const { thumbify } = require('../../src/youtube/thumbify.js') const fs = require('fs'); const fsp = require('fs').promises; const { rmdir } = require('./../utils') const { getFiles } = require('../../src/file-utils'); const dumpdir = `${__dirname}/youtubeposts-stub` jest.disableAutomock() jest.unmock('got') beforeEach(async () => { if(fs.existsSync(dumpdir)) { rmdir(dumpdir) } fs.mkdirSync(dumpdir) }) test('Posts without YouTube links downloads nothing', async () => { const md = `--- title: "wizardry 8 review" --- here's a post it doesn't contain a link, sorry... ` await fsp.writeFile(`${dumpdir}/`, md, 'utf-8') await thumbify({ postDir: dumpdir, downloadDir: dumpdir, overlayImg: `${__dirname}/play.png` }) const output = await getFiles(dumpdir) expect(output.length).toBe(1) }) test('Posts of which one youtube ID is invalid does carry on downloading the next', async () => { const md = `--- title: "wizardry 8 review" --- here's a post {{< youtube lol >}} tsjek it out nog ene {{< youtube OjKWKxYrUWs >}} cool vid eh? ` await fsp.writeFile(`${dumpdir}/`, md, 'utf-8') await thumbify({ postDir: dumpdir, downloadDir: dumpdir, overlayImg: `${__dirname}/play.png` }) const output = await getFiles(dumpdir) expect(output.length).toBe(2) }) test('Posts with multiple YouTube links download all thumbs', async () => { const md = `--- title: "wizardry 8 review" --- here's a post {{< youtube 7L-rDDGpYs0 >}} tsjek it out nog ene {{< youtube OjKWKxYrUWs >}} cool vid eh? ` await fsp.writeFile(`${dumpdir}/`, md, 'utf-8') await thumbify({ postDir: dumpdir, downloadDir: dumpdir, overlayImg: `${__dirname}/play.png` }) const output = await getFiles(dumpdir) expect(output.length).toBe(3) }) test('Posts with YouTube link in quotes downloads thumbs', async () => { const md = `--- title: "wizardry 8 review" --- here's a post {{< youtube "7L-rDDGpYs0" >}} cool vid eh? ` await fsp.writeFile(`${dumpdir}/`, md, 'utf-8') await thumbify({ postDir: dumpdir, downloadDir: dumpdir, overlayImg: `${__dirname}/play.png` }) const output = await getFiles(dumpdir) expect(output.length).toBe(2) })