab);vb=uWi(Ab,false,rb);if(Ab.jb){break wb}continue wb;case 0:p=65533;case 60:case 34:case 39:case 61:default:kWi(Ab,p);continue;}}case 9:for(;;){if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb);switch(p){case 13:Ab.h=true;Ab.D=true;break wb;case 10:Ab.h=true;case 32:case 9:case 12:continue;case 47:iWi(Ab);vb=48;continue wb;case 61:vb=10;continue wb;case 62:iWi(Ab);vb=uWi(Ab,false,rb);if(Ab.jb){break wb}continue wb;case 0:p=65533;case 34:case 39:case 60:default:iWi(Ab);if(p>=65&&p<=90){p+=32}[0]=p;Ab.mb=1;vb=8;continue wb;}}case 15:n:for(;;){if(tb){tb=false}else{if(++rb==cb){break wb}p=gUi(Ab,o,rb)}switch(p){case 62:tWi(Ab,0,rb);vb=0;continue wb;cas
function kXi(f,a){var b,c,d,e;e=f.kb;c=f.hb;f.jb=false;f.D=false;d=a.c;b=d-1;switch(e){case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3:case 50:case 56:case 54:case 55:case 57:case 58:f.u=d;break;default:f.u=2147483647;}b=jXi(f,e,0,b,a.a,false,c,a.b);if(b==a.b){a.c=b}else{a.c=b+1}return f.D}
function FXi(){return v_h}
function aYi(d){var a,b,c;if(d==null){return null}a=e9h(A_h,42,-1,d.length,1);for(c=0;c<d.length;++c){b=d.charCodeAt(c);if(b>=65&&b<=90){b+=32}a[c]=b}return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,a)}
function eWi(){}
_=eWi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=FXi;_.tI=0;_.j=0;_.k=null;_.l=null;_.m=null;_.n=null;_.o=0;_.q=false;_.r=null;_.s=null;_.u=0;_.v=null;_.w=false;_.x=0;_.y=false;_.z=0;_.A=false;_.B=false;_.C=0;_.D=false;_.E=0;_.F=null;_.ab=0;;_.cb=false;_.eb=false;_.fb=0;;_.hb=0;_.ib=false;_.jb=false;_.kb=0;;_.mb=0;_.nb=0;_.ob=null;_.pb=null;_.qb=null;_.rb=0;;var lXi,mXi,nXi,oXi,pXi,qXi,rXi,sXi,tXi,uXi,vXi,wXi,xXi,yXi,zXi,AXi,BXi,CXi,DXi,EXi;function hUi(){hUi=v0i;qWi()}
function fUi(a,b){hUi();a.t=(Fli(),bmi);a.p=bmi;a.tb=bmi;a.db=bmi;a.qb=b;a.eb=false;a.n=e9h(A_h,42,-1,1,1);a.k=e9h(A_h,42,-1,2,1);a.e=bmi;return a}
function gUi(e,a,d){var b,c;e.g=e.f;e.d=e.c;if(e.h){++e.f;e.c=1;e.h=false}else{++e.c}b=a[d];if(!e.q&&!e.a&&b>127){e.a=true}switch(b){case 0:case 9:case 13:case 10:break;case 12:if(e.e==(Fli(),cmi)){DWi(e,yxg+oUi(b)+Bxg)}else{if(e.e==bmi){b=a[d]=32}yxg+oUi(b)+Bxg}break;default:if((b&64512)==56320){if((e.i&64512)==55296){c=(e.i<<10)+b+-56613888;if(c>=983040&&c<=1048573||c>=1048576&&c<=1114109){pUi(e)}}}else if(b<32||(b&65534)==65534){switch(e.e.b){case 1:DWi(e,Cxg+oUi(b)+Dxg);break;case 2:b=a[d]=65533;case 0:Cxg+oUi(b)+Dxg;}}else if(b>=127&&b<=159||b>=64976&&b<=64991){Cxg+oUi(b)+Dxg}else if(b>=57344&&b<=63743){pUi(e)}}e.i=b;return b}
function iUi(a){switch(a){case 61:return;case 60:return;}}
function jUi(e,a,d){var b,c;if(d>e.u){c=e.f;b=e.c;e.f=e.g;e.c=e.d;xYi(e.qb,a,e.u,d-e.u);e.f=c;e.c=b}e.u=2147483647}
function kUi(a){if(a.c>0){return a.c}else{return -1}}
function lUi(a){if(a.f>0){return a.f}else{return -1}}
function oUi(a){var b;b=idi(a,4);switch(b.length){case 1:return Exg+b;case 2:return Fxg+b;case 3:return ayg+b;case 4:return byg+b;default:throw Edi(new Ddi(),cyg);}}
function pUi(a){if(!a.b){a.b=true}}
function qUi(){return r_h}
function dUi(){}
_=dUi.prototype=new eWi();_.gC=qUi;_.tI=0;_.a=false;_.b=false;_.c=0;_.d=0;_.f=0;_.g=0;_.h=false;_.i=0;function wUi(){wUi=v0i;aVi=e9h(E_h,49,9,0,0);cVi=e9h(D_h,48,1,0,0);bVi=sUi(new rUi(),0)}
function sUi(b,a){wUi();b.b=a;b.a=0;b.c=e9h(E_h,49,9,5,0);b.d=e9h(D_h,48,1,5,0);b.e=0;b.f=aVi;b.g=cVi;return b}
function tUi(e,a,f,g){var b,c,d;a==(koi(),pvi);if(a.d){if(e.f.length==e.e){b=e.e==0?2:e.e<<1;c=e9h(E_h,49,9,b,0);Afi(e.f,0,c,0,e.f.length);e.f=c;d=e9h(D_h,48,1,b,0);Afi(e.g,0,d,0,e.g.length);e.g=d}e.f[e.e]=a;e.g[e.e]=f;++e.e;switch(g.b){case 1:throw z0i(new y0i(),dyg);case 2:return;}}if(e.c.length==e.a){b=e.a<<1;c=e9h(E_h,49,9,b,0);Afi(e.c,0,c,0,e.c.length);e.c=c;d=e9h(D_h,48,1,b,0);Afi(e.d,0,d,0,e.d.length);e.d=d}e.c[e.a]=a;e.d[e.a]=f;++e.a}
function vUi(c,b){var a;for(a=0;a<c.a;++a){h9h(c.c,a,null);h9h(c.d,a,null)}c.a=0;c.b=b;for(a=0;a<c.e;++a){h9h(c.f,a,null);h9h(c.g,a,null)}c.e=0}
function uUi(b){var a;for(a=0;a<b.a;++a){h9h(b.c,a,null);h9h(b.d,a,null)}b.a=0}
function xUi(c){var a,b;a=sUi(new rUi(),0);for(b=0;b<c.a;++b){tUi(a,c.c[b],c.d[b],(Fli(),ami))}for(b=0;b<c.e;++b){tUi(a,c.f[b],c.g[b],(Fli(),ami))}return a}
function yUi(c,b){var a;for(a=0;a<c.a;++a){if(b.a[0]==c.c[a].a[0]){return true}}for(a=0;a<c.e;++a){if(b.a[0]==c.f[a].a[0]){return true}}return false}
function zUi(b,a){if(a<b.a&&a>=0){return b.c[a]}else{return null}}
function AUi(c,b){var a;for(a=0;a<c.a;++a){if(c.c[a]==b){return a}}return -1}
function BUi(b,a){if(a<b.a&&a>=0){return b.c[a].a[b.b]}else{return null}}
function CUi(b,a){if(a<b.a&&a>=0){return b.c[a].c[b.b]}else{return null}}
function DUi(b,a){if(a<b.a&&a>=0){return b.d[a]}else{return null}}
function EUi(c,b){var a;a=AUi(c,b);if(a==-1){return null}else{return DUi(c,a)}}
function FUi(e,f,d){var a,b,c;for(b=0;b<e.a;++b){a=e.c[b];if(!a.b[e.b]){c=a.a[e.b];switch(d.b){case 2:e.c[b]=(koi(),ioi(new hoi(),dpi,ACi(mVi(c)),epi,bpi,false));case 0:a!=(koi(),DGi);break;case 1:gZi(f,mxg+c+eyg);}}}}
function dVi(){return s_h}
function rUi(){}
_=rUi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=dVi;_.tI=0;_.a=0;_.b=0;_.c=null;_.d=null;_.e=0;_.f=null;_.g=null;var aVi,bVi,cVi;function fVi(b,a){kUi(a);lUi(a);return b}
function hVi(){return t_h}
function eVi(){}
_=eVi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=hVi;_.tI=0;function jVi(){jVi=v0i;kVi=lfi(gyg)}
function lVi(c,a){var b;uei(c,hyg);for(b=0;b<6;++b){uei(c,String.fromCharCode(kVi[(a&15728640)>>20]));a<<=4}}
function mVi(e){jVi();var a,b,c,d;d=tei(new rei());for(b=0;b<e.length;++b){a=e.charCodeAt(b);if((a&64512)==55296){c=e.charCodeAt(++b);lVi(d,(a<<10)+c+-56613888)}else if(b==0&&!(a>=65&&a<=90||a>=97&&a<=122||a>=192&&a<=214||a>=216&&a<=246||a>=248&&a<=255||a>=256&&a<=305||a>=308&&a<=318||a>=321&&a<=328||a>=330&&a<=382||a>=384&&a<=451||a>=461&&a<=496||a>=500&&a<=501||a>=506&&a<=535||a>=592&&a<=680||a>=699&&a<=705||a==902||a>=904&&a<=906||a==908||a>=910&&a<=929||a>=931&&a<=974||a>=976&&a<=982||a==986||a==988||a==990||a==992||a>=994&&a<=1011||a>=1025&&a<=1036||a>=1038&&a<=1103||a>=1105&&a<=1116||a>=1118&&a<=1153||a>=1168&&a<=1220||a>=1223&&a<=1224||a>=1227&&a<=1228||a>=1232&&a<=1259||a>=1262&&a<=1269||a>=1272&&a<=1273||a>=1329&&a<=1366||a==1369||a>=1377&&a<=1414||a>=1488&&a<=1514||a>=1520&&a<=1522||a>=1569&&a<=1594||a>=1601&&a<=1610||a>=1649&&a<=1719||a>=1722&&a<=1726||a>=1728&&a<=1742||a>=1744&&a<=1747||a==1749||a>=1765&&a<=1766||a>=2309&&a<=2361||a==2365||a>=2392&&a<=2401||a>=2437&&a<=2444||a>=2447&&a<=2448||a>=2451&&a<=2472||a>=2474&&a<=2480||a==2482||a>=2486&&a<=2489||a>=2524&&a<=2525||a>=2527&&a<=2529||a>=2544&&a<=2545||a>=2565&&a<=2570||a>=2575&&a<=2576||a>=2579&&a<=2600||a>=2602&&a<=2608||a>=2610&&a<=2611||a>=2613&&a<=2614||a>=2616&&a<=2617||a>=2649&&a<=2652||a==2654||a>=2674&&a<=2676||a>=2693&&a<=2699||a==2701||a>=2703&&a<=2705||a>=2707&&a<=2728||a>=2730&&a<=2736||a>=2738&&a<=2739||a>=2741&&a<=2745||a==2749||a==2784||a>=2821&&a<=2828||a>=2831&&a<=2832||a>=2835&&a<=2856||a>=2858&&a<=2864||a>=2866&&a<=2867||a>=2870&&a<=2873||a==2877||a>=2908&&a<=2909||a>=2911&&a<=2913||a>=2949&&a<=2954||a>=2958&&a<=2960||a>=2962&&a<=2965||a>=2969&&a<=2970||a==2972||a>=2974&&a<=2975||a>=2979&&a<=2980||a>=2984&&a<=2986||a>=2990&&a<=2997||a>=2999&&a<=3001||a>=3077&&a<=3084||a>=3086&&a<=3088||a>=3090&&a<=3112||a>=3114&&a<=3123||a>=3125&&a<=3129||a>=3168&&a<=3169||a>=3205&&a<=3212||a>=3214&&a<=3216||a>=3218&&a<=3240||a>=3242&&a<=3251||a>=3253&&a<=3257||a==3294||a>=3296&&a<=3297||a>=3333&&a<=3340||a>=3342&&a<=3344||a>=3346&&a<=3368||a>=3370&&a<=3385||a>=3424&&a<=3425||a>=3585&&a<=3630||a==3632||a>=3634&&a<=3635||a>=3648&&a<=3653||a>=3713&&a<=3714||a==3716||a>=3719&&a<=3720||a==3722||a==3725||a>=3732&&a<=3735||a>=3737&&a<=3743||a>=3745&&a<=3747||a==3749||a==3751||a>=3754&&a<=3755||a>=3757&&a<=3758||a==3760||a>=3762&&a<=3763||a==3773||a>=3776&&a<=3780||a>=3904&&a<=3911||a>=3913&&a<=3945||a>=4256&&a<=4293||a>=4304&&a<=4342||a==4352||a>=4354&&a<=4355||a>=4357&&a<=4359||a==4361||a>=4363&&a<=4364||a>=4366&&a<=4370||a==4412||a==4414||a==4416||a==4428||a==4430||a==4432||a>=4436&&a<=4437||a==4441||a>=4447&&a<=4449||a==4451||a==4453||a==4455||a==4457||a>=4461&&a<=4462||a>=4466&&a<=4467||a==4469||a==4510||a==4520||a==4523||a>=4526&&a<=4527||a>=4535&&a<=4536||a==4538||a>=4540&&a<=4546||a==4587||a==4592||a==4601||a>=7680&&a<=7835||a>=7840&&a<=7929||a>=7936&&a<=7957||a>=7960&&a<=7965||a>=7968&&a<=8005||a>=8008&&a<=8013||a>=8016&&a<=8023||a==8025||a==8027||a==8029||a>=8031&&a<=8061||a>=8064&&a<=8116||a>=8118&&a<=8124||a==8126||a>=8130&&a<=8132||a>=8134&&a<=8140||a>=8144&&a<=8147||a>=8150&&a<=8155||a>=8160&&a<=8172||a>=8178&&a<=8180||a>=8182&&a<=8188||a==8486||a>=8490&&a<=8491||a==8494||a>=8576&&a<=8578||a>=12353&&a<=12436||a>=12449&&a<=12538||a>=12549&&a<=12588||a>=44032&&a<=55203||a>=19968&&a<=40869||a==12295||a>=12321&&a<=12329||a==95)){lVi(d,a)}else if(b!=0&&!(a>=48&&a<=57||a>=1632&&a<=1641||a>=1776&&a<=1785||a>=2406&&a<=2415||a>=2534&&a<=2543||a>=2662&&a<=2671||a>=2790&&a<=2799||a>=2918&&a<=2927||a>=3047&&a<=3055||a>=3174&&a<=3183||a>=3302&&a<=3311||a>=3430&&a<=3439||a>=3664&&a<=3673||a>=3792&&a<=3801||a>=3872&&a<=3881||a>=65&&a<=90||a>=97&&a<=122||a>=192&&a<=214||a>=216&&a<=246||a>=248&&a<=255||a>=256&&a<=305||a>=308&&a<=318||a>=321&&a<=328||a>=330&&a<=382||a>=384&&a<=451||a>=461&&a<=496||a>=500&&a<=501||a>=506&&a<=535||a>=592&&a<=680||a>=699&&a<=705||a==902||a>=904&&a<=906||a==908||a>=910&&a<=929||a>=931&&a<=974||a>=976&&a<=982||a==986||a==988||a==990||a==992||a>=994&&a<=1011||a>=1025&&a<=1036||a>=1038&&a<=1103||a>=1105&&a<=1116||a>=1118&&a<=1153||a>=
function pVi(c){jVi();var a,b;if(c==null){return false}else{b=c.length;switch(b){case 0:return false;case 1:return nVi(c.charCodeAt(0));default:if(!nVi(c.charCodeAt(0))){return false}for(a=1;a<b;++a){if(!oVi(c.charCodeAt(a))){return false}}}return true}}
function nVi(a){return a>=65&&a<=90||a>=97&&a<=122||a>=192&&a<=214||a>=216&&a<=246||a>=248&&a<=255||a>=256&&a<=305||a>=308&&a<=318||a>=321&&a<=328||a>=330&&a<=382||a>=384&&a<=451||a>=461&&a<=496||a>=500&&a<=501||a>=506&&a<=535||a>=592&&a<=680||a>=699&&a<=705||a==902||a>=904&&a<=906||a==908||a>=910&&a<=929||a>=931&&a<=974||a>=976&&a<=982||a==986||a==988||a==990||a==992||a>=994&&a<=1011||a>=1025&&a<=1036||a>=1038&&a<=1103||a>=1105&&a<=1116||a>=1118&&a<=1153||a>=1168&&a<=1220||a>=1223&&a<=1224||a>=1227&&a<=1228||a>=1232&&a<=1259||a>=1262&&a<=1269||a>=1272&&a<=1273||a>=1329&&a<=1366||a==1369||a>=1377&&a<=1414||a>=1488&&a<=1514||a>=1520&&a<=1522||a>=1569&&a<=1594||a>=1601&&a<=1610||a>=1649&&a<=1719||a>=1722&&a<=1726||a>=1728&&a<=1742||a>=1744&&a<=1747||a==1749||a>=1765&&a<=1766||a>=2309&&a<=2361||a==2365||a>=2392&&a<=2401||a>=2437&&a<=2444||a>=2447&&a<=2448||a>=2451&&a<=2472||a>=2474&&a<=2480||a==2482||a>=2486&&a<=2489||a>=2524&&a<=2525||a>=2527&&a<=2529||a>=2544&&a<=2545||a>=2565&&a<=2570||a>=2575&&a<=2576||a>=2579&&a<=2600||a>=2602&&a<=2608||a>=2610&&a<=2611||a>=2613&&a<=2614||a>=2616&&a<=2617||a>=2649&&a<=2652||a==2654||a>=2674&&a<=2676||a>=2693&&a<=2699||a==2701||a>=2703&&a<=2705||a>=2707&&a<=2728||a>=2730&&a<=2736||a>=2738&&a<=2739||a>=2741&&a<=2745||a==2749||a==2784||a>=2821&&a<=2828||a>=2831&&a<=2832||a>=2835&&a<=2856||a>=2858&&a<=2864||a>=2866&&a<=2867||a>=2870&&a<=2873||a==2877||a>=2908&&a<=2909||a>=2911&&a<=2913||a>=2949&&a<=2954||a>=2958&&a<=2960||a>=2962&&a<=2965||a>=2969&&a<=2970||a==2972||a>=2974&&a<=2975||a>=2979&&a<=2980||a>=2984&&a<=2986||a>=2990&&a<=2997||a>=2999&&a<=3001||a>=3077&&a<=3084||a>=3086&&a<=3088||a>=3090&&a<=3112||a>=3114&&a<=3123||a>=3125&&a<=3129||a>=3168&&a<=3169||a>=3205&&a<=3212||a>=3214&&a<=3216||a>=3218&&a<=3240||a>=3242&&a<=3251||a>=3253&&a<=3257||a==3294||a>=3296&&a<=3297||a>=3333&&a<=3340||a>=3342&&a<=3344||a>=3346&&a<=3368||a>=3370&&a<=3385||a>=3424&&a<=3425||a>=3585&&a<=3630||a==3632||a>=3634&&a<=3635||a>=3648&&a<=3653||a>=3713&&a<=3714||a==3716||a>=3719&&a<=3720||a==3722||a==3725||a>=3732&&a<=3735||a>=3737&&a<=3743||a>=3745&&a<=3747||a==3749||a==3751||a>=3754&&a<=3755||a>=3757&&a<=3758||a==3760||a>=3762&&a<=3763||a==3773||a>=3776&&a<=3780||a>=3904&&a<=3911||a>=3913&&a<=3945||a>=4256&&a<=4293||a>=4304&&a<=4342||a==4352||a>=4354&&a<=4355||a>=4357&&a<=4359||a==4361||a>=4363&&a<=4364||a>=4366&&a<=4370||a==4412||a==4414||a==4416||a==4428||a==4430||a==4432||a>=4436&&a<=4437||a==4441||a>=4447&&a<=4449||a==4451||a==4453||a==4455||a==4457||a>=4461&&a<=4462||a>=4466&&a<=4467||a==4469||a==4510||a==4520||a==4523||a>=4526&&a<=4527||a>=4535&&a<=4536||a==4538||a>=4540&&a<=4546||a==4587||a==4592||a==4601||a>=7680&&a<=7835||a>=7840&&a<=7929||a>=7936&&a<=7957||a>=7960&&a<=7965||a>=7968&&a<=8005||a>=8008&&a<=8013||a>=8016&&a<=8023||a==8025||a==8027||a==8029||a>=8031&&a<=8061||a>=8064&&a<=8116||a>=8118&&a<=8124||a==8126||a>=8130&&a<=8132||a>=8134&&a<=8140||a>=8144&&a<=8147||a>=8150&&a<=8155||a>=8160&&a<=8172||a>=8178&&a<=8180||a>=8182&&a<=8188||a==8486||a>=8490&&a<=8491||a==8494||a>=8576&&a<=8578||a>=12353&&a<=12436||a>=12449&&a<=12538||a>=12549&&a<=12588||a>=44032&&a<=55203||a>=19968&&a<=40869||a==12295||a>=12321&&a<=12329||a==95}
function oVi(a){return a>=48&&a<=57||a>=1632&&a<=1641||a>=1776&&a<=1785||a>=2406&&a<=2415||a>=2534&&a<=2543||a>=2662&&a<=2671||a>=2790&&a<=2799||a>=2918&&a<=2927||a>=3047&&a<=3055||a>=3174&&a<=3183||a>=3302&&a<=3311||a>=3430&&a<=3439||a>=3664&&a<=3673||a>=3792&&a<=3801||a>=3872&&a<=3881||a>=65&&a<=90||a>=97&&a<=122||a>=192&&a<=214||a>=216&&a<=246||a>=248&&a<=255||a>=256&&a<=305||a>=308&&a<=318||a>=321&&a<=328||a>=330&&a<=382||a>=384&&a<=451||a>=461&&a<=496||a>=500&&a<=501||a>=506&&a<=535||a>=592&&a<=680||a>=699&&a<=705||a==902||a>=904&&a<=906||a==908||a>=910&&a<=929||a>=931&&a<=974||a>=976&&a<=982||a==986||a==988||a==990||a==992||a>=994&&a<=1011||a>=1025&&a<=1036||a>=1038&&a<=1103||a>=1105&&a<=1116||a>=1118&&a<=1153||a>=1168&&a<=1220||a>=1223&&a<=1224||a>=1227&&a<=1228||a>=1232&&a<=1259||a>=1262&&a<=1269||a>=1272&&a<=1273||a>=1329&&a<=1366||a==1369||a>=1377&&a<=1414||a>=1488&&a<=1514||a>=1520&&a<=1522||a>=1569&&a<=1594||a>=1601&&a<=1610||a>=1649&&a<=1719||a>=1722&&a<=1726||a>=1728&&a<=1742||a>=1744&&a<=1747||a==1749||a>=1765&&a<=1766||a>=2309&&a<=2361||a==2365||a>=2392&&a<=2401||a>=2437&&a<=2444||a>=2447&&a<=2448||a>=2451&&a<=2472||a>=2474&&a<=2480||a==2482||a>=2486&&a<=2489||a>=2524&&a<=2525||a>=2527&&a<=2529||a>=2544&&a<=2545||a>=2565&&a<=2570||a>=2575&&a<=2576||a>=2579&&a<=2600||a>=2602&&a<=2608||a>=2610&&a<=2611||a>=2613&&a<=2614||a>=2616&&a<=2617||a>=2649&&a<=2652||a==2654||a>=2674&&a<=2676||a>=2693&&a<=2699||a==2701||a>=2703&&a<=2705||a>=2707&&a<=2728||a>=2730&&a<=2736||a>=2738&&a<=2739||a>=2741&&a<=2745||a==2749||a==2784||a>=2821&&a<=2828||a>=2831&&a<=2832||a>=2835&&a<=2856||a>=2858&&a<=2864||a>=2866&&a<=2867||a>=2870&&a<=2873||a==2877||a>=2908&&a<=2909||a>=2911&&a<=2913||a>=2949&&a<=2954||a>=2958&&a<=2960||a>=2962&&a<=2965||a>=2969&&a<=2970||a==2972||a>=2974&&a<=2975||a>=2979&&a<=2980||a>=2984&&a<=2986||a>=2990&&a<=2997||a>=2999&&a<=3001||a>=3077&&a<=3084||a>=3086&&a<=3088||a>=3090&&a<=3112||a>=3114&&a<=3123||a>=3125&&a<=3129||a>=3168&&a<=3169||a>=3205&&a<=3212||a>=3214&&a<=3216||a>=3218&&a<=3240||a>=3242&&a<=3251||a>=3253&&a<=3257||a==3294||a>=3296&&a<=3297||a>=3333&&a<=3340||a>=3342&&a<=3344||a>=3346&&a<=3368||a>=3370&&a<=3385||a>=3424&&a<=3425||a>=3585&&a<=3630||a==3632||a>=3634&&a<=3635||a>=3648&&a<=3653||a>=3713&&a<=3714||a==3716||a>=3719&&a<=3720||a==3722||a==3725||a>=3732&&a<=3735||a>=3737&&a<=3743||a>=3745&&a<=3747||a==3749||a==3751||a>=3754&&a<=3755||a>=3757&&a<=3758||a==3760||a>=3762&&a<=3763||a==3773||a>=3776&&a<=3780||a>=3904&&a<=3911||a>=3913&&a<=3945||a>=4256&&a<=4293||a>=4304&&a<=4342||a==4352||a>=4354&&a<=4355||a>=4357&&a<=4359||a==4361||a>=4363&&a<=4364||a>=4366&&a<=4370||a==4412||a==4414||a==4416||a==4428||a==4430||a==4432||a>=4436&&a<=4437||a==4441||a>=4447&&a<=4449||a==4451||a==4453||a==4455||a==4457||a>=4461&&a<=4462||a>=4466&&a<=4467||a==4469||a==4510||a==4520||a==4523||a>=4526&&a<=4527||a>=4535&&a<=4536||a==4538||a>=4540&&a<=4546||a==4587||a==4592||a==4601||a>=7680&&a<=7835||a>=7840&&a<=7929||a>=7936&&a<=7957||a>=7960&&a<=7965||a>=7968&&a<=8005||a>=8008&&a<=8013||a>=8016&&a<=8023||a==8025||a==8027||a==8029||a>=8031&&a<=8061||a>=8064&&a<=8116||a>=8118&&a<=8124||a==8126||a>=8130&&a<=8132||a>=8134&&a<=8140||a>=8144&&a<=8147||a>=8150&&a<=8155||a>=8160&&a<=8172||a>=8178&&a<=8180||a>=8182&&a<=8188||a==8486||a>=8490&&a<=8491||a==8494||a>=8576&&a<=8578||a>=12353&&a<=12436||a>=12449&&a<=12538||a>=12549&&a<=12588||a>=44032&&a<=55203||a>=19968&&a<=40869||a==12295||a>=12321&&a<=12329||a==95||a==46||a==45||a>=768&&a<=837||a>=864&&a<=865||a>=1155&&a<=1158||a>=1425&&a<=1441||a>=1443&&a<=1465||a>=1467&&a<=1469||a==1471||a>=1473&&a<=1474||a==1476||a>=1611&&a<=1618||a==1648||a>=1750&&a<=1756||a>=1757&&a<=1759||a>=1760&&a<=1764||a>=1767&&a<=1768||a>=1770&&a<=1773||a>=2305&&a<=2307||a==2364||a>=2366&&a<=2380||a==2381||a>=2385&&a<=2388||a>=2402&&a<=2403||a>=2433&&a<=2435||a==2492||a==2494||a==2495||a>=2496&&a<=2500||a>=2503&&a<=2504||a>=2507&&a<=2509||a==2519||a>=2530&&a<=2531||a==2562||a==2620||a==2622||a==2623||a>=2624&&a<=2626||a>=2631&&a<=2632||a>=2635&&a<=2637||a>=2672&&a<=2673||a>=2689&&a<=2691||a==2748|
var kVi;function rVi(){rVi=v0i;sVi=f9h(cai,52,12,[lfi(iyg),lfi(jyg),lfi(kyg),lfi(lyg),lfi(myg),lfi(nyg),lfi(oyg),lfi(pyg),lfi(ryg),lfi(syg),lfi(tyg),lfi(uyg),lfi(vyg),lfi(wyg),lfi(xyg),lfi(yyg),lfi(zyg),lfi(Ayg),lfi(Cyg),lfi(Dyg),lfi(Eyg),lfi(Fyg),lfi(azg),lfi(bzg),lfi(czg),lfi(dzg),lfi(ezg),lfi(fzg),lfi(hzg),lfi(izg),lfi(jzg),lfi(kzg),lfi(lzg),lfi(mzg),lfi(nzg),lfi(ozg),lfi(pzg),lfi(qzg),lfi(szg),lfi(tzg),lfi(uzg),lfi(vzg),lfi(wzg),lfi(xzg),lfi(yzg),lfi(zzg),lfi(Azg),lfi(Bzg),lfi(Dzg),lfi(Ezg),lfi(Fzg),lfi(aAg),lfi(bAg),lfi(cAg),lfi(dAg),lfi(eAg),lfi(fAg),lfi(gAg),lfi(iAg),lfi(jAg),lfi(kAg),lfi(lAg),lfi(mAg),lfi(nAg),lfi(oAg),lfi(pAg),lfi(qAg),lfi(rAg),lfi(tAg),lfi(uAg),lfi(vAg),lfi(wAg),lfi(xAg),lfi(yAg),lfi(zAg),lfi(AAg),lfi(BAg),lfi(CAg),lfi(EAg),lfi(FAg),lfi(aBg),lfi(bBg),lfi(cBg),lfi(dBg),lfi(eBg),lfi(fBg),lfi(gBg),lfi(hBg),lfi(kBg),lfi(lBg),lfi(mBg),lfi(nBg),lfi(oBg),lfi(pBg),lfi(qBg),lfi(rBg),lfi(sBg),lfi(tBg),lfi(vBg),lfi(wBg),lfi(xBg),lfi(yBg),lfi(zBg),lfi(ABg),lfi(BBg),lfi(CBg),lfi(DBg),lfi(EBg),lfi(aCg),lfi(bCg),lfi(cCg),lfi(dCg),lfi(eCg),lfi(fCg),lfi(gCg),lfi(hCg),lfi(iCg),lfi(jCg),lfi(lCg),lfi(mCg),lfi(nCg),lfi(oCg),lfi(pCg),lfi(qCg),lfi(rCg),lfi(sCg),lfi(tCg),lfi(uCg),lfi(wCg),lfi(xCg),lfi(yCg),lfi(zCg),lfi(ACg),lfi(BCg),lfi(CCg),lfi(DCg),lfi(ECg),lfi(FCg),lfi(bDg),lfi(cDg),lfi(dDg),lfi(eDg),lfi(fDg),lfi(gDg),lfi(hDg),lfi(iDg),lfi(jDg),lfi(kDg),lfi(mDg),lfi(nDg),lfi(oDg),lfi(pDg),lfi(qDg),lfi(rDg),lfi(sDg),lfi(tDg),lfi(uDg),lfi(vDg),lfi(xDg),lfi(yDg),lfi(zDg),lfi(ADg),lfi(BDg),lfi(CDg),lfi(DDg),lfi(EDg),lfi(FDg),lfi(aEg),lfi(cEg),lfi(dEg),lfi(eEg),lfi(fEg),lfi(gEg),lfi(hEg),lfi(iEg),lfi(jEg),lfi(kEg),lfi(lEg),lfi(nEg),lfi(oEg),lfi(pEg),lfi(qEg),lfi(rEg),lfi(sEg),lfi(tEg),lfi(uEg),lfi(vEg),lfi(wEg),lfi(zEg),lfi(AEg),lfi(BEg),lfi(CEg),lfi(DEg),lfi(EEg),lfi(FEg),lfi(aFg),lfi(bFg),lfi(cFg),lfi(eFg),lfi(fFg),lfi(gFg),lfi(hFg),lfi(iFg),lfi(jFg),lfi(kFg),lfi(lFg),lfi(mFg),lfi(nFg),lfi(pFg),lfi(qFg),lfi(rFg),lfi(sFg),lfi(tFg),lfi(uFg),lfi(vFg),lfi(wFg),lfi(xFg),lfi(yFg),lfi(AFg),lfi(BFg),lfi(CFg),lfi(DFg),lfi(EFg),lfi(FFg),lfi(aGg),lfi(bGg),lfi(cGg),lfi(dGg),lfi(fGg),lfi(gGg),lfi(hGg),lfi(iGg),lfi(jGg),lfi(kGg),lfi(lGg),lfi(mGg),lfi(nGg),lfi(oGg),lfi(qGg),lfi(rGg),lfi(sGg),lfi(tGg),lfi(uGg),lfi(vGg),lfi(wGg),lfi(xGg),lfi(yGg),lfi(zGg),lfi(BGg),lfi(CGg),lfi(DGg),lfi(EGg),lfi(FGg),lfi(aHg),lfi(bHg),lfi(cHg),lfi(dHg),lfi(eHg),lfi(gHg),lfi(hHg),lfi(iHg),lfi(jHg),lfi(kHg),lfi(lHg),lfi(mHg),lfi(nHg),lfi(oHg),lfi(pHg),lfi(rHg),lfi(sHg),lfi(tHg),lfi(uHg),lfi(vHg),lfi(wHg),lfi(xHg),lfi(yHg),lfi(zHg),lfi(AHg),lfi(CHg),lfi(DHg),lfi(EHg),lfi(FHg),lfi(aIg),lfi(bIg),lfi(cIg),lfi(dIg),lfi(eIg),lfi(fIg),lfi(iIg),lfi(jIg),lfi(kIg),lfi(lIg),lfi(mIg),lfi(nIg),lfi(oIg),lfi(pIg),lfi(qIg),lfi(rIg),lfi(tIg),lfi(uIg),lfi(vIg),lfi(wIg),lfi(xIg),lfi(yIg),lfi(zIg),lfi(AIg),lfi(BIg),lfi(CIg),lfi(EIg),lfi(FIg),lfi(aJg),lfi(bJg),lfi(cJg),lfi(dJg),lfi(eJg),lfi(fJg),lfi(gJg),lfi(hJg),lfi(jJg),lfi(kJg),lfi(lJg),lfi(mJg),lfi(nJg),lfi(oJg),lfi(pJg),lfi(qJg),lfi(rJg),lfi(sJg),lfi(uJg),lfi(vJg),lfi(wJg),lfi(xJg),lfi(yJg),lfi(zJg),lfi(AJg),lfi(BJg),lfi(CJg),lfi(DJg),lfi(FJg),lfi(aKg),lfi(bKg),lfi(cKg),lfi(dKg),lfi(eKg),lfi(fKg),lfi(gKg),lfi(hKg),lfi(iKg),lfi(kKg),lfi(lKg),lfi(mKg),lfi(nKg),lfi(oKg),lfi(pKg),lfi(qKg),lfi(rKg),lfi(sKg),lfi(tKg),lfi(vKg),lfi(wKg),lfi(xKg),lfi(yKg),lfi(zKg),lfi(AKg),lfi(BKg),lfi(CKg),lfi(DKg),lfi(EKg),lfi(aLg),lfi(bLg),lfi(cLg),lfi(dLg),lfi(eLg),lfi(fLg),lfi(gLg),lfi(hLg),lfi(iLg),lfi(jLg),lfi(lLg),lfi(mLg),lfi(nLg),lfi(oLg),lfi(pLg),lfi(qLg),lfi(rLg),lfi(sLg),lfi(tLg),lfi(uLg),lfi(xLg),lfi(yLg),lfi(zLg),lfi(ALg),lfi(BLg),lfi(CLg),lfi(DLg),lfi(ELg),lfi(FLg),lfi(aMg),lfi(cMg),lfi(dMg),lfi(eMg),lfi(fMg),lfi(gMg),lfi(hMg),lfi(iMg),lfi(jMg),lfi(kMg),lfi(lMg),lfi(nMg),lfi(oMg),lfi(pMg),lfi(qMg),lfi(rMg),lfi(sMg),lfi(tMg),lfi(uMg),lfi(vMg),lfi(wMg),lfi(yMg),lfi(zMg),lfi(AMg),lfi(BMg),lfi(CMg),lfi(DMg),lfi(EMg),lfi(FMg),lfi(aNg),lfi(bNg),lfi(dNg),lfi(eNg),lfi(fNg),lfi(gNg),lfi(hNg),lfi(iNg),lfi(jNg),lfi(kNg),lfi(lNg),lfi(mNg),lfi(oNg),lfi(pNg),lfi(qNg),lfi(rNg),lfi(sNg),lfi(tNg),lfi(uNg),lfi(vNg),lfi(wNg),lfi(xNg),lfi(zNg),lfi(
var sVi,tVi,uVi;function xVi(d,a,e,c){var b;if(d.length!=c){return false}for(b=0;b<c;++b){if(d.charCodeAt(b)!=a[e+b]){return false}}return true}
function yVi(d,e){var a,b,c;if(e==null){return false}if(d.length!=e.length){return false}for(c=0;c<d.length;++c){a=d.charCodeAt(c);b=e.charCodeAt(c);if(b>=65&&b<=90){b+=32}if(a!=b){return false}}return true}
function zVi(d,e){var a,b,c;if(e==null){return false}if(d.length>e.length){return false}for(c=0;c<d.length;++c){a=d.charCodeAt(c);b=e.charCodeAt(c);if(b>=65&&b<=90){b+=32}if(a!=b){return false}}return true}
function CVi(j,c,f,d,e,h,i,b,g,a){j.c=c;j.d=d;j.g=g;j.f=f;j.e=e;j.i=h;j.j=i;j.b=b;j.a=a;j.h=1;return j}
function DVi(d,c,a,b){d.c=a.d;d.d=a.e;d.g=a.e;d.f=c;d.e=b;d.i=a.f;d.j=a.g;d.b=a.c;d.a=null;d.h=1;return d}
function aWi(e,d,b,c,a){e.c=b.d;e.d=b.e;e.g=b.e;e.f=d;e.e=c;e.i=b.f;e.j=b.g;e.b=b.c;e.a=a;e.h=1;return e}
function EVi(e,c,a,b,d){e.c=a.d;e.d=a.e;e.g=d;e.f=c;e.e=b;e.i=a.f;e.j=a.g;e.b=a.c;e.a=null;e.h=1;return e}
function FVi(f,c,a,b,d,e){f.c=a.d;f.d=a.e;f.g=d;f.f=c;f.e=b;f.i=e;f.j=false;f.b=false;f.a=null;f.h=1;return f}
function cWi(){return u_h}
function dWi(){return this.d}
function AVi(){}
_=AVi.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=cWi;_.tS=dWi;_.tI=38;_.a=null;_.b=false;_.c=0;_.d=null;_.e=null;_.f=null;_.g=null;_.h=1;_.i=false;_.j=false;function q0i(d,a,c,b){d.a=a;d.c=c;d.b=b;return d}
function r0i(b,a){if(a&&b.a[b.c]==10){++b.c}}
function u0i(){return x_h}
function p0i(){}
_=p0i.prototype=new xdi();_.gC=u0i;_.tI=39;_.a=null;_.b=0;_.c=0;function z0i(b,a){b.b=a;b.a=null;return b}
function B0i(b){var a;a=b.b;if(a==null&&!!b.a){return b.a.b}else{return a}}
function C0i(){return y_h}
function D0i(){return B0i(this)}
function E0i(){if(this.a){return agi(this.a)}else{return agi(this)}}
function y0i(){}
_=y0i.prototype=new Aci();_.gC=C0i;_.Bb=D0i;_.tS=E0i;_.tI=40;_.a=null;function a1i(c,b,a){c.b=b;c.a=null;if(a){lUi(a);kUi(a)}else{}return c}
function b1i(d,c,b,a){d.b=c;d.a=a;if(b){lUi(b);kUi(b)}else{}return d}
function d1i(){return z_h}
function F0i(){}
_=F0i.prototype=new y0i();_.gC=d1i;_.tI=41;function Cbi(){!!$stats&&$stats({moduleName:$moduleName,subSystem:iIh,evtGroup:jIh,millis:(new Date()).getTime(),type:kIh,className:lIh});Envjs.parseHtmlDocument=xni}
__defineParser__=function gwtOnLoad(b,d,c){$moduleName=d;$moduleBase=c;if(b)try{Cbi()}catch(a){b(d)}else{Cbi()}}
function v0i(){}
var k$h=jci(mIh,nIh),b$h=jci(pIh,qIh),q$h=jci(mIh,rIh),g$h=jci(mIh,sIh),l$h=jci(mIh,tIh),E9h=jci(uIh,vIh),F9h=jci(uIh,wIh),D_h=ici(xIh,yIh),f$h=jci(mIh,AIh),dai=ici(cNh,BIh),s$h=jci(CIh,DIh),A$h=jci(CIh,EIh),F$h=jci(CIh,FIh),a$h=jci(pIh,aJh),i$h=jci(mIh,bJh),c$h=jci(mIh,cJh),A_h=ici(cNh,dJh),e$h=jci(mIh,fJh),d$h=jci(mIh,gJh),h$h=jci(mIh,hJh),B_h=ici(cNh,iJh),j$h=jci(mIh,jJh),p$h=jci(mIh,aUh),m$h=jci(mIh,kJh),n$h=jci(mIh,lJh),o$h=jci(mIh,mJh),r$h=jci(mIh,nJh),C_h=ici(xIh,oJh),C$h=jci(CIh,qJh),x$h=jci(CIh,rJh),E$h=jci(CIh,sJh),u$h=jci(CIh,tJh),t$h=jci(CIh,uJh),B$h=jci(CIh,vJh),v$h=jci(CIh,wJh),w$h=jci(CIh,xJh),y$h=jci(CIh,yJh),z$h=jci(CIh,zJh),D$h=jci(CIh,BJh),a_h=jci(CIh,CJh),b_h=jci(CIh,DJh),e_h=jci(CIh,EJh),c_h=jci(CIh,FJh),d_h=jci(CIh,aKh),f_h=jci(CIh,bKh),g_h=kci(cKh,dKh),h_h=kci(cKh,eKh),i_h=kci(cKh,hKh),w_h=jci(iKh,jKh),p_h=jci(iKh,kKh),k_h=jci(lKh,mKh),j_h=jci(lKh,nKh),m_h=jci(lKh,oKh),l_h=jci(lKh,pKh),n_h=jci(lKh,qKh),bai=ici(cNh,sKh),E_h=ici(tKh,uKh),o_h=jci(iKh,vKh),F_h=ici(tKh,wKh),q_h=jci(iKh,xKh),v_h=jci(iKh,yKh),r_h=jci(iKh,zKh),s_h=jci(iKh,AKh),t_h=jci(iKh,BKh),cai=ici(cNh,DKh),u_h=jci(iKh,EKh),aai=ici(tKh,FKh),x_h=jci(iKh,aLh),y_h=jci(bLh,cLh),z_h=jci(bLh,dLh);if (true) { var __gwt_initHandlers = function(){}; }})();
* DOMParser
console.log('Error loading html 5 parser implementation');
}, 'nu_validator_htmlparser_HtmlParser', '');
/*DOMParser = function(principle, documentURI, baseURI){};
parseFromString: function(xmlstring, mimetype){
//console.log('DOMParser.parseFromString %s', mimetype);
var xmldoc = new Document(new DOMImplementation());
return XMLParser.parseDocument(xmlstring, xmldoc, mimetype);
XMLParser.parseDocument = function(xmlstring, xmldoc, mimetype){
var tmpdoc = new Document(new DOMImplementation()),
if(mimetype && mimetype == 'text/xml'){
//console.log('mimetype: text/xml');
tmpdoc.baseURI = '';
xmlstring = '<html><head></head><body>'+
'<envjs_1234567890 xmlns="envjs_1234567890">'
Envjs.parseHtmlDocument(xmlstring, tmpdoc, false, null, null);
parent = tmpdoc.getElementsByTagName('envjs_1234567890')[0];
Envjs.parseHtmlDocument(xmlstring, tmpdoc, false, null, null);
parent = tmpdoc.documentElement;
while(xmldoc.firstChild != null){
xmldoc.removeChild( xmldoc.firstChild );
while(parent.firstChild != null){
tmpNode = parent.removeChild( parent.firstChild );
importedNode = xmldoc.importNode( tmpNode, true);
xmldoc.appendChild( importedNode );
return xmldoc;
var __fragmentCache__ = {length:0},
__cachable__ = 255;
HTMLParser.parseDocument = function(htmlstring, htmldoc){
//console.log('HTMLParser.parseDocument %s', htmldoc.async);
htmldoc.parsing = true;
Envjs.parseHtmlDocument(htmlstring, htmldoc, htmldoc.async, null, null);
return htmldoc;
HTMLParser.parseFragment = function(htmlstring, element){
// fragment is allowed to be an element as well
var tmpdoc,
//console.log('parsing fragment: %s', htmlstring);
//console.log('__fragmentCache__.length %s', __fragmentCache__.length)
if( htmlstring.length > __cachable__ && htmlstring in __fragmentCache__){
tmpdoc = __fragmentCache__[htmlstring];
//console.log('parsing html fragment \n%s', htmlstring);
tmpdoc = new HTMLDocument(new DOMImplementation());
// Need some indicator that this document isn't THE document
// to fire off img.src change events and other items.
// Otherwise, what happens is the tmpdoc fires and img.src
// event, then when it's all imported to the original document
// it happens again.
tmpdoc.fragment = true;
//preserves leading white space
docstring = '<html><head></head><body>'+
'<envjs_1234567890 xmlns="envjs_1234567890">'
Envjs.parseHtmlDocument(docstring,tmpdoc, false, null,null);
if(htmlstring.length > __cachable__ ){
__fragmentCache__[htmlstring] = tmpdoc;
__fragmentCache__.length += htmlstring.length;
tmpdoc.cached = true;
tmpdoc.cached = false;
//parent is envjs_1234567890 element
parent = tmpdoc.body.childNodes[0];
while(element.firstChild != null){
//zap the elements children so we can import
element.removeChild( element.firstChild );
length = parent.childNodes.length;
importedNode = element.importNode( parent.childNodes[i], true );
element.appendChild( importedNode );
while(parent.firstChild != null){
tmpNode = parent.removeChild( parent.firstChild );
importedNode = element.importNode( tmpNode, true);
element.appendChild( importedNode );
// console.log('finished fragment: %s', element.outerHTML);
return element;
var __clearFragmentCache__ = function(){
__fragmentCache__ = {};
* @name Document
* @w3c:domlevel 2
* @uri
__extend__(Document.prototype, {
loadXML : function(xmlString) {
// create Document
if(this === document){
//$debug("Setting internal window.document");
document = this;
// populate Document
try {
// make sure this document object is empty before we try to load ...
this.attributes = new NamedNodeMap(this, this);
this._namespaces = new NamespaceNodeMap(this, this);
this._readonly = false;
XMLParser.parseDocument(xmlString, this);
} catch (e) {
return this;
__extend__(HTMLDocument.prototype, {
open : function() {
//console.log('opening doc for write.');
if (! this._writebuffer) {
this._writebuffer = [];
close : function() {
//console.log('closing doc.');
if (this._writebuffer) {
HTMLParser.parseDocument(this._writebuffer.join(''), this);
this._writebuffer = null;
//console.log('finished writing doc.');
write: function(htmlstring) {
//console.log('writing doc.');;
writeln: function(htmlstring) {;
this._writebuffer.push(htmlstring + '\n');
* elementPopped is called by the parser in two cases
* - an 'tag' is * complete (all children process and end tag, real or
* implied is * processed)
* - a replaceElement happens (this happens by making placeholder
* nodes and then the real one is swapped in.
var __elementPopped__ = function(ns, name, node){
//console.log('popped html element %s %s %s', ns, name, node);
var doc = node.ownerDocument,
case false:
//innerHTML so dont do loading patterns for parsing
//console.log('element popped (implies innerHTML) not in parsing mode %s', node.nodeName);
case true:
case '[object XMLDocument]':
case '[object HTMLDocument]':
case "":
//console.log('got script during parsing %s', node.textContent);
case null:
case "":
case "":
case 'script':
okay = Envjs.loadLocalScript(node, null);
// console.log('loaded script? %s %s', node.uuid, okay);
// only fire event if we actually had something to load
if (node.src && node.src.length > 0){
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent( okay ? "load" : "error", false, false );
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('error loading html element %s %s %s %e', ns, name, node, e.toString());
case 'frame':
case 'iframe':
node.contentWindow = { };
node.contentDocument = new HTMLDocument(new DOMImplementation(), node.contentWindow);
node.contentWindow.document = node.contentDocument;
node.contentDocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
if (node.src && node.src.length > 0){
//console.log("getting content document for (i)frame from %s", node.src);
Envjs.loadFrame(node, Envjs.uri(node.src));
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
//I dont like this being here:
//TODO: better mix-in strategy so the try/catch isnt required
//console.log('src/html/document.js: triggering frame load');
event = node.contentDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('error loading html element %s %e', node, e.toString());
if (node.src && node.src.length > 0){
//console.log("getting content document for (i)frame from %s", node.src);
Envjs.loadFrame(node, Envjs.uri(node.src));
event = node.ownerDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
node.dispatchEvent( event, false );
//console.log('src/parser/htmldocument: triggering frame load (no src)');
console.log('error loading html element %s %s %s %e', ns, name, node, e.toString());
case 'link':
if (node.href) {
__loadLink__(node, node.href);
case 'option':
case 'img':
if (node.src){
__loadImage__(node, node.src);
case 'html':
//console.log('html popped');
doc.parsing = false;
//DOMContentLoaded event
event = doc.createEvent('Events');
event.initEvent("DOMContentLoaded", false, false);
doc.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('%s', e);
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
doc.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('%s', e);
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
doc.parentWindow.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('%s', e);
if(doc === window.document){
//console.log('triggering window.load')
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
window.dispatchEvent( event, false );
console.log('%s', e);
//console.log('%s', e);
//console.log('%s onload', node);
}//switch on name
}//switch on ns
console.log('element popped: %s %s', ns, name, node.ownerDocument+'');
}//switch on doc type
}//switch on parsing
set innerHTML(html){
HTMLParser.parseFragment(html, this);
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* Envjs xhr.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* Parts of the implementation originally written by Yehuda Katz.
* This file simply provides the global definitions we need to
* be able to correctly implement to core browser (XML)HTTPRequest
* interfaces.
var Location,
* Envjs xhr.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @author john resig
//from jQuery
function __setArray__( target, array ) {
// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
target.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply( target, array );
* @author ariel flesler
* @param {Object} str
function __trim__( str ){
return (str || "").replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" );
* @todo: document
load: function(url){
if(this.documentURI == 'about:html'){
}else if(this.documentURI == url){
get location(){
return new Location(this.documentURI, this);
set location(url){
//very important or you will go into an infinite
//loop when creating a xml document
if(url) {
HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit = function(){
var event = __submit__(this),
serialized = __formSerialize__(this);
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
method = this.method !== ""?this.method:"GET";
action = this.action !== ""?this.action:this.ownerDocument.baseURI;, action, false);
xhr.send(data, false);
if(xhr.readyState === 4){
__exchangeHTMLDocument__(this.ownerDocument, xhr.responseText, url);
* Form Submissions
* This code is borrow largely from jquery.params and jquery.form.js
* formToArray() gathers form element data into an array of objects that can
* be passed to any of the following ajax functions: $.get, $.post, or load.
* Each object in the array has both a 'name' and 'value' property. An example of
* an array for a simple login form might be:
* [ { name: 'username', value: 'jresig' }, { name: 'password', value: 'secret' } ]
* It is this array that is passed to pre-submit callback functions provided to the
* ajaxSubmit() and ajaxForm() methods.
* The semantic argument can be used to force form serialization in semantic order.
* This is normally true anyway, unless the form contains input elements of type='image'.
* If your form must be submitted with name/value pairs in semantic order and your form
* contains an input of type='image" then pass true for this arg, otherwise pass false
* (or nothing) to avoid the overhead for this logic.
* @name formToArray
* @param semantic true if serialization must maintain strict semantic ordering of elements (slower)
* @type Array<Object>
var __formToArray__ = function(form, semantic) {
var array = [],
elements = semantic ? form.getElementsByTagName('*') : form.elements,
i,j,imax, jmax,
if (!elements) {
return array;
imax = elements.length;
for(i=0; i < imax; i++) {
element = elements[i];
name =;
if (!name) {
if (semantic && form.clk && element.type === "image") {
// handle image inputs on the fly when semantic == true
if(!element.disabled && form.clk == element) {
name: name+'.x',
value: form.clk_x
name: name+'.y',
value: form.clk_y
value = __fieldValue__(element, true);
if (value && value.constructor == Array) {
jmax = value.length;
for(j=0; j < jmax; j++){
array.push({name: name, value: value[j]});
} else if (value !== null && typeof value != 'undefined'){
array.push({name: name, value: value});
if (!semantic && form.clk) {
// input type=='image' are not found in elements array! handle them here
elements = form.getElementsByTagName("input");
imax = imax=elements.length;
for(i=0; i < imax; i++) {
element = elements[i];
name =;
if(name && !element.disabled && element.type == "image" && form.clk == input) {
{name: name+'.x', value: form.clk_x},
{name: name+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
return array;
* Serializes form data into a 'submittable' string. This method will return a string
* in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
* The semantic argument can be used to force form serialization in semantic order.
* If your form must be submitted with name/value pairs in semantic order then pass
* true for this arg, otherwise pass false (or nothing) to avoid the overhead for
* this logic (which can be significant for very large forms).
* @name formSerialize
* @param semantic true if serialization must maintain strict semantic ordering of elements (slower)
* @type String
var __formSerialize__ = function(form, semantic) {
//hand off to param for proper encoding
return __param__(__formToArray__(form, semantic));
* Serializes all field elements inputs Array into a query string.
* This method will return a string in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
* The successful argument controls whether or not serialization is limited to
* 'successful' controls (per
* The default value of the successful argument is true.
* @name fieldSerialize
* @param successful true if only successful controls should be serialized (default is true)
* @type String
var __fieldSerialize__ = function(inputs, successful) {
var array = [],
i,j, imax, jmax;
imax = inputs.length;
for(i=0; i<imax; i++){
input = inputs[i];
name =;
if (!name) {
return '';
value = __fieldValue__(input, successful);
if (value && value.constructor == Array) {
jmax = value.length;
for (j=0; j < jmax; j++){
name: name,
value: value[j]
}else if (value !== null && typeof value != 'undefined'){
value: value
//hand off for proper encoding
return __param__(array);
* Returns the value(s) of the element in the matched set. For example, consider the following form:
* The successful argument controls whether or not the field element must be 'successful'
* (per
* The default value of the successful argument is true. If this value is false the value(s)
* for each element is returned.
* Note: This method *always* returns an array. If no valid value can be determined the
* array will be empty, otherwise it will contain one or more values.
* @name fieldValue
* @param Boolean successful true if only the values for successful controls
* should be returned (default is true)
* @type Array<String>
var __fieldValues__ = function(inputs, successful) {
var i,
imax = inputs.length,
values = [],
for (i=0; i < imax; i++) {
element = inputs[i];
value = __fieldValue__(element, successful);
if (value === null || typeof value == 'undefined' ||
(value.constructor == Array && !value.length)) {
if (value.constructor == Array) {
Array.prototype.push(values, value);
} else {
return values;
* Returns the value of the field element.
* The successful argument controls whether or not the field element must be 'successful'
* (per
* The default value of the successful argument is true. If the given element is not
* successful and the successful arg is not false then the returned value will be null.
* Note: If the successful flag is true (default) but the element is not successful, the return will be null
* Note: The value returned for a successful select-multiple element will always be an array.
* Note: If the element has no value the return value will be undefined.
* @name fieldValue
* @param Element el The DOM element for which the value will be returned
* @param Boolean successful true if value returned must be for a successful controls (default is true)
* @type String or Array<String> or null or undefined
var __fieldValue__ = function(element, successful) {
var name =,
type = element.type,
tag = element.tagName.toLowerCase(),
i, imax,
if (typeof successful == 'undefined') {
successful = true;
if (successful && (!name || element.disabled || type == 'reset' || type == 'button' ||
(type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio') && !element.checked ||
(type == 'submit' || type == 'image') &&
element.form && element.form.clk != element || tag === 'select' &&
element.selectedIndex === -1)) {
return null;
if (tag === 'select') {
index = element.selectedIndex;
if (index < 0) {
return null;
array = [];
options = element.options;
one = (type == 'select-one');
imax = (one ? index+1 : options.length);
i = (one ? index : 0);
for( i; i < imax; i++) {
option = options[i];
if (option.selected) {
value = option.value;
if (one) {
return value;
return array;
return element.value;
* Clears the form data. Takes the following actions on the form's input fields:
* - input text fields will have their 'value' property set to the empty string
* - select elements will have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
* - checkbox and radio inputs will have their 'checked' property set to false
* - inputs of type submit, button, reset, and hidden will *not* be effected
* - button elements will *not* be effected
* @name clearForm
var __clearForm__ = function(form) {
var i,
j, jmax,
resetable = ['input','select','textarea'];
for(i=0; i<resetable.length; i++){
elements = form.getElementsByTagName(resetable[i]);
jmax = elements.length;
* Clears the selected form element. Takes the following actions on the element:
* - input text fields will have their 'value' property set to the empty string
* - select elements will have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
* - checkbox and radio inputs will have their 'checked' property set to false
* - inputs of type submit, button, reset, and hidden will *not* be effected
* - button elements will *not* be effected
* @name clearFields
var __clearField__ = function(element) {
var type = element.type,
tag = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (type == 'text' || type == 'password' || tag === 'textarea') {
element.value = '';
} else if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio') {
element.checked = false;
} else if (tag === 'select') {
element.selectedIndex = -1;
// Serialize an array of key/values into a query string
var __param__= function( array ) {
var i, serialized = [];
// Serialize the key/values
for(i=0; i<array.length; i++){
serialized[ serialized.length ] =
encodeURIComponent(array[i].name) + '=' +
// Return the resulting serialization
return serialized.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+");
* Location
* Mozilla MDC:
* HTML5: 6.10.4 The Location interface
* HTML5: 2.5.3 Interfaces for URL manipulation
* All of section 2.5 is worth reading, but 2.5.3 contains very
* detailed information on how getters/setter should work
* HTML5: Section Security -- prevents scripts from another domain
* from accessing most of the 'Location'
* Not sure if anyone implements this in HTML4
Location = function(url, doc, history) {
//console.log('Location url %s', url);
var $url = url,
$document = doc ? doc : null,
$history = history ? history : null;
var parts = Envjs.urlsplit($url);
return {
get hash() {
return parts.fragment ? '#' + parts.fragment : parts.fragment;
set hash(s) {
if (s[0] === '#') {
parts.fragment = s.substr(1);
} else {
parts.fragment = s;
$url = Envjs.urlunsplit(parts);
if ($history) {
$history.add($url, 'hash');
get host() {
return parts.netloc;
set host(s) {
if (!s || s === '') {
parts.netloc = s;
$url = Envjs.urlunsplit(parts);
// this regenerates hostname & port
parts = Envjs.urlsplit($url);
if ($history) {
$history.add( $url, 'host');
get hostname() {
return parts.hostname;
set hostname(s) {
if (!s || s === '') {
parts.netloc = s;
if (parts.port != '') {
parts.netloc += ':' + parts.port;
parts.hostname = s;
$url = Envjs.urlunsplit(parts);
if ($history) {
$history.add( $url, 'hostname');
get href() {
return $url;
set href(url) {
$url = url;
if ($history) {
$history.add($url, 'href');
get pathname() {
return parts.path;
set pathname(s) {
if (s[0] === '/') {
parts.path = s;
} else {
parts.path = '/' + s;
$url = Envjs.urlunsplit(parts);
if ($history) {
$history.add($url, 'pathname');
get port() {
// make sure it's a string
return '' + parts.port;
set port(p) {
// make a string
var s = '' + p;
parts.port = s;
parts.netloc = parts.hostname + ':' + parts.port;
$url = Envjs.urlunsplit(parts);
if ($history) {
$history.add( $url, 'port');
get protocol() {
return parts.scheme + ':';
set protocol(s) {
var i = s.indexOf(':');
if (i != -1) {
s = s.substr(0,i);
parts.scheme = s;
$url = Envjs.urlunsplit(parts);
if ($history) {
$history.add($url, 'protocol');
get search() {
return (parts.query) ? '?' + parts.query : parts.query;
set search(s) {
if (s[0] == '?') {
s = s.substr(1);
parts.query = s;
$url = Envjs.urlunsplit(parts);
if ($history) {
$history.add($url, 'search');
toString: function() {
return $url;
assign: function(url) {
var _this = this,
//console.log('assigning %s',url);
// update closure upvars
$url = url;
parts = Envjs.urlsplit($url);
//we can only assign if this Location is associated with a document
if ($document) {
//console.log('fetching %s (async? %s)', url, $document.async);
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// TODO: make async flag a Envjs paramter'GET', url, false);//$document.async);
// TODO: is there a better way to test if a node is an HTMLDocument?
if ($document.toString() === '[object HTMLDocument]') {
//tell the xhr to not parse the document as XML
//console.log('loading html document');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
//console.log('readyState %s', xhr.readyState);
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
$document.baseURI = new Location(url, $document);
//console.log('new document baseURI %s', $document.baseURI);
__exchangeHTMLDocument__($document, xhr.responseText, url);
xhr.send(null, false);
} else {
//Treat as an XMLDocument
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
$document = xhr.responseXML;
$document.baseURI = $url;
if ($document.createEvent) {
event = $document.createEvent('Event');
$document.dispatchEvent( event, false );
reload: function(forceget) {
//for now we have no caching so just proxy to assign
//console.log('reloading %s',$url);
replace: function(url) {
var __exchangeHTMLDocument__ = function(doc, text, url) {
var html, head, title, body, event, e;
try {
doc.baseURI = url;
HTMLParser.parseDocument(text, doc);
} catch (e) {
console.log('parsererror %s', e);
try {
console.log('document \n %s', doc.documentElement.outerHTML);
} catch (e) {
// swallow
doc = new HTMLDocument(new DOMImplementation(), doc.ownerWindow);
html = doc.createElement('html');
head = doc.createElement('head');
title = doc.createElement('title');
body = doc.createElement('body');
body.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('' + e));
//console.log('default error document \n %s', doc.documentElement.outerHTML);
//DOMContentLoaded event
if (doc.createEvent) {
event = doc.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('DOMContentLoaded', false, false);
doc.dispatchEvent( event, false );
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent('load', false, false);
doc.dispatchEvent( event, false );
//finally fire the window.onload event
//TODO: this belongs in window.js which is a event
// event handler for DOMContentLoaded on document
try {
if (doc === window.document) {
console.log('triggering window.load');
event = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent('load', false, false);
window.dispatchEvent( event, false );
} catch (e) {
//console.log('window load event failed %s', e);
}; /* closes return {... */
* @class XMLHttpRequest
* @author Originally implemented by Yehuda Katz
// this implementation can be used without requiring a DOMParser
// assuming you dont try to use it to get xml/html documents
var domparser;
XMLHttpRequest = function(){
this.headers = {};
this.responseHeaders = {};
this.aborted = false;//non-standard
// defined by the standard:
// but not provided by Firefox. Safari and others do define it.
XMLHttpRequest.UNSENT = 0;
XMLHttpRequest.OPEN = 1;
XMLHttpRequest.LOADING = 3;
XMLHttpRequest.DONE = 4;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype = {
open: function(method, url, async, user, password){
//console.log('openning xhr %s %s %s', method, url, async);
this.readyState = 1;
this.async = (async === false)?false:true;
this.method = method || "GET";
this.url = Envjs.uri(url);
setRequestHeader: function(header, value){
this.headers[header] = value;
send: function(data, parsedoc/*non-standard*/){
var _this = this;
parsedoc = (parsedoc === undefined)?true:!!parsedoc;
function makeRequest(){
var cookie = Envjs.getCookies(_this.url);
_this.setRequestHeader('COOKIE', cookie);
Envjs.connection(_this, function(){
if (!_this.aborted){
var doc = null,
// try to parse the document if we havent explicitly set a
// flag saying not to and if we can assure the text at least
// starts with valid xml
if ( parsedoc && _this.responseText.match(/^\s*</) ) {
domparser = domparser||new DOMParser();
try {
//console.log("parsing response text into xml document");
doc = domparser.parseFromString(_this.responseText+"", 'text/xml');
} catch(e) {
//Envjs.error('response XML does not appear to be well formed xml', e);
console.warn('parseerror \n%s', e);
doc = document.implementation.createDocument('','error',null);
//Envjs.warn('response XML does not appear to be xml');
cookie = _this.getResponseHeader('SET-COOKIE');
Envjs.setCookie(_this.url, cookie);
console.warn("Failed to set cookie");
_this.__defineGetter__("responseXML", function(){
return doc;
}, data);
if (!_this.aborted){
if (this.async){
//TODO: what we really need to do here is rejoin the
// current thread and call onreadystatechange via
// setTimeout so the callback is essentially applied
// at the end of the current callstack
//console.log('requesting async: %s', this.url);
//console.log('requesting sync: %s', this.url);
abort: function(){
this.aborted = true;
onreadystatechange: function(){
//Instance specific
getResponseHeader: function(header){
//$debug('GETTING RESPONSE HEADER '+header);
var rHeader, returnedHeaders;
if (this.readyState < 3){
throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
} else {
returnedHeaders = [];
for (rHeader in this.responseHeaders) {
if (rHeader.match(new RegExp(header, "i"))) {
if (returnedHeaders.length){
//$debug('GOT RESPONSE HEADER '+returnedHeaders.join(", "));
return returnedHeaders.join(", ");
return null;
getAllResponseHeaders: function(){
var header, returnedHeaders = [];
if (this.readyState < 3){
throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
} else {
for (header in this.responseHeaders) {
returnedHeaders.push( header + ": " + this.responseHeaders[header] );
return returnedHeaders.join("\r\n");
async: true,
readyState: 0,
responseText: "",
status: 0,
statusText: ""
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT
* @todo: document
var Window,
* Envjs window.1.2.13
* Pure JavaScript Browser Environment
* By John Resig <> and the Envjs Team
* Copyright 2008-2010 John Resig, under the MIT License
* @author john resig
// Helper method for extending one object with another.
function __extend__(a,b) {
for ( var i in b ) {
var g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i);
if ( g || s ) {
if ( g ) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); }
if ( s ) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); }
} else {
a[i] = b[i];
} return a;
* @todo: document
get contentDocument(){
return this.contentWindow?
set src(value){
var event;
this.setAttribute('src', value);
if (this.parentNode && value && value.length > 0){
//console.log('loading frame %s', value);
Envjs.loadFrame(this, Envjs.uri(value));
//console.log('event frame load %s', value);
event = this.ownerDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent("load", false, false);
this.dispatchEvent( event, false );
* history.js
History = function(owner) {
var $current = 0,
$history = [null],
$owner = owner;
return {
go : function(target) {
if (typeof target === "number") {
target = $current + target;
if (target > -1 && target < $history.length){
if ($history[target].type === "hash") {
if ($owner.location) {
$owner.location.hash = $history[target].value;
} else {
if ($owner.location) {
$owner.location = $history[target].value;
$current = target;
} else {
//TODO: walk through the history and find the 'best match'?
get length() {
return $history.length;
back : function(count) {
if (count) {
} else {
get current() {
return this.item($current);
get previous() {
return this.item($current-1);
forward : function(count) {
if (count) {
} else {
item: function(idx) {
if (idx >= 0 && idx < $history.length) {
return $history[idx];
} else {
return null;
add: function(newLocation, type) {
//not a standard interface, we expose it to simplify
//history state modifications
if (newLocation !== $history[$current]) {
$history.slice(0, $current);
type: type || 'href',
value: newLocation
}; /* closes 'return {' */
* navigator.js
* Browser Navigator
Navigator = function(){
return {
get appCodeName(){
return Envjs.appCodeName;
get appName(){
return Envjs.appName;
get appVersion(){
return Envjs.version +" ("+
this.platform +"; "+
"U; "+//?
Envjs.os_name+" "+Envjs.os_arch+" "+Envjs.os_version+"; "+
(Envjs.lang?Envjs.lang:"en-US")+"; "+
get cookieEnabled(){
return true;
get mimeTypes(){
return [];
get platform(){
return Envjs.platform;
get plugins(){
return [];
get userAgent(){
return this.appCodeName + "/" + this.appVersion + " " + this.appName;
javaEnabled : function(){
return Envjs.javaEnabled;
* Screen
* @param {Object} __window__
Screen = function(__window__){
var $availHeight = 600,
$availWidth = 800,
$colorDepth = 16,
$pixelDepth = 24,
$height = 600,
$width = 800,
$top = 0,
$left = 0,
$availTop = 0,
$availLeft = 0;
__extend__( __window__, {
moveBy : function(dx,dy){
//TODO - modify $locals to reflect change
moveTo : function(x,y) {
//TODO - modify $locals to reflect change
/*print : function(){
//TODO - good global to modify to ensure print is not misused
resizeBy : function(dw, dh){
__window__resizeTo($width + dw, $height + dh);
resizeTo : function(width, height){
$width = (width <= $availWidth) ? width : $availWidth;
$height = (height <= $availHeight) ? height : $availHeight;
scroll : function(x,y){
//TODO - modify $locals to reflect change
scrollBy : function(dx, dy){
//TODO - modify $locals to reflect change
scrollTo : function(x,y){
//TODO - modify $locals to reflect change
return {
get top(){
return $top;
get left(){
return $left;
get availTop(){
return $availTop;
get availLeft(){
return $availLeft;
get availHeight(){
return $availHeight;
get availWidth(){
return $availWidth;
get colorDepth(){
return $colorDepth;
get pixelDepth(){
return $pixelDepth;
get height(){
return $height;
get width(){
return $width;
* Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Galbreath
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
/* base64 encode/decode compatible with window.btoa/atob
* window.atob/btoa is a Firefox extension to convert binary data (the "b")
* to base64 (ascii, the "a").
* It is also found in Safari and Chrome. It is not available in IE.
* if (!window.btoa) window.btoa = base64.encode
* if (!window.atob) window.atob = base64.decode
* The original spec's for atob/btoa are a bit lacking
* window.btoa and base64.encode takes a string where charCodeAt is [0,255]
* If any character is not [0,255], then an DOMException(5) is thrown.
* window.atob and base64.decode take a base64-encoded string
* If the input length is not a multiple of 4, or contains invalid characters
* then an DOMException(5) is thrown.
var base64 = {};
base64.PADCHAR = '=';
base64.ALPHA = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
base64.makeDOMException = function() {
// sadly in FF,Safari,Chrome you can't make a DOMException
var e, tmp;
try {
return new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR);
} catch (tmp) {
// not available, just passback a duck-typed equiv
var ex = new Error("DOM Exception 5");
// ex.number and ex.description is IE-specific.
ex.code = ex.number = 5; = ex.description = "INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR";
// Safari/Chrome output format
ex.toString = function() { return 'Error: ' + + ': ' + ex.message; };
return ex;
base64.getbyte64 = function(s,i) {
// This is oddly fast, except on Chrome/V8.
// Minimal or no improvement in performance by using a
// object with properties mapping chars to value (eg. 'A': 0)
var idx = base64.ALPHA.indexOf(s.charAt(i));
if (idx === -1) {
throw base64.makeDOMException();
return idx;
base64.decode = function(s) {
// convert to string
s = '' + s;
var getbyte64 = base64.getbyte64;
var pads, i, b10;
var imax = s.length;
if (imax === 0) {
return s;
if (imax % 4 !== 0) {
throw base64.makeDOMException();
pads = 0;
if (s.charAt(imax - 1) === base64.PADCHAR) {
pads = 1;
if (s.charAt(imax - 2) === base64.PADCHAR) {
pads = 2;
// either way, we want to ignore this last block
imax -= 4;
var x = [];
for (i = 0; i < imax; i += 4) {
b10 = (getbyte64(s,i) << 18) | (getbyte64(s,i+1) << 12) |
(getbyte64(s,i+2) << 6) | getbyte64(s,i+3);
x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10 >> 16, (b10 >> 8) & 0xff, b10 & 0xff));
switch (pads) {
case 1:
b10 = (getbyte64(s,i) << 18) | (getbyte64(s,i+1) << 12) | (getbyte64(s,i+2) << 6);
x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10 >> 16, (b10 >> 8) & 0xff));
case 2:
b10 = (getbyte64(s,i) << 18) | (getbyte64(s,i+1) << 12);
x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10 >> 16));
return x.join('');
base64.getbyte = function(s,i) {
var x = s.charCodeAt(i);
if (x > 255) {
throw base64.makeDOMException();
return x;
base64.encode = function(s) {
if (arguments.length !== 1) {
throw new SyntaxError("Not enough arguments");
var padchar = base64.PADCHAR;
var alpha = base64.ALPHA;
var getbyte = base64.getbyte;
var i, b10;
var x = [];
// convert to string
s = '' + s;
var imax = s.length - s.length % 3;
if (s.length === 0) {
return s;
for (i = 0; i < imax; i += 3) {
b10 = (getbyte(s,i) << 16) | (getbyte(s,i+1) << 8) | getbyte(s,i+2);
x.push(alpha.charAt(b10 >> 18));
x.push(alpha.charAt((b10 >> 12) & 0x3F));
x.push(alpha.charAt((b10 >> 6) & 0x3f));
x.push(alpha.charAt(b10 & 0x3f));
switch (s.length - imax) {
case 1:
b10 = getbyte(s,i) << 16;
x.push(alpha.charAt(b10 >> 18) + alpha.charAt((b10 >> 12) & 0x3F) +
padchar + padchar);
case 2:
b10 = (getbyte(s,i) << 16) | (getbyte(s,i+1) << 8);
x.push(alpha.charAt(b10 >> 18) + alpha.charAt((b10 >> 12) & 0x3F) +
alpha.charAt((b10 >> 6) & 0x3f) + padchar);
return x.join('');
//These descriptions of window properties are taken loosely David Flanagan's
//'JavaScript - The Definitive Guide' (O'Reilly)
var __windows__ = {};
var __top__ = function(_scope){
var _parent = _scope.parent;
while (_scope && _parent && _scope !== _parent) {
if (_parent === _parent.parent) {
_parent = _parent.parent;
//console.log('scope %s _parent %s', scope, _parent);
return _parent || null;
* Window
* @param {Object} scope
* @param {Object} parent
* @param {Object} opener
Window = function(scope, parent, opener){
// the window property is identical to the self property and to this obj
//var proxy = new Envjs.proxy(scope, parent);
//scope.__proxy__ = proxy;
scope.__defineGetter__('window', function(){
return scope;
var $uuid = new Date().getTime()+'-'+Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000000000000);
__windows__[$uuid] = scope;
//console.log('opening window %s', $uuid);
// every window has one-and-only-one .document property which is always
// an [object HTMLDocument]. also, only window.document objects are
// html documents, all other documents created by the window.document are
// [object XMLDocument]
var $htmlImplementation = new DOMImplementation();
$htmlImplementation.namespaceAware = true;
$htmlImplementation.errorChecking = false;
// read only reference to the Document object
var $document = new HTMLDocument($htmlImplementation, scope);
// A read-only reference to the Window object that contains this window
// or frame. If the window is a top-level window, parent refers to
// the window itself. If this window is a frame, this property refers
// to the window or frame that contains it.
var $parent = parent;
/**> $cookies - see cookie.js <*/
// read only boolean specifies whether the window has been closed
var $closed = false;
// a read/write string that specifies the default message that
// appears in the status line
var $defaultStatus = "Done";
// IE only, refers to the most recent event object - this maybe be
// removed after review
var $event = null;
// a read-only reference to the History object
var $history = new History();
// a read-only reference to the Location object. the location object does
// expose read/write properties
var $location = new Location('about:blank', $document, $history);
// The name of window/frame. Set directly, when using open(), or in frameset.
// May be used when specifying the target attribute of links
var $name = null;
// a read-only reference to the Navigator object
var $navigator = new Navigator();
// a read/write reference to the Window object that contained the script
// that called open() to open this browser window. This property is valid
// only for top-level window objects.
var $opener = opener?opener:null;
// read-only properties that specify the height and width, in pixels
var $innerHeight = 600, $innerWidth = 800;
// Read-only properties that specify the total height and width, in pixels,
// of the browser window. These dimensions include the height and width of
// the menu bar, toolbars, scrollbars, window borders and so on. These
// properties are not supported by IE and IE offers no alternative
// properties;
var $outerHeight = $innerHeight,
$outerWidth = $innerWidth;
// Read-only properties that specify the number of pixels that the current
// document has been scrolled to the right and down. These are not
// supported by IE.
var $pageXOffset = 0, $pageYOffset = 0;
// a read-only reference to the Screen object that specifies information
// about the screen: the number of available pixels and the number of
// available colors.
var $screen = new Screen(scope);
// read only properties that specify the coordinates of the upper-left
// corner of the screen.
var $screenX = 1,
$screenY = 1;
var $screenLeft = $screenX,
$screenTop = $screenY;
// a read/write string that specifies the current status line.
var $status = '';
__extend__(scope, EventTarget.prototype);
return __extend__( scope, {
get closed(){
return $closed;
get defaultStatus(){
return $defaultStatus;
set defaultStatus(defaultStatus){
$defaultStatus = defaultStatus;
get document(){
return $document;
set document(doc){
$document = doc;
deprecated ie specific property probably not good to support
get event(){
return $event;
get frames(){
return new HTMLCollection($document.getElementsByTagName('frame'));
get length(){
// should be frames.length,
return this.frames.length;
get history(){
return $history;
get innerHeight(){
return $innerHeight;
get innerWidth(){
return $innerWidth;
get clientHeight(){
return $innerHeight;
get clientWidth(){
return $innerWidth;
get location(){
return $location;
set location(uri){
uri = Envjs.uri(uri);
//new Window(this, this.parent, this.opener);
if($location.href == uri){
}else if($location.href == 'about:blank'){
get name(){
return $name;
set name(newName){
$name = newName;
get navigator(){
return $navigator;
get opener(){
return $opener;
get outerHeight(){
return $outerHeight;
get outerWidth(){
return $outerWidth;
get pageXOffest(){
return $pageXOffset;
get pageYOffset(){
return $pageYOffset;
get parent(){
return $parent;
get screen(){
return $screen;
get screenLeft(){
return $screenLeft;
get screenTop(){
return $screenTop;
get screenX(){
return $screenX;
get screenY(){
return $screenY;
get self(){
return scope;
get status(){
return $status;
set status(status){
$status = status;
// a read-only reference to the top-level window that contains this window.
// If this window is a top-level window it is simply a reference to itself.
// If this window is a frame, the top property refers to the top-level
// window that contains the frame.
get top(){
return __top__(scope);
get window(){
return this;
toString : function(){
return '[Window]';
* getComputedStyle
* Firefox 3.6:
* - Requires both elements to be present else an
* exception is thrown.
* - Returns a 'ComputedCSSStyleDeclaration' object.
* while a raw returns a 'CSSStyleDeclaration' object.
* - Bogus input also throws exception
* Safari 4:
* - Requires one argument (second can be MIA)
* - Returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object
* - if bad imput, returns null
* getComputedStyle should really be an "add on" from the css
* modules. Unfortunately, 'window' comes way after the 'css'
* so css can't add it.
getComputedStyle: function(element, pseudoElement) {
open: function(url, name, features, replace){
if (features) {
console.log("'features argument not yet implemented");
var _window = Envjs.proxy({}),
if(replace && name){
for(open in __windows__){
if( === name) {
_window = open;
new Window(_window, _window, this);
if(name) { = name;
_window.document.async = false;
return _window;
close: function(){
//console.log('closing window %s', __windows__[$uuid]);
delete __windows__[$uuid];
alert : function(message){
confirm : function(question){
prompt : function(message, defaultMsg){
Envjs.prompt(message, defaultMsg);
btoa: function(binary){
return base64.encode(binary);
atob: function(ascii){
return base64.decode(ascii);
onload: function(){},
onunload: function(){},
get guid(){
return $uuid;
//finally pre-supply the window with the window-like environment
//console.log('Default Window');
new Window(__this__, __this__);
console.log('[ %s ]',window.navigator.userAgent);
* @param {Object} event
'submit': function(event) {
var target =;
while (target && target.nodeName !== 'FORM') {
target = target.parentNode;
if (target && target.nodeName === 'FORM') {
'click': function(event) {
// console.log('handling event target default behavior for click');
* @author john resig & the envjs team
* @uri
* @copyright 2008-2010
* @license MIT