# jam-my-stack 🥞 > A set of simple IndieWeb Jamstack publishing syndication tools Published at https://www.npmjs.com/package/jam-my-stack [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/jam-my-stack.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/jam-my-stack) These simple scripts **enrich your Jamstack-site** by adding/manipulating/whatever (meta)data, such as extra posts, indexing, and so forth. A primary example of these tools in action is my own site https://brainbaking.com - inspect how it's used at https://github.com/wgroeneveld/brainbaking ## The tools Usage: 1. `yarn add jam-my-stack` 2. `const { mastodon, goodreads, lunr } = require('jam-my-stack')` ### 1. Mastodon #### 1.1 `parseFeed` An async function that parses your Fediverse-compatible feed (Mastodon/Pleroma/...) and converts entries to `.md` Markdown files for your Jamstack to enjoy. Usage example: ```js await mastodon.parseFeed({ notesdir: `${__dirname}/content/notes`, url: "https://chat.brainbaking.com/users/wouter/feed" }) ``` Note that this **does not** delete the notes dir with every call. It simply checks if there isn't already a file with the same name (based on the publication date), and adds one if not. Example feed entry: ```xml http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/note http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post https://chat.brainbaking.com/objects/77a3ecfb-47e1-4d7a-a24a-8b779d80a8ac I pulled the Google plug and installed LineageOS: https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-ri... I pulled the Google plug and installed LineageOS: <a href="https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/" rel="ugc">https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/</a> Very impressed so far! Also rely on my own CalDAV server to replace GCalendar. Any others here running <a class="hashtag" data-tag="lineageos" href="https://chat.brainbaking.com/tag/lineageos" rel="tag ugc">#lineageos</a> for privacy reasons? 2021-03-01T19:03:35.273023Z 2021-03-01T19:03:35.273023Z https://chat.brainbaking.com/contexts/ff9aa62e-3357-41ad-951d-15f6ad506424 ``` This generates the file `01h20m3s35.md` (it uses your local timezone based on the `` tag - mine is GMT+1) with contents: ```md --- source: "https://chat.brainbaking.com/objects/77a3ecfb-47e1-4d7a-a24a-8b779d80a8ac" context: "" title: "I pulled the Google plug and installed LineageOS: https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-ri..." date: "2021-03-01T19:03:35" --- I pulled the Google plug and installed LineageOS: https://brainbaking.com/post/2021/03/getting-rid-of-tracking-using-lineageos/ Very impressed so far! Also rely on my own CalDAV server to replace GCalendar. Any others here running #lineageos for privacy reasons? ``` See implementation for more details and features. ### 2. Goodreads #### 2.1 `createWidget` An async function that reads and modifies Goodreads JS widget embed code, converting low-res book covers to hi-res ones if possible. This omits possible Goodread cookies and cross-domain mishaps. Usage example: ```js const widget = await goodreads.createWidget("https://www.goodreads.com/review/grid_widget/5451893.Wouter's%20bookshelf:%20read?cover_size=medium&hide_link=&hide_title=&num_books=12&order=d&shelf=read&sort=date_added&widget_id=1496758344") await fsp.writeFile(`${__dirname}/static/js/goodreads.js`, widget, 'utf-8') ``` ### 3. Lunr #### 3.1 `buildIndex` An async function that reads all `.md` files of certain locations (pass as an array `[]`), generating a [Lunr.js](https://lunrjs.com/) `.json` index object. Serialize it yourself wherever you'd like it to go. Usage example: ```js const index = await lunr.buildIndex([ `${__dirname}/content/post`, `${__dirname}/content/notes`]) await fsp.writeFile(`${__dirname}/static/js/brainbaking-post.json`, JSON.stringify(index), 'utf-8') ```