package recv import ( "encoding/json" "" "" "" "io/fs" "io/ioutil" "os" "regexp" "strings" "" "" ) // used as a "class" to iject dependencies, just to be able to test. Do NOT like htis. // Is there a better way? e.g. in validate, I just pass rest.Client as an arg. Not great either. type Receiver struct { RestClient rest.Client Conf *common.Config } func (recv *Receiver) Receive(wm mf.Mention) { log.Info().Str("Webmention", wm.String()).Msg("OK: looks valid") body, geterr := recv.RestClient.GetBody(wm.Source) if geterr != nil { log.Warn().Str("source", wm.Source).Msg(" ABORT: invalid url") recv.deletePossibleOlderWebmention(wm) return } recv.processSourceBody(body, wm) } func (recv *Receiver) deletePossibleOlderWebmention(wm mf.Mention) { os.Remove(wm.AsPath(recv.Conf)) } func getHEntry(data *microformats.Data) *microformats.Microformat { for _, itm := range data.Items { if common.Includes(itm.Type, "h-entry") { return itm } } return nil } func (recv *Receiver) processSourceBody(body string, wm mf.Mention) { if !strings.Contains(body, wm.Target) { log.Warn().Str("target", wm.Target).Msg("ABORT: no mention of target found in html src of source!") return } data := microformats.Parse(strings.NewReader(body), wm.SourceUrl()) indieweb := recv.convertBodyToIndiewebData(body, wm, getHEntry(data)) recv.saveWebmentionToDisk(wm, indieweb) log.Info().Str("file", wm.AsPath(recv.Conf)).Msg("OK: Webmention processed.") } func (recv *Receiver) convertBodyToIndiewebData(body string, wm mf.Mention, hEntry *microformats.Microformat) *mf.IndiewebData { if hEntry == nil { return recv.parseBodyAsNonIndiewebSite(body, wm) } return recv.parseBodyAsIndiewebSite(hEntry, wm) } func (recv *Receiver) saveWebmentionToDisk(wm mf.Mention, indieweb *mf.IndiewebData) { jsonData, jsonErr := json.Marshal(indieweb) if jsonErr != nil { log.Err(jsonErr).Msg("Unable to serialize Webmention into JSON") } err := ioutil.WriteFile(wm.AsPath(recv.Conf), jsonData, fs.ModePerm) if err != nil { log.Err(err).Msg("Unable to save Webmention to disk") } } // TODO I'm smelling very unstable code, apply here? // see func (recv *Receiver) parseBodyAsIndiewebSite(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, wm mf.Mention) *mf.IndiewebData { name := mf.Str(hEntry, "name") pic := mf.Str(mf.Prop(hEntry, "author"), "photo") mfType := mf.DetermineType(hEntry) return &mf.IndiewebData{ Name: name, Author: mf.IndiewebAuthor{ Name: mf.DetermineAuthorName(hEntry), Picture: pic, }, Content: mf.DetermineContent(hEntry), Url: mf.DetermineUrl(hEntry, wm.Source), Published: mf.DeterminePublishedDate(hEntry, recv.Conf.UtcOffset), Source: wm.Source, Target: wm.Target, IndiewebType: mfType, } } func (recv *Receiver) parseBodyAsNonIndiewebSite(body string, wm mf.Mention) *mf.IndiewebData { r := regexp.MustCompile(`(.*?)<\/title>`) titleMatch := r.FindStringSubmatch(body) title := wm.Source if titleMatch != nil { title = titleMatch[1] } return &mf.IndiewebData{ Author: mf.IndiewebAuthor{ Name: wm.Source, }, Name: title, Content: title, Published: mf.PublishedNow(recv.Conf.UtcOffset), Url: wm.Source, IndiewebType: "mention", Source: wm.Source, Target: wm.Target, } }