// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`mastodon feed parser tests parse creates correct MD structure 1`] = ` "--- source: \\"https://chat.brainbaking.com/objects/77a3ecfb-47e1-4d7a-a24a-8b779d80a8ac\\" context: \\"\\" title: \\"I pulled the Google plug and installed LineageOS: https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-ri...\\" date: \\"2021-03-01T19:03:35\\" --- I pulled the Google plug and installed LineageOS: https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/ Very impressed so far! Also rely on my own CalDAV server to replace GCalendar. Any others here running #lineageos for privacy reasons? " `;