const got = require('got') const config = require('../config') const fsp = require('fs').promises const dayjs = require('dayjs') async function getSince(configfile) { let since = '' try { const fileContent = await fsp.readFile(configfile, 'utf8') since = JSON.parse(fileContent.toString()).since } catch(err) { // console.log(err) // we assume the file doesn't exist. See } return since } async function updateSince(configfile) { const since = new Date().toISOString() await fsp.writeFile(configfile, JSON.stringify({ since }, null, 2), 'utf-8') } async function sendWebmentions(domain, configfile) { const since = await getSince(configfile) const url = `${config.serveMyJamEndpoint}/webmention/${domain}/${config.serveMyJamToken}?since=${since}` // this is an async call and will return 202 to say "started sending them out". const result = await got.put(url) await updateSince(configfile) } module.exports = { sendWebmentions }