
140 lines
3.9 KiB

package send
import (
type Sender struct {
RestClient rest.Client
Conf *common.Config
Repo db.MentionRepo
func (snder *Sender) sinceForDomain(domain string, since string) time.Time {
if since != "" {
return common.IsoToTime(since)
sinceConf, err := snder.Repo.Since(domain)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Str("domain", domain).Msg("No query param, and no config found. Reverting to beginning of time...")
return time.Time{}
return sinceConf
func (snder *Sender) updateSinceForDomain(domain string) {
snder.Repo.UpdateSince(domain, common.Now())
// SendSingle sends out webmentions serially for a single source.
// It does validate the relative path against the domain, which is supposed to be served using https.
func (snder *Sender) SendSingle(domain string, relSource string) {
source := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/%s", domain, relSource)
log.Info().Str("url", source).Msg(` OK: someone wants to send a single mention`)
_, html, err := snder.RestClient.GetBody(source)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("url", source).Msg("Unable to validate source, send aborted")
for _, href := range snder.collectUniqueHrefsFromHtml(html) {
if strings.HasPrefix(href, "http") {
Source: source,
Target: href,
// Send sends out multiple webmentions based on since and what's posted in the RSS feed.
// It first GETs domain/index.xml and goes from there.
func (snder *Sender) Send(domain string, since string) {
timeSince := snder.sinceForDomain(domain, since)
feedUrl := "https://" + domain + "/index.xml"
log.Info().Str("domain", domain).Time("since", timeSince).Msg(` OK: someone wants to send mentions`)
_, feed, err := snder.RestClient.GetBody(feedUrl)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("url", feedUrl).Msg("Unable to retrieve RSS feed, send aborted")
if err = snder.parseRssFeed(feed, timeSince); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("url", feedUrl).Msg("Unable to parse RSS feed, send aborted")
func (snder *Sender) parseRssFeed(feed string, since time.Time) error {
items, err := snder.Collect(feed, since)
if err != nil {
return err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
sema := make(chan struct{}, 20)
for _, item := range items {
for _, href := range item.hrefs {
if strings.HasPrefix(href, "http") {
mention := mf.Mention{
// SOURCE is own domain this time, TARGET = outbound
Source: item.link,
Target: href,
go func() {
sema <- struct{}{}
defer func() { <-sema }()
defer wg.Done()
return nil
var mentionFuncs = map[string]func(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string){
typeUnknown: func(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string) {},
typeWebmention: sendMentionAsWebmention,
typePingback: sendMentionAsPingback,
func (snder *Sender) sendMention(mention mf.Mention) {
endpoint, mentionType := snder.discover(mention.Target)
mentionFuncs[mentionType](snder, mention, endpoint)
func sendMentionAsWebmention(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string) {
err := snder.RestClient.PostForm(endpoint, mention.AsFormValues())
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("endpoint", endpoint).Stringer("wm", mention).Msg("Webmention send failed")
log.Info().Str("endpoint", endpoint).Stringer("wm", mention).Msg("OK: webmention sent.")
func sendMentionAsPingback(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string) {
pingbackSender := &send.Sender{
RestClient: snder.RestClient,
pingbackSender.SendPingbackToEndpoint(endpoint, mention)