package external import ( "" "" "testing" "time" ) func TestTryImportPublishedDates(t *testing.T) { wmio := &WebmentionIOImporter{} cases := []struct { label string mention string expectedDate string }{ { "no dates reverts to first", `{ "links": [ { } ] }`, time.Time{}.Format(mf.DateFormatWithTimeZone), }, { "no published date reverts to verified date", `{ "links": [ { "verified_date": "2022-05-25T14:28:10+00:00" } ] }`, "2022-05-25T14:28:10+00:00", }, { "published date present takes preference over rest", `{ "links": [ { "data": { "published": "2020-01-25T14:28:10+00:00" }, "verified_date": "2022-05-25T14:28:10+00:00" } ] }`, "2020-01-25T14:28:10+00:00", }, } for _, tc := range cases { t.Run(tc.label, func(t *testing.T) { res, err := wmio.TryImport([]byte(tc.mention)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedDate, res[0].Published) }) } } func TestTryImportErrorIfInvalidFormat(t *testing.T) { wmio := &WebmentionIOImporter{} mention := `haha` _, err := wmio.TryImport([]byte(mention)) assert.Error(t, err) } func TestTryImportForLikeWithMissingAuthor(t *testing.T) { wmio := &WebmentionIOImporter{} mention := `{ "links": [ { "source": "", "verified": true, "verified_date": "2022-05-25T14:28:10+00:00", "id": 1404286, "private": false, "data": { "url": "", "name": null, "content": null, "published": "2022-05-25T14:26:12+00:00", "published_ts": 1653488772 }, "activity": { "type": "like", "sentence": " liked a post", "sentence_html": "someone liked a post" }, "target": "" } ] }` res, err := wmio.TryImport([]byte(mention)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 1, len(res)) result := res[0] assert.Equal(t, "", result.Target) assert.Equal(t, "", result.Source) assert.Equal(t, mf.TypeLike, result.IndiewebType) assert.Equal(t, " liked a post", result.Content) assert.Equal(t, "", result.Name) assert.Equal(t, "", result.Url) assert.Equal(t, "2022-05-25T14:26:12+00:00", result.Published) assert.Equal(t, "", result.Author.Name) assert.Equal(t, "", result.Author.Picture) } func TestTryImportForReply(t *testing.T) { wmio := &WebmentionIOImporter{} mention := `{ "links": [ { "source": "", "verified": true, "verified_date": "2022-05-16T19:36:52+00:00", "id": 1399408, "private": false, "data": { "author": { "name": "Chris Burnell", "url": "", "photo": "" }, "url": "", "name": null, "content": "


", "published": "2022-05-16T09:24:40+01:00", "published_ts": 1652689480 }, "activity": { "type": "reply", "sentence": "Chris Burnell commented 'first!!1!' on a post", "sentence_html": "Chris Burnell commented 'first!!1!' on a post" }, "rels": { "canonical": "" }, "target": "" } ] }` res, err := wmio.TryImport([]byte(mention)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 1, len(res)) result := res[0] assert.Equal(t, "", result.Target) assert.Equal(t, "", result.Source) assert.Equal(t, mf.TypeReply, result.IndiewebType) assert.Equal(t, "Chris Burnell commented 'first!!1!' on a post", result.Content) assert.Equal(t, "


", result.Name) assert.Equal(t, "", result.Url) assert.Equal(t, "2022-05-16T09:24:40+01:00", result.Published) assert.Equal(t, "Chris Burnell", result.Author.Name) assert.Equal(t, "", result.Author.Picture) }