// // Created by Wouter Groeneveld on 28/07/18. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include std::unique_ptr GBAEngine::activeChannelA; std::unique_ptr GBAEngine::activeChannelB; std::unique_ptr GBAEngine::timer; u16 *vid_page; int msecs = 1; void GBAEngine::vsync() { while (REG_VCOUNT >= 160); while (REG_VCOUNT < 160); } Timer* GBAEngine::getTimer() { return GBAEngine::timer.get(); } void GBAEngine::onVBlank() { // WARNING this is a very dangerous piece of code. // GBA IRQs seem eager to crash or eat up CPU. Get in, disable stuff, work, enable, get out! stopOnVBlank(); unsigned short tempInterruptState = REG_IF; if((REG_IF & INTERRUPT_VBLANK) == INTERRUPT_VBLANK) { GBAEngine::timer->onvblank(); if(GBAEngine::activeChannelA) { if(GBAEngine::activeChannelA->done()) { GBAEngine::activeChannelA->reset(); } else { GBAEngine::activeChannelA->step(); } } if(GBAEngine::activeChannelB) { if(GBAEngine::activeChannelB->done()) { GBAEngine::activeChannelB->disable(); GBAEngine::activeChannelB = nullptr; // never delete, let unique_ptr do that, known to flip here } else { GBAEngine::activeChannelB->step(); } } } REG_IF = tempInterruptState; startOnVBlank(); } u16 GBAEngine::readKeys() { return ~REG_KEYS & KEY_ANY; } void GBAEngine::dequeueAllSounds() { if(GBAEngine::activeChannelA) { GBAEngine::activeChannelA->disable(); } if(GBAEngine::activeChannelB) { GBAEngine::activeChannelB->disable(); } } void GBAEngine::enqueueSound(const s8 *data, int totalSamples, int sampleRate, SoundChannel channel) { SoundControl* control; if(channel == ChannelA) { // repeating bg music can be restarted GBAEngine::activeChannelA = SoundControl::channelAControl(); control = GBAEngine::activeChannelA.get(); } else { // sound still playing, don't stop that if(GBAEngine::activeChannelB) { if(!GBAEngine::activeChannelB->done()) return; GBAEngine::activeChannelB = nullptr; } GBAEngine::activeChannelB = SoundControl::channelBControl(); control = GBAEngine::activeChannelB.get(); } disableTimer0AndVBlank(); control->disable(); REG_SNDDSCNT |= control->getControlFlags(); // output to both sides, reset fifo REG_SNDSTAT = SSTAT_ENABLE; // enable all sound u16 ticksPerSample = CLOCK / sampleRate; // divide the clock (ticks/second) by the sample rate (samples/second) control->accept(data, totalSamples, ticksPerSample); control->enable(); REG_TM0D = OVERFLOW_16_BIT_VALUE - ticksPerSample; enableTimer0AndVBlank(); } void GBAEngine::disableTimer0AndVBlank() { stopOnVBlank(); REG_TM0CNT = 0; } void GBAEngine::enableTimer0AndVBlank() { REG_TM0CNT = TM_ENABLE | TM_FREQ_1; // enable timer - dma auto-syncs to this thanks to DMA_SYNC_TO_TIMER startOnVBlank(); } GBAEngine::GBAEngine() { GBAEngine::timer = std::unique_ptr(new Timer()); // setup screen control flags REG_DISPCNT = DCNT_MODE4 | DCNT_OBJ | DCNT_OBJ_1D | DCNT_BG2; // setup interrupt control flags for vblank IRQing (started only when sound played) REG_DISPSTAT |= DISPLAY_INTERRUPT_VBLANK_ENABLE; REG_IE |= INTERRUPT_VBLANK; *IRQ_CALLBACK = (u32) &GBAEngine::onVBlank; enableTimer0AndVBlank(); REG_SNDDSCNT = 0; vid_page = vid_mem_back; projectionMatrix = MatrixFx::perspectiveFovLH(float2fx(0.78), fxdiv(GBA_SCREEN_WIDTH_FX, GBA_SCREEN_HEIGHT_FX), float2fx(0.01), ONE); showfps = true; } void GBAEngine::update() { // main update loop, in while(true) {}. // WARNING - keep amount of instructions as minimal as possible in here! u16 keys = readKeys(); // TODO use software interrupt Vsyncing instead of 2 wasteful whiles vsync(); renderClear(); if(showfps) { showFPS(); } currentScene->tick(keys); render(); flipPage(); } void GBAEngine::showFPS() { int curmsecs = getTimer()->getMsecs(); int elapsed = curmsecs - msecs; int fps = 1000 / elapsed; msecs = curmsecs; TextStream::instance().setText(std::to_string(fps > 0 ? fps : 0) + std::string(" FPS"), 1, 1); } void GBAEngine::flipPage() { // toggle the write_buffer's page vid_page= (COLOR*)((u32)vid_page ^ VRAM_PAGE_SIZE); REG_DISPCNT ^= DCNT_PAGE; } void GBAEngine::plotPixel(int x, int y, u8 clrId) { m4_plot(x, y, clrId); } void GBAEngine::plotPixel(const VectorFx &pixel, u8 clrId) { plotPixel(fx2int(pixel.x()), fx2int(pixel.y()), clrId); } // uses tonc's optimalization tricks to get 10 FPS extra compared to standard bline algorithms void GBAEngine::plotLine(int p0x, int p0y, int p1x, int p1y, u8 clrId) { m4_line(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, clrId); } void GBAEngine::plotLine(const VectorFx &point0, const VectorFx &point1, u8 clrId) { plotLine(fx2int(point0.x()), fx2int(point0.y()), fx2int(point1.x()), fx2int(point1.y()), clrId); } VectorFx GBAEngine::project(const VectorFx &coord, const MatrixFx &transMat) { auto point = MatrixFx::transformCoordinates(coord, transMat); auto x = fxmul(point.x(), GBA_SCREEN_WIDTH_FX) + fxdiv(GBA_SCREEN_WIDTH_FX, TWO); auto y = fxmul(-point.y(), GBA_SCREEN_HEIGHT_FX) + fxdiv(GBA_SCREEN_HEIGHT_FX, TWO); return VectorFx(x, y, point.z()); } void GBAEngine::render() { // I tried optimizing this; without camera changes it does not need to be recalculated each time // However, 0 FPS difference... Most performance issues are inside mesh render() auto viewMatrix = MatrixFx::lookAtLH(currentCamera.getPosition(), currentCamera.getTarget(), VectorFx::up()); for(auto& mesh :currentScene->meshes()) { auto worldMatrix = MatrixFx::rotationYawPitchRoll(mesh->roty(), mesh->rotx(), mesh->rotz()) * MatrixFx::translation(mesh->position()); auto worldView = worldMatrix * viewMatrix; auto transformMatrix = worldView * projectionMatrix; renderer->render(transformMatrix, worldView, mesh); } } void GBAEngine::renderClear() { dma3_cpy(vid_page, black, VRAM_PAGE_SIZE); } void GBAEngine::cleanupPreviousScene() { delete currentScene; sceneToTransitionTo = nullptr; } void GBAEngine::setScene(Scene* scene) { dequeueAllSounds(); if(this->currentScene) { cleanupPreviousScene(); } scene->load(); getTimer()->start(); auto fgPalette = scene->getForegroundPalette(); fgPalette->persist(); auto bgPalette = scene->getBackgroundPalette(); bgPalette->persist(); this->currentScene = scene; this->currentCamera = this->currentScene->camera(); }