package load import ( "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "os" "sort" "strings" "testing" ) // stress tests to see what concurrent disk access is like. Runs fine, even with 5000 runs and 100 files. // this means worker pools do not have to be implemented in FromDisk(). // However, if runs := 10000, some results are empty. At other times, even ioutil.ReadDir() panics... // The rate limiter should catch this, combined with a domain read lock in the caller. // Furthermore, a run of 1 and files of 50k breaks the OS without using a semaphore to limit the nr. of open files! func TestFromDiskStressTest(t *testing.T) { runs := 100 files := 100 os.MkdirAll("testdata/somedomain", os.ModePerm) defer os.RemoveAll("testdata") for i := 0; i < files; i++ { json := `{"author":{"name":"Jef Klakveld","picture":""},"name":"I much prefer Sonic Mania's Lock On to Belgium's t...","content":"I much prefer Sonic Mania’s Lock On to Belgium’s third Lock Down. Sigh. At least 16-bit 2D platformers make me smile:\n\n\n\nEnclosed Toot image","published":"2021-03-25T10:45:00","url":"","type":"mention","source":"","target":""}` ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("testdata/somedomain/%d.json", i), []byte(json), os.ModePerm) } amounts := make(chan int, runs) for i := 0; i < runs; i++ { go func(nr int) { data := FromDisk("somedomain", "testdata") itms := len(data.Data) fmt.Printf("From disk #%d - found %d items\n", nr, itms) amounts <- itms }(i) } fmt.Println("Asserting...") for i := 0; i < runs; i++ { actual := <-amounts assert.Equal(t, files, actual) } } func TestFromDiskReturnsAllJsonFilesFromDiskWrappedInResult(t *testing.T) { os.MkdirAll("testdata/somedomain", os.ModePerm) defer os.RemoveAll("testdata") json1 := `{"author":{"name":"Wouter Groeneveld","picture":""},"name":"I much prefer Sonic Mania's Lock On to Belgium's t...","content":"I much prefer Sonic Mania’s Lock On to Belgium’s third Lock Down. Sigh. At least 16-bit 2D platformers make me smile:\n\n\n\nEnclosed Toot image","published":"2021-03-25T10:45:00","url":"","type":"mention","source":"","target":""}` json2 := `{"author":{"name":"Jef Klakveld","picture":""},"name":"I much prefer Sonic Mania's Lock On to Belgium's t...","content":"I much prefer Sonic Mania’s Lock On to Belgium’s third Lock Down. Sigh. At least 16-bit 2D platformers make me smile:\n\n\n\nEnclosed Toot image","published":"2021-03-25T10:45:00","url":"","type":"mention","source":"","target":""}` ioutil.WriteFile("testdata/somedomain/testjson1.json", []byte(json1), os.ModePerm) ioutil.WriteFile("testdata/somedomain/testjson2.json", []byte(json2), os.ModePerm) result := FromDisk("somedomain", "testdata") sort.SliceStable(result.Data, func(i, j int) bool { comp := strings.Compare(result.Data[i].Author.Name, result.Data[j].Author.Name) if comp > 0 { return false } return true }) assert.Equal(t, "success", result.Status) assert.Equal(t, "Jef Klakveld", result.Data[0].Author.Name) assert.Equal(t, "Wouter Groeneveld", result.Data[1].Author.Name) }