refactor errors/logging to be more Go-idiomatic

This commit is contained in:
Wouter Groeneveld 2021-04-13 09:10:32 +02:00
parent 2f6e4992a4
commit e6bd0ef669
11 changed files with 106 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ type IndiewebData struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
Published string `json:"published"`
Url string `json:"url"`
IndiewebType string `json:"type"`
IndiewebType MfType `json:"type"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Target string `json:"target"`
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func shorten(txt string) string {
if len(txt) <= 250 {
return txt
return txt[0:250] + "..."
return txt[:250] + "..."
// Go stuff: entry.Properties["name"][0].(string),
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func Prop(mf *microformats.Microformat, key string) *microformats.Microformat {
return val[0].(*microformats.Microformat)
func DeterminePublishedDate(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, utcOffset int) string {
func Published(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, utcOffset int) string {
publishedDate := Str(hEntry, "published")
if publishedDate == "" {
return PublishedNow(utcOffset)
@ -119,20 +119,28 @@ func DetermineAuthorName(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) string {
return authorName
func DetermineType(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) string {
type MfType string
const (
TypeLike MfType = "like"
TypeBookmark MfType = "bookmark"
TypeMention MfType = "mention"
func Type(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) MfType {
likeOf := Str(hEntry, "like-of")
if likeOf != "" {
return "like"
return TypeLike
bookmarkOf := Str(hEntry, "bookmark-of")
if bookmarkOf != "" {
return "bookmark"
return TypeBookmark
return "mention"
return TypeMention
// Mastodon uids start with "tag:server", but we do want indieweb uids from other sources
func DetermineUrl(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, source string) string {
func Url(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, source string) string {
uid := Str(hEntry, "uid")
if uid != "" && strings.HasPrefix(uid, "http") {
return uid
@ -144,7 +152,7 @@ func DetermineUrl(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, source string) string {
return source
func DetermineContent(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) string {
func Content(hEntry *microformats.Microformat) string {
bridgyTwitterContent := Str(hEntry, "bridgy-twitter-content")
if bridgyTwitterContent != "" {
return shorten(bridgyTwitterContent)

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func HandlePost(conf *common.Config) http.HandlerFunc {
Source: rpc.Source(),
Target: rpc.Target(),
receiver := recv.Receiver{
receiver := &recv.Receiver{
RestClient: &rest.HttpClient{},
Conf: conf,

View File

@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ type Sender struct {
func (sender *Sender) SendPingbackToEndpoint(endpoint string, mention mf.Mention) {
err := sender.RestClient.Post(endpoint, "text/xml", body.fill(mention))
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("endpoint", endpoint).Str("wm", mention.String()).Msg("Unable to send pingback")
log.Err(err).Stringer("wm", mention).Msg("Unable to send pingback")
log.Info().Str("endpoint", endpoint).Str("wm", mention.String()).Msg("Pingback sent")
log.Info().Str("endpoint", endpoint).Stringer("wm", mention).Msg("Pingback sent")

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
// someone already did this for me, yay!
// someone already did this for me, yay!
type Rss2 struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"rss"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr"`
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ type Entry struct {
Author Author `xml:"author"`
// Based on
func ParseFeed(content []byte) (*Rss2, error) {
v := &Rss2{}
err := xml.Unmarshal(content, v)
@ -77,5 +78,5 @@ func ParseFeed(content []byte) (*Rss2, error) {
return v, nil
return v, errors.New("not RSS 2.0")
return v, errors.New("ParseFeed: not RSS 2.0")

View File

@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ import (
var httpClient = &rest.HttpClient{}
var (
httpClient = &rest.HttpClient{}
func HandleGet(conf *common.Config) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

View File

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ type Receiver struct {
func (recv *Receiver) Receive(wm mf.Mention) {
log.Info().Str("Webmention", wm.String()).Msg("OK: looks valid")
log.Info().Stringer("wm", wm).Msg("OK: looks valid")
_, body, geterr := recv.RestClient.GetBody(wm.Source)
if geterr != nil {
log.Warn().Str("source", wm.Source).Msg(" ABORT: invalid url")
log.Warn().Err(geterr).Msg(" ABORT: invalid url")
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ func (recv *Receiver) Receive(wm mf.Mention) {
recv.processSourceBody(body, wm)
// Deletes a possible webmention. Ignores remove errors.
func (recv *Receiver) deletePossibleOlderWebmention(wm mf.Mention) {
@ -48,7 +49,9 @@ func (recv *Receiver) processSourceBody(body string, wm mf.Mention) {
data := microformats.Parse(strings.NewReader(body), wm.SourceUrl())
indieweb := recv.convertBodyToIndiewebData(body, wm, mf.HEntry(data))
recv.saveWebmentionToDisk(wm, indieweb)
if err := recv.saveWebmentionToDisk(wm, indieweb); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Unable to save Webmention to disk")
log.Info().Str("file", wm.AsPath(recv.Conf)).Msg("OK: Webmention processed.")
@ -59,46 +62,41 @@ func (recv *Receiver) convertBodyToIndiewebData(body string, wm mf.Mention, hEnt
return recv.parseBodyAsIndiewebSite(hEntry, wm)
func (recv *Receiver) saveWebmentionToDisk(wm mf.Mention, indieweb *mf.IndiewebData) {
func (recv *Receiver) saveWebmentionToDisk(wm mf.Mention, indieweb *mf.IndiewebData) error {
jsonData, jsonErr := json.Marshal(indieweb)
if jsonErr != nil {
log.Err(jsonErr).Msg("Unable to serialize Webmention into JSON")
return jsonErr
err := ioutil.WriteFile(wm.AsPath(recv.Conf), jsonData, fs.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Unable to save Webmention to disk")
return err
return nil
// TODO I'm smelling very unstable code, apply here?
// see
func (recv *Receiver) parseBodyAsIndiewebSite(hEntry *microformats.Microformat, wm mf.Mention) *mf.IndiewebData {
name := mf.Str(hEntry, "name")
pic := mf.Str(mf.Prop(hEntry, "author"), "photo")
mfType := mf.DetermineType(hEntry)
return &mf.IndiewebData{
Name: name,
Name: mf.Str(hEntry, "name"),
Author: mf.IndiewebAuthor{
Name: mf.DetermineAuthorName(hEntry),
Picture: pic,
Picture: mf.Str(mf.Prop(hEntry, "author"), "photo"),
Content: mf.DetermineContent(hEntry),
Url: mf.DetermineUrl(hEntry, wm.Source),
Published: mf.DeterminePublishedDate(hEntry, recv.Conf.UtcOffset),
Content: mf.Content(hEntry),
Url: mf.Url(hEntry, wm.Source),
Published: mf.Published(hEntry, recv.Conf.UtcOffset),
Source: wm.Source,
Target: wm.Target,
IndiewebType: mfType,
IndiewebType: mf.Type(hEntry),
var (
titleRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`<title>(.*?)<\/title>`)
func (recv *Receiver) parseBodyAsNonIndiewebSite(body string, wm mf.Mention) *mf.IndiewebData {
r := regexp.MustCompile(`<title>(.*?)<\/title>`)
titleMatch := r.FindStringSubmatch(body)
title := wm.Source
if titleMatch != nil {
title = titleMatch[1]
title := nonIndiewebTitle(body, wm)
return &mf.IndiewebData{
Author: mf.IndiewebAuthor{
Name: wm.Source,
@ -107,8 +105,17 @@ func (recv *Receiver) parseBodyAsNonIndiewebSite(body string, wm mf.Mention) *mf
Content: title,
Published: mf.PublishedNow(recv.Conf.UtcOffset),
Url: wm.Source,
IndiewebType: "mention",
IndiewebType: mf.TypeMention,
Source: wm.Source,
Target: wm.Target,
func nonIndiewebTitle(body string, wm mf.Mention) string {
titleMatch := titleRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(body)
title := wm.Source
if titleMatch != nil {
title = titleMatch[1]
return title

View File

@ -8,41 +8,41 @@ import (
const (
TypeWebmention string = "webmention"
TypeUnknown string = "unknown"
TypePingback string = "pingback"
typeWebmention string = "webmention"
typeUnknown string = "unknown"
typePingback string = "pingback"
func (sndr *Sender) discover(target string) (link string, mentionType string) {
mentionType = TypeUnknown
mentionType = typeUnknown
header, body, err := sndr.RestClient.GetBody(target)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Str("target", target).Msg("Failed to discover possible endpoint, aborting send")
if strings.Contains(header.Get("link"), TypeWebmention) {
return buildWebmentionHeaderLink(header.Get("link")), TypeWebmention
if strings.Contains(header.Get("link"), typeWebmention) {
return buildWebmentionHeaderLink(header.Get("link")), typeWebmention
if header.Get("X-Pingback") != "" {
return header.Get("X-Pingback"), TypePingback
return header.Get("X-Pingback"), typePingback
// this also complies with regulations: relative endpoint could be possible
format := microformats.Parse(strings.NewReader(body), rest.BaseUrlOf(target))
if len(format.Rels[TypeWebmention]) > 0 {
mentionType = TypeWebmention
link = format.Rels[TypeWebmention][0]
} else if len(format.Rels[TypePingback]) > 0 {
mentionType = TypePingback
link = format.Rels[TypePingback][0]
if len(format.Rels[typeWebmention]) > 0 {
mentionType = typeWebmention
link = format.Rels[typeWebmention][0]
} else if len(format.Rels[typePingback]) > 0 {
mentionType = typePingback
link = format.Rels[typePingback][0]
// e.g. Link: <http://aaronpk.example/webmention-endpoint>; rel="webmention"
func buildWebmentionHeaderLink(link string) string {
// e.g. Link: <http://aaronpk.example/webmention-endpoint>; rel="webmention"
raw := strings.Split(link, ";")[0][1:]
return raw[:len(raw)-1]

View File

@ -23,49 +23,49 @@ func TestDiscover(t *testing.T) {
"discover 'unknown' if no link is present",
"prefer webmentions over pingbacks if both links are present",
"pingbacks: discover link if present in header",
"pingbacks: discover link if sole entry somewhere in html",
"pingbacks: use link in header if multiple present in html",
"webmentions: discover link if present in header",
"webmentions: discover link if sole entry somewhere in html",
"webmentions: use link in header if multiple present in html",
for _, tc := range cases {

View File

@ -54,14 +54,17 @@ func (snder *Sender) Collect(xml string, since time.Time) ([]RSSItem, error) {
return items, nil
var (
hrefRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`href="(.+?)"`)
extRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\.(gif|zip|rar|bz2|gz|7z|jpe?g|tiff?|png|webp|bmp)$`)
func (snder *Sender) collectUniqueHrefsFromDescription(html string) []string {
r := regexp.MustCompile(`href="(.+?)"`)
ext := regexp.MustCompile(`\.(gif|zip|rar|bz2|gz|7z|jpe?g|tiff?|png|webp|bmp)$`)
urlmap := common.NewSet()
for _, match := range r.FindAllStringSubmatch(html, -1) {
for _, match := range hrefRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(html, -1) {
url := match[1] // [0] is the match of the entire expression, [1] is the capture group
if !ext.MatchString(url) && !snder.Conf.ContainsDisallowedDomain(url) {
if !extRegexp.MatchString(url) && !snder.Conf.ContainsDisallowedDomain(url) {

View File

@ -17,21 +17,22 @@ type Sender struct {
func (snder *Sender) Send(domain string, since string) {
log.Info().Str("domain", domain).Str("since", since).Msg(` OK: someone wants to send mentions`)
_, feed, err := snder.RestClient.GetBody("https://" + domain + "/index.xml")
feedUrl := "https://" + domain + "/index.xml"
_, feed, err := snder.RestClient.GetBody(feedUrl)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("domain", domain).Msg("Unable to retrieve RSS feed, aborting send")
log.Err(err).Str("url", feedUrl).Msg("Unable to retrieve RSS feed, send aborted")
snder.parseRssFeed(feed, common.IsoToTime(since))
log.Info().Str("domain", domain).Str("since", since).Msg(` OK: sending done.`)
if err = snder.parseRssFeed(feed, common.IsoToTime(since)); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("url", feedUrl).Msg("Unable to parse RSS feed, send aborted")
func (snder *Sender) parseRssFeed(feed string, since time.Time) {
func (snder *Sender) parseRssFeed(feed string, since time.Time) error {
items, err := snder.Collect(feed, since)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Unable to parse RSS fed, aborting send")
return err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
@ -51,12 +52,13 @@ func (snder *Sender) parseRssFeed(feed string, since time.Time) {
return nil
var mentionFuncs = map[string]func(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string){
TypeUnknown: func(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string) {},
TypeWebmention: sendMentionAsWebmention,
TypePingback: sendMentionAsPingback,
typeUnknown: func(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string) {},
typeWebmention: sendMentionAsWebmention,
typePingback: sendMentionAsPingback,
func (snder *Sender) sendMention(mention mf.Mention) {
@ -67,10 +69,10 @@ func (snder *Sender) sendMention(mention mf.Mention) {
func sendMentionAsWebmention(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string) {
err := snder.RestClient.PostForm(endpoint, mention.AsFormValues())
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("endpoint", endpoint).Str("wm", mention.String()).Msg("Webmention send failed")
log.Err(err).Str("endpoint", endpoint).Stringer("wm", mention).Msg("Webmention send failed")
log.Info().Str("endpoint", endpoint).Str("wm", mention.String()).Msg("OK: webmention sent.")
log.Info().Str("endpoint", endpoint).Stringer("wm", mention).Msg("OK: webmention sent.")
func sendMentionAsPingback(snder *Sender, mention mf.Mention, endpoint string) {

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ var (
func (client *HttpClient) PostForm(url string, formData url.Values) error {
resp, err := jammingHttp.PostForm(url, formData)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("POST Form to %s: %v", url, err)
if !isStatusOk(resp) {
return fmt.Errorf("POST Form to %s: Status code is not OK (%d)", url, resp.StatusCode)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func (client *HttpClient) PostForm(url string, formData url.Values) error {
func (client *HttpClient) Post(url string, contenType string, body string) error {
resp, err := jammingHttp.Post(url, contenType, strings.NewReader(body))
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("POST to %s: %v", url, err)
if !isStatusOk(resp) {
return fmt.Errorf("POST to %s: Status code is not OK (%d)", url, resp.StatusCode)
@ -60,28 +60,19 @@ func (client *HttpClient) Post(url string, contenType string, body string) error
func (client *HttpClient) GetBody(url string) (http.Header, string, error) {
resp, geterr := client.Get(url)
if geterr != nil {
return nil, "", geterr
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("GET from %s: %v", url, geterr)
body, err := ReadBodyFromResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return resp.Header, body, nil
func ReadBodyFromResponse(resp *http.Response) (string, error) {
if !isStatusOk(resp) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Status code is not OK (%d)", resp.StatusCode)
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("GET from %s: Status code is not OK (%d)", url, resp.StatusCode)
body, readerr := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if readerr != nil {
return "", readerr
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("GET from %s: unable to read body: %v", url, readerr)
return string(body), nil
return resp.Header, string(body), nil
func isStatusOk(resp *http.Response) bool {