# go-jammin' 🥞 Go module `brainbaking.com/go-jamming`: > A minimalistic Go-powered jamstack-augmented microservice for webmentions etc ✅️ **This is a fork of [https://github.com/wgroeneveld/serve-my-jams](serve-my-jams)**, the Node-powered original microservice, which is no longer being maintained. **Are you looking for a way to DO something with this?** See https://github.com/wgroeneveld/jam-my-stack ! This is a set of minimalistic Go-based microservices that aid you in your IndieWeb Jamstack coolness 😎 (name-dropping). While [jam-my-stack](https://github.com/wgroeneveld/jam-my-stack) is a set of scripts used to run at checkin-time, this is a dymamic service that handles requests. Inspect how it's used on https://brainbaking.com/ - usually, a `` in your `` suffices: ``` ``` If you want to support the older pingback protocol, you can leverage webmenton.io's forward capabilities. Although I developed this primarily because webmention.io is _not_ reliable - you've been warned. ## What's in it? ### 1. Webmentions #### 1.1 `POST /webmention` Receive a webmention. Includes a _lot_ of cross-checking and validating to guard against possible spam. See the [W3C WebMention spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/#sender-notifies-receiver) - or the source - for details. Accepted form format: ``` POST /webmention-endpoint HTTP/1.1 Host: aaronpk.example Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded source=https://waterpigs.example/post-by-barnaby& target=https://aaronpk.example/post-by-aaron ``` Will result in a `202 Accepted` - it handles things async. Stores in `.json` files in `data/domain`. #### 1.2 `GET /webmention/:domain/:token` Retrieves a JSON array with relevant webmentions stored for that domain. The token should match. See `config.js` to fiddle with it yourself. Environment variables are supported, although I haven't used them yet. #### 1.3 `PUT /webmention/:domain/:token` Sends out **both webmentions and pingbacks**, based on the domain's `index.xml` RSS feed, and optionally, a `since` request query parameter that is supposed to be a string, fed through [Dayjs](https://day.js.org/) to format. (e.g. `2021-03-16T16:00:00.000Z`). This does a couple of things: 1. Fetch RSS entries (since x, or everything) 2. Find outbound `href`s (starting with `http`) 3. Check if those domains have a `webmention` link endpoint installed, according to the w3.org rules. If not, check for a `pingback` endpoint. If not, bail out. 4. If webmention/pingback found: `POST` for each found href with `source` the own domain and `target` the outbound link found in the RSS feed, using either XML or form data according to the protocol. As with the `POST` call, will result in a `202 Accepted` and handles things async/in parallel. **Does this thing take updates into account**? Yes and no. It checks the `` `` RSS tag by default, but if a `