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package be.kuleuven.howlongtobeat.cartridges
object DuckDuckGoResultParser {
private val resultMatcher = """<a rel=".+" class="result__a" href=".+">(.+)</a>""".toRegex()
private val specialCharsToRemove = listOf(
"Get information and compare prices of",
"for Game Boy",
"Release Information",
"Game Boy Advance",
"Game Boy color",
"Game Boy",
"Game ",
fun parse(html: String, fromCode: String): Cartridge? {
// There are bound to be multiple results. Just fetch the first one as an educated guess
val matched = resultMatcher.find(html) ?: return null
var match = matched.groupValues[1]
.replace(fromCode.lowercase(), "")
specialCharsToRemove.forEach {
match = match.replace(it.lowercase(), "")
return Cartridge("Unknown", match.trim(), fromCode)