const { howlong } = require('../../src/howlongtobeat/howlong.js') const fs = require('fs'); const fsp = require('fs').promises; const { rmdir } = require('./../utils') const mdsample = `--- title: "wizardry 8 review" game_name: "Wizardry 8" --- blabla nice one 9/10 GG! ` jest.disableAutomock() jest.unmock('got') const dumpdir = `${__dirname}/howlong-stub` beforeEach(async () => { if(fs.existsSync(dumpdir)) { rmdir(dumpdir) } fs.mkdirSync(dumpdir) await fsp.writeFile(`${dumpdir}/`, mdsample, 'utf-8') }) test('howlong adds howlong to beat id and hours to frontmatter', async() => { await howlong({ postDir: dumpdir, downloadDir: dumpdir }) const actualmd = await fsp.readFile(`${dumpdir}/`, 'utf-8') expect(actualmd).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('howlong downloads the thumbnail as cover.jpg into respective downloaddir', async() => { await howlong({ postDir: dumpdir, downloadDir: dumpdir }) const actualmd = await fsp.readFile(`${dumpdir}/howlongtobeat-sample/cover.jpg`, 'utf-8') expect(actualmd).not.toBeUndefined() })