const hltb = require('howlongtobeat') const hltbService = new hltb.HowLongToBeatService() const { getFiles } = require('./../file-utils'); const fs = require('fs').promises; const got = require("got"); const {promisify} = require('util'); const frontMatterParser = require('parser-front-matter'); const parse = promisify(frontMatterParser.parse.bind(frontMatterParser)); const exec = promisify(require('child_process').exec); const stream = require('stream'); const pipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline); const { createWriteStream } = require("fs"); async function loadPostsWithFrontMatter(postsDirectoryPath) { const postNames = await getFiles(postsDirectoryPath); const posts = await Promise.all( // could be .DS_Store stuff found using recursive function above... postNames.filter(name => name.endsWith('.md')).map(async fileName => { const fileContent = await fs.readFile(fileName, 'utf8'); const {content, data} = await parse(fileContent); return { game: data.game_name, howlongtobeat_id: data.howlongtobeat_id, file: fileName } }) ); return posts; } async function downloadThumbnail(url, id, dir) { if(url.startsWith('/')) { url = `${url}` } console.log(` --- downloading thumbnail ${url} of id ${id}...`) await pipeline(, createWriteStream(`${dir}/${id}.jpg`) ) } async function fillInHowLongToBeat(posts, downloadDir) { for(post of posts) { const results = await if(results.length > 0) { const game = results[0] post.howlongtobeat = game.gameplayMain post.howlongtobeat_id = if(downloadDir) { await downloadThumbnail(game.imageUrl,, downloadDir) const { stdout, stderr } = await exec(`mogrify -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -interlace JPEG -format jpg -colorspace sRGB ${downloadDir}/${}.jpg`) if(stderr) { console.log(`-- WARN: unable to mogrify downloaded JPG: ${stderr}`) } } } } } async function run(options) { const { postDir, downloadDir } = options console.log(`-- SCANNING posts in ${postDir} for "game_name" key... --`) let posts = await loadPostsWithFrontMatter(postDir) console.log(` >> Found ${posts.length}`) posts = posts.filter(post => && !post.howlongtobeat_id) console.log(` >> ToProcess: ${posts.length}`) await fillInHowLongToBeat(posts, downloadDir) for(post of posts) { let data = await fs.readFile(post.file, 'utf8') // just in case it's there, do not duplicate keys! data = data.replace(/howlongtobeat_id:(.*)\n/, '') data = data.replace(/nhowlongtobeat_hrs:(.*)\n/, '') data = data.replace(/game_name:/, `howlongtobeat_id: ${post.howlongtobeat_id}\nhowlongtobeat_hrs: ${post.howlongtobeat}\ngame_name:`) console.log(`\tFound game ${}, how long filling in: ${post.howlongtobeat} (id #${post.howlongtobeat_id})`) await fs.writeFile(post.file, data, 'utf8') } console.log("-- DONE modifying files --") } module.exports = { howlong: run }