package import import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import import be.kuleuven.howlongtobeat.model.Todo import org.junit.After import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class TodoPersistenceTests { private lateinit var db: TodoDatabase private lateinit var dao: TodoDao @Before fun setUp() { val appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(appContext, .setQueryCallback(LogQueryCallBack(), CurrentThreadExecutor()) .build() db.clearAllTables() dao = db.todoDao() } @After fun tearDown() { db.close() } @Test fun todoItemCanBePersisted() { val item = Todo("brush my little pony", false) dao.insert(arrayListOf(item)) val refreshedItem = dao.query().single() with(refreshedItem) { assertEquals(item.title, title) assertEquals(item.isDone, isDone) assertEquals(1, id) } } @Test fun updateUpdatesTodoPropertiesInDb() { var todo = Todo("git good at Hollow Knight", false) dao.insert(arrayListOf(todo)) todo = dao.query().single() // refresh to get the ID, otherwise update() will update where ID = 0 finallyFinishHollowKnight(todo) dao.update(arrayListOf(todo)) val itemsFromDb = dao.query() assertEquals(1, itemsFromDb.size) with(itemsFromDb.single()) { assertEquals(todo.title, title) assertEquals(true, isDone) } } private fun finallyFinishHollowKnight(item: Todo) { println("Congrats! On to Demon Souls?") item.check() } }