// // Created by Wouter Groeneveld on 08/07/20. // #include #include #include #include class FpSuite : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void TearDown() { } virtual void SetUp() { } }; float rnd(float val) { return (float) ((std::floor(val * 100) + .5) / 100); } float gr2rad(uint grad) { return grad*M_PI/180; } FIXED gr2lut(uint grad) { return 65535 / (360 / grad); } FIXED rad2lut(float rad) { return gr2lut(rad * 180 / M_PI); } float fx12ToFloat(FIXED fx) { return fx / (float) (1<<12); } FIXED fx12Tofx8(FIXED fx12) { return fx12 >> 4; } // from LUT doxygen: //! Look-up a cosine value (2π = 0x10000) /*! \param theta Angle in [0,FFFFh] range => 65535 * \return .12f cosine value */ TEST_F(FpSuite, LUTValueTests) { float rad = gr2rad(90); // 1/4th halfway; 90; 360 / 4 std::cout << "90 degrees is " << rad << " rads" << std::endl; auto sinR = sin(rad); ASSERT_EQ(rnd(sinR), 1.005f); //FIXED angle = gr2lut(90); // 128 is a quarter circle now FIXED angle = rad2lut(rad); // this also works! FIXED sinLut = lu_sin(angle); float sinLutConv12 = fx12ToFloat(sinLut); // indeed, fx2float() gives me 15.995 instead of 0.995! shit. float sinLutConv8 = fx2float(fx12Tofx8(sinLut)); // this also works! std::cout << angle << " lu_sin is " << sinLut << " .12f and conv: " << sinLutConv12 << std::endl; ASSERT_EQ(rnd(sinLutConv12), 0.995f); ASSERT_EQ(rnd(sinLutConv8), 0.995f); } TEST_F(FpSuite, TanUtilityTests) { // 20 degrees is 0.34906577777777775 rad // Math.sin(0.3...) / Math.cos(0.3...) = 0.3420 / 0.9396 = 0.3639... auto rad = gr2rad(20); auto tanRef = sin(rad) / cos(rad); auto realTan = tan(rad); ASSERT_EQ(rnd(tanRef), 0.365f); ASSERT_EQ(rnd(realTan), 0.365f); FIXED lutalpha = rad2lut(rad); FIXED lusin = lu_sin(lutalpha), lucos = lu_cos(lutalpha); std::cout << "sin(14) is " << fx12ToFloat(lusin) << " and cos(14) is " << fx12ToFloat(lucos) << std::endl; auto tanFakeLookupTables = fx2float(fxdiv(fx12Tofx8(lu_sin(lutalpha)), fx12Tofx8(lu_cos(lutalpha)))); ASSERT_EQ(rnd(tanFakeLookupTables), 0.355f); }