const got = require('got') const { mf2 } = require("microformats-parser"); const baseUrlOf = (url) => { if(url.match(/\//g).length <= 2) { return url } const split = url.split('/') return split[0] + '//' + split[2] } const buildWebmentionHeaderLink = (link) => { // e.g. Link: ; rel="webmention" return link .split(";")[0] .replace("<" ,"") .replace(">", "") } // see async function discover(target) { try { const endpoint = await got(target) if("webmention") >= 0) { return { link: buildWebmentionHeaderLink(, type: "webmention" } } else if(endpoint.headers["X-Pingback"]) { return { link: endpoint.headers["X-Pingback"], type: "pingback" } } const format = mf2(endpoint.body, { // this also complies with regulations: relative endpoint could be possible baseUrl: baseUrlOf(target) }) const webmention = format.rels?.webmention?.[0] const pingback = format.rels?.pingback?.[0] return { link: webmention ? webmention : (pingback ? pingback : ""), type: webmention ? "webmention" : (pingback ? "pingback" : "unknown") } } catch(err) { console.warn(` -- whoops, failed to discover ${target}, why: ${err}`) return { type: "unknown" } } } module.exports = { discover }